
Do you feel useless yet? [Eowyn]



02-19-2014, 07:12 PM
Nobody's gonna mess me around

Ian MacKinnon

I'm on the highway to hell

The devil himself had made his way to the pack borders of a somewhat new pack. His name was Ian MacKinnon and he was one wolf that thought very highly of himself. The man never gave up and with his persistence, he thought came great rewards. Truth was he wanted to lead a pack and so he wanted to find one he saw as weak. He was believed, by many from his past, to be the spawn of the devil or a reincarnation of Satan himself. He was a Satanist first and last and he would do anything to serve his master. He hid his evil well. Few would know the light tawny man sought only power and death. He needed to sacrifice wolves to his god.



02-23-2014, 10:52 PM
Take me to the please where the white boys dance.

?owyn was searching for some sort of strength left in her. Soon she would be a mother, she wasn't pregnant yet but she would be. She loved Birch and Birch loved her. They were just waiting a bit until the end of the season. She steadied her breathe as her lean muscles pushed forwards through the forest. A slight confusion crossing her to find there was another wolf. It seemed like a dark and dangerous place, so why would any wolf stay there? From their scent, they were a loner. This could be a very good thing for her. She gave an unsure smile as she caught a glimpse of him through the ferns. The heat and humidity were killing her but she didn't care. "Hello." She said sternly. He seemed like the rough type.

Take me to the place where they run and play



02-23-2014, 11:00 PM
Nobody's gonna mess me around

Ian MacKinnon

I'm on the highway to hell

Ian turned and stared at the strong yet silly wolf before him. His evil spirit started to calm and the kind, benevolent wolf he normally was. He ehard a greeting from her and yet no name. She was a smart wolf to not trust a loner with her name until she talked to him more, but he was smart as well. "Hello there ma'am. Good day to you." He was proper, regal almost with a small and kind smile holding firm on him. He wondered who she was, why she came off as dominant when she was just a mere loner as he was. "What brings you to these regions?" He asked calmly. It was an honest question for being in a dark forest and willingly talking to a loner in said dark and haunted forest.



02-23-2014, 11:07 PM
Take me to the please where the white boys dance.

?owyn listened as he greeted her, his tone was proper and crisp. He asked her a fair question, but it was not one that she could honestly answer. "Well... I'm passing through as I look for... recruits." It didn't sound correct, after all she wasn't some millitary staff seargent. She was a girl seeking to run her own pack of strict laws but freedom. She had won Pharos over and he would be finding others to join with her and her mate. There was Birch's sister who she [?owyn] was convinced would support her [Aranya] brother and his mate. She still needed more wolves to support her and Birch.

Take me to the place where they run and play



02-23-2014, 11:17 PM
Nobody's gonna mess me around

Ian MacKinnon

I'm on the highway to hell

Ian MacKinnon was curios when he was told why she was roaming through the dark forest. Recruiting? Was she a pack leader? No, perhaps one aspiring to be one though. A small smile grew, perhaps a bit of sly feelings hidden in it. He answered her with yet another question. "Recruiting for what, ma'am?" A small bit of curosity was released in his voice. His light tawny butt grazed the ground as he sat on his rump, his head was tilted slightly to suit his question. The MacKinnon lad managed to keep the evil spirit at bay, he had been one of those wolves to try and control his inner demons. He had been doing pretty well with gaining control too.



02-23-2014, 11:23 PM
Take me to the please where the white boys dance.

?owyn listened carefully to the man who continued to be proper by referring to the soon to be alpha as ma'am. After all, the man had no knowledge of her name. ?owyn thought about how to answer the question to perhaps peak his interest in the subject. "I'm recruiting wolves to start a pack. My mate and I have found a location east of here that we want to call home and we have a handful of followers. Alas, we need more than just the numbers we have." She said respectfully to the male who seemed so curious to know more.

Take me to the place where they run and play



02-23-2014, 11:28 PM
Nobody's gonna mess me around

Ian MacKinnon

I'm on the highway to hell

It was an interesting reason to be roaming a dark forest which happened to be stereotypical for evil wolves lurking around. However, he had to admit he was interested in this pack which she spoke of starting. "What would this pack be like, ma'am?" He asked in plain interest to the woman who hadn't even given her name. He took a deep breathe as he looked toward her. His tail dragging across the ground in the dirt. He narrowed his eyes slightly to further attempt to express his curiosity in the subject. He waited for her to respond and wondered what her name was.



02-23-2014, 11:32 PM
Take me to the please where the white boys dance.

