
Hróðvitnisson family



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-09-2013, 09:19 PM (This post was last modified: 10-30-2015, 08:37 AM by Tealah.)

Hroovitnir pack history:

11 years ago - Hroovitnir, Vili, and Ve are born
9 years ago - Hroovitnir leads a raid and claims Anglea
7.5 years ago - Hroovitnir founds his pack
7 years ago - Hati, Loki, and Thor are born
6.5 years ago - N?tt and Eyfura are born
Litter 7 is born
6 years ago - Baldur, Hoder, and Weth are born
Senna dies giving birth to crippled Tyr
Tyr is fostered with Baldur, Hodr, and Weth
5.5 years ago - Litter 6 is born
Freyja and Freyr are born
5 year ago - Akemi, Fenrir, and Sk?ll are born
4 years ago - Vili is declared heir
Hati kills Hroovitnir in a fight
Hati and Loki leave the pack
Vili makes Anglea is new primary wife
Anglea gives birth to a litter
Eleven years ago, the world trembled at the birth of Hróðvitnir Wodinsson. A large black brute, he was born in a litter of four with his brothers, Vili and Ve, and a sister, Eir who was weak and sickly and didn't survive past puppyhood. As he grew older, Hroovitnir was dissatisfied with the way his father ran his pack. Hroovitnir believed in control, in absolute power for the alpha - his father's pack was far more interested in diplomacy.

When he was just under two years old, Hroovitnir led his brothers on a raid on a peaceful neighboring pack. The three decimated the other pack, killing it's elderly alpha and several of the younger males. As they retreated from the pack land, Hroovitnir stumbled across a litter of older pups cowering in the shelter of a bush. Three males and their lovely sister. Hroovitnir saw possibilities in the young female, and with surprising gentleness plucked the pup from beneath the bush and bore her away. As he did he quietly gave Vili and Ve a command: kill the other pups. As soon as Hroovitnir had bore the young Anglea out of sight and hearing of the pack lands, the brothers obeyed.

Upon their return with the stolen pup, they did not find the accolades they were expecting. Instead they were shunned and told to leave the pack for their crimes. When told the pack would be returning his young prize to her home pack, Hroovitnir laughed in their faces and told them they could take her back over his dead body. A melee ensued, the three war-like brothers fighting for their lives against their pack elders. Had the pack more experience in fighting, Hroovitnir may have fallen right then and the story would have never gone any further. But the pack had seen very little battle over the years, and young as they were the three brothers had trained and fought far beyond what even the most experienced of their packmembers had. The battle was over in a few simple minutes, and it was found that in the confusion Hroovitnir had killed Wodin, his father.

Hroovitnir had no interest in claiming the pack, full of cowards and weaklings as it was. No, he had far grander dreams. Taking Anglea and his two brothers, he set off to find his own territory, create his own pack. The search was long, but Hroovitnir had plenty to keep his attention in the form of shaping the young female into the perfect mate, controlling every aspect of her life and instilling in her a worshipful attitude toward him.

His pack was founded just shy of his fourth year in blood and death, the brothers wiping out a small pack who had residence of the territory Hroovitnir coveted. It was not long later that Anglea - now the foremost of several wives instead of his only - became pregnant with his first children. To Hroovitnir's great pride, she gave birth to three healthy young males. In the tradition of his family - traditions that had twisted and warped in his mind until they were his and his alone - he named the three after the gods of his ancestors: Hati the eldest, Loki the smaller middle child, and Thor the last-born who took after his golden mother in coloration. He immediately fixated on the eldest as the one he would shape into his successor, the pup that looked and acted most like him. If he could shape this child into a younger version of himself, he reasoned, would he not be living on after his eventual death?

The boy proved to have a frustrating stubbornness, too much like his father after all, and the two were constantly at odds, but Hroovitnir was obsessed with the idea of molding the child in his image and was constantly hounding him, constantly abusing him to try to break the boy to his will. The younger boys he sought to control as well though to a lesser extent - he didn't want them to succeed him, but he needed everything his way so the wayward nature of children frustrated and infuriated him to no end. He demanded instant obedience from them all, punishing the slightest infraction with violence. He encouraged their fighting and bickering, wanting them to have the warlike aspects that had made him great, but any hint of rebellion toward him was put down hard.

No one was allowed to leave the pack - once when Loki tried to run away he was brought back, and systematically and publicly beaten until the smart-mouthed whelp could do nothing more than curl up in a quivering ball and wail in pain... all as a very public example of what would happen to runaways. Another wolf - a female stolen in a raid to become another of his wives, was killed when she tried to escape. Hroovitnir was ruthless in his control of the pack.

Anyone caught giving comfort to a wolf in disgrace was similarly punished. Even a mother comforting one of her children after they were punished would share in their punishment - Hroovitnir considered it to be questioning his authority.

The younger males of the pack were expected to be fighters. By the age of one they were expected to be capable of participating in raids and battles against neighboring packs, by the age of two to be planning and leading their own. Any form of weakness, including kindness and a gentle nature, was treated with contempt and disgust. Kindness, healing, gentleness... those were the venue of women, not men, and he made that very clear to his boys. Especially, anyone caught being kind to Tyr, the crippled disgrace of a child, was punished and - worse for some - made to watch while Tyr himself was beaten. For Loki, his own punishment was sometimes worth it to get Tyr punished simply by being nice to him.

As for the females he'd sired, he had little interest in them. The more war-like of his daughters received a cursory sort of approval, a sort of a pat-on-the-head-"that's-my-girl" approval, but only because they were likely to produce war-like grandchildren for him. Mostly they were ignored. The few who exhibited rebellion of their own were put in their place just as hard as the boys, but they were otherwise allowed much more freedom than the boys.

Children out of his lesser wives were of less interest to Hroovitnir than the pups of his primary line.  He allowed a bit more laxness with the naming conventions for his lesser sons, expected less from them - they were still expected to follow his rules to the letter and to train for battle, but they were not expected to be leaders as he demanded from Anglea's sons. To him, the sons of his secondary wives were nothing more than soldiers, pawns for his primary line to use to establish their dominance in the land. If they showed ambition and initiative, Hroovitnir was more likely to keep an eye on them in interest, but he by no means expected it.

Vili's children were considered lesser even than that. Expected to give precedent to Hroovitnir's children in everything in addition to following all Hroovitnir's other rules, they had no real opportunities for advancement in the pack. Vilisons would never lead sorties against the pack's many enemies, they would never plan a raid. Footsoldiers and cannon fodder was all Hroovitnir thought of them as, and Vili - who considered his children nothing more than a nuisance anyway - backed him up completely.

Anglea as his first wife supported him completely in all of this, believing as she did that everything he did was his to do by divine right. She was weak and worshipful of him, and though she deferred to him and his brothers in everything, she was queen and showed it with the other females of the pack. She controlled his wives and the wives of his brother Vili with an iron fist, enforcing his edicts among the women. If one of the other mothers tried to protect or comfort their children out of earshot of Hroovitnir, she would fly into a screaming rage. Not a fighter, for she had a delicate disposition and no interest in risking her appearance, she would use hysterics and drama to get her way... plus she had the added threat of Hroovitnir, Vili, and Ve to back her up.

