
The Return Of The Valhallans



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-24-2014, 08:15 AM

The Alpha Primary stepped with a measured grace ahead of her pack, deep blue pools assured and confident as they swept the plains, lighting on the distant patches of forest. The grasses of the plains were browned with the heat of Summer, the air ripe with the sweet scent of wild hay as she raised her head a notch higher, scanning further out, ears perked and swiveling to catch all the sounds. Cicadas shrieked their raspy songs, while the more sedate grasshoppers and crickets chirped a lazy Summer melody, interspersed with the trilling rising song of a lark far above in the sky. The sun was nearing its peak in the sky, a bright pale golden disk in a sky colored the deepest azure, with not a cloud in sight, this day.

Her head lowered to the earth beneath her paws, keen black nose finding the scents of the border. All stale, old, nearly gone. In a way, Valhalla?s absence would have done the plains well. Prey would have replenished itself, and had, as the scents relayed to her nose. Strong spores of Elk, Bison, and other prey animals that would keep her pack hale and hearty for a good while. The herbs would have replenished, with her lack of gathering. Snowy head lifted, satisfied. She stepped across the old Border Line, turning her head to gaze back over her shoulder at the pack, studying each wolf present, and the horse that trailed behind, searching for any stragglers. She gave them a gentle, warm smile, ears pressing forward in encouragement, before turning and padding forward, tail swaying gently behind her. Velvet tones called out to them, quiet, but loud enough for each to hear with ease. Strength given by age and wisdom in that voice. ?Come, Valhalla. Let us be home.?

Valhalla was coming home.


02-24-2014, 01:39 PM

Veronica Plains were quiet as they were most days, no sound but the twittering of birds and buzzing of insects. And of course the constant whine of his children as they ran and wrestled nearby. He was used to the peace of the plains, it had been his home for what seemed like years now and though he was sad to see Valhalla have to move after the war he would admit to enjoying the alone time with his family. Having always been from a smaller family biased pack he had struggled with the mass of Valhalla and the feeling of distance from his pack mates. Not helped by the fact that the woman he loved seemed to have taken their daughter and raised her the way she wanted to rather then the way he had wanted to. Look where that had gotten them... Though he found it hard to be mad at Aislyn since her passing there were still times where he would make his way to her grave and sit for a while. Sometimes he would tell her how fucked up Liberty had become, sometimes he would ask her forgiveness for moving on so quickly to a new woman and a new family. Most days he just sat for a short time and then went back to doing other things.

He lifted his head easily as the sound of paw falls reached him, immediately he let out a sharp bark, calling the pups back to the den and ushering them in. As soon as they were back he stood and stepped slowly from the mouth of the den. Ears pricked forward as he looked towards the boarders and then tipped his skull back and allowed a long easy howl to stretch out to call to Eria, he needed her to be there for this, whatever this was. He didn't wait especially long, knowing that she would be there as soon as she could. Long legs covered the ground towards the group quickly enough, and slowly a smile would grow as he noticed that Erani was the one leading the pack. "Whats going on Erani?" He asked easily, pausing before her as he dipped his head slightly. It looked like there were quite a few with her, had he missed something? He hadn't caught her words before so didn't know that most of these wolves with here were Valhallan's.



02-24-2014, 10:04 PM

They were heading home, the first place she had come to and settled down. A place where she emerged from her shadows and fears and bloomed like the many flowers in the vast plains. It held such good memories but there were some bad too. Here she had once been demoted to Omega, there had been war and bloodshed, they had been forced away from here. It was bittersweet but it felt a bad taste in her mouth. She should be returning here with her Husband by her side. But even as they left the island there was no sign of him.

She trailed at the back of the pack, encouraging the young and weaker. Blue eyes scanning to make sure everyone made the trip safely all in one piece. She had carried a large leaf with what herbs she had rolled up in them. One never knew what they needed on a trip like this nor be able to find these certain herbs on the mainland. As the group slowly to a fault at the front her head lifted to look ahead at Erani. Ears twitch as she heard the white Queen's words, bringing a small wag from her tail. With a small twitch of her body she suppressed the feeling of being alone without Cael and focused on the pack. If she could not have her own family and love, then she would devote all that love and care to the pack.




10 Years
02-25-2014, 12:39 AM

The pack, reunited after only a few days of disbandment, was returning to the Plains. The West was something that held a piece of Odette, even though she hadn't been with Valhalla but for only a few months. Now, as she walked with her mother beside her, she was eager to see how the relocation would play out for her family. One could only hope the future held good things.
When the familiar lands of the old Valhalla came into view, Odette's heart began to hammer in excitement. She wanted to race past the other wolves and leap past the currently fading borders, only to roll across the grass and enjoy the nostalgia that would sweep over her. However, a brisk nuzzle from her red-faced mother held her back from the puppy antic. She looked to her right and a warm smile spread across her face. "We are almost home, Mother. It won't be long before we grace the lands that holds so much of our history."
One thing that was on Odette's mind was making sure the borderlines were reinstated. She wanted her scent to be one of the many that would stick out around their home, to ensure that their presences would not go unnoticed. Her tail flicked behind her in eager restlessness, but it was the only physical sign she would show.

