
The Ripple Effect



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-08-2014, 04:57 PM
Sin Armada

The lakes surface reflected the sky above, warm winds blew ripples across the surface. Sin walked along the shore, allowing the cool water to lap at tainted paws. This was a place he had been before, in fact his last meeting was with that of the ignorant and foolish Bitch, Illja. He had gotten his way with her, and it would have been avoided if she had not crossed his path a second time. Ah, how the winds of fate always seemed to blow in his favor...things brewed in his mind, things only he and a select few would ever know. The rest? Locked out like the pathetic curs they were.

He walked halfway around the shore, claws leaving indents within the damp grounds. Wondering what today might hold...would he come across an interesting meeting? A fight? Physical release? The possibilities were endless, and he always looked forward to finding out who his next possible victim would be. His body shuddered at the thought of a fight, but perhaps this afternoon would go much smoother then expected.


01-08-2014, 05:18 PM

Aislin had gotten the information of Glaciem she needed and for now, she was satisfied. As much as Glaciem seemed like it would have everything she needed, she still felt like something was missing and she couldn't place a tongue on it. It had structure, it had potential, it held purpose, and still she felt like there was something missing. Perhaps it was passion? Who knew. For the time being, Aislin walked in the daylight enjoying the weather somewhat. It was a nice change from the last few days before.

The sun warmed the earth with it's gentle kiss and the clouds floated along by smoothly. The smell of the dampened earth, the cool water nearby, and the wind carrying the scents on the breeze made it that much more enjoyable. For being as dark and mysterious as she was, Aislin still enjoyed a pleasant stroll. However, it seemed as if though she wasn't doing it alone. The scent was only barely noticed when a flash caught her eye to her left.

The colors were white and crimson and it was interesting combination. The golden orange stood out with the red, and it matched her own eyes. It held the same passion she had, though with a darker touch and for some reason Aislin found that attractive. It was a male for sure in the way he carried himself, and without fear or regret from anything. Aislin was curious to who this male was, as he smelled like Glaciem, and as to why he was out here alone even. Deciding to approach, Aislin let out a soft bark and began padding his way. Aislin wasn't as sore as she was before from all the traveling she had been doing so now her movements were more slender, and her body swayed with her walk. Aislin didn't like walking this way knowing that it showed off her curves, but it was part of her natural walk. Aislin liked walking like a warrior; strong, without fear, and without worry. Though, she supposed within her natural walk that she could do the same, but she still didn't like the attention it brought.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-30-2014, 06:11 AM
Sin Armada

The male in his curiosity of the ways of the world was focused upon his thoughts. Though not wholly distracted, as senses were alerted soon enough to a nearing scent followed shortly by a light bark. Turning into the direction of the oncomer, Amber gaze fell on a creature as black as night...eyes much like his own. It intrigued him when he found others with his same eye color, he always found it quite...attractive. Was it a quirk? A fetish? Who knew. But he could never pull away from one who held similarities such as his. He remained in place, eyes showing nothing as the pair faced off. Her moving body tantalizing him, her curves were naturally hypnotic to the beast. But then again, he was always in the mood for some sort of lustful game. However, that game might not be played today. Who knew? It was all up to her, though he would bring on the charm and chivalry as well. After all, if he was to begin a new reign, he needed the best he could find.

"Such femininity you carry about you, night stalker. However, strength seems to radiate from you all the same." He let a smile show, genuine and enchanting. His attention was solely focused on her now, wondering what today's meeting would hold. He was curious as to who the babe was, more so as he wondered if she would be up to the task of joining ranks with him in the future. She had that air of command in all its natural state, surely it would not go wasted. "Who do I have the good graces of meeting, today my beauty?" He would speak in a light manner, words dripping with compliments as he moved a little closer, tail above his haunches like a banner.