Not long before the first litter would have turned three years old, Hroovitnir declared he'd be officially choosing his heir and successor. It was expected that Hati would be chosen, assumed even since he'd been groomed for it from birth. But Hroovitnir had never been able to fully control his eldest son and - rightly - did not trust him with the rank. Instead he bestowed the rank and the power it conferred onto someone he did trust to be completely obedient to him, even if he wasn't a good leader - his brother Vili. He taunted Hati with it, claiming that for all his faults Vili was by far a better leader than Hati would ever be. Infuriated, Hati challenged him. They fought viciously, but in the end Hati triumphed and killed his monster of a father. Of course Vili had just been declared official heir of the pack, so despite the challenge, it was Vili and not Hati that became the alpha with the death of Hroovitnir.

Rather than proceed to challenge Vili and take over the pack, Hati chose to use Hroovitnir's death as the opportunity to escape a life he'd always hated. Loki had disappeared the moment Hroovitnir fell - no surprise there. Fast forward a couple years, Loki and Hati have both settled into life in a new land, Alacritis, and are surprised to find that many of their siblings have also made their way there. Crazy shenanigans have ensued for all of them - Skoll, Thor, and Baldur returned to their pack to find their brother Hodr dead and out of spite and fury stole a young litter of pups... supposedly Vili's first litter with Anglea born early, but in truth Hroovitnir's last legacy. Hodr is avenged in the winter of Year 5 when Hati, driven mad by the loss of his best friend, his nephew, and his brother Baldur all at once, finds himself returning to his homeland where he was ambushed and killed both Vili and Ve before returning to Alacratia.

Adoptables are in red
Deceased are struck through

Hróðvitnir x Anglea
(Litter 1)
7 years old

Hati, Loki, Thor

Hróðvitnir x Anglea
(Litter 2)
6 years old

Baldur, Hodr, Weth

Hróðvitnir x Anglea
(Litter 3)
5 year old

Akemi, Skadi, Skoll

Hróðvitnir x Senna
(Litter 4)
6 years old


Hróðvitnir x Keina
(Shani's sister)
(Litter 5)
5.5 years old

Unnamed, Unnamed

Hróðvitnir x Keina
(Litter 6)
5.5 years old

Unnamed, Unnamed, Unnamed, Unnamed

Hróðvitnir x Shani
(Keina's sister)
(Litter 7)
6.5 years old


Hróðvitnir x Shani
(Litter 8)
5.5 years old

Freyja, Freyr

More to come...
Important NPC family members and their personalities

Hróðvitnir (deceased) Pure black with gold eyes. A controlling, abusive man, he was a brilliant tactician and warrior who was obsessed with founding a strong pack that would become an empire, spreading his legend and traditions to the four corners of the world

Vili (deceased) Black with white socks, blue eyes. Current leader of the pack. Hroovitnir's younger littermate. Hroovitnir's bruiser, Vili is a big, vicious fighter with no morals. Completely loyal to his brother and would obey him in anything. He is not a good leader, being tempermental, uncharismatic, and having very little in the way of tactical ability. He is the kind of guy you can point at something and just let go, and watch him destroy it, but ask him to come up with a plan and he's at a loss. When he gets angry, this big guy's voice starts to climb the scale, shriller and squeakier the more frustrated he gets.

Ve (deceased) Pure white except for the black mottling his jaw like a spray of old blood, one light blue eye and one red eye. The youngest littermate of Hroovitnir and Vili. He was always the last in line of the three of them. Smaller, weaker, and a bit squirrely, he is a giggling psychopath who will gleefully participate in slaughter and torture and any other depraved activity. Don't ever ask him to lead a group, for he is just as likely to delight in seeing his own team die horrible deaths as he would be seeing the enemy that way. He is nonetheless absolutely, completely loyal to his brothers, willing to die for them, to kill for them, and - more difficult for him - to not kill if they tell him that someone is to be left alone... which is the only reason he hasn't killed any pack members.

Anglea Golden brown with pale serpentine markings under her eyes and reddish-brown ticking on her back, green eyes. Hroovitnir's first and primary wife. Later Vili's primary wife. Anglea is a delicate, silly girl, fluttering around with her high, soft voice and her feminine giggles like a butterfly. She rarely has a thought in her head past her appearance and pleasing her husband. She would do anything for Hroovitnir, worshipping him like a god. Anyone breaking his rules or speaking against him, even a hint of it is likely to send her into a fit of vapors, or a screaming rage depending on whether Hroovitnir is around. When he is, she is all smiles and loving wife - when he's not she's a catty bitch. She dislikes children, bearing them only because her husband wants her to. She has as little to do with them as possible after they're born, and as soon as they're weaned she wants nothing to do with them at all. As adults she will treat them the way she would any other wolf in the pack - the males as pawns to manipulate and use, the females as rivals. She is a highly prudish creature, hating any lewd behavior in the pack - though she'll act the courtesan for Hroovitnir readily enough, any displays of sexuality from other members of the pack, especially her children, horrifies her. Despite her air-headed and flighty nature, she is very ambitious. Not content simply to be queen of her little pack, she wants to be empress of the world, and so supported Hroovitnir in that completely - though she didn't have his long view of it, subtly pushing for a more immediate empire.

Please note:

Although things may have been frowned on in the pack - like gentleness in males, disobedience, sexuality, being nice to the omega, etc - that does not mean I'm against characters' personalities and personal histories reflecting those values. They add variety and richness to the family history (also yay dramas!) and are more than welcomed... as long as you keep in mind that there would have been some IC consequences for it. Like say Thor wanted to be kind to Tyr... he could do it for sure, but if he got caught there would be consequences. Luckily their territory was pretty large and there were few adults to really enforce the rules, and they couldn't be everywhere at once!

After Hroovitnir was killed, things in the pack had gotten very bad. Vili was a bad leader and without Hroovitnir around to keep them in line the Vilisons got bold and began to act the part of bullies. Pups starved because it was every-man-for-themselves, no one worked together, and if you didn't or couldn't hunt you didn't get a share of the profits when someone did hunt. So if your wolf stuck around that long they were probably in pretty rough shape by the time Hati got around to dispersing what was left of the pack.

allowable colors for new characters in the main family:
  • Black
  • white
  • browns (tans, gold-brown, red-brown, red-gold, earth-brown, cream)
  • various combinations of the above
  • No albinos, no unnatural colors (so no blues, purples, etc), melanism is very unlikely - half-siblings or cousins may exhibit these colors within reason

Allowable eye colors for main family:
  • gold (various shades of, including gold-brown and yellow)
  • blue (various shades from dark to light)
  • greens
  • reds (various shades from bright red to pinkish)
  • occasional bicolor eyes
  • half-siblings may have more diverse eye colors

Name: (pups from Hroovitnir x Anglea must have norse names, other wives' can have other names if desired)
Appearance: (at least site minimum)
Personality: (at least site minimum)
History: (from puphood to now, what have they been up to? Did they leave the pack before it was dissolved? If so, when? What happened after?)
RP Sample: (200 words)
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


11-15-2013, 04:34 PM

Name: Thor Hr??vitnisson (Thor)

Age: 3 years old, born in Autumn

Personality: Unlike Hati, Thor is not a wolf built off anger and hatred, or he is not a thief like Loki. Thor has a more respectful way to him, but he is more of a jokester. He loves to laugh about things, and jokes all the time unless it's bad. He once made a joke about the wolves in his pack looking like somebody died.....And it quickly turned awkward. But, due to be respectful, Thor quickly said sorry. Work In Progress!


