
Dark Abyss



12-29-2013, 01:17 PM

Enola had been wandering along the treeline of the northern forest in Seracia, nose taking in the warm air. Little did she know Winter was just about over, within a few days the snow would completely melt, and plant life would spring back to life. For now all she worried about was sniffing the trees, pressing her cheek against the bark to feel the texture, and even giving it a lick to see if she could eat it, quickly discovering that it was quite disgusting.

About an hour outside the child would thinking she was out long enough, the cold starting to get to her flesh, freezing. So she would turn around, following the scent trail she had left while checking out the small forest, a small bounce in her step. A few feet from her home though she would suddenly freeze, a screech from the air above her making her tail tuck in between her legs, nearly touching her stomach. Never had she heard such a sound, and she didn't want to hear it again either.

All of a sudden the pup would feel a sharp pain in her shoulder, talons attempting to grab the pup and fly over by not getting a god enough grip. Enola would yelp in pain, getting lifted off the ground about two feet before getting dropped. Immediately she would take up in fear, little paws drumming against the ground, heading in the opposite direction of home and right towards the lake.


Awesome table by Eldarwen <3


12-29-2013, 01:37 PM

[Image: tumblr_mxlyymVOUz1sh0juuo1_500.png]

Nizhoni was eager for the arrival of the turning seasons. He had heard the older wolves talking about it, and was more than eager to see a world that was not so white and grey and cold. To think that the entire outside would be as warm as the den when he and his family were all curled up together inside seemed wonderful, and he was impatient for the will of nature to take hold. He wandered the wood line now, snuffling about in the snow, looking for signs of new growth. So far he had turned up nothing, and was rather disappointed by that fact. He had just turned for home when a screech from above made him jump. He looked upwards, trying to find it's source, and caught it just in time to see it swooping down. It grabbed at something, but Nizhoni could not see what exactly it was. He squinted his eyes, and it hit him like a thunderclap. "Enola!" he cried out, a fierce terror taking hold of him.

The great bird dropped his sister, and he watched as her panicked stricken body bolted. "Enola, wait!" he cried again. She was heading straight for the lake! Nizhoni was a bit lankier than the small girl, and used every spare centimeter of his stride as he pelted after her. His tiny heart had never beat so fast, his tiny paws had never so flown across the ground. She wasn't stopping, why wasn't she stopping! That water so so cold he could barely drink it, and to plunge in would be certain death for a pup. He put on an extra burst of speed, and saw that he was gaining. "Please stop, the lake!" He could say nothing else, his lungs were so strained for air. Finally, he was there. Nizhoni threw himself in her path, scant lengths from the water's edge, and only hoped he could break through her panic to stop the girl.



12-29-2013, 02:27 PM

She was so scared, all that was going through her small brain was to run, don't look back or stop. And that's exactly what she did. The pup ran and ran, little muscles working hard to get her away from the screech above, the spot where something grabbed her shoulder starting to feel wet, a small dribble of blood showing through her light coat. Heart was racing, blood rushing in her hears, sounding like a roar. She would have almost missed the voice that called her name, telling her to wait. She couldn't though, what if the screech got her?! Tears would fall from the girls eyes as she continued on, it wasn't till her brother brought up the lake that she finally broke out of her terror. The girl would gasp, limbs trying to slow her down to a stop. By trying to skid to a stop a paw would get thrown beneath her body, the other forelimb unable to keep her up, sending Enola into a roll and right into Nizhoni. She would whimper, limbs scrambling to get her back up, face being buried into the boy's neck.


Awesome table by Eldarwen <3


12-29-2013, 09:28 PM

Relief flooded Nizhoni with such strength it nearly washed the boy away. He sighed and fell shakily to the ground, happy to feel his warm sister safe with him. The chill from the water seemed to roll at them, angry that he'd prevented it's kill. "You gotta be more careful, Nols," he said gently. He pressed his nose under her jaw, and then sniffed gingerly at her back where the bird had tried to grab at her. He licked at the wounds, trying to clean her fur a bit, to get rid of the grime, and to calm her down. "Come on," he said gently. "We gotta go find Momma, she'll know what to do." Nizhoni looked up at the sky, trying to see if the bird would return, or if it still circled overhead. He saw nothing for the moment and stood, nosing under her shoulder to help her stand. He could help but think it odd that his sister had reacted so. She was so close to the barn after all, why not run there? Couldn't she see the water before her? He frowned, and let her weight fall against him.

