
neigh goes the horse


03-16-2013, 07:52 PM

GoT ; bellator & margox
taken ; already active
? if you adopt, you are expected to be active. if you are not, they will be put back ufa.

? characteristics can range from lawful evil to chaotic good.

? women are either given to other families in exchange for things or are married to their brothers, fathers, or a suitor that has portrayed decent attributes.

? the patriarch (abaddon) must approve any marriages where the female is involved.

? women are strictly monogamous, while men tend to be polygamous.

? the majority ufa in [this image] are pure bellator (which are typically grey or red). however, since aba took a mate (magdalene margox), some of them have taken after her cream coloration.

? those with the margox surname and anyone with cream coloration are servants of the bellators, magdalene being the only exceptance to this rule.

abaddon is, of course, played by me ?

magdalene is played by lulu ?

venetia (daughter) is played by andy ?

aminta (daughter) is played by azzy ?

illarion (nephew) is played by seren ?

vladimir (son) is played by maka ?

lithilae (granddaughter) is played by emoral ?


? water provides healing and nourishment and is linked with life and blood. thus each time a bellator becomes impregnated, they should visit the largest lake or body of water within alacritis and proceed to drink from it each day. otherwise, the child should be castrated after birth.

? before leaving for a long journey's travel, all those present must sit for a moment in silence before leaving.

? every summer and winter, a reunion of the family is to be held. all members of the family, bellators and margoxs, are expected to attend. this reunion will be held at the local hot springs, for enjoyment and relaxation; to forget of all your troubles and focus on everything that is to be valued in life.




the form

you can also suggest traditions for them! c:

and if you already own a bellator or margox character, please post here with your relationship to abaddon so i can add you xD

[dohtml]name,first and last

age,no higher than six

which ref,referring to the image, which reference will you be using? include the row and which number on that row (1-4)

personality,self explanatory

example post,example of how you'd play the character[/dohtml]


03-17-2013, 06:00 PM
name,venetia bellator


which ref,none, i created her myself

personality,Probably the best word one could find to define Venetia would be crafty. Mischief is her middle name (okay, not literally). This Bellator damsel never seems to be where she's supposed to be, or doing what she's supposed to be doing. She often finds herself getting into trouble - but she likes it that way. This petite little gal is wiry and agile, and manages to get into places no ordinary wolf would ever go. She's exploratory and interested in the world around her, not to mention the wolves that might be in it. Venetia has been known to be a bit of a nosy girl, as she's always spying on someone, somewhere. Often she wriggles into small places or climbs way up high where no one would think to look. It is here that she finds out information she wants to know, and can later gossip about to those she holds close. Ah yes, Venetia is a knowledgeable woman.

example post,is this needed if i'm not adopting?

relation to abaddon,daughter of abaddon x magdalene

Aria I


03-18-2013, 12:30 PM
Wasn't sure how to try for one so I filled the form out. Hopefully that was how I was suppose to do it. XD

name, Aminta Bellator

age, 2 years

which ref, (row 3 - wolf 2)

personality, In a way, Aminta is a mix of her mother and father.

Like her mother, Aminta is obediant to her parents and to whoever her future husband will be. She wishes to please those around her, whether it's to do a task or to be the perfect image of how a female should behave and hold herself around others around her. A kind female most of the time that understands the place she has been set into which means she will not get upset if a male leaves her for another female, she just sees it as an oppotunity to improve how she is so that a male will find her suitable. She is a determined wolf that always tries to stand her ground in a calm manner, relying on her words to win a fight rather than physical strength. Even though she can be quiet at times it is because she is constantly thinking, thinking about the words she should choose, how she should react to a certain situation, what she could improve on.

Like her father she deals with things rationally and logically. When making decisions she uses her head instead of her heart, finding the solution that will benefit herself and her family which means angering those that end up on the bad end of the choice. Aminta is constantly searching for problems, and hen she finds one she will not give up until she finds a solution or the stress causes her to take a days rest. With that she sees herself as having to protect those who can't defend themselves, seeing potential in them to become fine, well mannered wolves. She is patient and understanding. Unliek her father who makes quick decisions, she likes to take some time to think over it and see what will come from it.

As herself, Aminta just likes to impress those around her and make her parents proud. Everything to her is an opportunity to improve herself and learn, if there is something somebody knows that she finds useful, she will be right there asking for it to be shown to her. A reliable, patient, obediant wolf that likes taking on challenges. Challenges are the most fun for her. She doesn't forget about her family either, whenever possible she tries to spend time with each member of the family because tight bonds is what makes them stronger. Even though they are family she stills holds herself in a respectable manner but lets loose to have some fun, quality time with each member. The only time she really seems to act like a child.

example post, (I got nervous... XD If needed I can do more or for a different situation.)