RP sample: (300 word count)



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-15-2014, 06:40 PM
Thor (and younger siblings/half sibs and cousins) still available... If an application sits for weeks/months at a time without being touched I'm going to assume that the person isn't actually interested and the character won't be reserved for them, sorry.
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


01-16-2014, 05:55 PM
Parents: Hr??vitnir x Anglea
Name: Akemi Miu Hr??vitnisdottir
Age: 1 Year {Born Summer}
Personality: Small? Hah! Who gives a damn? Akemi, despite her size, is a confident and cocky female who loves power. She is a bit twisted in her belief that only her brothers can make suitable children, and aims to castrate as many men of the world as possible. Finding love? Oh now that is going to be a challenge. This woman here has an cold heart, not caring much for the idea of raising a litter of young. However slightly older pups, especially those with the potential of power, capture her interest. She is one constantly training and picking fights to attempt to better her skills. She can have a rather insulting personality, and loves to torture others mentally and physically. Akemi will stop at nothing working to gain her goals, even if it means murdering, lying, and cheating to get what she wants. Far from innocent,the only ones who can trust this female not to do something to them is her family. She respects her older brothers and wishes, listening only to them. She does have a soft spot for Baldur, but doesn't openly admit it and covers it up by making fun of him. Her idol is Hati, and she would love nothing more than see her eldest brother as the leader of a very large, powerful pack, with her serving as his most loyal little sister. As for fear? Akemi fears no one at all, and makes it well known by taking on any challenger willing to fight her.
user posted image
user posted image
Size and Weight: 23'' and 55lbs {Literally small as possible.}
RP sample:

Heh, how he screamed. The small yearling stepped back from the other wolf about her age, watching as he writhed on the ground. Blood stained her maw and, just a few feet away, lay the mangled remains of the brute's manhood. Her red eyes gleamed with pleasure as she stood over him. If he had been standing over her, well, he'd be the one that was taller. The female was a tiny little thing but fierce, and she had proved it to this male who dared try to come after her and persuade her to go home.

"Aww... poor baby... does it hurt?" Her voice was mocking, dripping with amusement at the poor male's pain. The female would start to smile, a small thing, that would spread into a large grin. It hadn't taken much at all. A good snap, a good tug... her body gave a spasm of pleasure. She saw purpose in this... new found talent. Dark tipped toes would brush against the chest fur of the male.

"I could kill you... but... I think I'll leave you like this. If you manage to live, well, I'm sure you'll remember me, won't you?" Akemi would turn, starting off down the path. She had no idea where she was going, but she had a goal set in her mind. Hati, her idol, her eldest brother, had left the pack, along with Baldur, Loki, and Thor. It had been news that hadn't made the female too happy. Her idols all disappearing like that... and... leaving... she made a disgusted face. Leaving their pathetic uncle as alpha. Unacceptable.

She was going to find them... and... come hell or high water... Hati was going to become the alpha he deserved to be. Even if the small female had to form the very pack of followers for him herself... as well as put a few... unpleasant nuisances in their place along the way. After all... the only worthy wolves were those directly related to her blood.




01-17-2014, 09:40 PM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2014, 08:24 PM by Gossamir.)

Name: Baldur Hr??vitnisson

Age: 2 years (from second litter)


Baldur is the first to start whatever he sets out to do and he often approaches life head-on. Active and energetic, Baldur is a direct, straightforward and uncomplicated wolf and he expects the same of others, often becoming baffled by those that pussyfoot around an issue. Baldur can be a bit slow to finish what he starts but he is anything if not determined.

A wolf of physicality, Baldur is a natural athlete with the inclination to use his body to get things done. He's not given to long, drawn-out emotional moments and he isn't very big on planning ahead. Instead, Baldur prefers to live his life simply.

Baldur's greatest weakness is his impatience. Nothing ever seems to happen soon enough with this wolf. There is an inherent impatience with getting what he wants that's only exacerbated by the fact that he lives in the moment and has a hard time waiting for things to happen. Whims of the moment take absolute precedence in his life and seems to make others think he enjoys trouble and confrontations. While it's true that he's easily bored with environments that are to peaceful, he isn't one to constantly seek out fights, especially when his home seemed like a battlefield. That is also part of the reason he puts such value on self-reliance and independence. Though more forthright than outright aggressive, he does have a youthful and direct manner that sees what it wants and generally goes for it. At the same time though, there is rarely malice in his intentions.

Baldur loves to start anything new and has trouble sitting still. His first instinct is to do, rather than think. Planning ahead? Forget it. Baldur simply charges forward without much ado. There's a basic quality of bravery in Baldur's determination that is unmistakable. He generally knows what he wants and the quickest way to get it. He has no problem taking shortcuts if he has to but generally his actions are on the level. Baldur is not the kind for wolf who resorts to underhanded tactics, it's just not his style. He'll rarely sulk or play any drawn out game of manipulation. You can pretty much know what he wants at any given time.

Baldur feels independence is his birthright and he has no problem just putting himself out there in the world. He loves to make an impression in whatever he does. Nothing emboldens him quite like a brand new day and a brand new start. Baldur enjoys a challenge and is happiest when his life is moving forward and active. However, his seeming confidence is quite variable and Baldur is often plagued by periods of self-doubt and these up's and down's can lead to periods of moodiness and temperamental behavior.

There's also a childlike innocence to Baldur's curiosity and adventurous spirit, even though the brute is far from naive. In some ways it's almost charming, even when he's using it to get his way.

Baldur has an inner passion and fire. There is simply no pussy-footing around when it comes to dealing with life and even his feelings. Though general rather than talk or work out negative feelings Baldur prefers to get them out through physical interaction whether this be hunting, fighting, or competition. While a competitive wolf Baludr generally puts most of the pressure on himself. He feels a tremendous drive to make himself better, and no, he doesn't know why or what for.

Oddly enough, despite his mostly outgoing disposition, Baldur is a fairly defensive wolf who can be quick to take things personally. It doesn't help that he feels the need to face his problems right away instead of mulling them over. He feels like he needs to face it instantly or it can't get on with other things though any flare-ups in ill mood tend to end almost as quickly as they start. Baldur also isn't the type to hold grudges for very long. He's not the kind of wolf that likes to live in the past.

When it comes to communication Baldur is a quick-thinker and a rapid decision maker. True to his nature he doesn't have a lot of patience for mulling things over and he prefers to be quick to the point and candid, even if his statements are a bit crude. At times he can seem downright aggressive but this is only when he encounters outright opposition to his opinions and ideas.

Whenever Baldur's excited about something he pursues it with unmatched enthusiasm and a sense of fun that can be almost infection. He's a leader, or at least would like to think he is, and is quick to adopt new ways of thinking and to try new things. Baldur's determination and persistence is his greatest strength and while he constantly seeks to define himself he is also willing to compromise in his relationships and is very attached to those he holds dear.

Design: This large male boasts an athletic and well-toned frame that is sufficiently lithe to make him a rounded hunter and fighter. While not a tank by any means, he is a strong wolf with a fair amount of stamina to make the long treks to Alacritis and wherever else he may roam. Framed with broad shoulders and slim hips, Baldur walks swiftly with his head leaning slightly forward as he meets life head on.

Quick to smile with a youthful charm, Baldur's most noticable feature is his pale, sapphire eyes that seem to pierce through darkness. His overall coat, is a rich, thick, luxurious blanket of fur whiter than snow. The only marks on this wintery backdrop is a mottled mark of black fur over his left eye and long, solid, black socks on each leg that mottle in a similar way to his eye where the black fur meets with the white.

