



10 Years
02-01-2014, 02:05 AM
ooc: Gael first, then whoever wants to come and watch may do so. Thank you! (Btw, I know that the title refers to a guy, but Odette is just as awesome as a dude.)

The sun was rising near the far end of the island when Odette awoke. It was new day and she was going to take it on with every fiber of her being. Her young frame stretched before silently leaving the den she had occupied for herself. Gentle gaze of red and blue moved across the land that stretched out and away from where she stood. Greenery that was still cloaked in shadow was surrounded by a blue background that signified the ocean. The sun continued to rise, slowly spilling light upon the eastern side of the island. It was so breathtaking, and all Odette could do was sigh. She didn't know it, but it was the only peaceful moment she would have that day.
When the warmth started to rise near her home, Odette left her den vacant and proceeded to walk towards the untouched terrain. No one else was up -- that she knew of -- and so she took the chance to roam around her favorite piece of the island: the great plain found between two streams. It was found near the southwest section of the island, only a mile from where Odette had chosen her current place to live. With determination, she set out for her piece of land.
Not long after she got there, Odette became troubled. She sensed nobody there but herself and the atmosphere was too quiet. A flick of her tail signified her irritation and so she immediately decided to change the silent scenery around her. Strutting to the middle of the wide plain, Odette tossed her head back and elegantly called for someone to join her. What she wanted was not just company, oh no. The young female was eager for a struggle, drama -- she wanted a spar. She wasn't sure who she would get, but she wanted a change to her morning routine. Boring was not her middle name and she would never adopt it as her own.

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02-01-2014, 03:04 AM

It had been...a few weeks since the war? The soreness and tenderness of the wound on his chest had pretty much all gone away, just leaving the scar tissue behind. Gael was still proud of himself for having been able to best the crazy bitch that had thought she would be able to take him for herself. It had been his first war and he had managed to best the enemy, doing his part to keep his family safe. If he'd been able to take down multiple opponents it probably would've helped Valhalla win the war, but there was really no point in dwelling on something that was past now. His pack was safe, his family whole. But what he could focus on was keeping his fighting skills sharp. He wasn't sure if he'd won his fight on skill, instinct, pure luck or a combination of all three, but he knew for a fact that there was much room for improvement. But as of late, he hadn't been able to find a willing sparring partner. Perhaps that would change today?

It wasn't usual for Gael to wake up early, but for some reason he hadn't been able to sleep very much that morning. Every other day he would be able to sleep in way past morning, staying fast asleep until the sun was high in the sky and Meili had to coax him out his sleep. But that morning Gael was wide awake and out of the den he shared with his fiance, finding himself with the need to do something. He wasn't particularly hungry, but his thirst would be quenched by the stream that ran close to the den. But even with his thirst gone, the Heir still felt like there was something he wanted to do. But what? And it was as he was trying to figure out what exactly was bugging him that a voice resonated in the quiet morning atmosphere; Odette. Chrysanthe's adopted daughter was up this early? Were yearlings up that early? Was that normal?

Figuring his fiance would still be asleep when he returned, Gael would set off towards the sound of his adopted cousin's voice, wondering what she was doing up this early. Powerful limbs would pull the Adravendi through the island terrain, muscles contracting and relaxing with each movement. It felt good to stretch himself out like this so early in the day. Ceruleans would dance from side to side, searching for the girl's familiar multi-hued pelt, spotting it up ahead in a field sitting between what looked to like two rivers. A bark would erupt from his vocal chords as he came up, tail wagging behind him. I didn't know you woke up this early little cousin. He would call to her as he came up beside her, massive chest heaving as he slowed, trying to catch his breath from the exertion.

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10 Years
02-01-2014, 03:18 AM

It didn't take very long for her call to be answered. The familiar form of her cousin appeared from the trees, showing himself without hesitation. If it had been anyone else, her eyes would have become like walls and held no emotion. Instead, she allowed her feelings to display themselves in a cool expression across her face and her eyes continued to hold their natural sparkle. As she turned around to look at him, she kept her head high and a warm smile upon her face. "It's been one of the things I have done since I was little, Mr. Adravendi," she gently chided. "I don't think I will ever outgrow it."
She padded in his direction, silently wondering if he would be man enough to take her on in her first ever spar. Of course, she wouldn't voice such a taunt, not when she was but a novice. Hell, she wasn't even a novice, but a mere dreamer of being a warrior! She had to start somewhere though, and she hoped today would mark the beginning. "I am looking for someone to practice sparring with. In case I need to defend my life and honor as a Valhallan, I must be ready. What better way than to start on this lovely day?" Her tail flicked gently behind her in a friendly wag as she proceeded to ask, "Gael, will you be my sparring partner on this lovely morning?"

