
honey im home


02-02-2014, 12:38 PM

She had visited the battlefield a lot lately, she loved it. Six loved fighting, whether she watched or she was doing the fighting. The black and white behemoth was a killer at heart, she loved to watch flee from her enemies eyes. But, the bitch would not let such morbidity taint her reputation. The girl had no means to be infamous for being a killer, but she would strike fear into others. Fear, strength, knowledge, and love were all the things a leader needed. The girl knew she would lead one day but the white and black behemoth needed practice. With each step her paws sunk into the slightly wet dirt. It was muddy from the rain that filtered down from the sky in the morning. The brown muck splattered across her legs with each step. The scent of blood tainted the air with each breath. Six rolled her shoulders as she let forth a call, her head raised. The beauty beckoned for a challenger to make their way to the battlefield. To practice, a spar. She let each paw dig into the earth firmly, she bent her ebony knees, aligned her back with her tail which was pointing straight out, her ears slicked back, her lips curled up, her hackles bunched up into thick rolls, and her eyes narrowed. The woman was ready to win.

Six vs ??

for spar


Defenses: She let each paw dig into the earth firmly, she bent her ebony knees, aligned her back with her tail which was pointing straight out, her ears slicked back, her lips curled up, her hackles bunched up into thick rolls, and her eyes narrowed.

Attack: n/a

injuries: n/a

notes: for foxypoo



5 Years
02-02-2014, 12:59 PM

Raisa heard the call to challenge, and her blood began to roil of it's own accord. It was the season of vivacity and vitality, and she was in heat besides. There was no heavy threat in the call, merely a challenge of strength and will... Raisa could not help but to accept. She grinned and looked to Koros. "Your Grace, please, your health is more im-" Raisa darted off towards the sound of the howl, her laughter tinkering on the wind like some sort of ethereal birdsong. She knew Koros would linger where it was safe, and wait for her to return and collect him. She pushed the fox from her mind, focusing on what was at hand. It was not long before she came upon the dark fae who had issued the summons, finding her wary and ready for whoever came calling. She was larger than Raisa, but only slightly, and far less lean. Raisa would most likely have the benefit of speed and agility, and made a mental note of that before she slunk forwards to engage.

A chuckle bubbled from her, wrapping around her languid paw steps and lean form before filtering out into the air. "You rang?" she asked, her sanguine voice low and sweet. Raisa slid into her stance, the one her mother had taught her almost as soon as she was old enough to leave the den. Raisa's hackles raised, fur standing on spiked ends, giving her a demon's frame. Each paw was planted firmly and squarely on the ground, nails digging into the soft earth to keep her traction. She tensed her core, ready to spring this way or that if it was needed. Perhaps this fae would be quicker than she had guessed, and she would not be caught unprepared. The charcoal fae pinned her ears less they be caught in a maw, narrowed her eyes and wary of wayward fangs. Blindness was so unbecoming, after all. Her body was aligned with her center of gravity, tail erect to make certain her balance was steadfast. Saliva began to pool in her mouth. She was ready to begin.


ROUND 0 of 3

DEFENSES: Hackles raised, paws planted firmly and squarely, nails dug in for traction. Core tensed, ready to spring. Ears pinned, eyes narrowed. Body was aligned with her center of gravity, tail erect for balance.



NOTES: Edit permission given by Canti to change rounds!

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


02-02-2014, 01:38 PM

Six waited for a little while until pawsteps were heard. The black and white bitch stared at the grey woman as the body slithered her way. A sickening smirk slipped across her sultry lips. The killer felt her blood boil in a rush of excitment. The bitched rolled her shoulders once more as two words were heard. Six remained set. Her paws remained dug into the mud, her eyes slit like little half moons, her claws dug into the earth, her ears flat, back straight with her tail, she tucked in her neck, raised those hackles into rolls of skin, bent her knees, curled her lips, and bared her teeth. The black and white behemoth was ready to fight. "Good luck, my beauty." Those luxurious tones flowed, each word laced with a visible darkness.

The dark woman let forth an eruption of growls. Those massive paws thundered down on the ground as she tried to charge her opponent. Six faked left and charged right, in attempt to confused the girl. The black and white girl went low, her knees bent and her head low. The woman snapped her mangy jaws madly, aiming to bite down on Raisa's right, upper thigh upon her front right leg. The behemoth would also attempt to push the other woman back, trying to push forward by digging her paws into the earth. Such attacks would leave the girls upper body exposed, hackles and such. Which may or may not be an issue for the maddened bitch.

