
The Cross Cloaked in Mists

Twig I


01-15-2014, 04:40 PM

Violet eyes would flutter shut with a blink as Twig walked over the soft irish moss. Her toes were tickled by its pleasantness she her saunter carried her through the light mist. Dark slate paws would take her on the winding deer path that passed carpets of tiny white flowers. The woman was delighted to explore such a region, even in her solitude she would appreciate the life that spring had brought. Orchid gaze would disappear behind grey lids as the flowers would bring about her painful memories.
For just a moment she could hear their voice again, telling her wisely of the world and its ways. A comforting touch as she painfully learned the lesson of the partnership of flowers and bees. She would almost let a giggle escape her royal shaped maw, but suddenly the scream was all she could hear. A frightened yell would let loose from her jaws as she jumped back with the realism of her flashback. A growl would follow as she realized how she'd allowed herself to submerge so deeply into her memories. She would shake her head to clear her thoughts once again as she fought to gain control of her breathing and heart rate. It would do her no favors to let such emotions rule her, she had to gain control. Or she had to find her family.
Sadness would replace the anger as she let her body carry on down the path. The mist would slowly turn to a slight drizzle as she realized the water was beginning to collect upon her thick pelt. It seemed that was not the only source of moisture there, shaking herself briefly she would snort and continue on. It did no good to dwell on her emotions, tears would not bring her siblings and... parent back. Eye would drift closed slowly once more as she willed herself to forget the grief that plagued her. There would be time to mourn when she found the others.

I can talk!

Sucre I


01-18-2014, 01:21 AM
Carlito "Sucre" Dalibor

The big brute hummed to himself as he walked, boredom eating away at his mind. His pawsteps were cushioned by the soft, reaching tendrils of moss heads, but he didn't notice. The beauty around him went unobserved as his mind was firmly planted elsewhere. The land was quiet and pleasant, and yet somehow chilling, the fog lending the land a slightly eerie quality. This he was aware of, but on a subconscious level. Without quite realizing it, he was a bit tense.

Sucre ambled on, completely unaware of his body's attempts to prepare him for the worst. The tune stuck in his head was a simple piece, one that was sung to him frequently when he was quite young. He didn't remember all the words to it, but it amused him nonetheless. Aw, sweet memories. It was odd for him to think about what lay behind him, odder still that he would think so far back. Life had been so simple then. He remembered laughing a lot and being warm, always warm. Though their faces were blurry, he remembered his parents. Especially his mother. She'd loved him. Doted on him. Always made him feel safe and good. He remembered his father too and how he'd been. Now that wolf? There'd been no love in him, only anger. Sucre remembered him well.

A figure suddenly stood out among the mist and Sucre froze, hackles rising in alarm. Lit by a light from behind, the figure was a shadow without distinguishable features. The brute tasted the air, searching for a scent with which he could identify the apparition. He drew closer, curiosity and a naive fearlessness leading him.

As he neared, the wavering mist lifted and for a second, Sucre laid eyes on the creature before him. Oh. His hackles settled and his tail lifted to fan out behind him in greeting. She was beautiful and perhaps a bit sad, the picture of quiet poignancy. Immediately he was smitten with this sorrowful angel in the mist. "Hello, miss."

Twig I


01-18-2014, 01:52 AM

The fickle mists would shuffle in out out of existence around her as heavier bits of condensation formed together. She would hold back her tears and continue her endeavor of calming her breathing, but her focus was much too engaged on inner thoughts than those around her. She would take for granted the cover of the fog, and would not notice a man approach in its impurities. Minuscule seconds would span the distance of time between when she realized he was there and when he would let his voice call out to her.
She'd such in her breath and automatically loose a growl from within her chest, her lithe form would swing around so she would face him head on. She would bear her pearly incisors as she baked away just a bit. "Hello, miss." Her eyes would narrow as she bit back a snarl, he did not seem as though he wished her harm. Her guard would however not be let down as another growl left her throat. She didn't trust anyone who did not bear her family's mark.
Her paintbrush marked tail would swish behind her in an irritated manner, she did not enjoy being snuck up on. A huff would be let loose from her as she regained a proper composure, her head held high and her ears trained solely upon him. Violet gaze would look him over scrutinizingly as she decided what he wanted with her. She would loose another growl before finally deciding on words as communication, "What do you want?" her words were a sneer as her tail knocked once again. There was a possibility he had seen other's of her family, but she was not sure she even wanted to ask him. The less words she had to speak to a stranger the better.


