
We can have a talk, among great beasts


02-20-2014, 10:15 PM

It was time, taking care of whelps had made her more or less wanting to move on. This was not a suitable place to live, with the pups, and with Ryouta's plan to be an alphess, it was even as Vahva said any day these caverns would collapse since they were not naturally made. As it stood she was getting tired of breathing in dust, and it wasn't exactly healthy for the children that she had become attached to. A magnificent empire, this was what Ryouta thought of. Two of their children would marry, and they would be the heir's to this throne of theirs. The empire would be one to fear, but it would still be one to be trusted. Though evil, in return she would trade loyalty for comfort. And the gods would grace her, Zakuro would graze her unlike any other had. This was her plan, and this was what she needed to speak with her beloved about. As the days would be getting hotter as well, they needed to find a new home to start their dastardly reign and raise these little whelps magnificently.
Ryouta pulled her tongue over Lyre's ears as she looked at the five pups that were surrounding her fluffy fur. Raven would be returning from her patrol round soon, and that was when they could speak. Moving the whelps would be difficult, so perhaps Vahva would come by and be able to help them. The wonderful lady had done them a service, and Ryu herself had learned perhaps it'd be better if they lived closer to their magnificent blue maned healer. Her tail flicked, and she purred like a wolf at the thought of it.



02-20-2014, 10:33 PM

Tea cupped paws of the darkest ebony would make no sound upon the cold stone as the wraith swept through the caverns many tunnels, making sure nothing was there to harm her family. Finally satisfied with what she found, or lack thereof, she slowly traipsed back to where her beloved eternal grinner awaited her with their children. The stink of a large group of outsiders who had invaded while they were out, escaping the ash cloud, was still rapidly fading. The carcass of a long dead bat, rotting in the dank air, presented itself before her. Carefully would she step over it, screwing up her features in disgust for the thing left behind by those intruders. Her necklace of a hummingbird's skull bounced jovially about her throat, and she absently licked at the displaced chest fur.
Finally the magnificent sight of Ryu and their children presented itself to her dual toned optics, and she smiled. "My my, don't you look lovely." Sultry tones would murmur affectionately as she strode up, caressing the cheek of her lover with a long salmon tongue. Upon seeing the distressed look upon the features of her giantess, an eyebrow was quirked. "Is something wrong, my love? You look like something is bothering you." She whispered, settling herself down so she was wrapped around the other side of the pile of babes, and tilted her chin up to touch her little black nose to the chin of her mate affectionately. Long tail would give a feline flick at the tip, as her alluring optics fixed themselves upon the face of her beloved.



02-20-2014, 10:53 PM

Raven returned like she would know, and would greet the woman with tones of affection and worry. Happily taking the touch of her beloved little bird. Those sweet tones sent shivers down the large beasts spine. Her tail curled around Orochi who was near her hind legs sleeping soundly next to his brother Laufey. Ryouta dug in the scent of the strangers. That was another reason, the mines were hard to keep others out of. "There's a lot on my mind my love. But most is that this no longer feels like home. Strangers easily intrude, and the children are having trouble breathing with the dust and it quiet frankly pisses me off myself." She snorted slightly with a flick of her ear. "I am going to get a pack for us Raven, we will have a home, an empire for ourselves and our children to grow up in, but not here." her blue eyes moved over to Raven.
"I wish to move closer to our little maned friend, a better place to live to settle and build our empire." She closed her eyes and grumbled taking in a deep breath, her chest fur fluffy and puffing out as she then let it go. "My gods will grace me in my path, and they will grace our children. I am ambitious, and I want more than the life I live now. I sound like one of those putrid angels of the lighter alignments, but I am simply bored of my life here. The most action I get are the males where these furs come from." Ryouta said looking at the furs. "What do you think Raven? Are you listening to the rants of a mad man?" she smirked, even though she was already an eternal grinner.



02-20-2014, 11:24 PM

The rippling of powerful muscle along the spine of the eternal grinner, brought a soft grin to play upon the features of the wispy shadow. She listened intently to the onslaught of words from her beloved, dual toned optics intent upon the features of the giantess as she watched her dark lips form her long speech. "I understand Ryu, you would like for the children to be safe, and our home not so easily invaded." She murmured, before her mate spoke once more, of plans of vast grandeur for their small, growing family. The woman's soft grin grew upon her sharp features, mischievous and eager. She would much desire a throne, to be able to rule over a Kingdom grand and strong. Her family would soon tremble at her dainty paws, and she would punish them for their sins, with a tiara between her audits. She nodded in response to her beloved's statement, agreeing that this place was not completely suitable for what Ryu had planned. When there was mention of the blue maned dame, the silken tendrils along the spine of the wraith lifted slightly in mild aggression. "Why are you suddenly so fascinated with Vahva? Do you prefer her electric mane and red eyes to my black coat and ice and lavender eyes? Or do you like that she is bigger than me? More powerful?" She growled, one eyebrow raised as she demanded information from the giantess. "Or do you like better that she is not fat and flabby from bearing children?" She would murmur, her emotions suddenly fallen when that particular chord was struck. She tried to hard to be beautiful and sexy, because if she had not that, what could Ryu possibly want of her?
When the giantess mentioned that she was bored of her life in the mines, and that she had not been receiving any action other than from the males that provided the furs they slept on, and the vaguely male smelling coats even further below that. The obsidian tresses upon her back would rise further as she heaved herself into a half standing pose, her front half slightly above the ground. "Would you rather we fucked more? Because if it bothers you so much, I will fuck you right here and now, right in front of the children, if it really bugs you!" She growled angrily, glaring daggers at her mate. Her hormones were wildly out of whack, even after such a while after the babes had been expelled from her womb, she was still recovering. Long tail would lash angrily, beating upon the ground and forcing a youngster to stir near her own rear. She moved immediately, caressing the child with her tongue to soothe it back to sleep, little Lilith squirmed back into her place, curled up in a niche between Seva and Lyre. Dual toned optics would flick back up to the features of her eternal grinner with a demanding, pissy expression.



