
Two Steps Closer


03-19-2013, 07:34 PM

The white dame walked ever so carefully on the rocks. It was hot here and she didn't quite like the temperature. But it was spring thus the small flowers blooming from the crevices of this massive rocky side to what seemed like a volcano. Small bursts of steam arose from some crevices in the rocks. How strange this certain part of the land was. Soon after that the femme slipped on a stone but quickly recovered her balance.

"Ugh, more rocks..." she muttered to herself.

"Don't show negativity and learn from your mistakes. A princess must accept her failures." she said as she mimicked one of her mother's lessons to herself.

Some princess she was now; but where was the prince? Oh the agony, where was her brother.Had she not have fallen into Poxiterxo's paws would everything be alright. Thane would be King and she would be there to guide him when their parents ceased their time on this land.

She had to find her brother soon, how she wondered of his well-being.Was his mind all wacko, had he gone mad. The femme wasn't sure if she wanted to find out. But she had missed her brother and he obviously needed her. Why he had always needed her around, she loved him yes she did but couldn't love him anymore than a sister would.How it gave her that weird feeling in her heart; it hurt her to see him just saunter away with Amber at times. That dame was nice, yes she was but he deserved someone better, he deserved her. Of course most of the time it was his looks that drove the females close to him. But her brother had always reserved his emotions. Where was Amber now, the future queen of the their pack. Probably dead but then again here was Hureia and Thane was somewhere up and about. What if he had a mate now, no couldn't be possible. The femme shook her head as she walked and thought

Amber wasn't even his mate yet, it was possible! But then again maybe he was still traumatized, or not. Hopefully the brute decided to pick himself up without having a sister close by to comfort him. No matters, the past was in the past and this was a present.She and her brother were no princess or prince here. They were normal wolves who had their pasts locked away in the back of their minds like so many others.

A scent caught her nose as she smelt another soul nearby.So the damesat down on her haunches as she did not want to approach a wolf; she would let them approach her. Thus they would be the threat, she thought with a small smart smile.


03-19-2013, 08:27 PM

Days had passed since her encounter with Thane, and she had since then driven the thought of him from her mind as she scaled the rocky side of the volcano. The heat reminded her of home, she assured herself, that was what drove her to this wretched place, nothing but nostalgia. Black lids closed over green eyes. She hated him. Hated what he did to her. How he stirred her deepest emotions and made her head spin with desire for affection. It was pitiful. A warrior was to never show emotion. A warrior was to never seek comfort in others. She berated herself until the scent of another wolf caught her attention. "Thane". She shook her head. It was impossible. Wasn't it? "To Hell with this." She thought. She would end this once and for all. With a ripping snarl she charged after the scent, ready to attack. To kill another wolf was a crime punishable by death, but she had no intention of killing him. Just hurting him, just like he hurt her.

What greeted her was not the black brute but rather a beautiful ivory goddess. She froze as the wolf came into view and dropped her tail. "Oh. I thought....I thought you were someone else." She said quietly "Forgive me." A thought stirred in her mind. One that made her blood boil and her hair stand on end. Why would she smell like Thane? Unless Thane had left his bitch and gone to her instead. This femme, but not Micha. Never her. Never again. She cast a cold glare upon the female and straightened herself, as a Warrior should. "Who are you?" She asked.

Other Player Speech


03-20-2013, 05:01 PM (This post was last modified: 03-20-2013, 05:05 PM by Hureia.)

As the white dame sat there she did not flinch as another femme seemed to charge at her. Only when some realization came into her eyes did the dame stop and apologize. She had thought Hureia was someone else, who could she had mistaken her as; someone else with white and gray fur as she?

Whoever she had been mistaken for probably did something preposterous to anger the femme as such. But alas Hureia was not the one she sought but a wolf of perhaps the same looks. But the dame was unique and carried herself with an elegant heir.

"Oh it is quite alright, I'm sure mistakes happen all the time." she said with a small elegant smile after she had spoken.

"Oh and do pardon my manners, my name is Hureia Tsarev;and may I ask you of your name as well?"

Hureia sat there on her haunches and looked at the dame with her aqua blue eyes. Her black lined ears were somewhat perked up as they awaited her reply to be voiced by the femme.

The femme looked the other dame up and down but yet did not judge. She was taught to be respectful so she was. It was wrong to judge one on their looks so the wolf sat there with a friendly smile portrayed upon her face. Perhaps finding her brother would still have to wait.

Her mind flitted back to when the dame before her had charged.She was so close to her, she could have killed her. And yet Hureia had sat there; she did not mind for she had been on death's door before. As she briefly closed her eyes she saw Poxiterxo's jaws lunging at her throat. Only did she see his two sons Octavian and Pontifex sitting...watching her die. Hureia sighed as maybe it was all her fault indeed. If she had never fallen in love with Octavian should Her family still be alive and Thane would not be lost. Oh how would her family ever forgive her.


03-21-2013, 03:58 PM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2013, 03:58 PM by Micha.)

"I am Micha Qureshi" She said seriously, never once breaking her gaze on the female. She stifled the nagging thought in the back of her mind, choosing instead to focus on the female's movements. For a split second she seemed to be troubled. Good. Finally something to take her mind off of Thane and the scent so similar to his rolling off the female. "If I may ask. What troubles you so?" She asked, her hutches falling to the uneven floor as she waited for an answer. As soon as she thought about it she regretted asking. What if she and Thane were in a crisis? What if Thane was about to leave her too and find someone else? He hopes were dashed instantly by the realization that if Thane had wanted anything to do with her he would have after leaving his first bitch. Now she would just be one of many hearts the bastard had broken along with Micha.