Sucre I


01-18-2014, 09:56 AM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2014, 11:17 AM by Sucre I.)
Carlito "Sucre" Dalibor

The angel turned on him with a rage that caught him off guard. She snarled, teeth bared, and glared at him like he was some kind of filth stuck to her paw. Her words were sneered, spit at him and loaded with irritation. Beneath the prickly counter he sensed distrust, a feeling he understood as a rogue. Immediately he saw his tactics would get him nowhere and shifted gears. Sucre sat down and wrapped his tail around his paws, the picture of gentle intent. He chose not to be offended by her actions and went as far as to ignore them. At least his side of the conversation would be pleasant. She neither had to play along nor play nice, but dammit, this was probably the only conversation he'd get for another few weeks and he was going to wring every last ounce of nice out of it.

"What do you want?" The brute shrugged and came at the question with introspectiveness as if she had posed it to him in a thoughtful way. "Oh, I want a lot of things, at a lot of different times. I want to be left alone, but I don't want to be alone always. I want to run, to always run, but I want to sit still and watch time pass. I want a family, but I remember how horribly shitty they are and think 'nah, no you don't'." Crimson eyes had drifted away while he spoke, but now they came back, resting on the angry mist princess. He studied her, taking extreme care not to come across as invasive. He didn't want her flying at his face trying to claw his eyes out.

Her eyes were violet and the strangest he'd ever seen. The brute got comments for the color of his eyes all the time, but hers? Hers were beautiful. He didn't even know what to compare them to. What thing in nature bared the same color? Flowers? Winged insects? Perhaps the setting sun, just before it fell behind the horizon. The rest of her was equally enchanting and feminine in a way he would have appreciated more had she been in a better mood. For now his only goal was to lift her spirits. Perhaps another day he'd try for her heart. "I want a conversation, but I don't want to get my head bitten off. One as lovely as yourself though? I may take it and go to Hell smiling."

Twig I


01-18-2014, 11:49 AM

She kept her head lowered and her ears back in mistrust as she kept her teeth rightly bared. She knew nothing of this man, and even if he would sit quietly. He showed no outward ill will towards her, and he almost looked as though he wished to be friendly. That was not how Twig would accept it though, there was paranoia rooted deeply within her. Only those in her family were given her trust, strangers had to earn it. She was a harsh mistress, her walls incredibly thick. She would let no one pass through.
"Oh, I want a lot of things, at a lot of different times. I want to be left alone, but I don't want to be alone always. I want to run, to always run, but I want to sit still and watch time pass. I want a family, but I remember how horribly shitty they are and think 'nah, no you don't'." He would take her question quite out of context, his purpose obviously a it of conversation. Teeth would disappear behind her pale lips covered them, another growl would resonate from her chest as an answer. Family was everything to her. They were her whole world the reason she had even come to this forsaken place. In all of Twig's bristly nature she was hardly aggressive. Yes she put on a display of one, but she would never attack with out first being provoked. At the moment the man was not doing anything that would make her suspect ill will, so she would keep her distance and watch his movements. She was tempted to run off into the mist to leave him behind and never encounter him again.
He seemed quite intent upon her giving him conversation, one skill set she was certainly lacking in. Ashley Black did not hold conversation with anyone but those who were bred just the same as her, what made him think he was so special to be graced with her words? "I want a conversation, but I don't want to get my head bitten off. One as lovely as yourself though? I may take it and go to Hell smiling." He thought she was lovely huh? Maybe she should have fought him, to prove she was not just a pretty face but she was worthy of any title a male could hold. She worked to become as strong as her brothers, to be like them and prove her strength. She was not some delicate flower. "That wish can certainly be granted." her bristly voice would sound in response about going to Hell. "If you couldn't tell. I'm not one for conversation.. especially with strangers. Hackles would bristle at the word as she looked him over once more. Violet eyes would narrow again as she debated once again about running off into the mist.

I can talk!

Sucre I


01-18-2014, 12:50 PM
Carlito "Sucre" Dalibor

"That wish can certainly be granted." Wounded. So wounded. This angel, so sharp-tongued and quick to hurt him! Oh, he loved her all the more! It drove a stake right through his little sinning heart to feel her violet eyes wishing the worst upon him. But, he had brought it upon himself. Sucre conceded round one to the Beauty in the Mist.

