
Relearning the Familiar



8 Years
01-13-2014, 01:45 PM

She thought it would be easier, now that she was part of a pack again. Just the words, the welcome spoken to her by the pack's master, Deteste, had made it seem as though the weight had lifted from her shoulders. Yet it wasn't so simple as that. She was part of a pack, yes, but a pack filled with wolves she had never met, didn't know, didn't yet trust. She found herself alone among the red woods once more, familiar territory from her short time as a rogue, and she felt the rogue once again. Oddly disjointed, lost and unsure. The passive facade she wore belied the inner turmoil of the older female. And she was older than the others, startlingly so in some cases, yet she was just beginning her life in this family while others had been together far longer.

The pale female ghosted through the trees, deep blue gaze sweeping around her, seeking to familiarize herself once more with these familiar, yet strange, surroundings - but the balance she really sought was not physical.



01-13-2014, 04:02 PM
So he was one step closer to the life he wished to live. He was part of a pack that expected of him exactly what Ritsuka wanted to accomplish. To better himself. To become one with his fellow members and become stronger. Make a successful pack. The young brute was overjoyed with this fact. The redwoods were quickly becoming a home, and he spent his time exploring, learning of his home, familiarizing himself with the area. Ritsuka was diligent in his routines. In the mornings he would rise early, stalking out to go on a usual walk through the territory. Normally by mid day he would start to cross over the scents of other wolves from his pack, though he had yet to interact with them much.

It was time to change that though. Catching the scent of one of the females he joined with the male would pause, perking brown ears forward. What was her name now...? Qanik he believed. The tan brute would breathe in the scent, tail swishing back and forth as he turned in the direction she had traveled. She had been by this way just recently... likely familiarizing herself with Tortuga's territory as well.

It didn't take long for Ritsuka to locate the white figure. She was about his size, making him feel even more on level with her. The speckled brute would emerge from the trees on her right, falling into step beside her. "Qanik, lovely day, is it not?" Emerald eyes would flick to the female. A pack was not a pack unless the members worked in unison. "I thought that, perhaps today, we could bond a little as packmates. If we all keep running around the territory alone we might as well still all be rogues, am I right?



8 Years
01-13-2014, 08:12 PM

She wasn't alone.

For the first time in some time, the knowledge didn't stir fear in the white wolf. She immediately went on the alert at the sound of movement in the trees to the side, ears and nose quivering as she sought the source of the movement, but there was no fear, only an upwelling of the protective instinct that had always characterized her time on border patrol.

Perhaps she wasn't so bad off after all.

She cast an evaluating eye on the young wolf who emerged from the underbrush to match her pace. He was the young male who had joined the pack at the same time as her and young Gossamer. Young, but intelligent it seemed, to have seen right away the very thing that had been bothering her.
A very lovely day, she agreed, switching her gaze from the male back to the terrain around them. And a very perceptive young man. Her low voice held a hint of respect for the young man amidst the gravelly rumble. A pack is nothing if it is not also a family. A very diverse family, she amended after a moment with a chuckle, glancing between her own heavy, square white body and his brown and gray speckled form. And I have had more than my fill of being a rogue.



02-05-2014, 12:25 AM
Ritsuka couldn't help but smile a bit as Qanik gave him praise, a hint of respect in her voice. Honestly if it wasn't for his fur he'd be blushing in that moment. He wasn't really one to recieve compliments well, though he did appreciate them greatly. He would nod in agreement to her words. A pack was indeed much like a family, and there was always room for change and growth for all of them. They were all different, but they could still work together, and that was the beauty of it. "You and me both, Qanik. I'm glad I found a pack again." Though there were some things that he missed dearly about his old pack.

Mainly his sister, but she had decided to stay behind, and with a heavy heart Ritsuka had left her. The two held a very close bond... one he knew would always stay with him. Ritsuka would look to the female, swishing his tail back and forth a couple times. He would look around, chuckling a bit. "There is a lot of territory that we're going to have to learn. I don't know about you, but I don't think I've come to memorize even half of this place yet." Just friendly conversation; nothing more and nothing less. He would look to Qanik as he waited for her to speak, his emerald orbs fixed on her face.




5 Years
02-05-2014, 05:45 PM


in defense of the innocent

Qanik nodded at his words. Having spent time as a lone wolf, she had a newfound sense of respect for the tragedy of their position - lonely, often pushed away by pack wolves, considered disreputable and treated with suspicion... even the term rogue itself was, intentionally or not, a defamation of the packless wolves. "I cannot help but feel that there are so many out there like us, wolves who would be productive and grateful members of a pack if only there were someone willing to take them in and care for them. So many who..."

She cut herself of with a shake of her head and a small smile. "Don't mind me. I'm getting maudlin again. It is a lot to adjust to. New place, new wolves, new rules. It's bound to cause some soul-searching, I suppose."

She too, glanced around at the area around them. "It is a lot to memorize. A lot of land for so few wolves. I suppose it's no wonder we're all rattling around in here. You know, I haven't met any other pack members since we joined."


cowardice is the only sin


02-20-2014, 04:44 PM
Ritsuka would listen to Qanik as she spoke, a sense of empathy filling the young male. He agreed with her. He had met quite a few other loners on his journey here, and more often than not they were seeking their own pack. It was a lonely existence, and sometimes, even when loners banded together, it still wasn't quite enough. He still felt quite empty, being in these lands. The pack territory was large, spreading across several different types of lands. Yet they hadn't even met any other packmates, apart from the alpha and ones who joined with them. The way the pack was running... was it not just like a loner life? Sure he understood the wanting and needing to better oneself but it was a pack in the end, and packs still did things together. A wolf could spar with himself... or learn new skills without the guidance of an older, more experienced wolf. A sigh would pass his lips, and he would give a nod.

"It's quite alright, Qanik. I honestly agree with you on it. There are far too many loners out there looking for the right home, often pushed away from larger packs because of their so called lower status." He didn't think it was odd at all that the female would think of other wolves. "We'll just have to be on the lookout, and if we come across any loners to make sure to ask if they'd like to come to Tortuga. Perhaps then we'll get some activity within the pack." The brute wore a deep frown. "I haven't either. I can smell a couple other scents but when it comes to actually trying to locate them, or coming across them, nothing turns up. It's like the pack is made up of ghosts or something." Ritsuka would flick his gaze back to the white femme. "Well at the very least there are three of us who seem to be active within Tortuga. I'm sure we can come up with something. Sparring practice, a hunt... just something to do together rather than remain separate all the time." Deciding for now to change the subject he would speak to Qanik. "Were you always a loner Qanik? Or did you come from a pack at one point?"
