
My Sister's Keeper

Twig I


01-22-2014, 05:48 PM

The woman would continue on her journey, hoping beyond hope that she would catch scent of one of her siblings. The necessities of life would wind themselves within her movements and trip her up where ever she went. This time her search would be for the life giving water, her thirst needed quenched. Following the scent of water in the air Ashley would let her feet follow it to the bank of a river. It's expanse seemed endless, the winding of its large body would take her over the horizon and onward. It was a temptation in itself to just follow the river forever, had she not her task at hand she would have done it.
Her approach was slow, like that of a lover taking his time. She wanted to enjoy this experience, the gentle sound of the water's gurgle would tickle her ears. Slowly her crown would dip to its surface, allowing her salmon colored tongue to lap up the refreshing liquid. She would become satisfied of her drink, as her head pulled up once more she would let a sigh of contentment flow from parched lips. The mild spring sun would continue rising above her, its rays coaxing the damp grass to dry. She would for a moment lose herself in the beauty of the day, right before an astounding scent found her nose. Angel
Her body would grow rigid, and for a moment she would doubt herself, could it truly be her little sister was really here? She could already feel their bodies embracing, it had been two months she was searching for them, and now finally could her sibling really be within her grasp?



01-22-2014, 10:33 PM

Rise of the morning sun had sent the young girl out to the river. She had been sticking around the area for a few days while pondering where to go next. It was peaceful here, something she enjoy, the tranquility life had to offer. Refreshed she had hunted to fill her slim tummy before a morning nap took the rest of her day. Laying among the tall grass and reeds, it was not hard to conceal her petite form from eyes view. Her dreams she had wished were for more peaceful than what she had received. Haunted by fights, yelling, discontent and confusing voices of her family crowded her sleep. She would wake with a shaky breath.

Even in sleep the turmoil of her family followed her everywhere. Sure she loved them dearly but she was so sensitive to their emotions and everything going on she had pushed herself away. She had watched everything from a distance, watch her siblings leave one by one disappearing from her life. Till the point she was only left. She had to bring them back together again, and find the brother they had all hated. Pale icy blue orbs blinked open as she rolled onto her back to stare up at the clouds. Lazily she pawed at the reeds, black tail tip twitching slowly. Where would she try next or should she linger here for abit longer? She batted at the reeds, paws raising high and visible. She had no clue someone was very close, let alone it be one of her older sisters.

I can talk!

Twig I


01-24-2014, 04:19 PM

She was sure that Madieke had visited this place recently, her scent was so fresh she could have been lying in the grass somewhere. Her crown would reach it's full height as she drew herself up to her full 29 inches. She could feel a nervousness build up within the pit of her stomach as she thought about what this could possibly mean. She wouldn't have to travel alone anymore, she'd have her sister there by her side again. They could look for the rest of the family together, and neither of them would have to worry about coming home to a lonely den. Her violet gaze would search the reeds around her, hoping to see a shape moving away.. or even. Paws! Two white paws not much smaller than her own would lift into the air.
A bark of pure bliss would leave the cross marked girl's mouth as she felt her tail begin to wag rapidly. This had to be her sister, this had to be Angel. She would whine as words slipped from her inky lips, "Sister?! Madieke?" She would take a tentative step towards the spot she hoped her kin was laying. So close was she to reuniting with the one she'd searched for. Almost four months had passed since she had taken sight of her...

I can talk!


01-30-2014, 02:56 PM

She started to hum ever so softly to herself, a song she used to sing off the time. It was light, airy and cheerful. A song of hope, of rising from the ashes. It was her song, one she made but yet had no words. She closed her eyes just before a voice called out. Paws tucked close to her chest, ice blues opened. She held her breath, heart stilled. Was that? No it couldn't be. For a moment she was afraid to look, to raise up and see if it truly was her sister. She swallowed a hard lump down her throat and rolled onto her belly. Her breathing was shallow, eyes squeezed shut. She had to get herself together. When her eyes opened again she stood up slowly. Ever so slowly she emerged from the reeds like an apparition. She stood there, still, calm, but blue eyes held everything she felt. The wonderment, the fear, the crashing sorrow she had felt when she lost her family, the joy in seeing her older sister.

The day of loosing her family flashed through her mind making her ears lay back. At first she was afraid to run to Twig, afraid she was not really there. She fought the urge to cry and rush forwards. What if this wasn't real? It had happened before, who's to say it wasn't happening again? But slowly she walked forwards Twig..? She voice was very soft, a whisper from the throat of an angel. Her ice blues lifted to look Twig in the eyes, questioning.

I can talk!

Twig I


01-30-2014, 05:51 PM

Her orchid gaze would be glued to the spot that she though Angel was sitting. As she would watch her sister would bring herself from the reeds, an Angel that Twig could hardly believe was in front of her. After so much time had been spent searching the woman could hardly believe that now her sister was right in front of her. With widening eyes she could feel her emotions begin to fill her again. All the sadness she had been harboring and the loneliness and the hopelessness would overflow. Here she was, the girl she had been searching for so long for.
The pair would stand and stare at each other for what seemed to Twig to be an eternity. She would have stayed there and stared for the rest of time to. She could hardly grasp the joy that would begin to grow within her heart. Angel would gently walk forward, her sweet lyrics the sound of Ashley's name. "Angel!" She would rush forward to embrace her lost sister as her tears began to spill from her eyes.