What could he do to convince her that he was harmless? He'd do anything, absolutely anything. At her words, the brute developed the appearance of a sad and beaten puppy. His ears drooped and his mouth fell open, aghast at the ugliness that fell from her lips. He was the picture of wounded pride and he was, perhaps, a bit too theatrical with it all. What could he say? "..especially with strangers." Sensing an opportunity, his demeanor lightened considerably. "Then let's not be strangers!" His ears lifted and his tail, once tucked tightly around his paws, loosened enough to thump happily on the ground. Surely once they were better acquainted this angry princess would open up and grace the moor with a hidden personality so bright it would clear away the fog. "Please, my Lady, give me your name so I might know who has wounded this tender heart so thoroughly."

She stood before him, a warrior. He saw this. Maybe she wasn't a warrior in the physical sense, but she was definitely a warrior of the heart. If he had offended her in some way, which he sensed he had but quite wasn't sure how, then he was deeply sorry. The fae remained distant and unreachable, choosing to see him as nothing more than a brutish rogue. He was brute, yes, and not a very clever one at that, and he was also a rogue, caring only for himself with no loyalties to anyone. But he was just as deserving of forgiven as the next.

He sensed he was losing her, that she might flee him at any second and his pulse quickened. How could he win a moment of this wild creature's time? Sucre racked his brain for something more to say, words that would hold her fast. His mind came up with none. If only she'd spare him a few more words, something, anything with which he could use to try and gain her trust. Really, his intentions were nothing short of honest. All he wanted was a piece of her time and perhaps a smile with which he would remember in later days and warm his blackening heart.

Twig I


01-18-2014, 02:20 PM

The only thing she wanted in the world was to be reunited with her family. They were absolutely everything to her. They were her support group, her friends, her allies in time of need. She needed them now. She needed Jinxx to come to her rescue and run this man off. She was here first, these mists claimed her and she had no intent on giving up her ground. Yes she wished to run away and never look back but then she would concede defeat. She had to hold her ground and keep her territory or she'd never make it anywhere in these strange lands. She would raise her head as his demeanor changed. He would sulk like a wounded lover, and she would revel in his defeat. Her agitated tail would swish behind her once again as her gaze would relay her message of ill amusement. Especially to his next words, "Then let's not be strangers!" He was but a pup trying to gain the heart of the first pretty she wolf he saw. Well , he'd have to work much harder than that.
Twig was only less interested in potential mates than she was in potential friends. She did not desire the touch of a man, only their equal respect. She was as good as any of them could ever be, if not better. She would spend her whole life proving that fact if she had to. "Please, my Lady, give me your name so I might know who has wounded this tender heart so thoroughly." She would snort as his words, her head pulling back in surprise. He wished to call her a lady of all things! She was rude, secluded, and she hated polite conversation. If anything she was the least from a lady that one could get, her widened eyes would fall into a sharp gaze once again.
"You may address me as Twig." She would announce with a growl, loathe to give her birth name. "And the only conversation I will tolerate is the answer to my question." She was still so terribly doubtful that his eyes had set themselves upon any who looked like her. "Have you seen any other's with the cross?" Her tones would remain serious as she let herself take a seat. Her hackles would finally settle down, she still kept herself far enough away that her position would not hinder a potential escape. Her ears would continue their rotations as she would not let her guard down.


Sucre I


01-18-2014, 08:02 PM
OOC: But he's being a gentleman, Twig D:

Carlito "Sucre" Dalibor

Still she resisted. What was a wolf to do? He'd been friendly, he'd been witty, hell, he'd even been respectful and still she remained unreachable. No, more than unreachable. She was cold. What else could he do? She'd made no sound of irritation and this time when she spoke there was no sneer to her words, although they still remained unfriendly. This was progress. He'd ignore everything else and fixate on this one small victory. Progress had been made.

The brute sighed, conceding for a moment the conversation. Perhaps from there he could nudge their talk into becoming more than just civil. This politeness on his part was becoming exhausting. All he wanted was a genuine conversation and maybe, just maybe, if he wasn't asking too much (and maybe he was), how about some sign that she was happy? Or at least amused...and NOT amused by his needless suffering.

Sucre opened his mouth to spill what he knew about the crosses and then slammed it shut as a thought struck him. He didn't need to be so forthcoming. After all, she was being as tight-lipped and unyielding as they came. Two could play this game. If only she'd been nicer, then he wouldn't have had to stoop to her level.

He studied the mark on her shoulder, staring at it hard until the shape was seared onto the backs of his eyelids. Finally he asked the question that might prolong their conversation. "Does it have to look exactly like that?" It was simple and a bit tactless, but served a duel purpose; one he hoped she wouldn't pick up on.