"Speech" Think



12-29-2013, 09:54 PM

The girl would keep her face buried into her siblings body, not wanting to pull away but would allow him to get his nose beneath her jaw and lift it to gaze at her. She would sit there whimpering softly as he sniffed at her back, then proceed to lick the wound caused by the screech. After a few moments of silence he would tell Enola they had to go find momma, that she wold know what to do. The girl didn't want to move from where the two were, didn't want something to try grabbing her again. With Nizhoni's nudge though she would hesitantly move, pushing her body up onto all four limbs, her side pressed into his.

"Momma will be mad at me Niz... I don't wanna make her mad." She whispered, head low, ears back and tail tucked in. Enola didn't want to upset her mother for leaving the den and getting hurt, she was suppose to stay in the stall where it was warm and safe. A paw would lightly kick at something, a small pebble.


Awesome table by Eldarwen <3


12-30-2013, 12:20 PM

Creeping and crawling like the sea over sand.
Still I follow heartlines on your hand.

And there?s fantasy, there?s fallacy, there?s tumbling stone.

Echoes of a city that?s long overgrown.

Enola's prediction of their mother's ire made Nizhoni squirm with discomfort. She was probably right, and he didn't want to get reprimanded or cuffed any more. But his sister was bleeding, they couldn't just do nothing! He scuffed his paw against the ground, kicking at the same pebble Enola had knocked about. He was the big brother, it was his job to make sure his brothers and sisters were safe! Guilt gnawed at him, knowing he hadn't done a very good job so far. "Well, we gotta do something, Nols! Maybe Elias or Daedalus or Silveris will have an idea." He hadn't seen their other siblings since early that morning, when they'd all woken up, but they had to be nearby. And a reprimand from them wasn't nearly as scary to think about as one from Momma. For now he was cold and tired and still a little bit scared, and he really wanted to lay down. He could smell his sister's fear in the air as well. "Don't worry, little sister. I'll make sure the eagle doesn't get you ever again." From the bottom of his heart he meant it. From that moment on he swore he'd always have an eye on her, and he'd keep her safe.

"Talk" "Listen" Think



12-31-2013, 12:06 PM
ooc: gonna bring in celeste so thy have someone to ask for help

Enola would remain there, silently thinking of what wold happen to the two, would they be able to find someone or would they have to go home and get punished from momma? An ear would perk up once her sibling spoke, he said they had to do something and that maybe one of their siblings would have an idea... Slowly her head would lift, grey orbs looking to Nizhoni. That was a good idea, but what if one of them told momma? He would tell her not to worry, he would make sure the eagle didn't get her again.

With a small smile and slight wag of her tail, the girl would step forward and nuzzle into her siblings neck. "Danke you Niz." She would give her brother a kiss on the cheek, her body moving around so that her side was brushing against his. She still didn't know who they could go to yet though, momma was the only one she knew could make the hurt go away, and she wasn't sure her siblings would know what to do.