Head up and straight, she readjusted its position so that her head was now held in an up and proud manner, amber eyes eyes staring straight ahead. Her neck was straight, body relaxed with forelegs straight and keeping her body still. Her hind legs were bent nicely with tail laying straight behind her and ears held up and forward. She was perfecting herself, not wanting one thing out of place. It had taken a few minutes for her to calm her nerves and be able to sit perfectly still, holding pride while at the same time remaining calm and relaxed. Before working on that she had made sure her multi-colored coat was clean as possibly, spending quite some time in a flowing creek to clean out the direct and mud that had snuck into her fur and between the pads of her paws. She wanted to be clean and presentable.

Now for picking herself up and practice her walk. Without thinking too much on it her back legs extended, body moving in a fluid motion with her tail sweeping to the side to clear any debris from her rear. It was her own little thing, she thought it was embarrassing to be walking around with stuff hanging from your rear and so this was a way to wipe it off without making a scene. Lifting herself up, she kept her front legs still until she was standing straight up, tail now bending upwards slightly. That was good, she gave a small nod to herself with a slight smile.

Now for her walk, last time she practiced she felt silly because her legs were stiff and she was just focusing too hard on looking perfect. This time she would put a little effort and hopefully it would come out more smooth and not frustrating her. Slowly she took in a long deep breath and closed her eyes, the first to move was her front right foot. Her leg bent slightly with the way it had to move but kept a fluid motion to it, following that was her back left, front left, back right, front right, etc. She kept her head held high as she walked, bobbing the slightest with her steps. It looked almost perfect, not stiff legged and being able to hold her tail up just right.

relation to abaddon, daughter of abaddon & magdalene


03-18-2013, 03:50 PM
that is absolutely fuckin gorg, my dear ;D AZZY MAY MAKE AMINTA. c:


03-18-2013, 04:16 PM
name,Amour Bellator

One year

Row 4, wolf 1

personality,Amour, Amour, Amour......What to say about the tomboyish, sweet, shy, smart dame here? Although she is smart, Amour NEVER answers any questions, but thinks instead. Amour doesn't doubt her family's love for her, but she never talks. Because of all this, Amour does not take being talked about lightly, but she will never say anything to them if they do talk about her, no matter the wolf. Amour never obeys the males in the family. But if the shy wolf has to, she will fight for her family, no matter how they are related to her. Amour always cares for her family's happiness, and she will always wonder why some brothers never do; although Amour will do little to please her family or any other wolf, really. Amour IS a respectful wolf, but is always snapping at her brothers; they never let her play any games they make up. Here is the rest of Amour's outlook on her family; she will always be loyal to her sisters and mother, but ever her father. As for nieces, nephews, female cousins, and male cousins, she is kind. Out of all the wolves in the Bellator family, Amour HAS to be the female who takes things for what they are, really. The other females seem to always want to perfect things, even f they are already perfect to her; like, for example, her life. Now, the only thing Amour does NOT think is perfect is the Margox. They are not related to her in any way, and she does not like wolves. No wolf is ANY exception, no matter the relation to her uncle, aunt, brother, sister, neices, nephews, or even her own cousin.

Amour is not a greedy creature, but WILL protect things that are hers. If it is not broken until she is in her last moments, she will give it to her daughter. If some wolf tries to steal her things, they will end up with a big bite on their snout. If there is nothing to pass the time, Amour will try her very best to play with the males in the family.

example post,The soft sound of pawsteps made Amour prick her gray ears. What was that, just hiding in the mist? The rabbit had heard it, too; she could just make out its shape, ears pricked as it looked around. Suddenly, it ran away from her, and her family would go hungry. "I'm such failure at this." The words were barely audible. But it all faded into darkness, anyway.... Sea green eyes snapped open, and the pup sighed softly. She was trapped in the nest, while Amour was walking. How had she managed that, just barely a month old? Maybe she could try to walk, too.... Gray legs helped her stand, but it was too wobbly. With a yelp, the pup fell to the ground. But she wasn't giving up. Today was too important to give up now! Slowly, Amour rose to her paws once again. Her legs wobbled, and she was getting too nervous now. She couldn't do this.....She would fail at this...... WIP!



