
Baby take me high



02-17-2014, 07:06 PM

Countless questions would flood the mans mind as he stared onward, powerful legs moving his body at a steady pace. Occasionally his eyes would dart between Twig and the trees, but mostly they would fall upon the woman and the path beyond. He was so easily distracted by her that if it wasn't for his exceptional memory, he would have forgotten all about the succulent fruit. Now she was his succulent fruit. She was all he could think about. And when she requested a place to rest he would instantly come to a halt, ears pinning against his skull as remorse enveloped his features. If he had known she was fatigued he would not have sought the fruit any loner. She was far more important than a few bites of a peach. "Anything you want Twig, just ask." His lips would crease into a soft smile, though guilt still lurked within his mind. He felt so selfish, he hadn't even bothered to ask if she needed rest before their departure.

Twig would mention quenching her thirst, and Themisto would smack his lips lightly, making it obvious that he too was parched. "Yeah, a little water would be nice. The closest water source is in the west. It's called wolfpaw lake, and it's a marvelous place to visit. May i take you there, miss Twig? I will let no harm come to you during our travels." He would inquire, his soft smile widening as he again held his paw out for her to grab. If she were to deny it he would understand, as he too would be weary about a stranger offering to bound into the unknown together. He could only hope she would not deny him, as he wanted her by his side safe, sound, and healthy. Sunset hued gaze would attach to her amethyst eyes, adventure shining through a gleam within his optics. "You can trust me Twig, I promise." He would voice, wanting to persuade her as much as possible before she were to make a decision. Things seemed to be moving so fast between them, and Themisto was loving it. He could only hope she would follow him onward, as he would follow her if she were to request it.

OOC: Kat! if she says yes, i can reply with a new thread at wolfpaw lake :) if not, we can continue this thread!


Twig I


02-17-2014, 08:34 PM

Had she not had her own orchid gaze rested upon the man who walked before her she might not have noticed how he continued to sneak looks back in her direction. Her maw would hold a sheepish smile as she continued forward, unimaginably happy to just follow Themisto and be in his presence. They would come to a stop as she offered her opinion of what it was she wished to do. ?She would note the demeanor change he would display, it was odd to see him show so much remorse suddenly. Unsure as to where it might have appeared the girl would lay her slate colored ears against her tiara as her features would show the slightest of confusion. Sweetly he would offer her anything she would want, but he'd already give it to her, the soft smile that played upon his features was enough for the marked girl. He would continue though, his own lips making it apparent he wished for quenched thirst as well. The shy smile that danced over her lips would pull back farther as he would continue to address her, his kindness permeating the icy folds within. He would explain where a body of water would sit, a bit more walking but by the sound of it she would be impressed. A nice quiet lake to rest and be in his presence seemed to fit perfectly with her envisioned future hours spent with him. There was no way she would be able to so easily tear herself from his side, she would easily be able to spend the rest of the day with him. If she had her way they would be together that night as well, but she was not blessed with sight of the future.
Again he would hold out his pale paw for her to take and once again she would feel an arousal of excitement well up within her chest. A flurry of butterflies would stir within her gut as she felt the blood rush to her facial features. She would nod in answer of his question, she might have given him a verbal response if she was sure she could keep herself from audible folly. All that would run through her head was "I could follow you anywhere." nothing about him would have led the girl to believe he wished her ill intent. Even if he did have less than moral intentions she would have denied it for how much she enjoyed every minute of him. With even further proof of the tender trust she would place in him, given to his newly outstretched paw would be her own slender appendage. "You can trust me..." he would reassure her, and incredibly the untrusting girl would believe him.??"I know." her quiet vocals would sound as their gazes would meet, her own royal purple and his imperial gold. "I'm glad I get you to show me there."

Something was different about Themisto, already her feelings about him were changing. It was incredible to think they'd only just met. Was she letting her guard down too quickly? Was she letting her emotions get in the way of her mission, in the way of her family? If they were she found them of little concern, with Themisto's warm gaze still lingering upon her there was little else she could think of. She would follow him when he chose to move, her stomach still doing flips within her.?