RP Sample: (short and sweet, maybe we can use it to start a thread?)

Well? they were clearly close to finding the stray members of their family. Baldur's left ear twitched as he stared at the chunk of mistletoe that was laying outside the makeshift den. It twinkled in the morning light and Baldur glanced back in the den at his sleeping older brother, Thor. The pair had been on a long journey to get to Alacritis, more to escape their homeland than anything though Baldur suspected Thor was quite concerned about their brothers, well Loki any how. Hati was another matter entirely and probably would have slaughtered them in their sleep.

With a frown Baldur pawed at the mistletoe, all to aware of the significance to his namesake. He personally felt the legends were a bunch of stories and little more but Loki just loved to poke fun at anything that breathed and Baldur was an easy target? pardon the pun. The pale brute scoffed. Whatever? Loki could crow all he wanted about his namesake slaying Baldur's. When the story finally ended, it was Baldur that was alive to see the new dawn, not Loki.

"HAHA! Very funny, Loki! You need some new material you jackass!" He yelled out into the forest, ears flicking forward for any sign of this troublesome, older sibling before turning back to see if his outburst had awakened Thor?

Sucre I


01-18-2014, 12:21 AM (This post was last modified: 01-19-2014, 07:07 PM by Sucre I.)
Name: Thor Hr??vitnisson
Age: 3 years old, born in Autumn
Personality: Most noticeably, Thor can only manage one emotion at a time. He's rarely conflicted, choosing one feeling and letting it consume him completely. Sorrow. Rage. Joy. Whatever it is he's feeling at the time, everyone around him is aware of it. Extremely stubborn, Thor tends to want to do things his own way and go after exactly what he desires to have or do. He doesn't take council from others and his overzealous ways are a challenge to curb, even for the most seasoned of negotiators.

He loves his family and will fight bitterly for them, even going as far as to turn a blind eye when they've done wrong. He just wants them to be cohesive. They don't have to like each other, hell, they can even occasionally maim one another--so long as they come to each other's defense when they need it.

For the most part, Thor is pretty chill. He likes to laugh and finds the humor in most things, however, he does have a temper. Once quipped his anger knows no bounds and it's easy for him to get carried away. He'd never intentionally hurt someone he cares about, but rage can make a wolf do regrettable things and it's possible that he could be moved to a fury so great he would be beyond reasoning.

He's loud and intimidating in his actions; the embodiment of self-confidence. In some ways this is a positive trait, enabling him to take charge when he needs to, others times his boisterous nature can be a bit off-putting and spoil first impressions with assumptions of intentional cruelty and heavy-handedness. He can be and often is blunt and demanding, and when it comes to complex or delicate tasks, he would rather take a direct approach, as subtle as a hammer.

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Design: Picture below
RP sample: Green eyes opened slowly, a fury silently building behind them. The brute remained quiet, but it would only take a glance at him to know something was brewing. The big wolf's fur started to rise. Every inch of him seemed to expand with the growing rage that roiled inside. The seething energy grew and grew, filling him silently until he just couldn't hold it in any longer. He was coming apart at the seems, getting pulled in all directions by white hot fire. At the last second before he burst, that energy fixed on a target and the whole of his anger was unleashed in Baldur's direction.

With a roar Thor was on his paws, spittle flying from his open maw. A careless loudmouth was about to get mauled. It took him no more than two steps to close the distance between them and the brute slammed into his brother, bowling him over. Oh, he could just pound him into the dirt. Stomp him so flat the wind would carry him off. He leaned over the younger wolf and roared into his ear, "Do you ever think?!" With that, Thor proceeded to mindlessly beat on his brother for waking him.

Of course, Baldur didn't just take the beating, and two wolves rolled around the clearing beating each other and breaking things until they were exhausted and there was nothing left to destroy.

Once that was out of his system, Thor drug himself to his younger brother's side and sat down hard, panting. He raised a forelimb and rubbed his nose against it, clearing his nostrils of blood to make breathing slightly easier. Silence filled the forest and the two wolves kept equally quiet while feeling out the extent of their injuries. The elder brother could feel his right eye swelling shut, an uninjured victim of the four bleeding lines running across his cheekbone. Various bite marks and bruises littered his body, but Thor paid little attention to them. They would heal. He remained grumpy during this feeling out period, but was somewhat mellowed by the fight.

The silence continued to rein for some time and Thor's ears began to ring with it. When at last he couldn't stand the deafening soundlessness any longer, the brute sighed, "I'm starving, how 'bout you?"

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8 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-19-2014, 07:25 PM
I love it! Thor and Baldur both taken. I'll edit the main post sometime to reflect the fact that it'll just be younger siblings/half siblings and cousins up for adoption.
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


01-20-2014, 10:22 PM
Name: Weth Hr??vitnisd?ttir (Nordic Goddess of Anger)
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years (born in Autumn)
Litter: 2 (unnamed bb)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
The woman's pelt is the richest of ebony, thick enough to add bulk to her lanky frame. It falls in silken tresses upon her feminine, curvy frame, carrying the scent of woodsmoke. Her dark pelt, even in the sunshine, cannot be described as anything other than black. The silken tresses upon her plume are quite extravagant, quite thick and long. The tip of her tail is stained a dark charcoal, hardly noticeable against the rest of her dark pelt, unless one is truly paying attention. Underlining her mismatched optics are twin streaks of the same charcoal pigmentation, which wing out to each side just a touch.
Large optics glimmer with intelligence, mismatched and full of fire. The right eye is a deep green, like the needles of an evergreen tree, acidic flecks buried within the darker tones. Her left eye is a bright mauve, flecked with lighter rosy tints. The two offset each other quite nicely, and are the most attention grabbing aspect of her.
A lanky build has been bestowed upon the woman, and most of her height is in her long, toned legs. Feminine curves create feminine hips that sway sensually as she walks, despite her petite shoulders and waist. Her cranium is delicate, a tiara if anything. High, angular cheekbones create a well sculpted face with defined features and a tapering muzzle full of formidable fangs. Tea cupped paws carry her tall, thin frame about the land quite nicely, nearly soundless in her movements. The lady stands at a boringly average 34" in height, and weighs about 100 lbs when healthy, with lean muscles coating her beautiful, sensual body.
The first thing one notices about Weth is her attitude, her constant use of sarcasm and sass a powerful barrier surrounding an otherwise uncaring and dark heart. She is a cruel creature, tormenting the weak simply because she can. Her mind is one of her strongest weapons, but she does have lean muscles if that goes south. She bonds with hardly any she meets, but takes to certain others if she deems them worthy of knowing who she really is; on the inside. The femme has a nasty temper, and while she can usually control it, there are times where she simply goes off and screeches profanities like a banshee. Those are times where you would want to stay away from her, for she can break you like a twig under her foot. She is a deviant, using her alluring body to tempt men, and sometimes she is content to sleep with them, because sex is nothing to her. She can be affectionate, but that is not often, and neither is it long lasting. She is manipulative, with a tongue of pure silver that can talk an eskimo into buying ice. She can be proud, and haughty, simply because idiocy is beneath her and some people are pathetic and annoying. She can be devilish, snarky, sly, and simply a through and through bitch, and she loves the fact that it is a common opinion of her.
RP Sample:
The obsidian wraith padded over the plains, her dark frame sticking out like a sore thumb in the land without shadows to hide in. A hefty sigh left her lips as she looked about, mismatched optics boredly scanning the land around her. She had followed the trail correctly, she was sure of it. So where were the rest of her family, the ones who had left the boring confines of her old home in search of something new? They should be here, and yet here she was, on these empty plains, looking around for ghosts. A familiar scent wafted to her as the wind changed directions, and she grinned wryly as her tiara would pivot to face her older brother.
"Well hello, brother. Finally you've decided to show your face."
She would growl with a smirk, taking in the familiar frame of her blood. They had been close as children, and she hoped to rekindle that closeness, since he had been the only one to understand her for who she was.
"Yes indeed, yet you aren't kneeling before my greatness."
The dark furred male would growl back, with an equally snarky curve to his lips. A scoff would erupt from her throat as she rolled her eyes and dipped her head in a mock bow. Brow would raise quizzically as she looked the taller man over, taking in his condition. Clearly he was not starving, the prey here must be plentiful.
"Now, shall we go about and cause mayhem? For old time's sake."
Pleasant vocals would murmur with a broad, dark grin curving her lips as she gazed into her brother's eyes boldly. They had always been trouble, and now, without parent's to attempt reprimand, they were free to be the little hellhounds they were.
Plans?: Find Loki (because they be partners in crime), stir up some mayhem, sleep with many guys, be sassy, throw a few tantrums, all that jazziness.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-21-2014, 12:18 PM
:) I like her! And it's good to have another female in this male-heavy family, haha. Accepted!
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!