01-30-2014, 01:41 PM
Aislin was a kind of woman who liked her romance. Being a sort of romantic at heart (when she felt like it), Aislin usually was poetic and very dreamy. But since she was stressed at the moment with no pack, the only one she wished to join changed like crazy, as well as other things, she was not quite in that sort of mood. When the same red and white male met her gaze, somehow she became fairly interested. Aislin never really met those that ever made an impression with her. However, as the man began to speak, he was starting to make a good impression with her. There was charm in his voice, which pleased her ears, but there was also a respectful tone intertwined with the charm that made his deep voice pleasing to listen to. When spoken to, she returned the smile and added her own soft, humming vocals to his own.

"A mystery that, even you, may never fully solve."

Aislin started as she sat just shortly after she came closer to him. Her black tail remained wrapped around her toes as she watched him. Aislin liked what she was seeing as she scanned over him more; the muscle tone he had, the way he carried himself, and the demeanor he had also. Of course, this could all be but a facade, but she would determine that later on as she got to know him. Hell - there was no one else she could talk to, or visit with, so this was better than anything else in her mind. When he asked her for her name, she gave a short smile and chuckled. "Aislin D'Toula, lord. And for yours?" Aislin could sense that this man who had a commanding presence, much like she did. Maybe at some point, a pack could be started in between the two of them, one that would benefit both of them.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
02-04-2014, 07:43 AM

Intriguing was she, the woman whom captured his attention. Her amber orbs enticed him, her form all the more so. She would sit and respond, and he giving a light chuckle at her remark. "I do love to solve mysteries..." He responded to her, his voice smooth and containing evermore charm. He was determined to make her, his. To bring her into the plans of his future as a leader, it was surely something she could not deny. The woman would give her name, and Sin's lips would curl into a smile of pleased proportions. Stepping forward, he ambled his way close to her with poised grace, his aura exuding an air of power and dominance, of unfaltering confidence.

He swept past her, but no more then a few inches as he slowly circled her dark form. Tail sweeping along her side's as he took in her scent. "Aislin D'Toula...My my, that sounds like a name for royalty." He stopped close to her left side, breath whispering within her ear. "Would you like to be royalty, dear?" He whispered sweetly into her ear, nose brushing lightly against her ear tip. He would give her his name, depending on what her reaction would be to his bold advancements.



02-04-2014, 08:03 AM
The response was expected from the man as he chuckled and replied with simple words. Aislin returned the smirk as he began to circle her, and his tail rubbed against her side. Taking in the scent that was disturbed she smelled how they seemed to intertwine for a moment. It created something interesting and pleasing, surprisingly, and Aislin listened as he mentioned royalty, and asked if she wished to become royalty.

Aislin nearly jumped with a shiver as he spoke into her ear just a whisper, and waited for her response. When the mental goosebumps were no longer present, she looked at him with a relaxed gaze, one that made her eyes look deeper than they were by tilting her head slightly to the side, but turning her head so she faced his own eyes, she gave a smirk.

"Royalty huh? So bold from a man who has yet to tell me his name. It's as if you intend to claim the world for your own..."

Aislin slowly got up and flicked her tail playfully at his face and thought for a moment as she took a couple steps. So far, her luck with packs didn't turn out so well, and she almost joined Glaciem which would have made her a sex slave pretty much. She didn't mind the sex - she just refused to be held down. Turning back to the man, she held her smirk and chuckled.

"I suppose if there isn't any catch, I wouldn't mind trying out the crown for a while."

Aislin finished her turn and came to sit in front of him. Her fur accentuated her curves as she sat before him with her tail just over her toes. Aislin had always been the curvy type, more so in the warmer months. This whole situation of becoming royalty by a man she just met, most would say to not take the offer because she didn't know him, or they would say simply to be careful. Honestly, one didn't get to know another unless risks were taken and sacrifices were made. She wouldn't sacrifice her freedom unless there was some benefit to it, and she was taking the risk with this man. He looked like someone that would be a good match to at least have companionship with, maybe more, since she wasn't getting anything right now and her previous friend was nowhere to be found.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
02-18-2014, 09:21 AM

A smile of charm and a look of desire would rise upon alabaster features, unhidden were his desires, and why would he hide them in the first place? He never had anything to hide, intentions always made clear...even if at a subtle pace. The male stopped his pacing...if only for a moment. Her remark made him chuckle, oh how right she was. He did intend to claim the world as his own, to make others bow down to him in fear. And yet, he would form alliances and create a force that would be strong enough to bring down a was a goal he would be determined to make. And the era of darkness will soon begin... He would think within the dark confines of his mind. He was unlimited, and should something decide to take his life then it would not be taken without a fight. Even so, his legacy would be remembered...and it would live on.

