
Apologies [open]


03-18-2013, 11:45 PM

She hesitated, the strangely new yet familiarly recognizable border seemed to glare at her, an intimidating mass that held no form, the last time she had strayed so close she had near found her death at the forefront of Cairo's teeth, an experience she wished not to test again. Her ears pinned back against her cranium, icy blue eyes starring with apprehension. Not fear, not anymore. She was not as naive or as childish as she once was... which was the main reason she had come here at all.

She wasn't sure how long she stood there, starring at the border of Valhalla, the name that brought both a churning notion to her heart and a fleeting feeling of lead settling in her gut. What she had done, on both accounts was wrong, guilt plagued her like nothing else. She had broken the agreement, Cairo had every right to imprison her, she had captured a warriors heart and snapped it like it meant nothing and she had never told him just how much that act had hurt her. But Asheni had been young and scared and naive, unable to see past her initial fear and she only realized now how utterly wrong that had been of her.

Gathering, what little courage the tiny healer had left, she stepped forward, stopping a short respectable distance from the border but not relaxing enough to sit. She tilted her maw to the heavens, a summoning howl erupting from her larynx. She did not mind who greeted her, she did not mind who answered. She was here to apologize, but she would take what she could get.


Leon I


11 Years
03-19-2013, 11:58 AM

Sky blue eyes fluttered open. He had just drifted off to dreamland during a small mid-patrol nap when the echoing cry of another awoke him instantly. It figured, the moment he would lie down to rest, someone would arrive and need watching until a high ranked member arrived. Aislyn had been getting around lately, seeing to the newcomers, and Chrysanthe was also quite active, but Leon deserved to intercept one or two, at least before the Betas got there to do the real accepting. Robotically, he stood and stretched. Ears rotated forward and jaws parted in a brief yawn of arousal. A smile plastered itself quite unwillingly across his features. Leon had not been himself lately, but he could play the part. The smile grew more natural as he paced toward the stranger, finding it necessary to pick up his pace in order to arrive before the others. The effort he was putting in, he only hoped it would pay off someday, if his darling cousin didn't steal his rank before he could ask for it.

"You stand at the borders of Valhalla. What is your business?" Words were formal and eloquent, much like they would have been if any other Adravendi had versed them. Baritone notes faded off gently as he remained standing, wanting to appear prepared should this stranger have any qualms with his home. Eyes roved about her frame, noting her curious markings and coloration. Leon had not seen many wolves with looks such as these, and found her to be quite attractive. But despite her pelt, Leon ventured to guess that her eyes were her most appealing feature. But he was not here to flirt, he was here for business, and business alone. The tricolored man allowed his tail to lightly sway behind him as he waited for a response - some of his patience growing thin.



03-19-2013, 12:24 PM

Asheni waited patiently, the all too familiar scents of Valhalla filtering through her nostrils. She was nervous, but not enough to regret coming here. She was here to hopefully mend old wounds, to assuage her guilt and possibly make amends. She knew that Cairo still breathed and perhaps, at the very least, she could speak with him, Synestro on the other hand would be a different case entirely. She would try if he was still amongst the wolves of Valhalla. It was all she could do. Her tail swung behind her in slow rhythmic movements, she kept her posture relaxed and stable. She was not here as a threat... not that she would pose much of one if she was anyway.

It did not take long for a figure to respond to her and as he glided through the trees she smiled widely, her tail drifting just a touch wider, showing she truly meant no harm. He looked vaguely like Cairo, perhaps a distant relative? He commanded the same presence that was for sure. She dipped her head, a sign of both respect and greeting. Her teeth gnawing on her bottom lip as she thought how best to go about this.

"Hello, my name is Asheni. I am the Lead Healer of Glaciem. A long time ago, when Glaciem and Valhalla were not so friendly I... I did wrong by Valhalla. By Cairo and by a warrior named Synestro. I have come to apologize, if they will allow it." She did not waste time, she did not wish to burden this young gent. She gave him her information and spoke her peace quickly and softly.


Leon I


11 Years
03-19-2013, 12:37 PM

Time stood still as the typical Adravendi blues studied her, pondering on her reasons for being here. She could be a loner seeking a pack, but the myriad of scents on her pelt told him otherwise. Something in her blue eyes told him though she was happy to be here, she had a hidden agenda. Did she have a qualm with one of his family, or a friend? Was she seeking justice, retribution, or perhaps forgiveness? It would be hard to tell just from a look alone, but Leon did know that something was up with this dame. As she dipped her head he mirrored her movements, tail taking a slightly larger swing as he did so. He shifted his weight lightly on his paws as the girl told of her reasons.