Awesome table by Eldarwen <3


12-31-2013, 10:50 PM

beginning to the end

While all of these series of unfortunate events happened to Enola, Faolan was in a neighboring piece of wood. Draped in the shadows of the day, the silvery male was resting for an afternoon nap. His mother had taken her herbs and was now enjoying quality time with Mercury and Jendai, leaving him and Ara to their own devices. He wasn't sure where his quiet sister was roaming, but he knew she was within howling distance. For the moment, he didn't need her company, but he wouldn't turn her away if she approached him. Family meant the world to the half yearling, even though he didn't voice it.
As he was thinking about how wonderful his brother and sisters were, a soft whimpering slashed through his thoughts. His light green eyes opened and his head rose while his ears turned to search for the sounds. There were two voices intertwined; one was of Nizhoni, the son of Loccian and Gerhardt. As for the other...his ears flattened at the sound. He knew that it was Enola. No one else's voice was as soft as hers. From what he caught, she sounded hurt and her brother was wanting to look for Loccian. Faolan's brow furrowed and he wondered what had happened.
Curiosity overtook the boy's senses and he quietly slipped out of the foliage that was between him and the two stray pups. His presence was not to be a surprise, but rather a welcomed sight as he caught the two trying to find help. Words weren't said at first as his eyes and mind absorbed the situation in front of him. There was blood spilling from the small pup's shoulders and some had already dried across her light fur. Internally, Faolan's heart broke as he realized that she was in major pain and the healer part of him started to kick in.
"I'll be right back," was all he said before he walked back into the underbrush. He had seen some mint earlier and he searched for the herb that would help his breath. Immediately, he munched on it and a wave of freshness filled his mouth. Faolan swallowed it and proceeded to search for the right herbs. Once he got the right few, he reappeared and lowered them beside the two pups. His paws then carried him to the lake and he dipped his lower maw into it, lapping up the cool water into his jowls. He hoped all he was doing would help.
Once he came back to the two pups, he stood on the other side of Enola and looked at Nizhoni with a mouth full of fresh water. He spit some it out on the ground away from the pups to indicate what he wanted to do and if Nizhoni obliged, he would proceed to lightly spill some of the water across the wounds of Enola's shoulders. The blood was cleared away and what had been matted in her fur was now gone. Faolan proceeded to work as he took the needed herbs, crushed them in his mouth, and lightly lathered it with his tongue across her wounds. Immediate coolness and relief of pain should have been the result of the paste he had made and he slowly pulled back to retrieve the last herb meant for Enola. "Eat this, Enola," he softly said, nudging her cheek with his cool, dark nose. "These will help with keeping away germs and help you heal from the inside." Faolan waited with bated breath to see what she would do.

Puppy Talk

we are alive


01-02-2014, 02:14 PM

At first, Nizhoni was not sure what to make of Faolan's appearance. What if he told Mama? Would they get in trouble? He seemed to take in the situation quickly, and then spoke. "I'll be right back," he said, but where was he going? Panic welled up in the small pup's chest as he tried to think about what they should do. He was about to tell his siter they should make a run for it, when the silvery lupe loped back out from the woods. A faint, fresh scent trailed in the wind after him, and Nizhoni found his curiosity sparking. What was he doing? The male ran then to the water's edge, lapping up a few mouthfuls, and finally returned. He deposited a pile of strong smelling plants beside them, and began to work them. "W-What are you doing?" he asked, uncertain, trying to be brave. Maybe he shouldn't let Faolan so close to his sister, he didn't understand what was going on. The older boy said he was there to help though, and Nizhoni remembered the first morning, when he had met him. Mama seemed to think he was okay. He looked to Enola, nervous, to see what she thought of it all.

"Speech" Think



01-04-2014, 12:44 AM

It would seem that while the two siblings were thinking of what to do, someone would approach them. At first Enola didn't think much of it, the rustle of a bush, just thinking it was the wind. But then the scent of someone she met before flowed into her nose, and soon enough he would speak up, saying he would be right back, his footsteps fading as he ran off. Blind eyes would turn to her brother, worry clear on her face. What if Faolan told momma or a different adult, then they would probably be even more mad!

Before she could do anything however, the male would come back, setting something down that would fill her nose with strange scents. The girl would remain standing there unsure of what to do as the male moved in close, dribbling something over her shoulders, water. Head would turn towards him, nose gathering a cool, fresh scent coming from him, he smelled nice. Seconds later she would feel coolness be spread over her shoulders where the screech had hurt her, not hurting as much, which made a small smile spread over her lips.

When it came to Faolan telling her to eat something though, she would be hesitant, even when he nudged her cheek gently. He told her that the plant would keep germs away and help her heal on the inside, but even if she wanted to believe him, Enola found herself looking to her sibling. "Momma said we can trust Faolan..." She spoke softly, but probably more so to make herself believe it.

With a deep breath the girl would lean down and nose her way towards the herb, off by just a few inches, but once she had it in her jaws she would carefully chew it up before swallowing. No more than a few seconds later she would make a face as the strange teasing plant, giving a small shake of her head. "It doesn't taste good..." She would whine softly, head lifting to look towards Faolan.


