
In The End Everything Collides


01-24-2014, 01:31 PM

Night had fallen upon the land by the time Akemi had found somewhere free from the fall of ash. A local volcano... just what she needed. A hindrance in finding her goal. Eyes the color of blood would scan the area around her with an unamused look. There was a geyser not far from where she stood, but the woman was no fool in how dangerous the things could be if they set off. The lightly colored female didn't trust it. Truthfully she was already a bit close to such a large structure, but she wasn't about to venture any closer.

The girl would be a full-fledged adult come next season, but looking at her height, well, one might question that. Akemi was a tiny creature, barely twenty-three inches high, but she cared herself with pride and danger in her movements. Now was she a devil? Not in the worse sense of the word. Akemi could be dangerous, cold-hearted, and merciless, but she was far from the worst of the worst. Even the wolfess herself knew it.

It wasn't long before Akemi caught herself a meal. Rather than play with the creature, or rather, torture it like she normally would, the female pushed past the temptation and tore into the flesh. She was hungry from her journey and honestly had no idea when she last ate. Finding her big brothers Hati, Loki, Thor, and though she would never admit it aloud, Baldur, was proving not to be such an easy task. She had heard one a couple of her sisters left too.. but she wasn't even sure if any of her siblings paid her any mind due to her young age.

Akemi would finish, licking blood from her jaws and getting back to her paws. She wasn't one to take long rests... and something in the area... well... it was interesting. She couldn't quite put her paw on it... but there was the looming sense of danger that brought both a chill and excitement to her. Ears would perk up as she looked around, a smirk coming on her face. If someone truly did lurk... then it was time to play.

"I grow tired of the whole cat and mouse bullshit rather quickly. If you have any balls you wouldn't be hiding from a female who, very likely, is a shrimp compared to you." Her words would bold, cocky, and taunting. It was time to have some fun.


user posted image


01-24-2014, 05:47 PM

It would seem the pathetic lands he had found himself to dwell in had heard his verbal complaints ten-fold, his pleas for something to entertain him. With the recent activity from the volcano, which had proved to a delighting fire-work he had sought land that would provide cover from the falling ash and he had found it. It would seem that many other wolves were drawn to the ash free, area's instead of nestling in their dens and in their packs. The number of rouges he had recently encountered had grown sharply, a detail about the land that surprised him. When he had first come here, it seemed the majority of creatures he would meet would be of packs not trying to rough in the big bad land.

His attention would be drawn from the shadows where he would lurk by the sultry scent of female. His oddly colored eyes would be drawn to her form, watching her as she moved. She was young, but coming into adulthood soon and still so very small. A delightful smirk curved on his gums as he allowed his mind to entertain itself with dark thoughts. He moved in the shadows, following her and watched with interest as she caught and killed herself a meal. So she was sufficient enough to stand on her own?

When she spoke, her delicate tones a challenge a chuckle rumbled from deep within him. He would watch her for a moment, stepping from the shadows, his ivory bodice breaking from the darkness. A shrimp she was compared to him. Though he was not the largest beast in the land, he was significant in size. He would stalk forward, his steps quiet as he approached her from the front, the chuckle still reverberating in his chest. Ears tipped forward with his head, as he looked down at her. His jaws would part, words coming out in a deep baritone note, "What a delicate flower you are, my sweet, to summon from the belly of the beast and alas you only get the beast himself." He would then fall silent, his head tilting slightly as she waited for the tones of apology or astounding fear he had grown to expect from the females he encountered, though he prayed that she was a spitfire.


01-24-2014, 06:45 PM

Now Akemi was used to males thinking they were big, bold, and bad. But none, other than those of her own blood, had yet to earn any respect in her eyes. A chuckle, male, as she might has suspected. He was, of course, taller than her, and bigger. More muscled. But in Akemi's eyes size didn't matter. Her red gaze would narrow, boldly standing her ground as this brute approached her. He walked quietly, and clearly with confidence. His words would bring a snort of disgust at his words.

"Delicate flower? What the hell went and dropped poison in your eyes, Beast?" Her words came sharp, and she straightened herself, fangs flashing for the briefest of moments. If there was one thing the female couldn't stand was to be completely thought of as a pathetic, dainty female. Her gaze would flash with challenge, but she wouldn't move. Not yet.

The female would speak again. "...and as for meeting the Beast, well, I've heard the line before, brute... and I assure you none lived up to such a title." But a flash of amusement passed in her eyes. "If you are the Beast... then impress me." The challenge hung in the air, Akemi would let a smirk appear on her lips. "Just be aware, that if those skills are against me, the cost of losing, should you have lied, are not going to be slight." A dainty tongue would pass over her lips. Would he inquire as to what that was? Was he bold enough to not give the chance of failure a second thought? Or would he perhaps show his nature in some other way, rather than in a fight against her? Her gaze would fix upon the male. Make your move, Beast.




