
A Game Of Sorts [Open to all pack members]


03-18-2013, 04:37 PM

It all began with the stirrings of a touch of mischief. Perhaps not the best of things in those whose minds are dark and festering with cruelties, but in the mind of a creature as gentle and as kind as the two toned fae? It borderlined on harmless. Thats not to say she did not have stirrings of mischief, because she did in fact possess them, they just weren't malicious or cruel enough to really do any harm, but this was neither here nor there and the multi-hued fae was intent on acting upon this spot of playfulness and she would not be deterred.

She was healed, no longer hindered by malnutrition or injury, watching Cifer and Crusade together still wounded the tender hearted creature but with each passing day the pain dulled more and more as she realized they were perfect for one another and Asheni was tired. Tired of being alone, tired of fleeing from her problems, tired of hiding and today would be the day that she would finally heal. No more running, no more hiding, nothing but optimisum and support for her two best friends.

She stalked through the snow and ice with wicked intent, icy blue eyes trained upon her target. He wasn't paying attention, her scent was familiar, background noise and nothing more, he wouldn't see her coming, well not until it was to late. Her rump waggled in the air and then... she was off, racing through the snow with all of the power her slender body provided. Gargie turned, but not fast enough and Asheni was upon him, legs coiling around his neck in a bear hug as she dragged him down into the snow. They tumbled and rolled, Asheni's laughter ringing into the air as she scrambled to find her feet, when she had scrambled back up, she was bolting across the snow, shouting back to Gargie as she ran.

"Tag Gargie!!! You're it!!!"


Gargoyle I


03-19-2013, 12:24 PM


(ooc: XD I guess we're allowing some minor powerplaying here - since it's just a game and all)

He'd been standing upon a snow covered stone, staring out at the glittering lake that was the heart of his home. The massive pool of liquid sapphire seemed to reflect every shimmer, ever ray of light from the snow and sky combined - and set it off in a color to rival that of the heavens.

But Gargoyle was rarely the sort to spend hours sitting about just staring. His mind wasn't consumed with beauty, but with thoughts. He'd meant to find Crusade later that day and draw her aside for a talk. It was high time they learn more about the other packs out there, and Crusade had said she wished to become Glaciem's dignitary. But the northern drake was loathe to send her out alone. She needed a companion. One who wouldn't be threatening, wouldn't speak out of turn, but could still provide a sort of back up.

He was just begining to mull the choices over when galloping paw steps reached his ears. He recognized the scent as Asheni's so he took his time in glancing over. The marbled she-wolf was careened straight at him! Gargoyle turned, a slightly quizzical look on that usually stoney brow - which froze there as he was bear-hugged and tackled backwards into the snow. After the intial rolling down the slope towards the lake shores, he staid down on his back, blinking owlishly.

What in the world....?

But Asheni was already hopping off of him and dashing away into the snow. "Tag Gargie!!"

A game? Creator Above he hadn't played tag since... since he was just a pup. Since he'd had his horde of siblings around him. Some warm bits of memory took spark in his consciousness. But he was an Alpha! What would his pack-mates think if they saw him dashing about like a moonstruck caribou calf?

Yet as Gargoyle stood out of the snow crater they'd created, he caught the sweet scent of a certain lovely Glaciem hunter. Oh heck to appearances. Gargoyle shook the snow off his back, turned and sprinted off towards the tree line.

Ocena wasn't far away. The sight of her black and white form - miniaturized in comparison to his - brought a rare gleam to his yellow eyes. His mottled grey black form melded with the timber shadows, he managed to get only a few strides away before he had to break cover. "Ocena!" he rummbled playfully playfully. And a second later he was rushing over her. He couldn't just bear-hug and tackle as Asheni had done - if the big brute did that he'd squash the half-blind untress like a bug. Instead he landed on the far side of her, hooking a forepaw under her frame in an attempt to pull her off her feet. It was the deft, quick movements of a fighter, but no harm was to be given. He just wanted to swept her over and let the pair of them fall together to the snow.

The male made a rummbling sort of sound that might just have been a chuckle. "Surprise!"


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~


03-19-2013, 01:55 PM

Returning to camp after a successful hunt put Ocena in a good mood. The rabbit that she had just got sat comfortably in her stomach, a warm reminder that she could take care of herself. Which was a nice thought, to be sure. So Ocena was a contented female as she padded along, tail swishing easily in the air as she made a path towards the heart of Glaciem's territory.

As she drew closer, Ocena lifted her head slightly, ears pricking in the direction of a cry that rang out in the air. Asheni, she figured a moment later, the lead Healer of Glaciem. And she was shouting about . . . tag? As in the game? Curiosity stirred in Ocena's mind as she padded through the tree line, eyeing what was going on with an air of curiosity. Her gaze focused upon the massive form of none other than Gargoyle picking himself out of the snow. A smile formed on Ocena's features at the sight, her tail picking up its pace as she inhaled the comfortingly familiar scent of the male.