Magnus 1


01-21-2014, 06:58 PM (This post was last modified: 01-25-2014, 02:17 PM by Magnus 1.)

Name: N?tt Hr??vitnisd?ttir (Nordic Goddess of the Night)
Gender: Female
Age: 2.5 years born In Summer
Litter: 5
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Appearance: The woman gets her name from the silky black cloak that swathes her tall and lanky figure. Jet black, the colour of the sky on a harsh winters night. Nothing blemishes the Goddess' fur. She is pure. Unspoiled. Her fur thickens out around her hips and cheeks, making her appear to be curvier than she actually is. Bright bi-coloured optics give some colour to her regal face. One purple, a dark purple. And the other a dark blue, the colour of silhouettes when the sun is giving way to night. Both are flecked with a molten gold. They give a cold and harsh stare, her eyes reflect her personality, they are cold and cruel. Though for those she considers herself close to, they will be given warm looks, those unknown to her enemies. She is a tall creature, standing at 36 inches, and weighing in at 105 lbs. She is quite skinny, making her light for her height. Long slim legs make up most of her height. A long silky banner swishes behind her as she walks, giving her a grace that is not carried by others.

Personality: The woman takes after her namesake. She is cold, bitter, harsh and unforgiving. Just like the night. Cruel words spew from her ebony lips. She has no care for feelings of others. She can break you with just a few words. A heart of stone lies within her chest. Holding no room for love. She considers a very small number to be her friends. Even to become her friend you must prove your worth. She hates the whole idea of romance and extravagance. She is a harlot and throws men away when she is done with them. She is not a psychopath. She is a sociopath. Lacking in remorse. She keeps a cool head most of the time. But has many violent outbursts. She struggles to maintain relationships with friends and family. She is dominant and will use force to see what she wants done done. The black damsel is charming and alluring, she uses it to her advantage. Not caring how many hearts she breaks. She is cunning and manipulative. She uses that to get what she wants. Paranoid and secretive, constantly thinking that someone if on her back. She thinks that she is a genius, she is incapable of guilt. A daring little devil, She likes to gamble, to play games. To flirt with death. The fae likes to conquer death, if she can conquer everyone else. Why not try to screw with death?
RP Sample: The black daemon padded through the plains. Long tail swishing between long legs. She glanced around. Head whipping around to look beside her. The shadows were creeping around the forest. Wrapping in tendrils around the trees and branches. She sped up a little, they were following her. She growled. Why did they keep on following her? Go away! Leave me alone! a hiss escaped her ebony lips. She stopped. Snarling at the shadows. They stopped. She swatted at the air. Nothing happened. Stop it! You think you can hide from me!? I'll show you! She moved, belly lowering to the ground. As if she were hunting. But in her mind she was hunting. Hunting the devils that plagued her. She snarled and launched herself at nothing. She hit the ground. A twig cracked a few metres away in the thick undergrowth. Ears perked. oh, company. Come out come out wherever you are! sweet tones flowed from her lips. A white male stepped forwards. Her icy calm demeanour returned as the crazed beast faded. Her returning once again. The man spoke, cocking his head to the side, "What is one as fine as yourself doing out here?" She kept her face blank. That is no concern of yours. Smooth tones flowed from her mouth. Not a stutter made. The man just laughed. Oh, that is every concern of mine. He sauntered towards her. She sighed. Now you are simply wasting my time. I do not consort with mere low lives. So I hope Never to see you again. Goodbye. With a wink she left. All previous behaviour lost in an instant. Paws kissed the earth as she stalked away into the night.

Plans?: amm... few one night stands, break a few hearts, reunite with some of her fams, have a few mental fits, make a friend, make a few enemies




3 Years
01-22-2014, 07:32 PM
Akemi is accepted. :) All this family drama is going to get very interesting.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-25-2014, 02:38 PM
You're good, Arwen. :) Once you get accepted you can crash the party everyone's having over Hati's unconscious body if you want.
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


01-26-2014, 12:42 PM
Name: Freyja Hr??vitnisson
Age: 1.5 years old born in autumn
Personality: The woman is a being of love and lust. She embraces each sensual moment and emotion. Freyja is a being of power, she seems to control anything she wishes. She can move a certain way and set any man off, though that is not her goal. She is a temptress, not a harlot. She does not induce herself into pleasure with random people. The girl tends to be secretive in her workings. Sometimes even obsessed with matchmaking, it gets a bit annoying at times. The girl is mysterious yet it is quite obvious she knows what she is doing. She has a soft voice, one that soothes and lures in people. She is a flower.
Despite her temptress ways she is a Valkyrie at heart. She is a sexy being that knows how to fight. The woman knows how to kill, how to slaughter, but she would never kill unless she really needed to. Freyja trains nonstop to remain her best to protect the people who she cares most about.
Appearance: Freyja looks like a figment of dreams. Her fur is wonderful. Her base coat is a gentle tan that is blotched with a pristine white on various spots around her body. Her belly is a bright white as well. She has a white splotchy stripe along the top of her muzzle. Her legs are a lighter tan. She has only a little bit of back that lines her torso and her along her neck. Her eyes are bright baby blue that seem to pop under those luxurious eyelashes. She is not to big. The woman stands at about 30 inches, though she is still capable in beating someones ass.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Design: user posted image
RP sample: The woman slept on a ledge of the Dreamer's Col. Her tail was bundled up to her wide. She head her head upon her gentle paws. That tan coat was covered in specks of snow. The woman had nothing to do that day, though she wished to see her family as soon as she could do. Freyja woke up to a gentle howl in the distance, it was familiar. Those blue orbs came into view as they fluttered open. She looked at the white blanket that surrounded her. The vast North. There were many packs that surrounded her which made her slightly nervous but the female was intelligent and clever. The girl knew how to get out of sticky situations without breaking a sweat. Though, before she could even get up. she heard paw steps from below. The tan woman slithered to the edge and looked down to the a black male staring up at her. Those green orbs were all to familiar. A luxurious smile flickered across those sultry lips. Her voice filled the North like a wave, "Hello, Loki." The cunning creature got up and shook out her wonderful fur. Freyja rolled her shoulders as she jumped from ledge to ledge like a feline until she got down to the ground. The tan femme licked her lips, "How are you doing, brother?" She tilted her head as the man stared at her with a little smirk, "I am well sister." She nodded gently and looked around. "What brings you to the north?" Her voice was the song of cupid, it was a lullaby. She looked right at him with those shining eyes and fluttering lashes. No one was immune to her constant sensual state. He shrugged lightly, "I came to find.. you."