She knew his Uncle's name, and the name of another which sounded vaguely familiar. Synestro. He scanned his mind trying to put a face with the name, but none would come. She came to apologize. So she was seeking forgiveness. Leon dipped his head again as he replied. "I am not aware of a male by the name of Synestro among our ranks, but I can certainly give a call out for my Uncle, Cairo." He would do her this justice. Lifting his head high, muzzle pointed to the heavens, Leon let out a soft, melodic song for his uncle. His melody tapered off and ceased altogether, resulting in his head lowering and his eyes setting on her once more. "I am afraid that is all the service I can offer you, Asheni. My Uncle very much has a mind of his own, and he may or may not choose to heed my call." It was the truth, Cairo could choose to come if he wanted, or he might not if he was busy or otherwise engaged. He took a step forward slowly, more to shift his weight than anything else. "I would not mind keeping you company for a while, while we wait and see?"His tone was questioning, but it was also truth. Leon would not leave a stranger on Valhalla's borders, even if she wanted him to leave her be. She seemed nice enough, but she was here to right a wrong, and nothing more.

"Synestro was a warrior, you say? I don't suppose he went by any other name?" Leon's curiosity piqued now, wondering just who this warrior was she had done wrong. He had vaguely known the name, perhaps heard it in passing, but had never met the wolf. Likewise, this Synestro had not been to the pack founding, or any subsequent gathering.



03-19-2013, 12:39 PM

He noticed the faint familiarity of the scent, and though begrudgingly, it was enough for the elder to rise to his pads and move across the terrain to find her. Of course, it had taken him a fair minute and upon his arrival he was made aware that Leon, his cousin and the lead warrior of Valhalla, had beaten him. It certainly did well in his book. Leon was becoming the prime example of an Adravendi. Cairo was proud.

His azure gaze would shift to the woman, it had taken him a moment, but before long memories came running back to him. He would nod his head to her, a faint murmur of her name and the lord would recline to his tired haunches. "Synestro is no longer with us, Asheni. He took off...I thought his loyalty was undeniable, though clearly I was wrong. You were just enough for him to leave us," It was not necessarily in malice that he spoke, though, there was a bit of bite to his lyrics, though, the edge was not meant for her. She had come to grips with what she had done wrong, and Cairo was not the judge of those that did things. He was merely a wolf made to guide others.


03-19-2013, 02:22 PM

The dame did not wish to test her luck with this gents patience, it was why she had gotten straight to the point. She was not sure how her presence, suddenly and without warning, would be taken. Disgust? Anger? Disinterest? The small healer knew not. She would take the kindness offered by the young male while she could. She did not know how Cairo would react to her, it had been... many a season since she had so much as breathed the name Valhalla, much less drew anywhere near its borders.

Her confidence wavered slightly as he spoke, had she truly driven a wolf to abandon its home? Just how much damage had she caused? No... no she was here to apologize. Not to fall into self grievances. She smiled gently at the kind words that graced her ears. Where had such a gent been when she was first introduced here? She would have been hard pressed to leave if she had met more souls like him, but that was neither here nor there.

"Your kindness and your aide are both far more than I deserve. Thank you for your hospitality." She smiled brightly at the young wolf, happy, at least, that she had not thus far been met with tooth and claw. Perhaps she really could make amends. Do something right for once in her life. She was trying to be better, honestly trying. She shook her head animatedly at his suggestion. "Oh... you needn't trouble yourself with me! If you have more pressing matters to attend to by all means!" Guilt crept along her spine as she realized he was now wasting his time with her. "Synestro went by no other name that I know of." She murmured distractedly, her gaze shifting as Cairo emerged from the trees to approach them.

She winced at his harsh words, but had she expected any less? No, not really. She steadied her nerves and forced herself to breathe. She had come here to make amends, not to cower away in fear. She could be strong! She could do this damn it! She moved to draw a touch closer, but thought better of it and placed the paw back in the dirt.

"Cairo I... what I did was wrong. I broke the treaty, you had every right to meet me with aggression and Synestro he... he was a wonderful soul and it is my fault for whatever has happened to him. I was young and I was stupid and immature and scared and I let my own fear claim me." She stopped when she realized she was rambling, biting her lip hard enough to make it bleed before continuing. "I came to beg for forgiveness if you will have it. I cannot change the past but I am trying to change the future."