Twig I


01-18-2014, 08:37 PM
.ooc. lolol Thanks for putting up with her for so long, I know it's hard to rp with a wolf who doesn't like to talk to other wolves. xD

Instead of giving her his own name he would sigh as he took a look at the mark that sat upon her shoulder. It was not that she had wanted his name in the first place, but she found it odd that a man who had been so keen upon 'not being strangers' that he would with hold his own calling. Her head would tilt slightly as her narrowed royal purple gaze took him in. He would study her mark, as though it were not the oddity that it was. That it need memorization. His words though would direct her to a new level all together. Was he really just the immature brute she had first thought of him?
"Does it have to look exactly like that?" She didn't know if she should be infuriated or overwhelmed with joy at the question he would answer back. Was it that he had seen a marking similar and was making sure he was correct in thinking them the same? Or did he have the brain of a rock and would just draw out her annoyance? In either case, she would drag herself to answer him. She'd snort again, hoping he realized how irritating she found him, "No, of course not. My family.." She would catch herself as she allowed him information she had not originally planned to reveal. She would sigh and continue, The crosses are almost always varied." Her brows would furrow as she tried to ignore her mishap. And she would hope that he would not pick up on her mistake and draw out their conversation any longer.

I can talk!

Sucre I


01-18-2014, 10:12 PM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2014, 11:40 PM by Sucre I.)
OOC: It's a challenge, but I'm enjoying it! They may have to meet again one day. I can only imagine how much joy it would give Twig ;D Oh, and unfortunately he does have the brain of a rock. Never seen a cross sporting wolf in his life.

Carlito "Sucre" Dalibor

Withholding his name was intentional. Juvenile? Maybe, but he was secretly hoping she'd ask. Well, stranger, what's your name? or something to that effect. It would be a sign that she wasn't as indifferent towards him as she let on. Every inch of him ached to be recognized as an equal instead of the lesser being he got the feeling he was to her. What he wanted from her was simple and far less brutish than she probably assumed. He wasn't looking for cheap love or belittling her for her gender and he wasn't leering...okay, well, maybe he was looking a little too intensely, but he was trying to rein the need to appreciate her appearance in. What he wanted was to know something, anything, about her and this cross thing might give him some insight if he was clever.

His eyes remained fixed on the marking but he gave a small nod to himself, as if confirming something. "No, of course not. My family.." His ears pricked up immediately and his eyes abandoned the cross to fix firmly on her face. "The crosses are almost always varied." For a brief moment the impenetrable shield fell and more information than was intended slipped out. Sucre smothered the urge to smile. Oh, it was a lucky, lucky mistake for him, but if he showed just how pleased he was, she'd shut down and he'd get nothing more from her.

One ear flicked back as he struggled to make up his mind. Deceit was an ugly thing, but sometimes there was less to be gained from the truth. "I may have seen such a creature. Tell me, why are you so intent on finding this wolf?"

Twig I


01-18-2014, 10:54 PM

It wasn't that she thought him a lesser creature out right, maybe deep down she felt that way. She was one who was so distrustful of those around her she just could not let her walls come down. She was a big ball of anti social thorns and she liked it that way. This brute just had no idea how much she didn't like having to spend time with those she did not know. She had never given the chance to anyone to prove themselves. His eyes would contain themselves upon her shoulder until her slip up. She would see as his gaze travelled from her marking to her royal colored eyes. She had a feeling she had not fooled him on that account.

She would keep her cold optics trained on his own crimson gaze his next words threatening to bring a gasp from her own lips. "I may have seen such a creature. Tell me, why are you so intent on finding this wolf?" Could he have really seen one of them? How long ago could it have been? Was this truly a break that she'd been searching for? Her reward for putting up with this guy for so long? It was obvious in her softened eyes that she was interested, but that was all she would give him. Twig was unsure if she wanted to divulge anymore information, either he'd seen one of her family members or he hadn't. He didn't need to know who she was searching for to tell her if he'd seen anyone marked like her.
She would hold back another growl that threatened to break through, she didn't wish to divulge anymore of her personal information to him. She didn't even know his name! But he seemed willing to search for the information she needed. Maybe he'd be some use after all. It would end up that she would growl anyway, mostly out of personal frustration, but it seemed his wish would be granted. "I will certainly not be divulging that information to someone I don't even know the name of. So, sir wont-give-me-a-straight-answer what do they call you?"