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-26-2014, 03:25 PM
Just one thing, she'd be Freyja Hr??vitnisd?ttir, not Hr??vitnisson, because she's a girl. You can anglicize it as Hroovitnisdottir if it makes it easier - that goes for everyone with a Hroovy, by the way! Other than that she's great. I'm looking forward to her trying to match-make, I'm sure there will be quite varied and very hilarious reactions to that.
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



01-27-2014, 05:05 AM (This post was last modified: 01-27-2014, 05:05 AM by Isardis.)
user posted image

Name: Eyfura Hr??vitnisd?ttir
Age: 2.5 years (Litter 5)
She is no pawn to bend and no sheep to follow, a strong woman that see?s reality as it is; rainbow-free and glitterless. Never will she polish words or spit free lies, she will speak as she feel?s and as she see?s and nothing less. She is a woman of domination, not because she likes to feel powerful but because she is a leader at heart; domineering perhaps, and certainly the kind to ruin youthful fun, she?s far more serious than what?s good for her pleasure. She knows she is not perfect, but she trains hard to become as strong as she can. Unafraid of violence she will meet it with bared fangs but will not seek it, she is not ?evil? nor sinister, simply practical. Ambitious, tactful, but not hungry or cunning. She refuses to love and yet she can be tempted, she denies lust and yet she can be seduced; guilt will come of any mingling, as she believes herself too mature and proper for such cahoots. She watches her family closely, and even when she wishes she didn?t care she will try to keep them in check- even when they don?t particularly approve.
She is tall and she is sturdy, limbs powerful and strong and her chest broad. She is beautiful and yet she is not elegant, her body is practical for use and not designed for prying eyes. Her coat will boast of caramel and earth, swirling so intricately together, though nothing of particular interest. Her golden-orange gaze will be marked beneath by the darker bands of near-swirls and the stretched diamond that traces from brow to nose, attractive and yet not overpowering. She is exotic, but not in comparison to some, a woman who is far too firm and sombre to worry her time with looking as delicate as some men may lust for.

RP sample:
The woman would watch in near disbelief as her ebony sibling would twist her structures in the wake of the man, as if tempting him and denying him in the same instance. Innards would writhe with frustration, marked towers pulled to trace the elegant contours of her toffee skull; salmon tongue pushing against the roof of a salivating mouth as she would crave for her siblings foolery to cease. Patience wore thin, tapping at a mind far too troubled by idiocy, and eventually the mature vulpess would snap; a dramatic groan of frustration and she would lift tapered quarters, walking by the duo with stern features, ?You?re embarrassing yourself, N?tt.?

She had never truly understood her siblings fascination in seduction, nor the womans brittle temper and need for sarcasm. Alas, the majority of Eyfuras siblings held a quirk that clashed so effortlessly with her own, more preferable nature. As a pack, they were certainly a poor excuse, based on disrespect and twisted desires. She had promised herself that she would become queen of something more, that she would hold a title that claimed of her ambition and screamed of her abilities. As much as her family seemed so intent on shaming her, Eyfura would stick by them all the same; a maternal instinct itching at the surface of her earthen flesh.

She would continue on her own, silently hoping her sister was wise enough to move on and not make the man another of her sexual playthings. Though it was unlikely N?tt had quite enough intelligence to do so, and so the earthen banshee would continue with a determination unfazed by solitude. She was never a woman easily swayed from her path, and to hell if her littermate?s hormonal cravings were going to waver her. Thick appendages would move with an effortlessness, not fuelled by grace but vigour, liveliness. And where was she headed? God only knew, to this infamous new land her half siblings had so seemed to make their way; whether she was there or not yet was next to impossible to claim, one could only take the world as it laid itself to her feet.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-27-2014, 07:21 AM
Parents: Hr??vitnir x Anglea
Name: Fenrir Einar Hr??vitnisson (Working on seeing whether or not Fenrir can be used).
Age: 1 Year {Born Summer} (Litter 3)
Personality: Serious is the male in most aspects of his life. He follows his litter mates in the attempts to try and keep them under control, or at the very least, dampen their tempers even if just a little. He knows they are fiery spirits, although it is something that seems to run in most of the family. He simply wishes to keep them safe, whether they like it or not, he will always be there when trouble finds them. He does not boast in his skills, as he always keeps his training rigorous and demanding. Strength is a part of him, as is wit and wisdom. Although young, he is instilled with the eternal loyalty and respect for his matter how much they may get on his nerves. Often times, he finds himself biting his tongue when the lot of them begin their petty arguments, and when he cannot take anymore, he may break with an outburst of his own to shut them up and continue important matters. He dislikes the unnecessary arguing, but alas it can't be helped. Fenrir is a warrior at heart, always striving to do what his instincts and honor demand of him, be it protecting his family or aiding those that require assistance. Fenrir has a mind of his own, and much like Thor, he cares not what his family does as long as they come to aid one another in the end. He himself would rather another not put the family as a whole, in danger...but there are times when not even he can control what another of his siblings does. Instilled with a silent sense of humor, Fenrir seldom laughs or smiles, being within his family he has found it hard to do so. He doesn't have a connection with them, although he secretly wishes he could have that special sibling he could talk to and share things with without judgment, he is unsure as to who that would be. As it is, he keeps most things to himself unless it is something that benefits them all or something they should know. He is quiet, though it is only a mask for his ambitions. He seeks to dominate the world, not literally, however, he will not hesitate in attempting to strike down those standing in his way between him or his family, and whatever goal he seeks. His middle name means "Lone Warrior." And he keeps true to that namesake with the rigorous amount of training. He can never be swayed once his mind is made up without good and logical reason, then again, he is one of the rarer siblings that actually makes a logical decision.
When one is able to make the beast laugh, it is a sound full of heart and mirth. But it has rarely if ever, been heard. Thus it is a mystery as to what it might sound like, even to his siblings. He does not have much of a temper like the others, however, if he is really pushed then one might discover that he may not be as quiet as he portrays. Honesty is a strong point for the male, as well as self control. He does not seek to woo or swoon random females. He is truthful, and will answer questions to the best of his knowledge unless the one asking is undeserving of it. He will not tell one seeking to gain benefit from his truths, as he will not aid those seeking to harm his family. He is a truth seer, he can often tell when one is lying in his presence through body language and the slip of words. He has learned to detect and observe the language of communication, and is quite adept at it. Then again, through close observation comes common knowledge. For no matter how much ones tries to hide their true intentions, it will always slip through one way or another.

