
Swing Life Away-Ghost- [MATURE]


03-20-2013, 02:49 PM

The scent carried on the wind, tempting him, calling him,putting his hair on end and clouding his thoughts. He had sworn an oath. He swore he would wait until he found a suitable mate before he partook of sins of flesh...Well....Hadn't he found a mate? Yes. Sort of. They were still practically strangers...That was enough wasn't it? No! He had intended to only indulge himself with his chosen mate....Then again there was no proof it WASN'T her... At that he lost all control and bolted after the sickeningly sweet scent, tongue lulling out of his mouth eagerly as he propelled himself closer and closer to his target. It was deafening. The desire, the need, it was hard to go from a full time breeder to an abstinent knight in the short time he had been in Seracia and as he moved closer and closer toward the scent he knew he was moments away from breaking his vow.

He stopped suddenly, catching his breath, breathing the scent in deeper...And yet, underneath all that lust he felt...guilt. He was going to betray Ghost, who had given him so much love and devotion for a fling. He thought of turning back at that moment...But what if....What if it was Ghost? He was too far off to tell. His heart soared at the thought of finding her, begging him to help her...And damn would he ever. It was all the assertion he needed to keep running. To get closer to the scent, to find out just what awaited him on the other side of Seracia. Would his abstinence finally end today?



03-20-2013, 03:04 PM
The dames heat had come upon her quickly, but it barely effected the fae. She acted as the same aloof creature. Regal, calm, collected, vacant. The only time her heat had been acted upon, she had been raped, by her own kin no less. She ignored it to the best of her ability... but now she supposed she shouldn't surely all who inhabited the area would smell such a musk. Would Segar come for her? Would Octavian? Would there be an epic battle of bloodshed and death to determine a winner? She hoped not. Neither knight deserved to be wounded for her sake.

She glided through the trees with ease, the voices, a constant murmur in the back of her cranium, but not overbearing, she was at peace, at ease. Her bodice weaved through the trees, fur and flesh as always, perfect, flawless. She had no destination in mind, merely wandering until the pounding of pads against the earth reached her ears. She paused and turned, audits swiveling forward in attention as Segar burst into her vision, almost slamming into her. A gentle smile curled the corners of her mouth.

"Good day Segar. Where are you off too in such a hurry?" She chuckled softly, quietly. Bemused at his heaving chest and slightly disoriented appearance. Surely he was not rushing to her.


03-20-2013, 03:16 PM

He came to a sudden stop as he reached the source of the must. It was Ghost. IT WAS GHOST! He felt like crying out in joy at the fact that even if he was, by some sheer stroke of luck allowed to court her his vow would go unbroken. He could devote himself entirely to her and never feel guilt or shame. She asked him what he was doing. Good. Now was his chance. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out, instead awkward fragments and noises that had the potential to be words slipped from his maw. He chuckled nervously and regained his composure. "Nothing." He squeaked. In another time Segar had always been straight forward with his wants and desires, and yet here he was, a veritable man whore, choking on his own words, fumbling for a proper greeting with his voice cracking every setp of the way. "What has become of you Segar?"



03-20-2013, 03:24 PM
She watched him, silver hued orbs trailing across his slightly frazzled form. Just how long had he been running? Her plume dusted the earth behind her, rocks and dirt being brushed with the languid strands. His maw fell open to speak, bt no sound escaped him only stuttered fragments and chipped sounds. She frowned a bit, curious as to why he stumbled over his speech. Slowly, easily, she approached him, drawing closer.

"Nothing? After everything I have told you surely you can trust me with this no?" She had smelled no prey, no delicious hint of deer nor hare... so where was he so boldly flying off too? Ghosts interest was piqued. Surely he would tell her? She knew his darkest secrets why would her deny her this? her breath remained calm and even as she drew up before him.


03-20-2013, 03:35 PM
The brute wandered the lands of Seracia and wondered where his companion was. A scent hit his nose which seemed to smell like Ghost but not quite like her. His white eyes widened as he realized she was in her heat then. Only until the scent of another brute hit his nose as well. The wolf knew he should have asked Ghost earlier; he was going to but didn't know what had happened that had stopped him before. Octavian cursed under his breath as e broke into a run towards the dame's scent wherever she may be, along with that other brute who smelt like a Seracian.

Many thoughts ran through his mind as he ran past trees and leaped over rocks. What if she was to be taken already. Then what would he do. It was all so confusing of how he felt at the moment. What did he have, he only had Ghost, his only friend. But he had wanted more than that and was so close. The brute was mad at himself and it showed.

After the quick run he fell upon the white dame and the new Seracian Segar.

"Ghost" he cried out as he came upon the scene.