4 Years
01-24-2014, 08:02 PM
ooc: have permission from Keno and Roman to throw in Baldur lol

FWWOOOSHHHH!!! A torrent of water burst from the ground, spiraling up toward the sky. Baldur let out a whoop of joy, tail wagging excitedly back and forth. He'd been waiting all day to catch a glimpse of the geyser before the summer supposedly rendered it dormant. Finally?. the wait had just about killed him. Seriously, it really very nearly had. It was like a weight had finally lifted from his shoulders. Then slowly, slowly the geyser gurgled and bubbled and sunk back into the earth.

Grinning he got to his feet and took off toward the south again. Baldur really had no idea where he was headed or why but today felt like a good day to head south and so he had.

Baldur wasn't to far in his journey when a family scent caught his nose. No? it couldn't be?. He turned sharply to pursue the scent of Akemi, his little sister. Had she left the pack as well? His pace turned into a run and soon he came upon a fae who seemed to be taunting a brute who was several times larger than her. Yup. Had to be Akemi. He took stock of the situation, trying to decide if he should intervene or let her get her butt whooped. If she was being a little shit he certainly had no need to intervene.

That said, though, he hadn't seen her in forever! He dived right for her, intent on sliding to a halt as close as he could get and if he accidentally bumped into her, oh well! "AKEMI! Hey, little sis! What in Hel's name are you doing here?"

His ears flicked back as he noticed the other male. "And you are?" Something about the other brute made Baldur a bit nervous but he hadn't attacked Akemi or anything so maybe he wasn't that bad.


01-25-2014, 09:23 AM

His eyes would be capture by the little wraith, eyes not saving one inch of her as they raked over her being, taking time to appreciate every curve of her youthful bodice. How easily, he could take her. The dark corners of his mind would coil, rising as she spoke. Ah, the little spitfire. 'Delicate flower? What the hell went and dropped poison in your eyes, Beast?' Her fiery verbose brought a loud chuckle from his jaws. "Ah little spitfire, I think it was the strike of lust that poisoned me." He would reply, a smirk donning the ebony contours of his jaws. She would go on, un-moving aside from her dainty little jaws, '..and as for meeting the Beast, well, I've heard the line before, brute... and I assure you none lived up to such a title.'

He'd rest to his rump, completely unconcerned about her. After all she was merely a flea compared to he. "My adore, I assure you that I am the one who made the title of the beast. Should I delve into the pleasures of my crimes for you?" He'd pause for a minute, listening to her speech, daring him to do something. "You don't want me to hurt you, pet, and I'm considering other ways of entertaining myself with you tonight." It would seem that he couldn't catch a break, as another creature appeared, nearly barreling into the dame. An annoyed sigh left him at the speech of the new wolf, and when the creature spoke to him, asking who he was, he just flopped onto his side onto the ground with an exasperated sigh. "God, I cannot catch a break."


02-01-2014, 04:10 AM

The strike of lust? The female would narrow her eyes slightly at this. Did this male dare think she was some little whore, like her damned mother, who would simply allow a male to stick it in her because he held power? Well, not that this man had showed her anything... but if he didn't watch himself he was going to meet a little furry ball of anger... and teeth. She would flick her ears back as he went on. Honestly, brutes. It was a wonder she liked to be around even her brother's at times. But then again they weren't like this wolf. She wasn't stupid, and she knew very well what his plans would consist of.

"Not a chance in Hell of that happening, brute." She would growl. Then in came another. At first she was going to snap at him, especially since he nearly bowled her over, but once she recognized the scent the snarl faded, and instead she gave a spoiled brat type of "Hmph!" But even though she had been trying to have fun with this male it seemed Baldur would make his scene. She couldn't help but giggle as the other male flopped over. Poor thing got cock-blocked by her older brother.

Akemi would look to Baldur, deciding to speak for the other since he obviously didn't seem too keen on talking to her snowy brother. "This would be the one who, according to himself, created the title of Beast. Though I've yet to see any sort of display of this as of yet, and I currently have my doubts." The girl was reckless, speaking in a manner that could very well set the brute on the ground off at any given moment depending on his temperament.

talk, think



4 Years
02-01-2014, 11:36 AM

Baldur rolled his eyes and snickered as the other male flopped to his side. "My, my aren't we the drama queen this morning?" It occurred to Baldur that he'd just blocked a romantic advance by the male to his sister and thought just made him grin. Poor puppy? though what Akemi saw in the brute he didn't know but Baldur wasn't nearly as over-protective as Thor and it was her body so if she wanted to bed this fool he'd let her. Though knowing Akemi she was more interested in starting a fight and nothing got males more wound up than wounded pride.

"This would be the one who, according to himself, created the title of Beast. Though I've yet to see any sort of display of this as of yet, and I currently have my doubts."

"Aye, not many a beast would bare his belly to a stranger, but you probably aren't poking him hard enough. Sister, as always I caution you against prodding sleeping bears but if you want him? by all means, go get him." Baldur gestured with his right paw toward the brute. He wouldn't interrupt their little spat. Not as long as it didn't stray to life-threatening or more ominous activities.