
Erion Sovari


02-04-2014, 12:57 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Dione
How did you get here?: Nyx's butt
Age: 21

Character's Name: Erion Sovari
Age: Newborn
Season of Birth: Spring Year 3
Adult Height: 32
Appearance Description: Despite having a fairly normal colour palate splashing across silken locks this boy will be a looker from birth and only grow further into his looks as time stretches on. Body wise he is the perfect combination of his mother and his father. Though no one quite knows where the luminescent orange eyes came from, its obvious that his long snout and and large ears came from his father as well as his long legs and height. But from his mother he drew out silken fur and a figure any woman would die for, waistline almost unnaturally skinny. She has also told him that he has her heart though he has asked her time and time again to prove that. It's a nice sentiment though? Tail is longer then most though not unnaturally so and not so long that it drags in the dirt thankfully because this boy will always try and keep himself almost immaculately clean.

He takes more from his fathers side as far as his colours go, taking after the creams, whites and blacks from his father's pelt rather then the blues of his mothers. Splashed in an pelt of tan and creams that work in a gradient through his pelt with his face and neck starting darker and then working lighter towards his tail. Though his nose above his odd facial markings is white and his paws looks like they are covered in frost there is no other changes in his base pelt. His most striking features will be the black lines that start beneath his chin and stretch up over his eyes then across his forehead and then slowly dissipate between his ears and down his neck into his thick ruff.

He will be the runt when born, considerably smaller then his sibling though luckily not a sickly little thing. Because of this he will gain a bit more attention, the fact that at a young age he craved the love of his parents and learned how to milk it probably didn't help either. But as he grows he will come into his own, a little growth spurt when he is six months not helping his balance in the least but by a year he will learn how to walk on the stilts he has for legs. By the end of his growing he won't be anything spectacular and frightful as far as build or height, he will stop at a an easy 32 inches and 86lbs. Nothing to scoff at but at the same time not towering like some of the monsters he will meet in his lifetime. To sum it all up he will be happy with how he turns out.



10 Years
02-06-2014, 04:10 AM

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