SIX v Raisa



Defenses: Six remained set. Her paws remained dug into the mud, her eyes slit like little half moons, her claws dug into the earth, her ears flat, back straight with her tail, she tucked in her neck, raised those hackles into rolls of skin, bent her knees, curled her lips, and bared her teeth. The black and white behemoth was ready to fight.

Attacks: Those massive paws thundered down on the ground as she tried to charge her opponent. Six faked left and charged right, in attempt to confused the girl. The black and white girl went low, her knees bent and her head low. The woman snapped her mangy jaws madly, aiming to bite down on Raisa's right, upper thigh upon her front right leg. The behemoth would also attempt to push the other woman back, trying to push forward by digging her paws into the earth.


Note: edit was allowed by fox




5 Years
02-03-2014, 04:23 PM

Raisa was prepared for the woman's attack when it came. Her opponent lunged left with such reckless abandon the ex-Queen could not help but be wary. She was pleased to find that it would pay off. A feint was a trick she herself often employed, and was quite familiar with. Instead of springing forward to meet the woman's charge, Raisa sprung backwards, allowing the fae to complete her ploy, while the ex-Queen was simply out of reach. She soon realized, however, that her assailant was not done quite yet. Before Raisa had an opportunity to react the fae was on her heels, biting and snapping. Raisa shifted her weight to her front paws, trying to navigate the hind away from the woman's jaws, only to be rewarded with a quick bite for her front, right foreleg. She snarled as fang met flesh, feeling the tear. It was not as severe as might be, but it certainly fueled her anger. The royal hissed out a curse.

The bite brought forth an action of reflex. Before the woman could pull her maw back from royal flesh, Raisa darted her own fangs forward, using the advantage of her higher position so that they might dig into the woman's scruff. After being charged, Raisa was of a mind to regain a measure of control. If she made contact, she planned to drag the woman to the ground, or at the very least off balance. Having repositioned her hind quarters, she was now square within her balance once more. Her tail realigned and her claws still gripped the soil, with each paw solidly planted. Her solid stance would give her attack the necessary power and leverage. As Raisa lunged, she kept her nose tilted down so the fae would not be able to jerk upwards at her neck without meeting the queen's glistening ivory canines. Her ears remained pinned to her skull all the while, and her eyes narrowed. Blindness would not suit her at all, after all. She tightened her core, so that she would not be caught weakened should the woman push against her. With driving force, she descended, locked in on her fleshy target.


ROUND 1 of 3

ATTACKS: As Six lunges down to bite her forelegs, Raisa will use her heightened position to drive down at her, in an attempt to bite her scruff and drag Six to the ground.

DEFENSES: Repositions her hindquarters to regain balance, tail is aligned with body, claws gripping the soil, each paw planted solidly. Nose tilted down neck with fangs bared. Ears remained pinned to skull, eyes narrowed. Core tightened to help keep her stance.

INJURIES: Mild bite to right foreleg

NOTES: Edit permission given by Canti to change rounds!

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


02-03-2014, 08:36 PM

The other gladiator knew of Six's move which was not a shock. The fake was not rare at the least. Though, the ebony woman's bite did hid nontheless. Her jaws flew into the tender flesh of Raisa's forearm. Six would want to moan from the taste of blood slithering down her mouth and throat. The girl would attempt to keep the position by digging her paws deep into the earth and her claws further. The woman would have her knees bent like springs to help her in case of the need of sudden movement. Raisa would lean down and grip Six's hackles with her jaws. The black and white bitch groaned from the pain of fangs hitting her gentle flesh, though it was only her hackles. The wound was nothing major, but painful. Raisa started to push down on Six. The behemoth would find her belly touching the ground, but she would try to keep her jaws locked onto the other girls leg. If she were to keep her teeth within the other's leg, Six would try to yank Raisa's leg to the left, then attempt to shake. If her attack hit it would cause the fallen Queen to become quite off balance. Six would also try to swipe at Raisa's right hind leg with her paw to inflict either a flesh wound with her paw or to damage her balance, as well. Six would keep her ears flat, her tail tucked between her legs, her hackles raised, her eyes slit, and her lips rolled up.

Six v Raisa



Defenses: Six would keep her ears flat, her tail tucked between her legs, her hackles raised, her eyes slit, and her lips rolled up. She dug her paws into the earth, as well as her claws. knees bent.

Attack: She would try to keep her jaws locked onto the other girls leg. If she were to keep her teeth within the other's leg, Six would try to yank Raisa's leg to the left, then attempt to shake. If her attack hit it would cause the fallen Queen to become quite off balance. Six would also try to swipe at Raisa's right hind leg with her paw to inflict either a flesh wound with her paw or to damage her balance, as well.

Injuries: bite wound to her hackles and she is being pushed down to the ground.