Flickering ambers of interest roamed her own, searching for tale tell signs of betrayal or treason. And yet, there was none he could see. A lot for a simple glance, but the eyes were the window to true for a select few. His own intentions were always well hidden within the pits of darkness, swirling within his mind. None could decipher what his intentions and thoughts were...and to do so would only mean you were a celestial wolf from the heavens, of which mortals could never be. A curl of his lips made his amusement show, the beast then responding with his own name. "You may call me Sin, dear night stalker."

The dark beast would sit before him, her tail gracing his face for a brief second. It sent an invisible shudder down his spine, oh how tantalizing she was...what was it like to break through to the interior of an amber eyed beauty? He wondered, and yet he held enough respect for her to not do what he had done countless what he had done to Arietta. But this woman, she was not weak. She was unafraid, and it drew him to her like a moth to a flame. He would draw closer, sweeping over to her front left as he stopped just at her side, head reaching forward as stained lips reached for her ear. "Would you like to be my queen?" A whisper swept past, taunting, teasing. The tip of his nose brushing lightly along her ear, down the side of her head, to her neck...Would she take to his advances? Or perhaps would she decide to advance herself? He enjoyed a mystery, after all. And what better mystery then she?



02-18-2014, 11:14 AM
Aislin was a strong creature with a soul that was hard to tame. Being as mysterious as she was, she also was quite dangerous when the need pressed for it. Aislin watched Sin walk around her and continue to tease her with tantalizing offers. The girl chuckled at them, but couldn't help but be interested about it. A chance to rule and possibly take on the world, see new things, and have a better life of her own than what she was living now. Sure, Sin smelled like he belonged to a pack but did it mean he planned on abandoning it? Aislin wouldn't question it either way, but still the thought remained. Abandoning a pack could have severe consequences for sure, and ones Aislin might not like.

"A queen? One that rules over all with no prejudice, with beauty, and a power most others would die for?"

Aislin shivered lightly at his advances. It was as if a cool breeze had somehow penetrated her pelt and cooled her skin, leaving goosebumps behind. What was it about this male that had her nearly sent over the edge? It was not a feeling she had experienced before, but the more he caused it made her want it that much more. What else could he do to her to cause her even more pleasure, she wondered? Aislin thought about it for a moment, his question, and pondered it carefully. Becoming his queen with possible dangers if he left his old pack would arise for certain. Most would not want to take on those unknown dangers, but others who tasted success would take for the risk and that was what Aislin planned on doing. Her life wasn't exactly going anywhere as it was.

"Your queen I shall be, to forevermore serve thee." Aislin teased with a silent whisper just along his ear as she nuzzled along the lobe down the side of his cheek, along his muzzle and to the tip before looking at him once more with her orange eyes. "You may call me Aislin." Aislin spoke her name with a soft tone pleasing to the ears. Aislin searched his eyes and features for any signs of trickery or deceit and she knew actions would prove otherwise of his word should she find no signs of distrust. Aislin was a cautious creature, but she would go along with most things if she didn't smell a rat. If it meant she would benefit by doing things that most others wouldn't, or simply by just playing a part, then she would follow.

"So my king," she began, [/b]"what will you do with me now? As my first task, what is it you order of me?"[/b] Aislin asked as she walked around him in a circle before coming back to the front of him and giving him an over exaggerated bow while keeping her gaze on him. Tall ears remained focused forward towards Sin to catch every command he would give, as her attitude and focus remained positive.