Sucre I


01-19-2014, 12:31 AM
Carlito "Sucre" Dalibor

When she began to reply the brute prepared himself for another sneer and averted his eyes in anticipation for the impact of the barbed response to come. When it didn't and surprise brought his eyes back to her face, Sucre found they had softened. A flutter in his chest caused his breath to catch. Oh, no! What had he done? This was what he'd wanted, yes? For her to let down her shields and be genuine, for her to smile, which she hadn't done yet. And he'd lied. He could either continue the lie and send her on a wild goose chase so he wouldn't have to deal with it OR he could kill the lie and deal with it immediately. Neither sounded like a good time.

"They call me Sucre. However.." The brute faltered for a second, torn between the very thing he was trying to gain from Twig and a private loathing. Dare he say it? No, not today. "..I'm not particularly fond of the name." His cover was smooth, the two sentences meshing together as if they belonged. Hypocrite! He asked her to trust and yet when it was his turn to reciprocate it was what? Too hard? After all this, especially the cross-bearing lie, was she not owed some kind of truth?

Now it was his turn to be sober. Idiot, Idiot! This wasn't turning out how he'd hoped. If only she'd just smiled and laughed, flirted with him and traded sarcastic swipes. But no, she had to be hard to win, hard to please. Ah, and there he went casting the blame on her when it was he who had lied and he who now wanted the conversation to end.

Twig I


01-19-2014, 12:59 PM

He would continue on with his name, as she had asked him to. It seemed though slightly that the man would shut down slightly. Her head would tilt to the side as he refrained from saying much else, "They call me Sucre. However... I'm not particularly fond of the name." It seemed like this brute did not enjoy the name he was giving either. Twig went by Twig because.. well she hated her birth name. All of the Black's had nick names they went by, she just happened to use it as her main identity.

Her eyes would narrow once again as she digested his words and changed demeanor. Was it he was hiding something from her, was it now he would decide to strike at her after all? Her haunches would coil defensively, if he would make a move at her she was ready to spring away. She would uphold her end of the deal however, and tell him of who it was she was searching for, "Well, Sucre, they're my family. I've become separated from them, and now I need to find them." That was really her only goal in life. She had foregone meals and rest for almost two months searching for the lost Legion.

I can talk!

Sucre I


01-21-2014, 08:21 PM
Carlito "Sucre" Dalibor

The brute drug a nail across the dirt, contemplating his next move. He scratched a couple lines one way and then crossed them with a few more, creating neat little boxes. With the aid of the dirt masterpiece in progress, his body relaxed, letting go of the tension that had built out his of gloom and guilt. Family. He did not understand the draw of it, having gone so far as to leave his before he was ready. Were they not more trouble than they were worth? Didn't they harass her and shame her, take enjoyment out of her embarrassment? No, he didn't understand it. Sucre liked his freedom, liked his ability to laugh at himself or walk away if it got to be too much. "If you don't mind me asking..why? Why do you want to find them?" He raised curious crimson eyes to Twig's face, at once perplexed by her desire to find her family and blown away by it. There was nothing that he could claim the same level of devotion to. If he lost something he'd simply find a new thing.

Focused more on his internal workings, Sucre didn't pick up on Twig's response to his emotional flip flopping. He cared more about why he was feeling and how he was feeling than what she was feeling as a response to his introspective musing. This "looking within" thing was new to him. Normally he tried to avoid thinking about unsettling or long term things, choosing to focus on shallow, feel-good-immediately things. It was easier that way-and even that thought was dangerously close to leading to more thoughts he didn't want to have. For him life was best led looking out for number one, the big kahuna, and feeling good all the time. And yet...

He wanted to help. Obviously they had different priorities, but the least he could do was give her a dead end that was so dead it wasn't worth pursuing. That way she could continue on her merry way without being led astray by a desperate, lying romantic and the romantic could walk away without too much guilt. He feinted a sudden remembrance, "Oh! Right, you asked me a question." The brute's eyes rolled skyward as he pretended to search his memory. "Didn't seem a whole lot like you, really. For starters, he talked too much. Bit of a smart ass if you ask me, and oh, was he a liar! " He paused to think and then, "Big fella, and very dark. His cross woulda blended into his coat had the light not been hitting it just right." Another pause, "He didn't offer his name and I didn't ask; probably woulda lied about that too." With that, his eyes drifted back to hers and though it wasn't entirely sincere, he tried to inject as much honesty as possible into his next words, "I really do hope that helps." And by 'helps' I mean disappoints you...sorry about that.