03-18-2013, 04:48 PM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2013, 12:12 PM by Chrysanthe.)
name,illarion bellator


which ref,row three number four

personality,at the base of illarion's being, lies a sturdy slab of confidence. he is sure of himself, of his family, and of their traditions. he is not one to doubt the way that he was raised, regardless of where he is or who he is surrounded by. because of this, illari is incredibly sexist, seeing females as bartering chips and child bearers. never will he be a male that respects a woman in power alone. on the contrary, he does, somewhat, respect women. they are necessary for the family, and for life, and those especially with his own last name are thought especially high of. he will fight for his sisters and nieces, defend them when the time comes. he cares little for their -or anyone else's- happiness, but their well being, in his mind, should be preserved - or they will be taken into his custody by force.

toward his family he is respectful, to a point. his sisters, female cousins and nieces are flirted with to no end, and his mother and aunts are listened to but not obeyed. as for his brothers, nephews and male cousins, he is loyal. the bellators are cared for, and although it is hard to find the truth within his words at times - as he will lie and sweet talk anyone that will let him get away with something because of it - he is the most himself with his family. As for the margox, he doesn't see them as highly. they are not blood to him, and they have to earn any respect that they end up getting. Magdelene is barely an exception, for the sole reason that she is his uncle's wife - and illarion's respect for his patriarch is nearly limitless.

the dark male is a selfish, indulgent creature. those that are his are his, and he will protect his own with his dying breath, his possessive nature knows no bounds. as for those that he does not own - he will try and toy with. there is little more entertaining than a game to pass the time. games of lies, sex, thievery, and even murder should the bellator fall into a darker mood, have all been dabbled in and with practice he has the potential to become quite the smooth criminal. he is not a cold blooded killer - but he is in no way afraid to kill. he has a few sadistic tendencies when toying with those that belong to him, but never will he push far enough to truly injure them. those that suit his fancy, that truly grow on him despite his callous attitude are treated kindly the morning after, sometimes given a gift of some sort in the form of breakfast or herbs to dull the pain.

example post,lol coming soon <3

relation to abbadon,nephew to abbadon


03-18-2013, 06:39 PM
name,загадка, zagadka bellator
age,two years
which ref,Row One, First Wolf
the brute is abbadon's little bad boy, he is a chaotic beast. he could be a demon maybe to outsiders. if he should catch any imposing or threatening wolf nearing his pack, he will send 'em running. This could be a problem, in which his mind thinks that every 'trespasser' is a threat to his Bellator and Margox group, and he attacks most those that could be of help, if they should be unfamiliar. There are times when the brute is knowing of who is friend of foe, when it is a known friend of his father's or mother's or even to the family.

Otherwise he is very sincere and kind to all. Especially to his father, whom he thinks is a lord. As his 'general', the male follows all orders from abaddon. anyhow, females of the family, aunts, sisters, and others are heard but not always obeyed like his brother illarion should think. Love; the word is deeply mysterious to him, whom doesn't believe in polygamy and wishes to find one lone mate to love forever...

He is rather clumsy because of his rather bulky frame, but he takes to himself to be a powerful beast in comparison to any wolf. Behind the lean sinew bound body lies one weakness, his mind. He does not truely understand who is a friend or foe, as stated earlier before.

example post,
Day began drawing its curtain to let in its sister, night, a grey shape slauntered about in the duskened grass. Red eyes flashed from the shade, hidden by the lengthening shadows. Why was he here anyhow? The shape has slunk out of the darkness, to reveal one part at a time, first being the still-shadowed maw of brown tones overlaying soft sepia colors, then his burning red eyes that appeared bloodlustered. More steps forwards, and the male's chest would be visible, both legs also. From the fleshy parts of his leg to the second femur, spiraling wing-like marks of brown are spread amongst the area. Bands of brown and creams have their place above the toes and over.

Several more, and he'd be fully visible from the thickets to stand in the stream. It should seem that he is wearing pants for tones of sepia lay upon the last half of his frame. Like the front legs, bands lay like bracers and brown, white, and cream stripes hold their place upon the rump. His tail brushed smoothened granite as he stepped forwards. Моя семья сильная и мощная, но ... Я? Bronze pawpads hit river rock as the creature strode forthwards again, as he lowerer his head to drink the cool waters. As he began curving his tongue to bring the water up to his mouth, his eyes had widened. Everything was dark, and it was as if he couldn't breathe. It was like he was in a choaking sea of black darkness.