Her first reaction as he spoke her name was a hint of confusion, watching with her head tilted slightly as the male raced towards her, still trying to figure out what was going on. It was only when she felt the paw hook under her frame and her weight shifting so suddenly that she slipped, hitting the ground more softly than she had expected. It was only a moment later that she realized that she was pressed against Gargoyle's bulk, and that he had indeed helped break her fall. Oops.

Laughing softly, the female butted her head lightly into his side, "It seems you caught me..." Ocena paused, glancing around slightly. "But I'll have you know that you're not getting away with this." A playful tone filled her voice as she nudged the male, unwilling to get to her paws just yet. They tangle of limbs was oddly comfortable and Ocena felt heat prick at her skin, about as close to a blush as the lupine creature could get.

It was only when another Glaciem wolf made their appearance, several moments after they had tumbled together that Ocena began to disentangle herself reluctantly, rising to her paws as she spotted a wolf who looked almost similar to herself. The female was a newer joiner of Glaciem, one that Ocena hadn't spoken to, though she knew the wolf's name. Mahniya. She was a nice enough creature, so Ocena figured that she wouldn't mind being tagged.

Leaping forward, Ocena bounded up to the other female, skidding to a stop to tap the other lightly with her paw. "Tag, Mahniya!" Ocena sang out happily, racing away almost as soon as she had spoken, aiming to duck behind Gargoyle and avoid Mahniya if the female chose to try and chase her.



03-23-2013, 12:57 AM
Mahniya stalked the frozen tundra with little intent. She had not been given a command, an order. Gargie had claimed he wished to teach her but he had not come to speak with her in several days. She understood, he had a pack to run, lands to maintain... she wasn't sure what exactly he was teaching her, but she would listen and try her damndest all the same. She came to a halt near the edge of a short drop in the mountain, overlooking the sloping drop, she was, as always, underweight, a haunting beauty that remained silent and still against the stark contrast of white against the snow.

The sound of thundering footfalls reached her audits and they swiveled, straining to listen behind her, before her bodice turned, expressionless pools of blood watching the two toned hunter skid to a halt before her. She reached out to paw at her with one arm, the claws gliding through her fur with gentle ease, the word tag falling from her maw before she retreated... what in the hell did that mean? Just as quickly the dame skittered away, hiding behind Gargie and all the while she stood motionless, a statue, her brain attempting to decipher the strange and bizarre word.

Was she...supposed to touch someone else? The sound of footfalls in the snow reached her and her head craned to the left, Mercianni, Asheni's new apprentice came into view and with a frown of confusion, she galloped up to her side, coming to a halt beside her and mimicking Ocena's movement. "Tag..." The word fell from her maw in an embarrassed mumble before she took off, two toned form streaking across the snow, somewhere in the back of her mind, she scolded herself for so much as touching another wolf, surely that was not what the word had meant...



03-26-2013, 01:12 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She could hear the voices, the laughter, ringing through the territory nearby and knew without a hint of a doubt that something was up among the members of her pack. Part of her wished to remain outside of the situation, as her inhibitions were still heavily in place regarding her ability to socialize properly to fit the expectations of her pack mates, but another part of her was curious. What could have possibly made them so excited to go on as they were? It all held the sound of fun and play, and still relearning how it was that others of her kind played, the things she had failed to learn herself as a child, she was helplessly interested.

Recalling how much fun she had had with the sweet tempered Toprak when he had attempted to introduce her to play, the timid white wolf traipsed across the Glaciem land toward the others, following their voices while her dark brown eyes stared with open curiosity at those who had gathered. Familiar and unfamiliar faces alike stood collected here, laughing and darting about. Certainly this was a game? Feeling a little of the overall playful spirit that seemed to encompass each of them, Mercianne smiled faintly, enjoying merely being a spectator.

She was not a spectator for very long, however. After another successful tag by Ocena, another of her pack mates came her way, hurrying toward her with her paw outstretched. Just as awkward as her gesture had been, Merci received it in kind, somewhat leaning away as the other touched her while she tried to make sense of what it was that they were playing. Tag? her thoughts echoed as her pack mate hurried away, leaving the quiet Mercianne to pick up their game and keep it going.

Her eyes quickly skimmed over the others present, quite certain that they all were expecting something similar from her, and for a moment she wilted under the pressure. But upon seeing a familiar face, one that she most definitely considered a friend, she felt a strong surge of playful energy guide her into action. Bounding through the snow, she smiled and quickly dashed to Crusade's side, reaching out to give her paw a quick bat. "Tag, Crusade," she stated simply, a nervous sort of grin stretched across her face as she paused and then dashed away again, relieved of the pressure of tagging someone and quite honestly enjoying herself now that she was actually participating like everyone else.

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