
I've got that Salt skin


02-07-2014, 04:11 PM
I fell in love today

there aren't any words you can say

[Image: 21marzd.png]

These caves had no audio in them, not even the chirping the birds filtered through the cracks. Exploring was the least the stoic could do as he was settling. His slate blue form, well defined walking through a puddle. His white tipped elbows and bottom of his paws looking like he fell into a bucket of vanilla ice cream. Curiously his darker ears would come to rest in a perked position, watching a small bat hanging itself on the top of the open cavity of the cave. The man stopped, starring until it went to take flight and his jaws suddenly came up neck arched to snap at it. Canines deeply embedded into it's chest through the ribs as a crack was heard and he lowered his cranium. Blood dripping from his maw he dropped the dead bat.

At least he knew he was still in practice now, consuming the bat was an easy task but not possibly the best choice in prey. His now blood stained snout added red to that mask on his face as he stood back, able to place his snout in the puddle and watch the strands of blood float away in the clear liquid. Kind of like a solid snake, as he shut his eyes for a moment then opened them again. Well so much for exploring the magnificent places of Alacritis. The north was just full of quiet, abandoned causes.


02-07-2014, 06:43 PM
"A place like this is no place for a gecko." Isabella thought as she explored the caverns. The dark, damp cave made her happy she had left Alphonso behind for a while in a little out of the way hidden den in the south. Every now and then Isabella needed to be alone, even if that meant leaving friends elsewhere. The wise little gecko understood though, he cared for the wolf and knew her well enough that for now staying behind was good.

Moving into he caverns she rubbed up against the wall ever now and then for a reason she really wasn't sure of. It felt good though, to be in the caves, to be in contact with the stone to smell the damp air and be in the dark silence. It reminded her of home as mountains always did. Perhaps that what is was, as a pup would rub against a mother for reassurance, some wolves would rub against the structure that were part of their homes. Trees, boulders, tall grasses, something that when contacted would make them feel safe.

And safe she felt in this lonesome place, well as safe as she would allow herself to feel. She had learned to never truly let her guard down, sure her tail wagged a little very now and then but she never lowered her ears or head and never lost focus of what was around her. It turned out that was a very good thing as the smell of blood came to her. The scent of a wolf came with that blood. "It seems I am not alone in these caves." She thought taking a step forward as she scented the air. The wolf smell was vary faint, the scent of the cave did a good job of covering it up and if it wasn't for the blood she would not have noticed it. That put a question in her mind, perhaps another owned this cave and she was an intruder. If so, it was best to make her presence knowing. Following the scent she came up behind a large male who seemed massive in comparison to her. The stranger was clearly a muscular wolf with fur a color she had not seen before. Clearing her throat to get his attention she spoke.

"Caves and the scent of bats hide other smells well. Forgive me if this is in fact your home and I am an intruder here though I hope this is not the case."Short, simple, diplomatic, and to the point. It was no situation for small talk, not that she engaged in that much anyway; nor was it the time to be silent and hide, that could come off as her being a threat or a thief. Being direct with her empty but thoughtful words had seen her though tense situations before as she hoped they would now.