
Keeping Secrets

Twig I


02-16-2014, 06:24 PM

It was quite early in the morning, but Twig found she could not force herself back to sleep. Her mind was still firmly on him, she had only returned the night before. Having been confronted by Pulsus on the way back she had found a place to reluctantly wash his addicting scent from her luxurious fur. It had almost pained her to lose that slim connection she had to him, as she had returned to their campsite she would not find the courage to talk to any of her waiting family. Instead she had quickly found a place to recline and was swallowed by sleep.

It was such and odd transformation, one she was not all together pleased about. Her focus had been interrupted, and almost completely snuffed out by the joyous one. She could still feel his warm golden gaze upon her as she awoke to find herself within the confines of the earliest of mornings. Finding it impossible to return to a slumbering state she would rise. The others looked to still be sleeping, to quietly she would return to the orchard. The place she has first seen Themisto. It was unclear if she pursued the location because she hoped to find him there again, or if her paws just so happened to carry her again to that place. All she would find would be their stale scents, but his memory was certainly fresh in her memories. She could feel her skin grow warm at the thoughts of the past days events. A sigh would permeate the early morning air as the likelihood of seeing him so soon and in the same place was slim. She would be enjoying the orchard's beauty alone... Or at least that was what she had first thought.



02-16-2014, 08:21 PM

Since she had meet Tyr, Newol, and that dark male she had been isolating herself from her family. The only one that knew what was wrong would be Jinxx. She couldn't let them see, had to be a good girl, act like nothing was wrong. Her sleep was still disturbed by nightmares but she had matered the ablity to remain silent. To not scream and cry out. She was trying to be brave and strong, to not worry her siblings that something was wrong. Her wall was up, built higher and stronger than before. Not a crack in the wall. She couldn't stop thinking about Tyr though. Something about him made her want to see him again, to make sure he was ok. But would she ever see him again? Only the destruction of the storm had thrown them together. So on just a normal eventless day what were the chances? Very slim she thought. .

By some blessed miracle her sleep was not haunted with her fears. Even still the young girl woke before dawn. She laid there, off to the side of her family just staring off, trying to will her eye lids to fall and lull her back to sleep. Lately she was just so exhausted with the little amount of sleep she was getting. Her eyes must have closed when she heard the soft rustle of someone moving. She didn't open them till she could tell they were walking away. Ice blues opened with her head lifting up to see her sister leaving. Ears twitched as she too silently got up to follow at a distance. The land grew more fruitful and lush as they headed to the orchard. She had never been here before so the distance would increase as the petite pale silver girl took her time looking around. But it would seem her paws were making good time as Twig's form came into view. Angel stopped where she was at, silently watching her older sister. What was she doing here? She looked like she was looking for someone but who?

I can talk!

Twig I


02-16-2014, 09:02 PM

Early morning avians would shin to fly and dip through the branches of the sun kissed tree tops. Twig's royal purple gaze would observe their movements as the dancing continued, she would feel butterflies within her stomach as she wished to dance again with that jovial form. He was not in her presence however and so the lonely she wolf would still herself in the morning air. Taking in slow breaths she could feel herself longing to feel the joy that Themisto's aura admitted, he was so completely different from those she grew up with and trusted with her life. Something about him though, had just made her feel so safe. She had let her guard down around him, and had enjoyed it. Her thought were so consumed with the recent events that she had lost track of her family. She did not know how any of her brothers and sisters were fairing. ?
As a familiar scent would find its way to her oddly marked muzzle she would suddenly become curious of Madieke's recent adventures. She had been so consumed with secrecy and avoidance she would have missed the scent of another clinging to the girls pelt. Much like her little sister would not be aware of her own secret's lingering aroma.
Her nose and then eyes would follow the scent of Angel to glance a distance away. Before her was the lithe form of her sister, smiling she would subtly reposition herself to not seem so eager. Twig was not ready to announce her newfound crush, talking to her older brother had been difficult enough. With a comfortable grin she would welcome Angel into her presence,?"Good morning little sister. Care to watch the sunrise with me?" it was innocent enough, an she hoped it would convince her not to question her whereabouts.?



02-16-2014, 09:49 PM

It seemed she couldn't keep her presence unnoticed from her sister. Her scent had her sister turn and look to her. Silently she stood there waiting till Twig invited her over to watch the sunrise. Head lifted to look up at the sky. It would seem that they were in time for the sunrise. But wouldn't the trees block the view? Mentally she shrugged and trotted over to Twig. Sure but why here? I got worried when you left so I followed. She said softly. Why had Twig really come here? Was it simply she just wanted to wonder around because she had been awake? Angel knew that feeling.

