



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-18-2013, 07:50 PM (This post was last modified: 03-18-2013, 07:52 PM by Erani.)
Dreams. Nightmares. For her, they were all the same. Sleep. Rest. For her, they were fleeting. Particularly in the last few weeks. She felt feverish. She felt wild. She felt afraid. The gauzy figures of a family long dead danced and drifted in and out of her sleep. Heiress. Healer. In her heart, she knew them both to be true. Tears. Anger. They both welled hot in her. Pain. Loss. Gain. And loss again. And Loss again. And gain again. Rhythms of life. Rhythm of Death. Death. Death. Blank eyes, bloody fur. Run. Run?. Run!

Erani shot to her paws with a shaking sigh that rode on the waves of sobs. The night was heavy with Spring mist on her lofty ridge. It wasn?t a den, far from it. It was where she had dropped, after a bone jarring, breakneck run through Valhalla, trying to escape the restless, feverish feelings that ran rampant through her form. She rose on shaking limbs that still ached from their punishment and looked around, as though expecting the figures from her dreams to step out of the trees and greet her.

It was silent. In the clear midnight sky, a full moon hung bright, shedding silver touched rays upon the Territory. Erani gazed up at the moon, then stepped out of the small indentation her body had left in the soft green moss and made her way through the forest, dappled moonlight washing over her back, catching her guard hairs like strands of silver. Her steps were slow, measured, but she had no set destination. So she meandered through the Territory, thoughts wandering.

The thoughts centered upon memories... Her mother?s laugh, her father?s softly spoken words of love to her mother. Her siblings laughing as they tumbled over the grassy clearing of the Pack?s Den ground... Her breath caught in her throat as her heart seared. She blinked rapidly and continued on, aimless wandering taking her through a large meadow. Shadowy forms bounded away, a small herd of deer startled from a late night feast on Spring grass by the pale predator gliding across the ground...

The pounding of small pads upon the ground as she and her siblings ran to greet the hunters returning with large chunks of meat in their jaws, fresh from the kill. The cracked voices of the wise Elders as they told stories passed down through the generations. The dead, heavy silence, shuddering with aftershocks of violence and fear, and the croaked plea to run.

She was climbing, she vaguely noted, padding up along a narrow deer trail that clung to the face of a cliff. Claws dug in as she hoisted herself up the path? Tiny claws dug in as the small white put scampered and hauled herself up the grassy knoll at the center of the Pack Clearing, where the Alphas stood to make announcements. Yips of determination fled the small female as she lost ground, then surged up. A growl of triumph as she crested the rise and came to stand at the top of the knoll.

Her paws came to a stop as she looked out over Valhalla. She raised her muzzle and took a deep breath, savoring the scents of home... Tiny muzzle lifted, and the small pup let out a high, yelping howl of conquest. The breathless song was let loose, as heads turned to look, and multicolored eyes twinkled with amusement, and laughs were panted. Heavy paw steps behind the pup made her turn. The great white male gazed down at the little white female, pale blue eyes locking with liquid deep blue.

She stared out over Valhalla yet did not see it through the film of tears... The pale blue eyes twinkled with amusement, and the deep voice rumbled a chuckle, before the male lifted his head and let out a long baritone song. The calls of the pack replied, with the high voices of the white pup and her siblings mingling within. And Redwood Pack Sang.

The memory faded as the musical howl rang over Valhalla, starting as a low, velvet moan and rising up through the chords to a silken cry, as her pale throat fur gleamed under the silver touch of the moon. Her eyes were closed as she floated on the sounds of her Birth pack?s voices. In the song rode rage and sadness. At length, her song ended, and rode on the wind as an echo. Her muzzle lowered, and tear bright deep blue eyes opened, then fell to the stony earth between her paws. And the tears fell.

(OOC: I felt so damned Musy...
Word Count:764
Mood: Sadness. Remembrance.
Music: The Dragon's Breath!/s/
Youtube link:
Time for puppies. )


03-18-2013, 08:28 PM
It made him want to rip something to shreds, maim something beyond recognition, break something until it was nothing more than a heap of bloody pieces... It did, it really did. He rose from his resting place and shook his massive frame, littering any debris that managed to cling to his absorbent black pelt. He began at a walk, the slight amount of sleep he had gotten wasn't showing in his big golden eyes as he picked his pace up. That song, it made him feel murderous, with the gobs of pain it threw at his heart as he listened.

