
small talk


02-20-2014, 05:48 PM

Decisions had been made, change was in the air, and it was time Maverick let the proper authorities know of them. He hoped this would not end badly, but on the off chance it did he didn't bother calling the rest of his family into attendance. He was their patriarch, this was a matter he could settle himself. Not a smile wrinkled his mask, and yet he didn't look sullen either - simply.. himself. Cranium tilted back to a certain degree as he let loose a beckoning howl for his new Queen. It was interesting, and perhaps slightly disheartening, that he knew so little of her, but that didn't much matter now. Head returned to its normal state as he rocked onto his haunches and made himself comfortable. He was very near the center of the Range, close enough to see the shed in shambles, and the barn in the far distance. He remembered the storm that had nearly brought both buildings to the ground, and yet by some miracle they still stood. He remembered the days of his youth when he'd explored them in their entirety, when he'd nearly gotten killed inside the shed out of his own sheer stupidity. Oh how time had flown by. There he would wait for her arrival.



02-22-2014, 10:47 PM

Change was indeed afoot in Seracia, although Destruction hoped that her position as alphess would merely be a temporary thing, and that Loccian would recover well from her sickness. However in the event that she did not she was prepared to shoulder the duty of Queen for Seracia. Under her friends request, as well as knowing it was her duty as the Queen, temporary or not, she had to get things more active within her pack. They had to prepare in case of war or challenge, teach their young the skills they would need to survive in this world.

Destruction had caught wind of what had happened with Valhalla, and it disturbed her greatly. There were other, more personal things settling on her heart as well. The loss of Tahlia and her children, a detail Destruction had found out after her agreeing to alphaship had cut into the woman deeply. Her family, her god children... gone to a law she herself had agreed to. She hadn't known it would affect them... and though her heart lay with the pack, Destruction wept for them. Worried for them. Were they alright? She felt like a traitor to herself... to them... but she couldn't just betray Loccian and abandon Seracia... so in the end... Destruction put her own feelings aside and decided to put the pack first.

Things were already starting to be organized, though it was a bit slow going. She was making her way to getting to each of the higher ranked members of Seracia, or at least trying to. Speaking of, Maverick and his mate still had quite the standing. She had been meaning to speak with him before her rank change, in regards to mentoring Celeste, but now she had to speak to him of other matters. Or rather, he had to speak to her it seemed. The howl of Maverick would fall upon her ears and Destruction would set off in that direction. It would seem that fate would have them meeting together at last.

Destruction would approach the former king, the one who had first accepted her into Seracia. She would look upon him now, having the feeling that what he wished to speak to her about was of a serious thing. The Queen would approach, finding the feeling strange that she now looked at him in a position of power. So much had changed since she had first come to Seracia. The dark woman would take a seat, dipping her head to the other wolf. All the same she would treat her members with respect.

"Maverick, I am glad that I finally have had the chance to speak with you." Her single crimson ringed white eye would lift to meet his own, the other having been lost in the storm. "But it is clear that you have something you wise to discuss with me. Please, feel free to speak your mind."



02-23-2014, 05:29 PM

It wasn't the easiest of news to share, and even after his howl fell silent he found himself regretting it. And yet he knew it had to be done. Maverick squared his jaw and stilled his tail, allowing it to fall comfortably around his hips where it would remain. There was uncertainty in his stare, but not about his decision - rather his choice to bring it forth so quickly as the choice had been made. Time was of the essence, and Maverick would have to push forward with his decision. As she neared he spotted her almost instantly, but instead of letting his head fall in line with her movements, he would remain as still as a statue. The last few seconds before she settled before him were absorbed as time in which he could calculate his phrasing precisely. To misspeak would be to burn a bridge he could not afford to lose. "Destruction," he chided as she came forth and took a seat before him. To see her as a Queen sent a pang of loss to the pit of his stomach, but he gulped it down while she greeted him. Emerald eyes met her single crimson orb. His vision didn't waver for a second. She urged him to speak, and he would oblige her command. "I have spent much time thinking lately, attempting to find myself now that I am without the very thing I was raised to possess. My wife and I have come to a decision," he paused, so far pleased with his certain, yet polite phrasing. "We have decided to leave Seracia. I cannot say for how long we will be gone, but we have agreed to investigate a new fledgeling pack by the name of Ebony - in the West. I would be most pleased to forge an alliance with them if you see it fit. I believe their mindset is much akin to our own." Or what it once was... he noted in his mind alone. "My children are all of age to survive on their own - and each has been given the option to choose his or her own path. I cannot speak for them, but I imagine a few will wish to go with us while a few others remain behind." He paused, breathing a sigh. "Perhaps it is beyond my reach to ask such a thing, but I plead with you to treat them fairly and if anything should happen I humbly request that a message be sent." Another sigh. "Seracia will forever be my home. It is ultimately my intention to visit periodically, if I am permitted to do so - of course." He would ultimately never trespass, if the new Queen sincerely did not want his presence. When he was through his head would dip an inch in respect and reverence. "Also, please know that this decision is in no way related to your coronation." He would tag on the final fact for her feelings' sake.



