


01-11-2014, 01:27 AM

How intriguing, it looked like the stars had fallen from the very sky above. Crimson pools fell upon the twinkling lights that deigned to grace the world with their presence, floating languidly through the air. Marble pillars would stretch in elegant strides over the plush greenery carpeting the terra underfoot. Broad alabaster pedestals would touch down upon the verdant grass, pawsteps silent as a whisper. Long silken banner would casually sweep across tall heels like a pendulum, stirring a current that dragged the incandescent beings into her wake. She looked like a goddess, and divine she was. Powerful bodice rippled as she strode, ruby optics glinting as she took in the serene lake before her. Indeed the stars must have fallen, the inky blackness of the cloudless night was reflected without a ripple, as were the twinkling lights that danced upon the surface. This could easily be Valhalla, she could have died in the battle with her father and this could be what the legends spoke of. The celestial pools before her was ethereal, cherry paw would slowly reach out and a toe would create a ripple in the face of the lake, proving that it was not in fact the sky having spilled upon the earth.
Elegant as the royalty from which she was bred, haunches would fall with liquid grace to the ground. Seated at the edge of the sandy beach, long tail would remain trailed out behind her like a paintstroke, every hair on her pale frame falling into place with such otherworldly perfection it was as if she had planned each one. Cherry orbs scanned the landscape, taking in the vast expanse of calming water, the strange orbs of flickering light that danced relaxed above and beyond it. There was no moon tonight, but the beautiful, colourless wolfess did not need it. The tiny pinpricks of light floated closer to her still body, curious to see what she was. A tiny creature landed upon the tip of her rosy snout, an opportunity to study the entities presenting itself. Raspberry optics focussed on what revealed itself to be a tiny insect, whose rear was what glowed so magnificently. Calm breaths remained steady, rushing in and out of her nostrils at the same speed to keep from frightening the strange creature. Rosy flanks rose and fell rhythmically, the majesty around her finally something to dwarf her own grace. A few more of the luminescent insects alit upon her immense frame: one between her shoulders, almost petite upon her powerful body; another amid the long strands of her plume; and last of all came a tiny floating globe of light to perch itself between her tall audits. A sight to behold, indeed this was.

image by Luisiana



5 Years
01-12-2014, 10:39 AM

And no rivers and no lakes can put the fire out

I'm gonna raise the stakes, I'm gonna smoke you out

Raisa's steps were slow, deliberate, and spoke of deep thought. She had long since lost track of where she was or where she might be heading. Koros walked at her side, swimming in thoughts of his own. They had decided, for now, to leave the volcano. It's deadly possibility no longer intrigued the dark minded fae, and she was of a mind to enjoy the lustful splendor of springtime. If she returned to her sulfurous home some day, well, she supposed time alone would tell. As it was, the sun had set mayhaps an hour past, and what a glorious conflagration it had been. Rarely did the evening sky exhibit so many colors with such intense saturation. It had been lovely, but it had not moved her. She was otherwise occupied, and feeling inexplicably melancholy. The spring rejuvenation had done little and less for her spirits, despite her best attempts to pick them up. Apparently, being optimistic was harder than she had anticipated.

A gasp from Koros made her look up at last, and her own followed in it's shadow. They had wandered into paradise, some sort of haven she had never seen the likes of before. All about them stars drifted in the air, bobbing and flickering and casting their dim light across the earth. They glowed among the trees, turning the newborn leaflets golden for mere seconds in time. She walked on, her slow steps sending her along the terrain in a smoothing, gliding fashion. Her breath caught once more as they came upon the water. The night sky had taken liquid form within it, lapping at the shore in a gentle fashion. The serenity of this place was supreme, and awe-inducing. Transfixed, Raisa walked along it's shore, eyes to the sky and limbs deftly, dumbly carrying her along. So transfixed was she, she hardly noticed the immense white wolf laying before her, until she was upon her.

"Talk" Think "Listen"

[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


01-12-2014, 12:23 PM

A shadow approached, followed by it's own little wisp of grey and ivory. Crimson optics would follow it absentmindedly, the glowing haven around her stealing away her conscience and leaving her a hollow shell of placid emotions. The dark femme practically tripped over her, mismatched eyes following the trail of luminescence that trailed into the heavens. A soft chuckle would fall from rose tinted lips, ruby orbs taking in the strange pair. "Enchanting, isn't it?" Wintry lyrics would murmur, her voice like the falling of fat flakes of snow. The soft whisper of her voice coaxed the incandescent creature upon her leathery sensor to flit back into the inky blackness of the sky. Lifting a large cherry paw, she caught a lazily fluttering beacon, examining it for a few moments before wiggling her toes and watching it take flight. Raspberry optics would flick back up to the pair, curious to see what reaction the pair would take, since neither of them appeared to even see her. The snow behemoth was truly a sight to behold; thick, wavy tresses of pale silver fur covered a well muscled, enormous frame, and the rosy pallet of her flesh was visible from beneath it. Scars littered her forelimbs, and she looked like royalty. The divine spirit kept her cold gaze upon the odd duo and awaited a response.

image by Luisiana



5 Years
01-29-2014, 06:20 PM

This wolf was impressive; that much could not be denied. She seemed to glow with an aura that reminded Raisa somewhat of herself. It annoyed her to a certain degree, but upon closer consideration she felt it would be somewhat sacrilegious to profane this beautiful landscape with her usual antics. So she slid down slowly, coming to lay like a sphinx just far enough away that she could spring and flee if needed. This wolf was massive, and between that and her scars, Raisa decided maybe this would be the wrong fae to royally piss off. Where's the fun in that, thought? she thought to herself with a smile. "It's marvelous," she said, with a sort of aloof sincerity. Her eyes would not stop roving over the surrounding woods and water. With a smirk the dark, lanky woman returned to the pale giantess. "Is this your home territory? I'll envy you if so, and apologize if I'm trespassing." She had smelled no barriers or markings, but this did not mean there were none. She hadn't paid the sort of attention she usually lent such things. Apparently it was not a night for caution.

code by sam & image by lu
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


02-03-2014, 02:58 PM
The smaller femme warily laid herself down in a feline pose a distance from the giantess, which was not a surprise since she could appear quite intimidating to many. Her response brought a soft chuckle from the lips of the wintry she wolf, accompanied by a soft nod of agreement. Her following inquiry met tall rosen audits, receiving another chuckle, this time answered with a soft shake of her cranium. "No, I'm simply taking in the lands. I got here quite recently." She explained, lifting a single immense paw and waving it about the air as she spoke, a bad habit in all it's entirety. "What about you, do you live somewhere around here?" She would inquire, vocals soft and kind as she fixed a ruby gaze upon her current conversation partner. Crown would tilt to the side slightly as she watched the uniquely marked dame.

The strange lady had a magnificent pelt, it was dark and boldly marked, and her interesting colour pallet was not something the dame had seen before. Her optics of brimstone and aqua were not as unique, she had met a few other wolves who had eyes that colour. There was nothing about the divine wolfess that was as unique as that, it appeared that there were many wolves in these lands that suffered from albinism. The tip of her long banner would flick like that of a cat, disrupting a firefly that was trying to settle into the curled fur there. It fluttered lazily away from the silvery white woman to join the rest of the gathering of glowing insects.

"This be Talking"