
Rock and Roll


01-21-2014, 08:28 PM

Isabella could feel the changes around her before they came, something big was happening and she knew it involved the wind she could feel, the pressure she could scene, the rain she could smell and the faint thunder that echoed far away. All of these things added up to a storm, like the ones she saw when she was a pup on the sea. Of course back then she was safe far above he Ocean on the cliffs. As much as she wanted to see the strength of the Ocean, and see the furry of the Spirit of the Ocean at work, she knew now was a foolish time to go to sea. To go just to watch something that could easily maim or kill, that was not respecting the Ocean and not respecting the Ocean lead to death by part her hand part stupidity.

That would not stop her from watching from a distance though, and even though she could not see any sign of the Ocean from the land with boulders she could at least see the land all round her. Seeking a moderate sized bolder she made her way to its top and sat. With her ears up, her blue eyes focused and her foxy fur blowing in the wind she waited to see what was in the distance, but as it turned out the storm covered vast distances quickly.

The wind picked up significantly, Isabella crouched down to try to avoid most of it but that was the least of her problems. Soon the rains came and when it came it came hard and fast. The air was cold enough already but the rain was bone chilling and flew with enough force to soak thought the coat. Isabella couldn't help but let out a cry of distress as the first few drops of rain hit her, they were surprisingly strong. The land that once looked so clear was hidden by the rain, it was hard to see off the bolder and the sky grew dark making visibility worse. That was until lightning struck, hitting here and there making the land bright. Here there wasn't much to strike but the tallest boulders making Isabella leave her's quick.

"This...this is noting like the storms back home! The rain is so strong, the wind fierce, the lighting everywhere! I need cover, a den, anything." Isabella felt fear grip her heart, she knew if she stayed in the open death would find her in one way or another and she was by no means ready to die. This is where having control of her emotion came in handy, though she felt her fear she did not show it and moved on as if confident and a knowledge that she would live. "Oh Spirit of the Ocean, I hope I did not underestimate you too much." She thought as she heard a crash by her. The crash shook the ground around her, she could feel it in her paws and knew it was not lightning. Running with the wind and rain at her back she found herself going in the direction of the crash. As it turns out, the thing that made the noise was a stone, small by the scale of those around her but still rather large. The rock was tossed about like a pup tossing a mouse, and for as much fear as Isabella felt she felt twice as awed.

The storm was indeed amazing but that did not mean she could just stay and admire it. There had to be cover around here somewhere. Moving on, she heard more crashes, more smaller stones being tossed. With each crash came a sot boom, the stone no doubt landing at on odd anger and fixing that by rolling into a stable position. Moving on she found another stone, this one larger than the last. From the bottom she could not see the top due to the rain but knew it would be a fine lookout tower if she was still in the mood to sit and look out. However now it would make a shelter, or at least the best the could find in the blinding rain. Running around it, she came up behind it and leaned her side into it.

For once she didn't' bother to hold he head or tail up high, and even her ears were lip. With her head to the ground she panted heavily in her new resting place. It was not ideal, but at least it blocked the wind and a good deal of rain even if it did not block the cold. Shivering as she stood she wondered if others were out there. If so, they needed shelter just as much as she did to avoid getting struck by lighting or crushed by a tossed stone. Gathering herself she lifted her head and howled, not an empty icy howl but a strong and beckoning howl she hoped would break though the noise of the storm and reach any sensitive ears.