Twig I


01-22-2014, 12:58 PM

He seemed to relax as his claws would doodle little shapes into the soft earth, Twig would loose her desire to flee. He seemed to intent upon her, was it worth giving him the information he wished? There was the possibility he could be working for her brother, but he seemed much to.. slow to have associations with Lunatik. Her haunches would fall back onto the ground as she let her emotions ease. They would sit in silence for a few moments before his words would alert her to his confusion, "If you don't mind me asking..why? Why do you want to find them?" It was a question she had not quite asked herself. All she had in the world was what was left of her kin. Even family had the ability to betray, as she had learned.
Her mind would focus on the two brothers she was so close to, those two who had shared so many laughs and adventures with her. She would certainly have done anything in her power to be back in the presence of Christian and Jinxx. She was quietly contemplating as she felt the emotions fill her once again, "They're my everything, Sucre." her voice was quiet, hardly above a whisper. Twig wasn't even sure he heard her as he continued, "Oh! Right, you asked me a question." He would think for a moment, as though reliving the encounter, "Didn't seem a whole lot like you, really. For starters, he talked too much. Bit of a smart ass if you ask me, and oh, was he a liar! Big fella, and very dark. His cross woulda blended into his coat had the light not been hitting it just right." She would accept the information, noting the description and she couldn't put a name or face to it. "He didn't offer his name and I didn't ask; probably woulda lied about that too. I really do hope that helps."
Her gaze would become averted as she thought about what he had said. It was not likely that this man was any relation to her family. Her eyes would narrow again as she would peer into the thickening mists. He hadn't helped at all, and she had already wasted so much time. A saddened sigh would leave her marked lips as she would stand again, frustrated that she had not found anymore information. "No, it's not of any help." her head was still turned away from him as she quietly admitted defeat.


Sucre I


01-22-2014, 10:01 PM
Carlito "Sucre" Dalibor

Alarmed by the sudden downward shift in her demeanor, Sucre rushed forward a couple of steps before catching himself. His tail drooped and one ear flicked back in uncertainty. Oh, man he hadn't expected this. Of course he'd thought she'd be bummed by the useless information, but he hadn't expected her to appear so defeated. It wasn't like he'd said they were dead or anything. As far of either of them knew her whole family was out frolicking in some nearby meadow; the lot of them just waiting for her to join them. Fearing she'd take his sudden movements as the advancement of an assault, Sucre sat down again and pulled one of his paws to his chest.

"I'm sorry." This time his honesty was real. "I don't know what it's like to be so..focused on something and yet I think of all the things I'm capable of." He paused to gather his thoughts, trying to string them together in a way that would make sense once spoken out loud. "And I can't help but think that if I'm capable of all those things, what could I do if they were my life, my everything?" Perplexed, both of his ears briefly lay flat. "What I'm trying to say is, I believe if they can be found, you will find them." It was an awful, clumsy encouragement, but it was the best he could offer. And he believed it wholeheartedly. "Perhaps... Is there anyway I can help?"

Twig I


01-24-2014, 03:32 PM

He would suddenly rush at her, slate marked ears catching the sound of his footsteps. She would spin her head around quickly, only to find him sitting down before her. He was certainly a few steps closer though. What was wrong with this wolf? He seemed to young in her mind's eye, here he was fully adult but all she could think was young one. "I'm sorry. I don't know what it's like to be so..focused on something and yet I think of all the things I'm capable of." Her eyes would narrow once again as she decided what she'd do now that he had no more information. "And I can't help but think that if I'm capable of all those things, what could I do if they were my life, my everything? What I'm trying to say is, I believe if they can be found, you will find them. Perhaps... Is there anyway I can help?" He would feebly offer his help, he looked so sincere though. She didn't know much of a way for him to offer his services.
Piercing orchid gaze would take him again as she suppressed a growl, she really had no right to be so defensive around him anymore. It was quite obvious he meant her no harm, but old habits die hard. Really he had done as much as he could, the only other possibility, "Just tell them I'm looking for them. If you see anyone who looks like me tell them I'm searching." There was the slightest bit of desperation in her voice as she gave him the requirements. If she couldn't find them at least they would know that she was avidly searching. In the end it would turn out that Sucre was not just some creep who came stalking her out of the mist. He had offered what information he had, all that she needed. Now she was pulled away, back to the journey at hand. She needed to finish her quest.
Finally she would allow him what he had searched for so desperately, the most delicate of smiles would play across her lips. Gracefully her form would turn, "Thank you, Sucre." and with no more warning she would leap back into the mists and disappear, running back to find her loved ones.
Exit Twig

I can talk!