
might is power


02-24-2014, 07:42 PM
The darling babe was defeated. How did the woman do such a thing? How did she manage to stomp upon Six and kick her down? Six was a warrior, a natural born leader. The woman was flawless and yet she was defeated by a mere whore that did not have to do shit to get Amenti. The black and white behemoth was raging with horrible emotions. Rage and hatred boiled within. The woman also felt odd, despite her injuries. Like belly sick. The babe was emotionally unstable from everything but the loss really did a toll on her. Her massive paws thundered down into the snow as she slithered across the white plains. Tears rolled down her eyes and growls rippled through the air. Six was not one for showing others weakness but oh she needed her mate. Her husband. The man she loved. Six needed him in that moment more then ever. She then slowly fell into a trot and flopped down into the snow. The woman weeped and weeped. Was she not good enough? Obviously she was not good enough to lead. Her eyes were puffy as they shut. Her tail swept to her side as she laid there in complete defeat.



5 Years
02-24-2014, 08:27 PM (This post was last modified: 02-25-2014, 06:43 AM by Aldoro.)

The man had heard the dreadful news. The original queen defeated her, and kept her position as queen of Olympus. Aldoro felt extremely sympathetic for his beloved wife. She had seemed to work so work for this position. As the queen of a pack. And for her to just loose like that- is was horrific. Him and a blue wolf named Etern made a deal that he would be trained...but now that Six had lost, they'd need to decide what to do now. But currently he was looking for her. His wife. The man felt just as sick as she did for loosing. Not because he didn't become the king or the sub-alpha--- because he saw the excitement in her eyes every time she spoke about becoming queen of Olympus. It was so heartbreaking. And he was frantic to comfort her...and to help her regain her confidence. Even if it meant an angry Six, doubting all his words. He'd be there for her nevertheless.

Icy snow crunched beneath his massive paws as he trotted calmly along the powder-covered terrain. His fur was tainted in faint snowflakes, that melted within seconds amongst his ebony fur. But there were so many that they looked like stars in the night sky, disappearing quickly. Quicker than they should be. Aldoro wasn't caught on this thought though. He was constantly thinking about how Six lost, and if she'd be okay...oh, how sad this was. The woman lit up every time she talked about becoming a queen. She was just a natural born leader, and yet, she lost! The man thought this was simply obtuse. But while thinking about this dreadful event, he carried his massive frame across the snow-covered earth, his eyes stuck on the ivory ground. A few blades of dead grass stuck up from the earth, and some trees here and there. Such an unorganized terrain. But he sensed Six was here, and he'd find her, to comfort her. Lifting his large crown slowly, the brute inhaled the fumes around him once more while continuing to stroll along the snow. Six was near him. He picked up his pace, now beginning to run. Though within minutes, that black figure of Six's appeared within his field of vision. She was curled up in a miserable-looking posture. Aldoro's blunt expression was exchanged immediately with an uneasy frown. He approached her ebony frame, towering over her head and licking at her ears. This was just to alert her that her husband was here to comfort her...the man lowered right at her side and wrapped one of his forelimbs around her neck. He nuzzled into her furry neck and licked her calmly. Then, soft words interrupted the peace. "It's okay...Six. You did outstanding, no matter what any dumbass says. I bet you could try again sometime..." He tried to reassure her, sighing and leaning his head against her. "I love you, Six." That was all he said. He couldn't think of anything else...the brute really was trying to help. But he's never felt what she there was no way he could really communicate.


02-26-2014, 04:55 PM
The woman laid there. Her eyes shut. The woman was broken, horribly broken. She shuddered as she sobbed. She was breaking down. Six was not sad, not mad, she was ashamed. The behemoth trained and trained for that fight and yet she was crushed by a puny bitch. The black and white brute felt her belly churn, she was pregnant. Six could tell by the way her body reacted to the foreign beings. She was happy despite everything else, but at that moment all she could think about was the fight. Her ears perked as foot steps neared her. Her nose twitched as his scent flooded into her nostrils. The darling babe buried her face beneath the snow and her paws to cover the sobs and tears. Her wrapped himself around her and comforted her with sweet nothings but she continued to cry. Her tail instantly wrapped around him. His touch helped so much yet she continued on. Ever since the girl arrived to Ala she had become soft and distracted. Was it for the better? The woman would never leave Aldoro but she could not be defeated again. Six sucked in a tight breath and sighed softly. Her head lifted and puffy eyes flicked to him. "I love you, my darling." Her voice was weak but she tried her hardest to pull herself together. "I have news." A smile crept upon her inky lips. "We will have pups soon." The woman leaned in and licked his muzzle softly, forcing herself to stay strong.