?owyn was moved into a more comfortable subject and soon she forgot all about him as she ran through her ideals with him like she had with so many others. "The pack would be housed here and called Salvatur. I'd set fair laws. The king and queen, or Malkia and Mfalme would rule over the pack. Malkia means Queen in an ancient language and Mfalme means king." She explained as she started with the rest of the barely thought out plans. "Next would be the Mirithi, or the heir to the throne. Then there would be the inner guard and captains; the most trusted out of all the wolves. These wolves would have been around for a long time or they would have done something to earn their rank. Under the Inner Guard and Captains would be the Alpheta, Followers and Subordinates. Alpheta are children of the alphas that extend all ages until promoted. Followers are the common pack members who hold no real power. Subordinates have proven themselves worth a few times and they are in charge of making everyone lower in rank than them pulls on their end of the deal. Then there are children and omegas. Children are pups who are taken in at a young age or pups that are not the alphas. The alpha pups have a slightly higher rank than the children, but this is because they are potential heirs. Lastly are the Mfungwas and Sfungwas. These are prisoners who have trespassed or have harmed a member of the pack. I've got my mate, Birch, as my main supporter right now and without him I'd be hopeless. Then there is his sister, whom he said would also support."

Take me to the place where they run and play



02-23-2014, 11:36 PM
Nobody's gonna mess me around

Ian MacKinnon

I'm on the highway to hell

Ian listened to all the information flooding around him. It seemed very much like it was a martiarchy but he was alright with that. He offered a grin as he finally introduced himself and gave his name. "Ian MacKinnon at your service, my lady." He said making his interest clear. He would not ask, he wanted an invitation and that was his only demand. He doubted he would get it just by showing interest. He wondered who the handful of followers were, it seemed like she had enough so much but he never knew the true story. He waited.


02-24-2014, 11:07 AM
since this thread was posted after elysium was created, and in Ian's post he acknowledged the fact that another pack was living here, im allowed to say that Elysium is already here. also, even though this thread is private, artemis is allowed to enter since she's the alpha and it's on her territory.

sorry kiara...but eo was on her land. ian was at the borders but eo was apparently IN the forest, so...derp. she can fight for her freedom ofc, and so can anyone else who is a tier two or higher member in a pack. sorry but this is how artemis is ruling her pack :p

An entirely feminine and foreign scent invaded the pallid banshee's nostrils as she made her routine patrol about her domain, enticing her to pursue its creator by the intensity of the aroma; whomever it belonged to certainly trudged upon dangerous turf, no? Upper lip would unfurl to reveal her bleached artillery of choice as she maneuvered along a makeshift path in search of the perpetrator, mismatched amethyst and silver gaze ravenously scanning through the labyrinth of underbrush in hopes of locating whatever poor soul thought it wise to disregard her borders. At long last, the petite physique of her newest intruder manifested within the tyrant's line of vision, forcing the banshee onward with the confirmation that the woman had, indeed, breached beyond her boundaries, footfalls hushed now as she attempted to approach the conversing duo perpendicular from the woman's left side. Triangular ears twitched as they consumed the soprano tones of the invader, forcing amusement upon the tyrant as she registered the information about the woman's aspiring pack, causing a smirk to unfold across her marred visage; well wouldn't she be quite the downer on the intruder's plans?

"How unfortunate that your pack shall never be," the tyrant drawled as she strode from her vantage point, addressing the tawny woman with feigned sorrow, completely disregarding the male for now as she closed the distance between herself and the intruder, leaving approximately seven feet between them. "Fool girl, you will not go anywhere; you have trespassed upon my land, and now you shall face the consequence." Tongue clicked against the roof of her mouth as her pupils scanned the woman's unimpressive physique, noticeably contemplating her punishment. "Since you seem so keen to be with Elysium, I will gift you with a spot upon its hierarchy--at the bottom. Welcome, Serf; you'll find your time here quite..." speech trailed off as a soft chortle reverberated within the depths of her throat, "...unpleasant." Of course, the tyrant was no fool--she expected for the woman to contest her decree, and therefore began to settle into her defenses in preparation for battle. Skull lowered over her breast and tail ascended until it was in perfect alignment with the remainder of her spine, chin tucking tightly against the curvature of her neck while her jaws unhinged and lips curled back to reveal her incisors. Limbs found comfort spaced equidistant apart, each bent slightly at the knee to lower her center of gravity while her toes splayed, nails grappled the earth beneath her to retain traction, and weight distributed equally among her grounded appendages. Shoulders rolled forward in their sockets and neck scrunched to encumber the front and sides of her neck in a protruding halo of excess fur and fat while her hackles prickled along the base of her neck and spine, abdomen tensing while her eyes narrowed to dangerous slits and her ears slicked against the contours of her crown.