Design: He carries himself strong and tall, perfect for his quiet demeanor. His stance is nothing short of weak or inferior, his size no laughing matter. Standing at 37-38" tall and weighing in around 150 pounds, he is not bulky to say the least. His mass is a countenance of solid muscle honed through his many training techniques. He carries a large set of lungs within his broad chest, which aids in his endurance and stamina. His coat is a sooty black for the most part, slightly lighter grey undertones upon his belly to mid chest. Atop his coat, a blanket of russet red adorning the entirety of his tail, running along his back towards the base of his neck where it then trickles down slightly onto the topmost part of his shoulders. The russet also adorns his face like a mask, as if hiding away his emotions and thoughts. His russet socked legs carry themselves with graceful strength. Completing the entirety of his look, his eyes...they are colorless. They do not contain the vibrant colors that most if not all of his siblings contain, for they make it seem as if he is sightless. However, he is far from it. Many mistake his silvery grey eye color as blindness, but contrary to what one might see, his vision is hawk like and untainted. But not even his siblings would know that. #4 as seen -HERE-

RP Sample:

*Sigh* Once again...they were all at it. The male watched with a raised brow as his siblings squabbled amongst one another. About what, he was unsure. He had lost the meaning to this several minutes earlier, and simply watched as they fought and argued. He shook his head slightly, how the hell had it come to all this? Never did he think a family could love and hate each other as much as this particular family, but regardless he would still love them...even if he wished he didn't. But no matter...he would take his leave, and whether they noticed he was gone or not he didn't care. All their constant jabbering was beginning to give him a headache, and he wanted no more of this. It seemed that they were so heated up, that he was sure not even his own booming voice would settle them if he tried. So he simply stood, and without saying a word slipped away into the trees. He left them behind to continue their folly. He wanted no part in it, and chose to do something to calm his aching mind. The male strode upon large silent paws, colorless eyes scanning the undergrowth for signs of movement, careful for ambushes. But so far, all seemed well and quiet...often times, a little too quiet. But it mattered not, it wasn't like many others could take him down. He was simply too large to ambush, and when one tried they were put in their place rather quickly.

An hour had passed since he wandered away, the beast coming upon the tides of a beach he knew not existed here. The gulls overhead flew and complained, the plovers seemingly played tag with the tide that rocked back and forth upon the shore. A sigh escaped from between barely parted lips as the male sat down. His vision stared out across the sea, pin pointing the never ending vastness where the sea appeared to meet the sky. If two things such as that could coexist, why could his family not? It seemed they could...with many headaches and quarrels, but alas, they were his family and nothing would change them. At least, that's what he thought. Even his litter sister Akemi, she was a ball of fire all her own. He was quite different from his litter sisters, for they always seemed to have a knack for trouble and arguments much like most of the family. And he? The quiet one. The one that strode upon silent grounds to ensure they stayed out of trouble...but he knew he couldn't always be there. They always went each their own way, and he was sure they didn't want him around as a babysitter. But he was their brother, and he would do what all brothers should do. He would protect his sisters and be there for them whenever they needed him.

The sun would begin to set, sinking lower and lower on the horizon. The sun reflecting upon the waters was a marvelous sight, and it was a memory and sight he would preserve forever. Unlike others of his blood, he enjoyed the scenery around him. One never knew when they would stop breathing, or when they might never see again. And everything he saw, he never wanted to lose sight of. The sun, the moon, the sky, the was all valuable to him in one way or another. He kept within his young mind, the memories of everything he saw...for he knew that when he would grow old, he would begin to forget. And at the very least, he wanted to dream of everything he had seen during his lifetime. Of that, he hoped dearly.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-27-2014, 02:29 PM (This post was last modified: 01-27-2014, 03:33 PM by Hati.)
There's a more in-depth history now if either of you want to change your characters at all to reflect any of it for your own personal plot purposes, but as it stands with the apps right now -

Eyfura looks good the way she is - her coloring reflects Thor and Akemi's, and her eyes seem to be acceptably close to Hroovitnir's gold so that it would be genetically similar if not the same.

I'm not completely sure of Fenrir's design - the red and black are fine but silver eyes don't really run in the either Hroovitnir's or Anglea's side of the family. It would be better if he was a half sibling (there can be a second litter that same age if you care to make up a mother and litter size, I haven't put in all of the wives) or a cousin. If you're really wanting him to be a full sibling I can accept it as coming from Anglea's side of the family, but it'll be the last allowable color I'd be able to add. Let me know what you want to do in that respect. Everything else about him looks pretty good. I hope you can get the name, Hati was actually originally supposed to be Fenrir or Fenris but I couldn't get the name, so it would be cool to have one in the family. :)

Edit: Eh, I'll just add the silver to the list, unless you actually want him to be a half sibling. Just let me know either way.
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


02-06-2014, 06:12 PM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2014, 11:40 AM by Blizzard.)
Name: Hodr Hr??vitnisson

Gender: Male

Age: Two years old

Litter: Litter Two

Personality: Hodr, unlike his brother, is not one to start things or challenge life head on, instead thinking about what happens so carefully that it seems like he never does anything at all. But, that's not true, as Hodr is very energetic and loves to hunt, but doesn't really mind if other wolves are not straightforward and simple with things. The twin thinks that, sometimes, being straightforward could have its disadvantages, and he tells Baldur this all the time. Hodr is a clever wolf, and he usually plans on using his smart ways to get what he wants, but, if that doesn't work, then he will resort to Baldur's way and use his body. Like his brother, Hodr is not one to make emotional moments long, but he plans ahead to what will happen to him, hopefully, later on in life. He's not one to live life simply.

Like his brother, Hodr is a very impatient wolf. Not as much as his brother, but things happen slower than he wants them to happen. If he knows something is going to happen, but doesn't exactly know what, then he will pace around in excitement until whatever it is happens, and it's over with, and Hodr won't have to worry about it. While wolves think that Baldur goes out practically hunting for trouble, it's easy to tell that Hodr was the type to stick to the rules at one point. But, when his pack fell into chaos, Hodr changed a little, and he no longer lives to obey the rules, as he knows now that obeying rules can get you hurt sometimes. He still obeys some rules, but he has a way of doing them that makes other wolves worry about him sometimes. Hodr, despite his sometimes strict manner, is a very friendly wolf, and he loves to tease other wolves with jokes, or actually tease them. Hodr is a brave wolf, even though it may not seem like it at first. If he knows that others are going to do what his brother does, then he has no trouble joining in. His first instinct is to think, and not do until he knows everything about it. Jumping into something without thinking? Hodr would be a "fool" to do that. But, through all his faults, Hodr hates to see his twin brother injured. If he saw Baldur injured, then Hodr would do anything within his ability to get his brother to safety, and maybe even to a healer, if he had to carry him the entire way there. This is just a little bit of his crazy loyalty, and he remembers how it used to be before Baldur fought with him over their actions. Usually, they got into arguments about which way to manipulate was, with his brother arguing that using bodies was better, and Hodr arguing that using mind games was better. Usually, unless it's one of the few times he comes out and says it, you will hardly ever know what he wants, because of his mind games. Hodr, even though he isn't much at charming, uses a silky voice to get what he wants. It's pretty hard to say no to him with those big blue eyes staring at you the entire time.

