
We'll never be royals


01-14-2014, 04:33 PM
MATURE for language and Demy's bad behaviorXD

If there was one place that the woman would travel to, it was here. More often then not she ran into her brother along the cliffs. The last time they had been here together, they shared a rather intimate moment, rare for the two titans. Her bodice would sway, hips rolling as the silver woman moved across the green grass, her sights set on the cliffs edge. She had just taken Sora to the island to stay with his father, as the boy had so desperately wanted. Already she missed him dearly. His insistent chatter, his gentle nature, his naive curiosity for things, his desire to please. A sigh would slide from darkened lips. She was becoming soft.

Limber muscles would set her down, limbs stretching as she rested in the early dawn hours, watching the sun begin to peak over the horizon. Agitation began to flare up in her chest. Her pups, while she loved them, had tied her down. She spent little time with Basilisk, as he had vanished into thin air after their last rather bloody meeting. Most of her time was spent alone, and her desires began to rage out of control.

She dearly missed the pleas for mercy, the blood that choked its way down her throat, the snapping of bones and tearing of flesh. She was craving. But that would not be enough. She craved the embrace of another. One in particular. Her brother. He had once again slipped from her grasp, going off on his own to cause some sort of pain and destruction. Uncontrollable lusts would cause her to toss back her crown, a demand ripping free from her throat.

She wanted him now. She wanted his presence. Was he even in the area though? She hadn't been keeping close tabs on him and was at a loss. One could only hope. Silvery plume would thump against the earth, her motions agitated. She would lie and wait, seeing if her titan of a brother would show his face. Idly she wondered if the black and white bitch had ever returned, it was doubtful, but oh the fun it would be if she did. Her poor brother had been so brokenhearted about it, she could only imagine him ripping her throat out before she could even open her mouth to speak. Imagines and thoughts had a short chuckle rolling off her tongue.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"


01-20-2014, 05:08 PM

Though the massive titan didn't stick around with his sister much, he never really strayed far from her. There were times where he did indeed get bored of her, but at the end of the day, she was always the one that he would want to go back to. The relationship he had with his sister probably wasn't a normal one for siblings, but the beast knew no different. His sister was his fuck buddy, his lover, his partner in crime. She was essentially the one he would spend the rest of his life with, unless he somehow found another bitch exactly like her who happened to not be related to him. But that was highly doubtful. All the bitches in this land were weak, pathetic, sniveling wastes of life. They were only good for fucking and that was it. And sometimes not even that. Demyan at times was much too powerful and ended up severely injuring them before he was even done with them. Not that he really cared anyways, there was always another bitch to fuck somewhere else.

Boredom had driven the beast and his feline companion towards the north, to where the pack of the woman Abelinda lied. He still didn't care for the woman, except to maybe get a good fuck out of her, but her little pack was something interesting. He remembered the cherry man who was supposedly the king of the alleged pack and an idea had begun to form in his head as he'd circled the edges of the pack. It had been quite some time since he had a good fight and spilled some blood, so why not start from trouble with the wolves of the north? He was sure that Cataleya would love the idea, since her thirst for blood was just as hungry as his. Speaking of his lovely sister, her demanding voice would ring out into the cool morning atmosphere, summoning the beast to her. A quick glance would be spared to Nickolai, who rolled his eyes, already knowing what was bound to happen in this meeting. With a wicked grin the giant would make his way towards the sound of his sister's call, realizing that this was the same place where they had shared that...moment together all those moons ago. Nickolai was quick to find a tree to rest in, scaling it in a matter moments, perching himself on the thickest branch he could find, golden eyes trained on his companion on his sibling.

Cyan gems would fall across Cataleya's familiar silver figure, that ever present lust rushing through his veins at the sight of her. Even after having had her kids, she looked damn good. Leave it to his sister to still be fuckable after having abominations. No new spawn on the way? He would tease her, keeping his distance as he slowly paced around her, knowing that would likely want to strike at him. It was all good fun for him anyways. He loved fighting and fucking with Cataleya.

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01-20-2014, 05:29 PM

It took little time for her brother to find his way to her. Much to her appreciation. His voice would invade her ears, teasing and taunting as always. Coral gaze would lift, watching his movements as her circled as safe distance away. Smart boy. Lips would curl back against fangs, a mixture of a snarl and a grin. "No, they are time consuming little bastards. Though I do think Zaria will become something." Her last sentence was spoken more to herself then to her brother.

Limps would curl up under her frame, pushing her up onto all fours. Two toned plume would twitch at her hocks, limps stretching to take slow steps towards her brother. "No new bitch to catch after like a lost pup?" She knew her own words would taunt her brother, probably dangerously so, but the woman didn't mind. At the end of the day, they always returned to each other, no matter the fighting or bloodshed or fucking.

Pools of coral would watch her brother, wait for his uncontrollable rage. Her companion Cena had long wandered off, returning only after the pups had been mostly weaned. Today she had been scare, probably hiding out until the brute left. The silver temptress didn't mind, the feline was always within calling distance. But for now her attention would be fixated on her brother, ready to leap out of harms way or sink her fangs into his flesh, to taste his blood once more.

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01-20-2014, 05:48 PM

He probably set himself up for it, taunting her about the spawn that she had been harboring in her womb. He could see her watching his every movement, trying to decided whether she would attack him or not, her lips curling back into a half grin/snarl. No, they are time consuming little bastards. Though I do think Zaria will become something. He still hadn't met any of his sister's children, so the name Zaria didn't strike him at all, though he could only assume that it was the name if one of his nieces, if that was a girl's name after all. He didn't have much interest in meeting his sister's spawn, but he figured he would come across them one day or another. Not that he cared if he ever met them or not. Only a smile would betray the fact that he had been listening at all, dark tail twitching with amusement.

He would watch her with cautious eyes as she pushed herself up, frame tensing in anticipation, shoulders rolling forward in preparation. She would begin to walk towards him and Demyan would slow, waiting to see what Cataleya had in mind. No new bitch to catch after like a lost pup? She had barely finished saying what she was going to say before Demyan was launching himself at her, jaws agape, ready to sink his teeth into whatever piece of flesh he could reach. He had been doing good at not thinking about the nymph. She hadn't crossed his mind in some time, but of course Cataleya had to pick at the scab again, reopening the wound. Demyan would never let Orica's abandonment go. Not for as long as he lived.

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01-20-2014, 05:56 PM

It was as expected. The brute launched himself forward, jaws parted to grab a hold of her. A brief bubbled of laughter would turn into a snarl as her shoulders rolled forward, audits falling flat. Her weight would plant her hind end still, preparing for her brothers impact. His chest would collide with her shoulder, fangs sinking into the right side of her neck, grabbing at nothing but fur and flesh. Her own dark jaws would part, her neck extending to grab a hold of her brothers ear.

Amusement danced inside her, there was no rage like her brother. She found it rather amusing that the black and white bitch still got such a rise out of him. She figured the girl would be nothing but a memory by now. But apparently not. She would lean into her brothers bite, wanting to push more fur and flesh into his jaws as she rolled her right shoulder forward, wanting to gag him and force him to release.

Pain radiated in her neck as blood stained her pelt. And she reveled in it. Now she sought the taste of her brothers blood. His blood that boiled with rage. If her jaws met their mark then she would simply hang on until her brother tired of this game and moved on to the next. Though she imagined it would only add to his rage and press him onward. Through clenched jaws, laughter would spew, shaking her form, echoing in her brother skull. Oh the fun they had.

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