The onyx and white wolf stood silently as he waited for a reply. This was a bit awkward for him and his ears felt hot. Octavian's head hurt as his heart pounded in his chest. He knew noting of what to do next besides wait for an answer. Did Segar fancy Ghost too, or did he only want her for her heat. But the brute kept himself composed as he stood there and waited.


03-20-2013, 04:20 PM

Her scent assaulted his senses, dulling any moment of clarity he might have had as she stepped closer to him. His breath caught in his throat, memories of the two of them huddled together in his den, him soothing her, and her grooming his ego. Had it only been a few days ago that she had come to him, plagued by nightmares? He swallowed the growing lump in his throat.

"I came for yo-"

"Ghost!" the other male cried, cutting the rust colored wolf short. Octavian. Of all the males in Alacrita why did it have to be him? The only one he knew could best him in both his affections for Ghost and in battle. No. He wouldn't back down and let him take her from him. Not when he was so close to the life he had dreamed of. The life he wanted so desperately...The life with her.



03-21-2013, 01:29 AM
Ghost felt comfortable with the brute whom she had only just met. Octavian was pure, pure of heart and pure of soul. His eyes burned with passion and power, untainted by darkness, he knew nothing of her past, nothing of how utterly broken her mind was. He cared for her beauty, not her insanity. Segar knew only the fragmented side of her, only the demons that plagued her. She and he were two sides of the same coin, both wrought with darkness and chaos... but he knew nothing of her carefree demeanor.

Opposing figures, opposites and yet here they met, seemingly both here for the same reason. Her. But why? Why fight for something that was so obviously disjointed? She would never be normal, she would never be perfect. She would forever be tainted, no matter how she was healed, whether by memory or by mind, she would never get better.

"Octavian... what brings you this far south?" Aloof, distant, whimsical. Octavian did not know of her demons and she intended to keep it that way. She remained beside Segar, neither drawing closer, nor moving away. She was unsure how to go about this, she wanted no bloodshed, but something told her she would not be so lucky.


03-21-2013, 06:54 AM
The brute stood there as his sudden anger washed away. Why should he show anger; it does not help anything. He did love Ghost he did; he did not care about looks but her heart. There was something she was hiding from him but he did not care before. But now nothing really mattered anymore.

When the dame asked him of what brought him this far south the wolf could only keep his composure. She was here with Segar and him and had asked him what had brought him this far South, an impeccable question. Of course he had been here for her but alas the tables had to be turned so he would be the one to turn them.

"Is it not obvious? I have come here for you but it seems that I may have been replaced. But I see how it is; a man knows when he is no longer needed." he said in a calm straightforward tone.

So Octavian stood there but he wanted this to go away, what mattered anymore. So the male decided to spill out his thoughts before her and figure things out after.

"Ghost, I bid you well and hope our friendship will not cease but?I do not know of anything anymore as it seems. Before I depart my mind is just flashing back to the memories we had so far. Like the first time I laid my eyes upon you at Crystal Falls, no I had not forgotten about that. And then how I had remembered you when we had fallen upon each other in the Whispering Caves. Was I not the only one out of many to notice the Ghost that seemed to float through life; and how we enjoyed a swim at Sunset Falls ever so recently? You have given me great memories which I will cherish until my soul departs this land. But?I was going to ask you to be my mate after our swim were to end but?I do not know of what happened next. It is my fault?and I apologize that I have not been the friend I had tried to be. I?m sorry I really am....

Octavian was sorry indeed but he knew he now had the upper paw. Would be the better man, of course he would. The brute only had to do it to accomplish it. So the male walked up closer towards the two wolves before him. His white gaze almost piercing their own; yet the wolf kept himself composed.

It was true now, they had seemed to switch roles and Octavian took her burden. The dame didn't even adhere to her name anywhere besides the color of her pelt. But Octavian surprisingly did not fight. He did not fight for the sake of the peace for the inhabitants of Seracia. If there was to be a fight it would break that peace that was in the small kingdom. The brute did not want that, the pack came before him now and he would gladly lay down his life for it.

Then the wolf turned to Segar and only had seven words for him.

"Some battles aren't meant to be fought."

And this was not one of them; Octavian wasn't saying Ghost wasn't worth it but now it wasn't. Lastly the man turned back towards Ghost to say one last thing before he left.

"It seems you have slipped through my paws yet you may not really care anymore. But you used to be the Ghost, the one who was not to be seen. But I saw you; I knew you were there, no longer invisible. And since now that you are clearly seen and I am becoming invisible to even you. Now you are the wolf, no longer gliding through life.....and I the phantom. he said as he put emphasis on the word phantom.