02-20-2014, 11:37 PM

Ryouta would be enjoying her lovers words, until the last bit, wait, even then she was delighted that Raven was even getting jealous. This whole time she thought Raven didn't think of her as a suitable mate, and her grin widened as the bitch began to spew on a hormonal rage. Ryouta pulled herself up, making sure not to disturb the little balls of fur in the nest. "Vahva isn't more powerful than you Raven, and your beauty cannot be topped by anyone since you are the only one who is beautiful in my eyes." She started to laugh nearly uncontrollably. "I am happy, I am happy you got jealous. You are not fat, these little balls of fur are fatter than you because they are children. Look at me." Ryu spread her limbs, showing off thick muscles, and high fat count naturally. After all she weighed two hundred pounds, and that was fat, for a woman.
"I love you my sweet, no need to fret. I simply need Vahva for her herbs, if you want her gone we can search for a proper healer, or have her teach us. Then she is out of the way. I just find it funny how scared she gets in front of me." her tail wagged as she walked up to raven. She set her head on her lowers, licking it to try and console her. "Zakuro would not be happy if I had an interest in other women than you. After all, he is my god out of the three that I follow after. He would probably send me a dream tearing my head off." She looked at the whelps. "Also, I want to pair one of my children with yours, to ensure a pure blood lines. And heirs to our empire that will follow my gods....if you don't mind." Her tail would come to rest on her back. "THEN WE CAN JUST BE BAT SHIT CRAZY BITCHES TOGETHER!" She laughed, opening her jaws to let more air out since of the dust.



02-21-2014, 12:25 AM

The hardly concealed grin upon the features of the giantess started making the ebony temptress even angrier, that her mate was laughing at her for her logical fears. She heaved herself to her feet, glaring directly into the oceanic optics of her beloved and whipping her tail back and forth. Then the rumbling vocals of the giantess immediately worked to soothe the fragile nerves of the wraith, asserting that she was indeed much more beautiful and powerful than Vahva, and the only one Ryu cared for. Slowly the woman settled, seating herself upon the terra slowly and staring up into the deep blue orbs of her eternal grinner. Her beloved assured her that she was not fat, and to prove the point heaved herself to her feet to display the layer of fat over her rippling muscles. Rumbling tones would explain to the obsidian temptress that Vahva was only in the picture for her knowledge of healing, or until someone better came along. A soft smile came to play at the sharp features of the bitch as the enormous crown of her mate fell upon her own, a large tongue caressing the place where she wore an imaginary tiara of her own. The mention of a foreign, intriguing name brought a perk to the audits of the woman, who put two and two together to determine that this was an unknown deity. Ryu had not mentioned gods before, and these were ones that the sultry shadow did not recognize, which was a shock to her in itself.
An interesting thought crossed the ebony lips of her beloved, and the dual toned optics of the dark pelted dame flicked upwards to study the expression of her mate. An impossibly wonderful plot, one that the lady enjoyed quite immensely. "I like this idea, I think Seva holds promise, and he seems to carry the genes for my eyes, which future generations should have." She replied, her voice a gentle murmur as she cast her gaze to the boy in question, who was snoring the faintest of snores as he slept, occasionally twitching as he dreamt little puppy dreams. As the eternal grinner continued on, a soft grin would paint itself upon the features of the femme. "I would enjoy that, and I do not wish to be left out of this, I have been one to worship all deities, so I will not be left out of an afterlife." She chuckled, resting her tiara upon the broad, powerful shoulder of her mate as she gazed lovingly at the woman. When the immense woman suddenly burst out with a raucous cry, Raven could not help but laugh deliriously in reply. "Of course! What else would there be to do for us?" Came her sarcastic reply as she nipped at her lover's jaw affectionately. Long plume would strike the cold stone of the floor jovially as she tenderly gazed down at her children, previous outburst all but forgotten now.



02-24-2014, 05:49 PM

Ryouta watched Raven calm, and it was obvious that now she understood all of it. Her attention turned to the five bundles of fur that they had. Her insane eyes dark, deepening with the ambitious thoughts. And the returning scratching at the edge of her brain. "Lyre seems to be a rowdy one, no doubt she'll be hard to tame but I believe she will make a strong leader. Even if in the end they do not want to marry, they will be raised on it and we shall see what happens. One of them though will be chosen in time to be the heir." she explained and pressed against Raven happily. Thinking of what the women and men would look like when they would grow, into fine warriors, fine murderers and even more so dedicated to the trustworthy members of their family. "Do you wish to hear of my three gods then? I would like to base the pack upon their guidelines as such is simply live how you wish to be lived by. Not now, but perhaps we should implement it into lessons, for the young ones as well. I want to teach them to speak backwards tongue, and in which my name is native from japanese." Ryouta noted with a nod.
She pulled over to the end of the large cavern into the railway that led to the exit. "Shall we call for the blue peasant to help us move the whelps?" She asked sort of rather in permission with a raised eyebrow. After all, they could move them two at a time but that still left one pup left behind with no protection. And the hell she went through to birth these sons of bitches she was not going to let them die so easily.