5 Years
02-27-2014, 05:31 PM (This post was last modified: 02-27-2014, 05:31 PM by Aldoro.)

The man's sad eyes swept over the girl once more, her large frame often rising quickly to her sobbing. By this he could tell that his appearance wasn't very helpful. He cradled is legs around her and nuzzled her neck softly, trying his best to lift her spirit. But it just seemed impossible with her heart shattered like this. The boys tail shifted around the snow behind him soundlessly. But eventually, it made it's way to Six's tail, and they intertwined quickly. Even with this constant love...he just couldn't seem to smile. He felt horrible. It was his fault she lost. He had made her too soft and unfocused for the challenge. Aldoro let forth a silent whine, and he lowered his head onto her shoulder gently. Silence wrapped around them both, besides Six's heavy breathes and sobs.

Eventually words rang out into the cold air. "I love you, my darling." Finally, the man smiled. When she turned to him, he leaned forward and swept his tongue below her eyes, where some tears lingered about. Although finding it unnecessary to answer to her now, he continued to listen to the words that echoed around him...---News. What news? Bad ones? It was hard to tell by Six's saddened voice. But the news seemed bad already. Aldoro leaned in to her next words, and a massive grin stretched upon his maw. Pups! Oh, how he loved pups! Beautiful little Six's running around below him, and soon, growing up to be wonderful wolves. These news just shoved his sadness aside...and, he almost seemed more happy about this than Six was. Excitement would burst from his chest as he grinned. As she licked him, he nuzzled her cheek in return, and opened his maw to ever so happy words. "Oh Six, they will be beautiful!"


03-04-2014, 05:14 PM
The daemon was at rock bottom. Her heart hurt. He body hurt. Her belly churned. Six had never felt so low and gross. The woman laid there as her man slung himself around her like a blanket. She leaned into his body as their ebony furs mingled in such delight. The babe nipped at his neck, he made her feel better but the femme was still feeling horrible. As she spoke the words the man seemed to fill with joy. A smile crept upon her sultry lips as a little giggle was heard. She was excited about pups, Six was even already thinking about names. Kazimir.. Alfred.. Anderson.. The girl shook her head internally as he spoke excited words. The woman nodded quickly as she licked his nose, a lovely kiss. "They will be the strongest and kindest of children. Just imagine!" The girl leaned into him some more and shut her eyes. "They will be perfect, like you."
ooc: sorry for the badness of this.



5 Years
03-04-2014, 10:02 PM (This post was last modified: 03-04-2014, 10:02 PM by Aldoro.)

Oh. He was so excited. The man hoped there were going to be girls. He had some names in mind-...but that'd be up to Six. But goodness! He'd be a father! And eventually, a grandfather. The boy really did hope they didn't grow too fast. But either way...he'd love his pups. Forever and always, just like he loves Six, and promises to forever. The man tightened his ball around his wife with excitement, his eyelids shut and his black lips stretched into a joyed grin. Yes. They would be so kind- but strong. With Six and Aldoro having quite the different personalities, he was looking forward to seeing one or two of the pups having both their personalities. Mixed, in other words. Strong but kind. The man wanted affectionate children though. Not just flawless or bold for who they were.

His thoughts were crushed as Six continued. "They will be the strongest and kindest of children. Just imagine!" Ooh. He could imagine them. He'd drown them all in love. In constant licks and compliments on how pretty they look, and how similar they are to their mother. Aldoro's grin widened. He rested his chin gently upon Six's wither, eyes filled with endless enjoyment. Suddenly his maw parted to a few words. "Yes...they be perfect. Amazing, beautiful, confident-...just like you." Smooth voice would yield as his statement concluded. But yet, a pang of worry darted through him like an electric watt. Concern. Would she be alright when giving birth...?