Now he was was racing towards it, the familiar scent of the wolf he had come to really feel for over the last small lengths of time, it made him want to protect her. Her songs he knew. Her songs he loved, and this song... He hated it, it was sang with such emotion and agony it made him want to claw something's heart out.

Finally he saw her, standing atop a large boulder... She was beautiful, she was so beautiful. The way the moon kissed her fur, making it glow it seemed to him. He did not waste time, standing there slack jawed, he had to speak to her. He needed to, as if his life depended on it.

The redolence that spilled from her made him swallow a thick mouthful of drool, it made him lightheaded, it made him need, it made him lust. Much more than a primal instinct to breed with her swelled within his heart and his loins. He approached her then, that fragrance dripped with an equal and if not, greater need than his own to release. "Erani..." He began, powerful bass within his voice transmogrified from his usual voice into the thick, dribbling tones of his arousal. "I heard you, and my insides hurt." He finished as he came close, only a handful inches between their noses as he finished. "I'm so glad you're alright." He stated slowly. "I had feared you might have been in trouble." His eyes, like an open book, looked down as he exhaled a heavy, breathy sigh. "I am thankful... So thankful."



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-18-2013, 09:22 PM
He was there. Nova. She hadn?t realized it. Just how much she wanted and needed the great black male. She turned and stared at him. Taking him in. How had she drawn him? What about her always pulled him to her? He looked at her with such hunger it made her breathless. She stepped forward, drawn by him. He moved forward at the same time, and she paused, letting him come to her first. The way he said her name? It made her quiver, and the sadness of memory faded. Then he spoke of his pain. She lowered her eyes to his chest.

?Oh. I? I?m sorry. I didn?t mean to wake you.? When she looked up, the breathlessness returned. He was right there. Face to face, nose to nose. This close, his eyes were like twin suns in a black sky. The moon lit his scars in high relief, and even they seemed beautiful. His eyes said so much in one look as he spoke on. It moved her to overcome her shyness.

She stepped forward and pressed her muzzle into the thick fur of his throat, sliding her face to follow as she pushed forward until her shoulder met the muscles of his chest. And locked there in an embrace. ?I am alright as long as you are with me.?


03-19-2013, 09:14 PM
She pressed into him and it made his body set on fire and the mood he radiated thicken into an indescribably powerful need. He felt her softness press into his taught, bunched muscles on his chest. He hooked his head over hers and took her in an embrace like none other he had ever imagined. Stronger than any bond he had ever had. Love. Such a powerful love he felt himself overcome by it, letting tears not spilled since he lost his parents darken his already abyssal black face and glitter like droplets of fresh dew onto her pelt. Like silver blades of grass, the held the few tears he shed in the moonlight to sparkle with all the silvery inconceivable power the the moon had.

"I feel alright with you also," He spoke, his rumbling voice cracking. "Erani." He held her a moment longer and one he felt his tears stop rolling down his thick snout, he pulled back and wiped his nose on hers with a small grin. "I want you." He admitted to her, his eyes pleading for any kind of response. "Need you."

He exhaled a shuddering sigh and simply stared as his heart lay spilled onto the stone before her, waiting for her to either leave it and walk away. Or to take it, and be taken.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-19-2013, 09:39 PM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2013, 09:56 PM by Erani.)
They held together in an embrace she thought she would never experience for the longest time, wind caressing their fur, wrapping her scent around him like tendrils of seduction. His words rumbled through her body, shook away the darkness in her heart left from the loss in her life. Guinevere. Her birth pack. The pain that was always there, however buried, fell away. A piece at a time. He pulled away, and she found herself looking up into wet golden eyes. For a moment, fear struck her heart. Had she hurt him? His next words made her heart swell.

It was what she had hoped, secretly, guiltily. That he would say these words. She didn?t hesitate. She let instinct and heart take over, and took the first steps in the dance of Life. It was tender, graceful. She stepped up to him brushing lightly against the midnight fur, silver lit hairs mingling. Her father and mother?s fur did that, she recalled. When they lay together. This memory only made her want this more. She circled him once, and ended facing the same direction, neck curving around the great chest. And she spoke, firmly giving her acquiescence. ?I give you my Heart. My body. My Soul. I give you my Love, and my Life. I give you my Songs. Take it. Take them all. Take me." Her voice held a ferocity that it had never given before.