Other Player Speech


03-21-2013, 05:49 PM
The white dame looked at the dame who had introduced herself as Micha; it was a pretty name indeed. Only when Micha had asked her what her troubles were did Hureia sway her white tail back and forth across the rocks.

"Nothing really, I just had a near death experience not too long ago is all. I think I'm supposed to be dead but here I am though. And my death had caused my old pack and its rival to go into war. Yet I was still alive and when I had woken up everyone was dead but my brother was not among the dead bodies of our parents or pack members. I think he is still out there somewhere so I am trying to find him. I just hope the poor prince hasn't gone mad. And in addition to that my lover before the war sat there and watched with his brother as their father tried to kill me. I was heart-broken indeed but nowmy focus is on the last other member of the Tsarev family I have left."

So Hureia had spilled the beans which she had meant to spill. Perhaps this dame would have seen her brother or perhaps even befriended him. But in the long run Thane was still out there doing the stars knows what. He needed her and she needed him. At least Cyril had found him before she had. If Jupiter had been correct the two resided somewhere in these lands.

So the beautiful femme sat still on her haunches as he waited for a reply from Micha.This dame Micha seemed nice and helpful so far. So many pretty dames were around; what if her brother had taken a mate, of course not. He would have needed Hureia to pick him up before he went on again. And then again as she looked at the femme before her she seemed like the kind of wolf that would suit her brother. But she knew nothing for this was a blind encounter.


03-28-2013, 02:53 PM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2013, 02:53 PM by Micha.)

She scratched her tall ears with a quiet huff, listening to the story she had to tell. "A near death experience hardly seems like a minor event." She said, referring to the simplistic manner she had addressed the situation. "Who is your brother?" She asked, unaware of the can of worms she had just opened.

Other Player Speech


03-28-2013, 03:02 PM
She smiled as Micha stated of how it seemed to hardly be a minor event. But maybe it wasn't; she was so focused on forgetting it. But the memory plagued her mind as she saw jt over and over and over again. The dame perked up her black lines ears at the question.

"Oh pardon, I have seemed to forget to mention his name. Perhaps you may know him? His name is Thane Tsarev, my brother."

Hureia sat on her haunches as she waited for the femme's response. Maybe she knew him: her brother was always one to socialize. It's possible she was his friend no? But she hoped he was alright; or his mind at least. But Hureia's main priority was focused on finding her brother now. The stars forbid he was in any sort if trouble or danger at the moment.


03-28-2013, 03:09 PM

Time came to a screeching halt. Thane.Was.Her.Brother. Of course he was. She looked at the moon briefly "عليك اللعنة" She muttered in her home tongue. Why her? Why was she the one being tortured and no one else? Why out of all the moon's creations did she have to choose Micha, small, feeble, diseased Micha to be the one she tortured the most? She surrounded Micha with fierce giants, sent her a lover and took him away. And now she had sent this femme to her, the brother of the man she had fallen in love with, to make her miserable once again.

Other Player Speech


03-28-2013, 03:17 PM
Hureia sat there with a confused look on her face. Was this dame alright? Her aqua blue eyes looked at Micha with concern.

"Excuse me but are you quite alright?" she asked in a concerned tone.

"Would you happen to know Thane? All I need is his location so that I may be reunited with him. Please if you know anything it is very important for his sake." she said in almost a pleading tone.

Something was wrong and she knew it. somewhere in her heart this female seemed disturbed; and wherever Thane was he was not alright. Was he hurt, dying, in distress? She did not know but hoped to find out soon and aid her brother.

The white femme stood up ready to hear the dam's replying words. If she only had a place them the wf would run until she found him. Hureia would run her heart out for her brother; only to have the last of it spared for him. Oh how her thoughts about him made her weak at the knees, she craved to be with him once more.


03-28-2013, 03:25 PM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2013, 03:26 PM by Micha.)

"Unfortunately I know Thane quite well." She grumbled> She dared not trouble the queen with petty problems such as her own. "You must head west, past the desert if you wish to see your brother, the journey is at least three days." She said, attempting to cloak the bitter tones radiating from her heart.

Other Player Speech


04-07-2013, 09:25 AM
The dame had seemed to transform right before her eyes. No more was the happy femme that was before her; what replaced it now was a femme who seemed to now have a sour attitude. Hureia did not mind but she wondered what had caused this; it had only happened at the mention of her brother....

"Thank you for your guidance...But may i ask, what troubles you so if the mention of my brother has brought up a small bit of disdain? You said you know him but unfortunately. He hasn't gone mad has he? I can see to his behavior of his actions if it may be so. Thane was never the one to do harm but his mind is probably a bit troubled. But I would like to know what troubles your mind as well, you seem to be hiding it deep down somewhere. It will gnaw at your belly until you let it out. If you talk about it perhaps after you may feel better Micha. I know that perhaps right now I may not be the dame you would like to see; but I am not my brother. Alone I am Hureia Tsarev who stands before you, not my brother."

Hureia stood there before Micha with her black lined ears perked up. In looks she was the exact opposite of Thane. He hadwhite lined ears while she had black lined ears. She had one X on her back while he had many. He had a black based coat while she had white. Yet they both shared the same aqua blue eyes and gray legs.

The dame waited for a reply but was also ready for any sour retort.