Где я? Я не могу дышать. in his reality the male collasped into the river, the water bringing on three extra pounds of weight. His eyes lolled back as he choaked on the black waters. Jerked away from the illusion, he pulled himself up in a quick movement, panting. Without waiting to comprehend what was the illusion, paws churned the water as he rushed forwards. He wanted to get home to his pack to see what his father was doing.

relation to abaddon,son of abaddon and magdalene


03-19-2013, 07:08 PM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2013, 07:11 PM by Maka.)
name,Vladimir Bellator


which ref,I don't have a ref its one of the ones Lu had or something like (how to explain this) idk showed me that wasn't on the list that was a bellatorxmargox one

personality,Vladimir is a wolf with a unique personality; he seems to be half and half of good and bad. Vlad can be a trickster and likes to trick other wolves. He is also a jokester as he is a trickster. The young brute likes to joke around with his sister Venetia; but at the same time knows when to not go too far with it. He also can be helpful and stands up for what he thinks are right or he thinks is right, so he is a bit rebellious as well. The young brute is also caring because he cares about his sister; even though he may tease her it doesn?t mean Vlad doesn?t love her as his sister or care about her. He can also be a bit arrogant because he thinks that he can do almost anything; but he learns from his mistakes as he continues to grow up and mature more. The young brute is thoughtful, kind, and helpful when he is needed to be. But most of the time his moods teeter from kind to arrogant, or trickster to helpful. As Vladimir gradually grows up and matures he will be a gentleman but with a little twist of humor and trickery. As of now he may be only two and seen as immature but he is responsible. He knows what has to be done when it is needed and is not one to be rebellious against that. This young brute will get into a bit of trouble here and there but he won?t go without doing something good; and that is what he aims to do.

example post, Silence did not cease as a white and gray wolf made its way through the forest. It was a brute who seemed to be wandering aimlessly about. His name was Vladimir Bellator and he had wandered away from his sister Venetia. The wolf didn?t even know where he was going, somewhere to spend the night perhaps. The young brute of only two years of age stopped for a moment and looked up at the sky. The clouds were beginning to grow darker as they started to cover the Sun. His dark gray ears went flat against is skull as he knew the clouds were heavy with rain. The young brute cursed under his breath for he didn?t want to get his pelt wet.
Usually Vladimir would welcome the rain with open wings as it fell upon his fur drop by drop. A cool damp feeling as the drops kept on falling. But no, today he wanted to stay dry and dry would he be. A smirk formed on his white and gray muzzle as he decided to test himself. Would he or would he not be able to avoid getting his pelt wet.
? You can?t touch me!? he yelled out to the sky.
Vladimir wondered if he should go back and find his sister Venetia; she was always getting into trouble without him around. The young brute tried his best to look after his sister and drive her the right way. But then again the male himself wasn?t that normal as well. The gray and white wolf chuckled as he continued to walk. His gaze looking up at the sky here and there every once in a while
Only when the clouds color had gone from mild gray to a heavier tone did he begin to feel worry. Off into the distance a rumble of thunder was heard as his left ear faced towards the direction it had come from.
?The storm must be coming from the left?? the wolf mumbled
So the young brute changed his direction opposite of the storm. Maybe he could outsmart nature, but the wolf knew that it was almost impossible. As Vladimir started towards the right he broke into a run. The young brute leapt past trees, over rocks, and across small rivers. As he ran his pink salmon tongue lolled out of his mouth to the right.
Another rumble of thunder was heard off into the distance but closer. The wind picked up as the leaves on the trees started to rattle and sway. The wind started to pick up as Vladimir ran and ran. Every step took him further away from the storm as it caught up with him. The thunder sounded closer and closer at each bellow it made; soon enough a strike of lightning was seen in the sky above him. The young brute yelped as he saw the bright light and ran faster.
Both gray audits turned backwards as he heard a small pitter patter of water hitting leaves and the ground behind him. Vladimir attempted to fling himself in a hollow nearby but he had missed it by a yard. Vladimir landed with a thud on the ground as rain began to pour down on him. After a few moments of sulking in the dirt which was now mud; the young brute picked himself up and went the extra yard to get to the hollow. The gray and white wolf curled up inside it and looked out from the opening with his blue gaze. He yawned and closed his eyes as the pitter patter of the rain drifted him off to sleep


03-19-2013, 07:36 PM
Aminta here.


03-19-2013, 09:15 PM
maka has been accepted into the fam. gorg, m'dear <3

seren, no need to work on an example because me and lu fell in love with the personality so you're accepted. xD

eni; i am sorry but your application for a bellator has been respectfully declined.



03-20-2013, 01:17 PM
Yay acceptance! (:


03-20-2013, 03:37 PM
name,Lithilae Bellator
[Pronounced Lith-eh-lay]


which ref,Row 1, wolf 4


Lithilae; how to explain this dame? Not one for idle thoughts or chatter, she is mute often and gets the job done, which ever that may be. Her heart is a dead thing; instead she follows with her head, thinking logically. Lithilae cares not for much, but family is her life. Selfish and crude at times, she matters the most in her eyes. Fantasy and games are pretend to her; she only cares for the real and touchable.