Leon I


11 Years
03-19-2013, 03:16 PM

She assured him that he was not needed, but the Warrior wasn't born yesterday. He knew better than to leave a stranger on the borders unaccompanied. Even if she was known to Cairo, she was a stranger to the younger Adravendi. "Really, it's no trouble at all." She was keeping him from his patrolling, but it was nice to see a live body in front of him instead of just trees and bark and grass. Those things got old after a while. Flesh and blood was always entertaining in one form or another. As she spoke on about this Synestro, the man would only offer a nod, finding nothing more to add to that subject. It seemed they were doomed to sit in painful silence.

Crown would dip as his Uncle arrived on the scene. Leon was happy he did not have to linger long in awkward conversation with a she-wolf he was unfamiliar with. Something told him that despite her beauty, her heart was elsewhere - not with Valhalla. As Cairo spoke biting words, Leon's brow raised ever so slightly. He'd never heard his Uncle use a tone such as that, but somehow it seemed to be fitting for the situation. The girl went on to speak her piece, asking for forgiveness and telling her tale. Leon waited until it was courteous for him to take his leave, and he did so without much of a fuss. A simple nod was given to each of them, along with a final parting word to the woman. "Good day to you, Asheni." He turned to his uncle, a soft smile upon his features. "Cairo," It wasn't much, but the mere utterance said that Leon didn't understand what was going on, but he stood behind his Uncle no matter the situation. With that, the man took his leave, disappearing into the land he called home.

Exit Leon.



03-24-2013, 06:30 PM

Cairo would stand there waiting. He really couldn't say he detested the presence of the female before him, though he could actually say he wanted wanted the meeting to be short. Recalling members of Valhalla that were most likely dead, was actually quite the painful scenario. Her fear was a meager excuse, and to be honest, he could not accept it. Love was something nothing could tie you down to. Once, he would have given everything up for Alice. Then, his world would have been offered to Crusade. Finally, everything made sense, and he would have done both for Guinevere, but fact of the matter was. She was gone, and he could not have her back.

His nephew would turn to him and bid him goodbye for the afternoon, the male would nod his head, a proud smile daunting his inky lips to the brunette male. Dull eyes would flicker back towards Asheni, and he would listen to her words. Resolve was evident within' her, but still, it spoke of something that was not his to give. Forgiveness. He had nothing to hate her directly for. Synestro was a great warrior, but in the end, he had chosen his own road, and without Asheni his path had been marred, " I am not the one you need forgiveness from. I can give you nothing, and I won't. Synestro is the one who must absolve you of this," And yet, no one knew where the hetero-chromatic male was.

The lord would plant his haunches against the Earth, his throat clearing as he looked at the woman, years of wisdom pooling in his eyes, he honestly hoped he could make her understand, enlighten the young woman as to why things were the way they were. "Asheni, the time you were in Valhalla, I saw nothing but misery. I don't know how that solely did not break Synestro. Then you left him," His gaze drifted to the side and the great male looked at the horizon, "You were the only being he ever trusted so much as to plan a future...and he got hurt with the notion you couldn't trust him. I can't forgive you, because I have nothing to forgive you of, you did not trespass against me, however, I can not claim you are my favorite woman, you did cost me an amazing man,"


03-31-2013, 10:00 PM

Asheni waited for the powerful Alpha's answer, she had come here alone, not to disrespect her pack, no, never but to show she was not here for vindictive or cruel purposes. She meant no harm towards Valhalla, not when their packs presented with a strong treaty, or at least she had been told. She wished to erase old demons and be rid of nightmares. She was finally growing up, attempting to take responsibility for her actions. She took his words with a slight wince, they were harsh but they were truthful, at least he did not attempt to kill her.

"I understand Cairo, and truly I regret what I have done to Synestro. The situation was unfortunate, Valhalla was not and never will be my home. I don't belong here, I've always belonged in Glaciem I would have been content here, but never happy. It would have been unfair of me to stay, but the way I choose to leave was cruel. I should have spoken more with him, told him, but I had not the courage. I wished for an atonement but I see that is out of my grasp. I am sorry for the strife I have caused you Cairo, truly. I am not a vindictive or hateful soul, I just to oft do stupid, stupid things. Thank you, for everything." The two toned dame bent her head to the ex leader a show of respect and turned to leave.

-exit Asheni unless stopped-