Then only did the black, gray, and white brute turned away without another word. He walked away casually but seemed to glide along the Earth such as a phantom. Now the brute was invisible to them both yet he was still there. Octavian wondered if Ghost would forget him a few days from now; but he should not care, he didn't.

So as the brute sauntered away to find another friend or someone to just talk to a thought reached his mind. Here he was again, right back at the starting line. Alone, yet again with no one to turn to. Only when his figure completely disappeared did the brute let his emotions overtake him. A knight did not cry...but then again he was only canine.

The trees swayed as the wind blew through and ruffled his fur. His white gaze looked up towards the sky. At least no one was here to beat him anymore that was one thing to be grateful for. And he had his sister Loccian and newfound brother Pontifex. But then again, why did he just give up like that. No, Octavian was not a coward; he was one to be the better man and know when to walk away. His second chance was blown, would there ever be a third. Maybe there was no hope for the brute; perhaps he was damned to a life in hell such as this.

But what did he do to deserve such a life. Be born to an abusive father; have his first love killed. Lose his siblings only to regroup now? He knew he was treated ever so badly because he would not give into his father's evil ways. He could never be the cold-hearted wolf his father wanted him to be. Was Octavian simply too nice. Was he just the peaceful wolf that did not shed blood for something that was not worth it? The wolf did not know anymore, all he knew that he was just Octavian, the phantom now floating through the rest of his life.

-Exit Octavian-


03-21-2013, 10:47 AM

The brute left asswiftly as he came. As the other knight left his eyes drifted to Ghost. It would all be up to her now to decide who of the two would be better for her. She had vented her secrets to Segar, but she had many more moments with Ghost. So many more memories. And although the thought of losing her made his blood boil, it was not his decision to make. A secret jealousy burned for Octavian, a secret desire to watch him crumble. Why? Because he was just so damn perfect. He was a noble, strong, brave soul and the thought of losing Ghost to him burned at his heart like a forest fire. "It seems we both have the fortune of being smitten by you." He said quietly. He knew what was coming next. The hurry of rushed paws as she ran after him and fulfilled his wildest fantasies.Because he was the better man in all this.



03-21-2013, 02:24 PM
Ghost remained still, taking Octavian's words and feeling the guilt creep as it etched along her spine. It was not an emotion she was akin to feeling and it ate at her. The voices in her head purred to her, talking animatedly back and forth placing their two cents on this entire confrontation. Octavian spoke truth he saw her when she had tried so hard to be invisible. He sought her out when no one else knew she existed. Ghost had been drifting through notions never dedicating herself to anyone or anything. Octavian had brought her here, Octavian had given her a name, Octavian had given her a purpose. She deserved his anger and his hatred.

It was all of this knowledge that brought the silver fae to her decision. Octavian was perfect, a genuine soul with a kind and just heart. He would be the perfect fit for any wolf with good intentions. Noble, honorable, kind, gentle, even retreating from the war of egos when he could so easily have merely forced her into a caged mating, regardless of her own feelings and emotions. All of this reasons made him an incredible match... but that was just it. Ghost, herself, was far from incredible. He knew nothing of the shadows that plagued her past, her brother who had lain siege to her body, taking her innocence and her mind with him. He knew nothing of her destroyed mental capacities. He only knew her as Ghost, the quite, isolated dame that spoke only when necessary, that he had chosen, only God knew why, to be his own. But he deserved so much better than she, she knew that, and she was only doing him injustice but answering his proclamation, not that he gave her much time to speak as it were.

Ghost did not know if she even had the capacity to love... and what kind of relationship would that be? He would adore her unconditionally, she knew, but would she ever be able to return it? What kind of relationship would that be? He would crave her companionship, her affection, and what could she give it aside from nightmares and aloofness even in the best of times. It wasn't fair to him. Octavian did not give her the chance to speak, he spoke his peace, turned, and fled.

For a moment the silver hued dame was paralyzed by indecision. She had never had a choice to make before this day, at least not to this caliber, but did she chase after Octavian or did she stay? Would Octavian even listen if she spoke? Of course he would. Octavian was perfect. Segar's sinful tones caressed the shell of her ear and she shook her head gently.

"It would be wrong of me, to fuel Octavian's passions. I do not love him the way he had professed to me here today. It is unfair of me to lie of emotions I do not feel. He needs someone pure, perfect, kind. I can be none of these things and although he does not yet know it I have done him a favor this day. My mind is so broken, so damaged... he does not know the extent of my illness." Her tones were soft and smooth as glass as she answered the handsome gent, her eyes flickering to his sudden solemn expression.

"You deserve far more than I too. Why either of you would fight for something so wrong is beyond me."