Even with her (some) man like qualities, she is there when need be. Lithilae is polite to the men, but sneers behind their backs. She is tactful and cunning, as said before, she thinks before doing. She believes the women in the Bellator family should be able to pick and choose, instead of having to go through Abanndon. This often makes her rebellious, and cynical. She is a puzzle, an unmatched, and unconnectable one. But one thing is certain; once you meet Lithilae, you will never forget her.

example post,The ecru hued wolf ambled through the undergrowth. Lithilae masked in the tones of the crepuscular light, the dame meandered for the joy of doing so. Just before, she had managed to escape the barricades of her family, seeking the amity and lull alone. Xanthous eyes peered around her as she ceased her movements. Lifting her skull to the sky, she gazed at the stars. Her eyes shifted slightly. The pelage on the nape of her neck stood tall. An icy feeling had crept into her veins. Her bodice was tense, her muscles hardened. Whatever this beast was, it would not get far. Swiftly she cavorted to the right of her. Lithilae glared into the depths of the darkness. The uneasiness still lingered. No thoughts of monsters or men corrupted her mind. Instead, the woman thought of what creatures wandered in the night, who would be stalking her, and was it foe or prey? Stepping forward, her steps soft on the debris, she made no sound. The breadth was getting more near. The smell of carnage and sweet fear clung to the roof of her mouth. Keen she was, she figured what is already. Ambushing the beast, a squeal had sounded. Lithilae almost gave chase after the rabbit, instead laughed at its terror. Why get food when there was no need? Her shoulders rose and fell with silent tittering as she made the decent back home.
Just edited personality. Not happy with it, but that was never really my strong point. >_<



Extra small
03-21-2013, 02:26 PM
I friggin love her, em. I vote yes.


03-21-2013, 02:29 PM
name,Amour Bellator

One year

Row 4, wolf 1

personality,Amour, Amour, Amour......What to say about the tomboyish, sweet, shy, smart dame here? Although she is smart, Amour NEVER answers any questions, but thinks instead. Amour doesn't doubt her family's love for her, but she never talks.  Because of all this, Amour does not take being talked about lightly, but she will never say anything to them if they do talk about her, no matter the wolf. Amour never obeys the males in the family. But if the shy wolf has to, she will fight for her family, no matter how they are related to her.  Amour always cares for her family's happiness, and she will always wonder why some brothers never do; although Amour will do little to please her family or any other wolf, really. Amour IS a respectful wolf, but is always snapping at her brothers; they never let her play any games they make up. Here is the rest of Amour's outlook on her family; she will always be loyal to her sisters and mother, but ever her father.  As for nieces, nephews, female cousins, and male cousins, she is kind. Out of all the wolves in the Bellator family, Amour HAS to be the female who takes things for what they are, really. The other females seem to always want to perfect things, even f they are already perfect to her; like, for example, her life.  Now, the only thing Amour does NOT think is perfect is the Margox. They are not related to her in any way, and she does not like wolves. No wolf is ANY exception, no matter the relation to her uncle, aunt, brother, sister, neices, nephews, or even her own cousin.

Amour is not a greedy creature, but WILL protect things that are hers. If it is not broken until she is in her last moments, she will give it to her daughter. If some wolf tries to steal her things, they will end up with a big bite on their snout. If there is nothing to pass the time, Amour will try her very best to play with the males in the family.

example post,The soft sound of pawsteps made Amour prick her gray ears. What was that, just hiding in the mist? The rabbit had heard it, too; she could just make out its shape, ears pricked as it looked around. Suddenly, it ran away from her, and her family would go hungry. "I'm such failure at this." The words were barely audible. But it all faded into darkness, anyway....  Sea green eyes snapped open, and the pup sighed softly. She was trapped in the nest, while Amour was walking. How had she managed that, just barely a month old? Maybe she could try to walk, too.... Gray legs helped her stand, but it was too wobbly. With a yelp, the pup fell to the ground. But she wasn't giving up. Today was too important to give up now! Slowly, Amour rose to her paws once again. Her legs wobbled, and she was getting too nervous now. She couldn't do this.....She would fail at this...... WIP!



03-21-2013, 02:35 PM
em can make hers :D (dunno if lu already told you or not)


03-21-2013, 02:39 PM
I am like jumping up and down in me seat! xD



03-21-2013, 06:33 PM
I've been kind of losing Snap muse, and I was thinking about setting her aside and trying to adopt one of these lovelies. I was just curious if the adoptables list was up to date and accurate on who has been claimed off of it and who hasn't? I'd really hate to pick a design and then learn someone has already made a claim on them. >.<