Even at his best, Hodr is a mainly silent wolf, and he stares at wolves while he thinks, even if he isn't thinking about this wolf, and it's hard to tell what he thinks. Even around his brother, Hodr prefers not to talk, and listen to whatever news his brothers have for him. Beneath that silent shell, and the strict laws, Hodr is a charming wolf, and he loves to charm a few wolves every once in a while. Just enough so he won't be bored, not as much as his brothers or even his own siblings. The only wolf in his family that Hodr doesn't like giving the 'silent treatment' to is Akemi, who he loves to be around because of her brave spirit, even if he is a little cautious around her. He has a soft spot for her, much like she does Baldur, and he hides it most of the time, unless it seems like she truly needs an ear. Besides his brother, Akemi is the only one that he prefers to not spit his own venom at, instead trying to bed as nice to her as possible.

Hodr is a calm wolf, most of the time, but his words are mostly insults towards other wolves. He tries to break a wolf with his words, playing one of his little mind games, so that they will agree to anything he wants if he says he will promise to stop. Even if he is a nice wolf sometimes, and calm, Hodr has a very short temper, and he tries to hide it most of the time, but this usually don't happen.

Design: Like his twin brother, Hodr is a male who is very large, with long legs and strong muscles, although he seems to be built more like he needs to swim than run. Although he's a large wolf, he's only one inch shorter than his brother, and he seems to know that he is powerful, because, even for all his friendliness, Hodr walks with his head raised and his tail high, almost like he was, or is, royalty. Even despite his size, Hodr is a slim wolf, because all the starvation, and his fur is hiding plenty of scars, except for a few that were a lot deeper, or that fur couldn't hide. His right ear is torn, almost ripped off, and he can't hear as well through that ear. On his left foreleg, three scars start at his side and go down. There are a few small scars on his snout, where the fur is not as thick.

Unlike his brother, Hodr does not smile as much, and is not as fast to smile and charm any wolves, except with his quiet company; his eyes, though, are always widened in happiness. The base coat of the brother, is almost like Baldur's fur, except reversed, so his fur is a midnight black that his brother has for markings, and, if it wasn't for Hodr's own markings, then he wouldn't be visible at all during the night. The markings are the same, so, of course, Hodr has a white splash on one eye, and his legs are covered in the same white color that makes him look so unique. Of course, when the white meets the black fur, the markings are mottled like his brother's. Hodr's eyes are beautiful, too, with light blue surrounded by darker blue. Even his eyes are like his brother's, except for one little thing. Hodr's eyes, even though always widened, have a silent piercing look, like he's looking right through you.

RP Sample: {I'm sorry. It was just so adorable in my muse.}

Closing his light blue eyes, Hodr let out a low growl of annoyance as his thin stomach growled with hunger again, and he raised his black and white head. Even though the two had fought a lot, Hodr found himself missing a certain sibling of his, Baldur, who was amusing in his own way. The pups beneath his paws yelped and let out barks for food, and all Hodr could do was nuzzle his younger siblings in response, promising that food would be coming soon. Suddenly, he heard the sounds of running paws, and he opened his eyes and let out a low growl, struggling to his paws, his ragged fur bristling as he challenged any wolf coming. Then, a few wolves that looked familiar ran by, and Hodr relaxed as he spotted a white wolf with black markings, and called out to his twin in surprise. "Baldur? Is that really you?" With a tilt of his head, he watched as the wolf stopped, and, for the first time in a long time, Hodr allowed his tail to wag in happiness at seeing his brother.

Baldur stopped and looked at his twin with narrowed pale blue eyes, and Hodr wagged his tail, ignoring the pain coming from his scars. Blinking, Baldur let out a low growl, and Hodr tilted his head. "Baldur....It's me. Hodr." the black wolf said, softly, and glanced at the pups before realizing that Baldur might think they were his. "These.....Are our siblings." He muttered, and left it at that. He had a clue that they were his full siblings, but he wasn't sure. Baldur dipped his head, and the silence continued, until Hodr sighed and asked his twin something. "Do you think I could come back with you? After you left, the pack just became worse. Even the ones that are starving, but not dying, like me, are considered thriving." He said, finally, and waited for a response.

"Please....." Although he wasn't one for begging, Hodr allowed his blue eyes to widen, and he let out a few whimpers, until his brother sighed and shook his head. "Fine. You can come with us." Wagging his black tail, Hodr almost licked his brother, but decided not to, because of the look on Baldur's face. He allowed the wag of his tail to be enough to show his twin his happiness, and he fell into silence, thinking about all the wolves in his family, until one came to mind, and he glanced at his brother. "Baldur, I need to know about one of our half siblings, I need to know if she's doing well. I think you know who." Baldur simply stared at him, and shook his head again, before glancing at the small pups hiding under Hodr and speaking, pausing a few times. Akemi.......She seems to worship Hati more than she used to, and she was worried when he got hurt, and wouldn't let anyone around him. Until Weth called her a runt. I haven't seen her too much since." When he got to the part about Weth, Hodr's fur rose, and he growled a few words that no wolf would ave expected him to say. "I thought that after she left, Weth wouldn't be a bitch. I guess she still is."



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-11-2014, 11:19 AM (This post was last modified: 04-18-2014, 08:32 AM by Hati.)
Quick note for anyone interested in adopting one of these characters. In May Thor, Baldur, and Skoll will be returning to the pack to attempt to find/possibly rescue Hodr and bring him back to Alacratia. They will be basically kidnapping a few pups on their way out (Read about that here) and anyone who's been adopted but hasn't left the pack to be played yet could leave with them if you are interested. Hodr must be adopted by then or he will no longer be available for adoption at all. I am open to some of the younger unrelated adults escaping with them - they would be female rather than male, since males would have been killed rather than captured. Also looking for a healer or two among the female half-siblings.

Things that have changed in the pack: Since Vili took over, the pack has been much more disorganized. They have lost control of a good amount of their territory due to a lack of well-run patrols. Hunting patrols are likewise badly-planned, and many in the pack who are too young or badly trained are on the brink of starving. Disease and parasites have begun to take their toll as well. The few healers among them are overtaxed or badly trained and they simply can't keep up with everyone. Hroovitnir's children are no longer considered an authority in the pack, but rather a threat to Vili's tenuous leadership so little power is given to them now and Vili keeps a sharp eye on them. Vili and Ve still rule by fear, but badly. Neither have the mental capacity nor the charisma to keep track of everyone and keep the gears well oiled, so though it's still very dangerous to try to leave, it's also dangerous to stay. Basically, the pack is a wreck and the weaker wolves are dying or close to it. Only the strong, the obedient, and those lucky enough to have someone watching out for them are thriving, but there aren't enough good-hearted wolves left to take care of everyone.

Edit to add: Since there are several people who are interested in Hodr, I will be setting a deadline for applications. Skoll, Thor, and Baldur go back to the Hroovitnir pack sometime in May - when I know for sure when that will be, I will set a deadline to coincide with Laz's pup apps.
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



4 Years
04-15-2014, 09:05 AM
Holy red text, Tea. lol

Just wanted to add a couple things for Hodr if Tea's cool with it.

Hodr is Baldur's twin so appearance wise I was thinking he'd look like Baldur with the black patch on the other eye or be inverted so white markings on black. I'm design possessive so I'm not sure I want to go strictly identical. *hides Baldur* xD

Personality wise he's wide open. Feel free to read Baldur's profile to get a sense of how you want their personalities to mix. I have right now in the history [what little I've typed in so far haha] that Hodr stuck a bit more to the rules and tried to avoid trouble where as Baldur's impulsiveness tended to land him right in it. Trying to get a rise out of his uncles probably didn't help xD. BUT this can be changed. Once an adopter is chosen we can work together to tailor their history. :3 Thanks!