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02-01-2014, 03:55 AM

He hadn't spent any time with his new adopted cousin, so he didn't really know her that well, but from what he'd seen of her at the meeting, she didn't seem like she was a bad girl. If his aunt had taken her in as kin, that had to mean there was something special about her, no? He supposed he would make his own judgments of his cousin, though he didn't think they would stray far from what Chrysanthe thought of her daughter.

Odette seemed to be pretty cheerful that morning, throwing back a gentle chide at him in response to his. He was glad to see that she wasn't a grumpy morning person; that would not have been fun. You say that now little cousin, but when you become a mother, you will treasure the mornings you get to sleep in. he laughed gently, knowing that if this morning routine became a habit for her, even in motherhood it wouldn't go away. The young girl wouldn't waste time getting straight to the point as to what she was doing to here. I am looking for someone to practice sparring with. In case I need to defend my life and honor as a Valhallan, I must be ready. What better way than to start on this lovely day? Gael, will you be my sparring partner on this lovely morning? Ah sparring. The little lady wanted to learn how to fight. A sheepish grin would take hold of the man's lips, one ear folding against his skull as he spoke. Well Odette, I mean, I'm not an expert. You can say I'm still learning, but I would definitely be willing to help you out if you don't care.

He would be able to help her out as much as possible, but he was by no means an expert. Just because he had survived his first war didn't mean he was suddenly an expert warrior. He hoped she would be satisfied with what he could offer.

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10 Years
02-01-2014, 04:51 AM

They say that with every experience, you learn. Odette was hoping that this spar would be one she could look back on with fond eyes and realize how far along she had come. His acceptance to her question made her eyes sparkle even more and a firm nod was given. "Thank you, cousin. I wish you luck and hope that we both learn from this adventure."
So, they began. Odette silently walked back from where she stood and to the right of Gael. Her form became serious, her eyes expressionless. The smile faded to a stony appearance before her lips curled back into a snarl. Teeth were bared and she pushed her head back to make the scruff of her neck bulkier. Lowering her head a smidge, she made sure her throat was protected before she stretched her legs out to make a solid stance. Legs became rigid and toes stretched across the ground, implanting themselves with firm grips. Tail rose to stretch out straight, maintaining her balance as her fur began to rise from the adrenaline rush.
She kept her ears pinned against her head, slickening them back so her cranium remained smooth. Eyes became scrunched, brow furrowed as she made sure to keep her vision intact. A few growls were taken from Odette's clenched teeth, waiting for her cousin to take his shot.
Round 0/3??

Odette vs Gael

Practice Spar
Defenses: Lips curled into a snarl, teeth bared, head pushed back to make neck scruff bulkier. Throat protected by head being lowered a smidge, legs stretched out for solid stance, rigid and toes stretched out, implanting the ground with firm grips. Tail stretched out straight, ears pinned against head, eyes scrunched with brow furrowed.
Attacks: None yet.
ooc: Already asked Seren to judge this practice spar. :]

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02-01-2014, 03:50 PM

He would be lying if he said he wasn't the tiniest bit nervous about fighting his cousin. He had fought his sister before and won, he'd fought in the war and won, but by no means was he completely confident in his skills. He'd only fought two times since having returned to Alacritis and this spar with Odette would be his third. He'd always wanted to be a respectable warrior like his father Collision, to defend and protect his family with tooth and claw and perhaps one day soon he would be able to get his wish. For now though, he would take any spar that was thrown his way, figuring that the best way to improve was through practice. Whether it be with someone of experience or a novice like his cousin, practice was practice.

Luck to you too cousin. Don't be afraid to get aggressive with me. I can take a few hits. He would wink at her, a smirk curling his jowls as he watched her move away to ready herself for their battle. Her body language changed in a matter of moments, steeling over as she prepared to test her skills against his own. Cerulean gems would analyze her frame, watching as she settled into her defenses. For a novice, she had a good base for defenses, which could say that she would be a fast learner and catch on quickly. The snarl that etched itself across his dark jaws would elicit the same reaction from the Heir, his own peeling back against his dagger like weapons. He would allow his mind to settle into its fighting mode, though he would not forget to restrain himself. He wasn't trying to hurt his cousin after all.

Audits would flatten against his crown to avoid allowing them to become easy targets. Ceruleans would narrow to slits, just small enough that visibility was still possible but enough that any injuries to them would be minimal. Powerful shoulders rolled forward, scrunching the scruff around his neck for added protection to his vitals. Muzzle would dip downwards slightly, covering his throat to ward off any attempts to reach it. Muscles would tense all along his body, rigid and ready to take action. Hackles would bristle, adding further protection to his already scrunched scruff. Knees would slightly bend, toes spread out evenly for balance, talons digging into the soil for better traction. Limbs would be square, haunches taut, tail streamline with his spine for balance. His young cousin would be smart, standing to his left, waiting for him to make the first move. He usually didn't like to make the first move, but since it was a learning experience for her, he supposed he would have to teach her what to look out for.