Awesome table by Eldarwen <3


01-05-2014, 01:54 AM

When Nizhoni asked him what he was doing in a hesitant manner, Faolan was just putting the finishing touches on the protectant for Enola's wound. He ran a paw across his tongue to get rid of the taste and answered in gentle tones. "I am helping your sister, Nizhoni. What I'm putting on her wounds is a mixture your mother taught me." A soft smile appeared at the mention of Loccian. "She taught me about healing wounds, so I hope this helps."
He then turned his attention to the sounds of displeasure from Enola's lips. A soft laugh rumbled from his chest as she said it tasted nasty. "I should have told you, I'm sorry," he apologized, ears perking happily forward. "If I give you some of this mint, it will help get rid of the sour taste." He nosed a single leaf to Enola's front paws. It was big enough to move without picking up stray pieces of dirt and the scent could rise to meet the girl's nose. His light emerald greens looked at her glassy opts and he realized that maybe it was the best way to give it to her. Instead of just handing it to her, she would be able to figure out how to independently take what she needed. It was something he hadn't thought about, but maybe it was a good thing that he did.



01-08-2014, 05:40 PM

Creeping and crawling like the sea over sand.
Still I follow heartlines on your hand.

And there?s fantasy, there?s fallacy, there?s tumbling stone.

Echoes of a city that?s long overgrown.

Faolan's words calmed the boy some, and he settled in to watch his elder work. Enola did not seem terribly displeased, except for the bad taste, but if Faolan said it would help, and Enola wanted to trust him, Nizhoni was okay with it all. He watched avidly, wondering how plants would know how to help a wound. Nizhoni couldn't heal things just by touching them, and he wondered if something that powerful didn't mind being chewed up. He didn't think plants thought and felt like he did, but he thought that was only because they couldn't talk, and there was no way to know for sure. By the time he'd thought all this through, it looked like the silver furred male was about done. Nizhoni looked at Enola and asked, "Well, how do you feel?" He wanted her to feel better of course, and he definitely wanted to avoid their mother's ire, but he was also very curious about the magic plants. Did they work that fast? Maybe I should learn how to use them, so I can be magic too, he thought with a smile.

"Talk" Think "Listen"



01-25-2014, 04:26 AM

Ears would twitch as Faolan spoke to her brother, saying that what he was putting on her ouch spot was going to help, and that their mother taught him how to do it. The mention of her mother would cause the girls' tail to wag lightly, a small smile upon her lips. And then his attention would be back on her when she mentioned the bad taste, her nose suddenly being greeted with a new scent, Faolan explaining that it was mint and would get rid of the taste.

The pup was used to thing being handed right to her, she didn't quite understand why but when silver furred male did this she was confused. Head would lower, little nose sniffing around and easily finding the thing he set in front of her. Tongue would reach out, the leaf sticking to it, pulling it into her mouth to be chewed up.

Niz would question her after eating the leaf, and she would turn to him and gave a small nod with the smile still there. "This made the bad taste go away." She would answer first, shoulders moving to test out the ouch she got from the screech. "The ouch still hurts, but not as much now..." She would speak softly, turning towards Faolan with a bigger smile. Whatever he put on her helped, it was like magic.


Awesome table by Eldarwen <3


02-06-2014, 02:04 AM

His large tail wagged behind him as she described how the mint got rid of the bad taste and the ouch was now less painful. Faolan's light green eyes twinkled when her gaze met his and he nodded gently. He figured that she could feel the gentle waves of wind from his gesture and he softly laughed. "I'm glad that you're starting to feel better. I'm sure that your mama would be able to make it feel better even more. I don't know as much as her, but I think this was enough for now."
He raised his head to look up for any signs of predators and sniffed the air to confirm it. Ears remained perked as he continued to listen for bristles in the trees or wings on the current winds. Fortunately, he didn't feel any enemy presences, so he looked down at the two pups and spoke again. "I think it's time to try and get you two back to the barn. I know that you are both still shaken and I want to make sure the ouch is gone forever." Faolan's gaze met Enola's blind one, but he didn't mind it. He knew she could feel his stare and he let a smile break out once again. "Are you two okay with that?"