"Nova. I Love you."


03-19-2013, 10:20 PM
She twined her enticing scent around him and he felt his joints strain to keep him upright. He wanted to do so many thing, immeasurable amounts of things. Yet he could not grasp a single one of them within the swirling fury of emotions in his belly and loins. She spoke as she stopped and curled into his muscular neck. Every word made him feel for her, nuzzling her back and feeling her under him. As she finished speaking her rumbled into her ear. "I... Take your heart, your body, your soul, and your love." He cooed, fully awakened into her ear. "In return, I will give you everything you give me... And more."

He ceased his speaking and assumed his rightful position on top of her and quietly thundered to her as he began his commitment...

"I love you too, Erani."




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-19-2013, 10:27 PM
He returned her vows. And with each word, her heart soared higher and higher. Was this what her mother and father felt when they looked at each other? She gave him a soft lick under the chin, and braced as he moved to seal their bond. He was large, but she was just large enough to carry the weight of his front end.

The tears that fell as he spoke those last four words were of the purest joy she had ever felt. He loved her.



03-19-2013, 10:46 PM
Time, it was nothing, just a measure of the length of life existing. A figure, an idea. And it had slipped away from him. He stared down at her as he fell from her back. He panted and gave her a loving nuzzle to the small female, then a kiss. "Erani..." He murmured to her as his massive frame slid completely from her back. He found himself at a lack of words, or anything else to say besides her name. Though he was not embarrassed, he gave her a most loving smile, and then simply nuzzled her again.

He felt so much better now, so incredible, so alive. And oh so very tired, the lack of sleep kicked him hard as he watched her. His eyes once again like an open book, on the very page she needed to read.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-19-2013, 11:07 PM
She felt complete. Alive. Contented. As he slid from her back, she turned her head to watch him, to admire the play of his muscles under his black fur, to return the tender kisses. The soft caress of nose into fur.. Love like this had been a mystery she?d thought never to uncover. His eyes were open, showing his heart. The veils that usually clouded her eyes, the mystery that shrouded them so often had fallen away. What lay behind that gossamer barrier was a force much greater than fear, stronger than the greatest brute. Love. Ever living, fearless Love. Her name on his lips intensified the Love seen there.

Their initial mating was just a claiming ceremony, yet so much more. The true tie bond would come later, after rest, dances of love, and tender caresses. But now? She tilted her head back and let out a song that was so full of the joy she felt, it almost hurt to listen to it. She turned to him and leaned into him, still crooning the song to the wind, urging him to join her. It was an announcement to the entire pack that she was his, and he was hers. Her song eased off, echoing across the land.

She ran her nose across his neck, burying it in his fur. ?Nova.? Velvet tones muffled by his fur. A loving caress of his name. She turned and drew him along with her tail brushed against his shoulder. ?Let us rest., Love.? With a soft smile, she led him to a comfortable area, turned thrice, and settled into a patch of grass. There, she waited for him to settle with her, then lowered her head after giving him a deep nuzzle. It didn't take long for her to step into a dreamless sleep.

-Exit Erani-



03-19-2013, 11:24 PM
It was a much different song she sang this time, it made his heart swell and he joined her, his deep voiced howl twining with hers to serenade the moon and stars with sweet fitting opposite tones of euphoria. His died down first and he looked at her with a sweet sleepiness that he hadn't ever given anyone before.

He felt her leaving his side and his heart thumped extra hard a few times, until she spoke. It tamed his pulse and he nodded at her, taking a few jouncing strides to be neck and neck with her as the took a small trek for a place to bed. He watched her settle, her purling was simply adorable and she finally settled after three small circles, presumably to flatten the grass. He let her alight before padding to her softly and easily wrapping his huge frame around his mate.

He listened to her for the longest time, although as he tired as he was he simply couldn't sleep. He heeded the nights of the sounds, enjoying their serenade , The wind, and the chirps of the spring youth of the insects. With a large inhale he shut his gilded eyes. And slept at long last.