He was significantly larger than her, as he was in comparison to most wolves and he would use that to his advantage as he had when he'd sparred with his sister. With a snarl Gael would throw himself forward, haunches launching him with a single push, powerful limbs eating the distance between them like it wasn't even there. Crown would come to tuck against his chest, angled towards his right shoulder, leaving his left shoulder to be used as a battering ram. The front half of of his torso would dip downwards slightly as he came closer to Odette in the hopes that he would slam his shoulder straight into her chest, hopefully with enough force to knock her down and pin, ending the spar quickly. Jaws would be slightly parted, lips partially peeled back against his teeth. Were his ram not to go as planned, he would take a firm hold on her scruff or any nearby flesh in the attempt to put himself in a position of control and turn this spar in his favor. Defenses would remain set as he closed the gap between them, anxious to see what his cousin's reaction would be to his first attack.

Round 1/3

Gael vs. Odette for spar

Defenses:Audits would flatten against his crown to avoid allowing them to become easy targets. Ceruleans would narrow to slits, just small enough that visibility was still possible but enough that any injuries to them would be minimal. Powerful shoulders rolled forward, scrunching the scruff around his neck for added protection to his vitals. Muzzle would dip downwards slightly, covering his throat to ward off any attempts to reach it. Muscles would tense all along his body, rigid and ready to take action. Hackles would bristle, adding further protection to his already scrunched scruff. Knees would slightly bend, toes spread out evenly for balance, talons digging into the soil for better traction. Limbs would be square, haunches taut, tail streamline with his spine for balance.

Attacks: Crown would come to tuck against his chest, angled towards his right shoulder, leaving his left shoulder to be used as a battering ram. The front half of of his torso would dip downwards slightly as he came closer to Odette in the hopes that he would slam his shoulder straight into her chest, hopefully with enough force to knock her down and pin, ending the spar quickly. Jaws would be slightly parted, lips partially peeled back against his teeth. Were his ram not to go as planned, he would take a firm hold on her scruff or any nearby flesh in the attempt to put himself in a position of control and turn this spar in his favor.

Injuries: None yet

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10 Years
02-04-2014, 04:24 AM

The larger male approached with quickening speed and for a moment, Odette was scared. She pondered why she had even thought about being a warrior in the first place, especially when there was a chance that she would be injured. The lovely fae didn't want to lose her self-respect, and that was the primary goal that kept her standing with nails and toes dug into the ground.
Rather than allow him to ram into her chest like a perfect target, Odette moved to her right quickly. Her hind legs moved her so she would be at a perpendicular angle to Gael's form, but it didn't stop her right shoulder from being hit. The pain wasn't as horrible like it would have been from her chest being hit, but she endured it all the same and a snarl of frustration left her lips. Jaws opened and she quickly worked to make a full bite at Gael's scruff, located between his shoulder and jawline. She felt fur and teeth surrounding a fat roll in her mouth and her teeth chomped down on what she hoped was a sensitive part of the neck.
Her own frame was smaller than Gael's, but she dug her hind feet into the ground with a firmer stance, legs continuing to stay balanced and her frame level with her spine. Ears continued to remain flat against her skull, eyes scrunched but kept her vision intact. She continued to protect her neck by moving her head back to its first position, not wanting to give her cousin the chance to easily snap at her own scruff. It continued to remain in rolls, keeping the jugular from being touched without a fight. With her own weight of close to a hundred-and-forty, Odette made to pull Gael in her direction. She hoped that he would lose balance on his left side and stumble, giving her the chance to ram him into his side and make him roll. She kept her tail sticking straight out behind her, maintaining the balance she tried so hard to keep.
Round 1/3
Defenses: Hind legs move behind her to the right, causing perpendicular angle to oncoming enemy. Digging hind feet into ground with firmer stance, legs stay balanced and frame level with spine. Ears remain flat against skull, eyes scrunched with vision intact. Neck protected, jugular protected. Tail sticking straight out behind her, balance kept.
Attacks: Jaws opened and she quickly worked to make a full bite at Gael's scruff, located between his shoulder and jawline. She felt fur and teeth surrounding a fat roll in her mouth and her teeth chomped down on what she hoped was a sensitive part of the neck. With her own weight of close to a hundred-and-forty, Odette made to pull Gael in her direction. She hoped that he would lose balance on his left side and stumble, giving her the chance to ram him into his side and make him roll.
Injuries: Shooting pain through right shoulder.

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