She looked around them, nose sniffing at all the tantalizing scent the orchard held. It made her mouth water, to want and taste the fruits, to smell all the flowers. It was a magical place in her eyes. It was warm and live here, to bright. It was like life giving her a place to see that not everywhere was dark and scary. But life also had a way of changing good things to bad in a heartbeat. She turned to Twig, her spirits slightly dampened but wouldn't show it. Could she tell Twig what was on her mind? What was bothering her? She wasn't sure she could. She didn't want anyone to worry.

I can talk!

Twig I


02-16-2014, 10:26 PM (This post was last modified: 02-16-2014, 10:26 PM by Twig I.)

Twig's young sister would remain silent as she made her way to where Twig sat, she knew already that she had to be at least slightly suspicious. It seemed as she slowed to a stop and her lyrics let loose that she already questioned her chosen sun gazing spot. It was true that an orchard might seem the oddity of places to watch, but she still had an excuse up her sleeve. The deer would be thick in the wood as the young deer started to explore the world on their own. She would just smile invitingly as she tried to shrug off the question,?"It's just pretty here, and there's lots of tasty things to eat." And sometimes captivating tailless healers stop in. Though surely her heart would have stopped had Themisto found his way to her now. She didn't know what she would do if she had to explain his sudden presence to her sister. What could she say? Would she even be able to tell her about the man now, without him in her presence? Twig would hope she wouldn't have to explain the stake scent of she and another wolf to her curious sister. Wasn't Pulsus knowing enough? She would ignore the topic unless Angel made note of it, until then she would try and think of an excuse. Her smile would remain as she did her best to keep her nerves invisible. It hurt her to have to be so secretive with her sister, she wanted to tell her all about him, but something inside her kept her from forming the words.?"We can go taste some fruits later if you'd like." she would offer, hoping the girl would stay distracted by the heady scent of fruit.?



02-28-2014, 10:32 PM

She sat there watching her older sister, watching the wheels turn in her eyes. She would not mention anything yet as Twig smiled and replied back. She was right that it was pretty here, but not the best sun rising watching spot. Something was up, and Angel was sure to find out sooner or later. For now her eyes roamed over the land before her paws lifted her to sniff about. Nose to the ground to followed many scent trails to fruits she was not sure were safe to eat. There were other scents too, deer, squirrels, birds, and wolves.

She could smell Twig's scent and another. For a while they were separate and no alarming to the young girl. But she couldn't help the nagging pull that she should know that scent. She made no obvious sign what she had found. A peach fell from a tree to roll right to her paws. Head pulled back slightly to look at the fruit.Twig..can I eat this? She called over her back before giving the fruit a sniff. It smelled soo good. Tongue flashed out as she licked her lips. Tail wagged softly. If Twig didn't hurry over she was sure she would just bit into the fruit anyways.What can we eat that is safe? She muttered softly, more to herself. Her mind spun, trying to remember what little she knew of plants. Maybe she should fix that and broaden her knowledge of plants.

I can talk!

Twig I


03-03-2014, 11:20 AM

Just as she hoped that her sister would not do the girl would proceed to sniff out the area. Twig's slate backed ears would fall to get crown as she hoped madi would find nothing that could point her to Twig's current obsession. She would avert her orchid gaze from the she wolf, somehow hopeful that such an action would deter the woman from the not so well hidden truth. She would keep to herself very long though, the sound of a fruit dropping would grab her attention. It was a peach. Twigs eyes would grow wider as she realized how close they had been to the succulent fruit. If they had just turned around that day there would have been the treat they searched for. She would make no mention of this however, only continuing her sisters conversation.?"It's a peach, Madi. You must be too young to remember grandmother taking us to the orchard. These have always been my favorite fruit." she would pick her way carefully over to where her sister sat. Careful to walk over her previous scent trails to prevent further Angel from figuring things out. Her sister was a smart she wolf, it would be a miracle if she made it back without divulging the information.?"I'm pretty sure all the fruit here is edible. Just be careful with the stuff that's been on the ground too much. They ferment and create umm.. Alcohol which can make you go all weird." she would giggle at the time she remembered her father becoming drunk off the old fruits.?

I can talk!