Either her newest Serf would follow her, unscathed, or battered and bruised--it was entirely her choice.



02-24-2014, 11:45 AM
Take me to the please where the white boys dance.

OOC: ?owyn will be fighting for freedom. Permission given by Elsa [who plays Ian] to PP his exit to tell Birch.

?owyn hadn't even realized that there was a pack there until she told she wasn't going anywhere. The rather free spirit had an issue with being force claimed for whatever the reason. She was told she would be forced into the pack and so she turned to Ian. "Go to Fontamo Bay, find my mate, Birch and tell him what has happened if I am to lose Ian." She commanded and she saw him run into the distance as she raised her tail in dominance and turned to Artemis. "I will be leaving. You cannot contain me and therefore I challenge you for my freedom you worthless piece of trash." She hissed as she wasted no time in setting her defenses. She was the challenger and immediately after her words she lunged at Artemis. She was placed at a 180 degree angle from Artemis and it led to her having to spin before attacking. She spun on her paws so she was facing the Tyrant at a 90 degree angle before trying to force her to the ground by knocking her off her paws and weighing her down with her body weight. ?owyn figured that if she could get her front half [at least] on top of the girl that she would weaken her and force her down. Just to be safe, the woman aimed to bite on her shoulder by her molaris which would make it hard for the Tyrant to stay up. The molaris was a muscle near the base of the neck. The one she was aiming for was connected to the right shoulder blade.

She had leaned down a bit before hand to attempt to protect her vitals [neck, heart, ect.] and her shoulders were bared, her head lowered. She was taking no prisoners for her fight for freedom. Even if she lost she would just keep trying and she would do nothing in return. Fight. Eat. Heal. Fight. Eat. Heal. No matter what she would just be a waste of resources. She was dying inside. All her promises to Birch could potentially be for nothing. The family they were going to start later in the season, her pack which she would start a little after her family would all be gone if she didn't win. She gritted her teeth, the pure rage in her eyes. ?owyn Dominigque-Netonya could not be tamed by some lowlife who called herself a leader. It was all too painstakingly obvious that her entire future depended on the results of this fight. While she was attempting to bring the scum down and give her a good ripping on the right molaris near the right shoulder blade, the girl would attempt to sink her claws into the girls back and drag them to leave scars that she would not soon be forgetting. If she was going to fight, she would try to win. If she were going to lose, she would give the tyrant some scars to remember.
?owyn vs. Artemis for Freedom. Round 1/3

Take me to the place where they run and play


02-27-2014, 12:40 AM

There had been no need for Ian to reach him at Fontamo Bay. Birch had been following ?owyn's scent as it was, something stirring in him as he kept moving. At the moment he was under the believe his mate was simply out collected more followers for their pack. He had been on his way to search for Aranya but something nagged at him. In the event that he might be gone a little for longer than expected he wanted to speak with her one more time, to assure her not to worry about him and he'd return to her as soon as he could with news.

?owyn's scent hung in the air as he traveled closer, missing Ian, though perhaps that, for the moment, wasn't so bad. He would arrive on scene with purple eyes widening at first. What... was going on? ?o... was fighting? The scent of the other female was strong... it didn't take Birch all that long to figure out what was taking place. Lingering just beyond the borders the male would let out a snarl, his normally joyful face turning into something quite dark. He would pin his ears back, fur sticking up with rage. Damn this woman, whoever she was. He felt helpless... was helpless. If anything happened to his beloved mate though... if ?o was taken from him... no... he couldn't think like that. Wouldn't think like that. He would flick his ears back, watching worriedly from the sidelines.


The Judge


02-27-2014, 12:01 PM
Default to Eowyn

Due to Artemis not posting within the allotted time, Eowyn has won the fight.

Artemis must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away.



03-16-2014, 09:32 PM
Since Art is gone I had to do a slight PP and gave some bruises for no apparent reason
Take me to the place where the white boys dance.

?owyn gritted her teeth as she started to cringe a bit. She narrowed her eyes and fought with all the vigor and valor she could. She only strove to fight harder with Birch showing up mid-fight. When the deed was done and ?owyn had won her freedom she ran to Birch. "I'm so sorry, love. I'm so sorry." Was all she could muster out as she practically sobbed into his shoulder. She nuzzled his neck and she was no longer on the borders to the pack. She was no longer on Elysium territory and she was free. Her dark tawny fur surviving unscathed but she held slight bruising to her ribs. It was worth it because she still had her mate and her life. She took a deep breathe between sobs. Why was she such a mess?

Take me to the place where they run and play