03-21-2013, 03:43 PM

"It is because you are so prefect." He said quietly. his eyes on the ground in front of him. "Do you only stay with me now because you believe you are imperfect?" He already knew he was second best in Seracia, why he needed to hear her of all people say it was beyond him. Why he begged the question that would only cause him pain was a mystery. And yet he did not regret asking. He needed to know how she felt about him, maybe even give her a reason to leave. Octavian was after all perfect. He knew the words she'd never say to him, and even heard them in her voice "I'm staying because I love you." His eyes shut quickly. He was being foolish again. Thinking he deserved her. She would always be beautiful to him, and her scars and demons only intensified his infatuation for her. To him it was anything but a plague. It was a reason to stay with her, and care for her, because she needed him. Needed to be next to him at night and run with him in the mornings. But it just wasn't meant to be. "You are very much pure, perfect, and kind." He said quietly. "And if it is your inability to see this that has drawn you to stay here with me, then you are making a grave decision. You too are perfect. And you deserve to be with him." He said solemly, his heart shattering to a million pieces as he spoke.



03-21-2013, 04:07 PM
Rage, yet another emotion the fae was unfamiliar with swept over her form like a crashing storm. Silver hued eyes narrowed in indignation as he twisted her words the wrong way, but just as swiftly as it came over her, it vanished, and she was left relatively silenced. her tail fluttered to the left and the right behind her, a nervous habit, a tick. Words had never been her strong suit and that seemed to be the case now. The way she had spoken, what she had spoken, the voices told her of how horrible it must have sounded. She spoke as if he was not all of the great things she knew Octavian to be, she successfully shattered both males in the span of five minutes... why had her brother not the decency to kill her?

"No... you like everyone else had been bewitched by my beauty, so much so that you ignore how destroyed I am. I speak these things not because you are any less than Octavian, but because you are all those things and more. You both are incredible wolves, with wondrous hearts, and I am fragmented pieces of a complete soul." She murmured softly, anger having already dissipatated. She hung her own head, tail ceasing its restless movements and coiling almost protectively around her haunches.

"I stayed because all of those proclamations Octavian has made I feel for you and I am selfish. I should set the two of you free. Vanish back into the trees, I am quite good at becoming my namesake. You deserve far better than I and I know that, but I can't bring myself to leave." The voices for once grew silent, and utter silence rung inside her crown.


03-21-2013, 04:28 PM

He froze as her gentle voice touched his ears. Everything stood still for a moment,or at least that's how it felt. He felt a sudden weightlessness, his head spinning as the meaning behind her words crashed against him like a wave. She...Loved him? That's what Octavian had essentially told her, he had said he wanted her to be his mate after all. Did she...Want to be his mate? His head was reeling with his own thoughts. "I...Feel the same way." He said, looking into her eyes "I do not care what you feel I deserve. Because what I want is you." He said, his heart racing inside its chest to the point that he thought it might burst out of his ribs any second now. This was love. She loved him. And he loved her. He couldn't help but laugh, overcome with relief and joy. Without hesitation he leaned forward and kissed her cheek, his tail wagging with new found fervor.



03-23-2013, 01:22 AM
Silence, was such a rare treat for the ivory fae. Rarely was her mind her own, but she found this new found emotion coupled with the guilt she felt, seemed to silence her mind. They knew not of what to speak and so they remained silenced. She was able to see clearly, hear clearly, think clearly. She saw the male, truly saw him for the first time and she found herself captivated by him. Perhaps he could help her heal, could help her return to even a fraction of the powerful mistress she once was... what an impossible dream that was.

Her heart stuttered, beating sinfully within the confines of her ribcage as he returned her affections. Real or not he had spoken them and a second later he was bounding towards her, tongue caressing her cheek and tail moving fast enough to become a blur behind him. A rumble vibrated through her chest, a soft, contented purr, she rose to greet him properly, her maw brushing against his own and her tongue escaping parted lip to lave the spot behind his ear, as she pressed closer to him. "If you love me and I love you... what are we beloved Segar?" Silken tones of honey would pour from her mouth as she awaited his answer.


03-23-2013, 06:08 PM

He smiled, pressing his head to hers as he spoke "It is not what we are, but what we should be" He was ready now, ready to take the final step and commit to her entirely. "Ghost. Mi Amor, be my mate. Stay with me and only me. Forever." He said, devotion clouding his green eyes. He knew then he could never leave her, never stray, never do anything that would hurt her. She meant too much to him. She was too big a part of his life for him to ever betray her. He rested his paw on top of hers, grinning gleefully as he pressed his nose to hers lightly. He had no regrets, even if she turned him down at this point he wouldn't care. He had her at that moment and she owned him entirely.

-End Thread-