02-23-2014, 05:47 PM

Destruction would remain calm, listening to all that the ex-king had to share. Bit by bit she would address his words, keeping her own tone of politeness as she did so. "I can understand your feelings, Maverick. I may not be in the same position, but I will respect you and Epipron's decision to leave Seracia. It is a natural thing to assume that some of your children may choose to go with you, and all of you are free to go as you wish. No wolf will stop you from this." She would shift a bit before she resumed speaking.

"As far as an alliance with this pack, Ebony, I will meet with their leader and talk with Loccian once I have. Though I may wear the title of Queen for the moment I have high hopes that she will recover from her sickness and reclaim the title from me. I am merely doing this as a service to my friend, and all my actions I do with her input on the matter." She wasn't aware just how many wolves in Seracia were aware of her friendship to Loccian, or the matters of which the pack was placed into her care. All the same she would handle the matters that arose.

"Should any of your children choose to stay here you have my word that they will be treated fairly. I know that you and I have hardly had the time to grow close while we both remained in Seracia, though I have changed for the better since coming here. No wolf will receive unfair treatment while I am in power. On that note, in that same manner of respect, should anything happen I will have word sent to you and your wife immediately." Now Destruction would gently smile.

"You are all welcome to visit here, Maverick, anytime you wish. Should the time come that any of you wish to come back to Seracia you will be welcome home. One thing that will never change is that we are a family here." Des would tilt her head to the side slightly, speaking once more. "Are you in need of assistance with anything while you are still here? Please, feel free to request something if you do." Honestly Destruction hope that the male wouldn't think anything poor of her. She was merely trying to do what she and Loccian felt were right for Seracia.



02-23-2014, 05:59 PM

She was so much more courteous than he could have ever imagined her to be. Had he been in her place, standing here while she commented on taking her family of nearly ten and moving to another pack, he hardly imagined he'd be able to hold it together as she had. She was remarkable, and half of him wished he knew the words to express that to her. Gratitude poured from every orifice of his bodice as he dipped his head gently, listening to each phrase she uttered. She spoke of talking to Ebony's officials about an alliance, if Loccian saw fit to do so. She spoke of allowing his family to go if they wished it, and taking care of his children if they chose to stay. He had never thought her to be one to let them be injured, but as a father it was his job to take every precaution he could for his family. She also tagged on that they would always be welcome back in Seracia - to which he would be eternally grateful. To know that he could return at any time was a welcome relief - he still wasn't sure leaving would fix all of his problems, but there was only one way to find out. She asked if he needed anything, and for the life of him he could come up with nothing - not that he would have asked anything of her anyway. "Not that I can think of, my Queen. I only wish I would have had more time to know you better, but we each must follow our path no matter where it leads. You are truly remarkable, and I look forward to seeing you again someday." He would smile and dip his head in unspoken thanks to the woman. "We will remain here for a day or so more and take our leave. I promise to make no pomp and circumstance of our affairs, but know that part of our hearts will always reside here in Seracia. Should you ever need us, you need only call." He craned his chin low, a final bow of sorts. "I will keep you no longer, Lady Destruction. I of all wolves know that time is precious to a monarch." With that, the once-King would take a last look upon the Queen he scarcely knew, and would set off to find his family and make arrangements for their departure.

Exit Maverick ~



02-24-2014, 01:19 AM

Things between them, at the very least, would leave on a positive note. But Maverick would be more than welcome to return to Seracia, his home, to visit with the wolves he knew and cared for. Destruction would listen as he spoke, feeling a bit of warmth come to her cheeks. It was honestly strange to have the man she once served treat her with roles reversed. "Likewise, Maverick. May luck be with you and any of your family who leave as well. You have my best wishes." She would give a nod as he mentioned staying for just a day or so more. "Understood. Should any affairs come up and your family needs us do not hesitate to send word our way either." Destruction would rise to her paws as Maverick set off, her single orb watching him for some time before the warm smile spread across her lips. Despite the fact Maverick and Epipron were parting ways with Seracia for now, as well as possibly some of the children, she felt as though the ties they shared with the pack would still hold strong. Seracia wolves would always be family. No matter where their paths lead them. Destruction would turn for now, heading off into the lands.


-Exit Destruction.-

-End Thread.-