"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


02-25-2014, 12:59 AM

The female, whose black fur held blue tint in all its strands, was hunting for her favorite meal: fish. She had found a quiet and isolated pond in the deeper parts of the Plains' forest. There had been plenty of fish that she could choose from and it did her heart good to see the many options. Without even thinking about it, she chose her prize and immediately caught it. Teeth tore apart the meat beneath the scales and pretty soon, she was full.
After she picked the scales from her facial fur, a familiar howl met her ears. Her attention turned to the sky and she looked up with eagerness. A gentle thumping of her tail against the ground was another physical sign that showed her excitement for Friction to be calling. She rose to all fours and sprinted through the path she had just taken. The journey to meet her lover's physical being didn't take long at all.
When she appeared from the woods, she didn't hesitate to be at his side. Her black nose met his neck and she unabashedly showed her affectionate feelings for him. Blue eyes twinkled at his gaze and she turned them to the white female who was approaching. She had been the one who helped the first time mother with her labor and delivery, so of course her attitude was welcoming. Eria didn't voice her salutations, but instead barked gently, showing the happy sign of the woman's presence.




02-26-2014, 08:41 AM
Odette was nearly excited enough for the both of them. Chrysanthe would did not stay away from her daughter for long. As foreign as it felt to be a follower and not a leader to the wolves of Valhalla, and as difficult as it was to accept that most still appreciated her for leading as long as she did and that for some reason they didn't blame her for losing their home in the first place - they were first and foremost her family. And so with a subtle hesitation to her step, she would keep her one eyed gaze on her quickly growing daughter. She was amused by how well the girl hid her anticipation - and would lean over and nuzzle the girl, a half smile pulling at her dark lips.

Home. In the end this was still home for her - despite her losses here, both physical and the loss of those she loved - these plains held too much of Valhalla to ever really move them away. When Odette looked at these lands she saw history, she saw a story - but the once alpha couldn't help but see those that had been buried here, but inwardly cringe whenever she swore she saw a bloodstain on the grassy plains. She rarely ever really did, but after the siege...

The woman would pull herself out of her bitter reverie, forcing herself to focus on the good that had happened here. On the happiness that the others felt coming back. So long as this was home to them, and they were happy here, she would swallow her fears and pride and do her best to ignore it. Erani's words were cement to her resolve - this was Valhalla's home, and it always would be. She would hold back a sigh, offering her mother a smile in return to her own, it was missing half the wattage of the older fae's own.

She would have to thank her mother for reclaiming the pack she had lost here soon. Chrysanthe had not expected for Erani to pick up the reigns and be Valhalla's needed leader, but she had done so without being asked to. If she could, she would strive to better herself to take the woman's place in due time - she was an older lupine after all, wise, but she would do well with a wolf in their prime to fight for her - act as her shield at the very least when Glaciem decided to pick at them once again.

It was just hard to tell whether that was the one eyed woman's place though. She had spent the better part of the last year leading Valhalla - perhaps it was someone else's turn to pick up what she started. She would speak to her mother about it all in due time, for now, she would try and find the warm feeling of being home that she should have started feeling a while back.



8 Years
02-26-2014, 11:39 AM

The details of the events prior to Erani taking over Valhalla, and his first look at the sheer numbers of the pack his father had once founded were scarce in the males mind. He knew the wolves that had caused the defeat of the previous alpha were wolves from a pack known as Glaciem, and he had heard mutterings that indicated that this wasn't the first attack from thees wolves. He wanted to know more about it, but hadn't had time to probe the incident. He had followed Erani, to the plains where he had first learned of the death of Cairo, his father and a man he would never meet. Surrounded by these strangers, without the comforting presence of his siblings, he felt exposed- vulnerable but he tried to sooth his mind. These wolves shared parts of his blood- that made them family too. He had to give time to get to know them, and he would then fell more at ease.

Upon hearing Erani's words, his ears pricked, and his head lifted. Light cerulean orbs searched the land, and he stepped up to be closer to her, and too look around. This was the land that Valhalla had once claimed, and again it seemed they would call it home. He couldn't wait to explore the territories and meet the others, and find his niche in the pack. His tail moved behind him loosely in excitement. He was home and he was ready.

Shilah I


6 Years
02-26-2014, 07:28 PM (This post was last modified: 02-26-2014, 07:29 PM by Shilah I.)

It felt strange to be a part of a pack again but at the same time it was also exciting. Shilah was a Valhallan now. He had pledged himself to a pack in need and to a leader who was pinnacle of wisdom in the eyes of the young, aspiring nomad. While he didn't really know many members of the pack he hoped to soon. He was also intrigued by the other nomad, the young female that had joined as well. Shilah couldn't quite remember if he'd seen her before or if perhaps they were cousins. He had to admit sometimes with all the names and faces he'd seen it was hard to tell.

The pack soon came to a luscious green valley that would make their new home and while it was a nostalgic moment for the older members it was an entirely new venture for Shilah. He hadn't been to this area of Alacritis before but already he felt at home.



02-27-2014, 01:28 AM
The wolves of Valhalla would travel together behind Erani, to the place they would call home, a place that the ones who had been with the pack for a long time would already remember as home. Arwel would pad alongside of them all, his eyes shining brightly. He felt so happy, ears perked and tail wagging lightly behind him. He was coming to a place he would call home. Valhalla was the first pack he had ever been a part of and, come what may, Arwel would make sure it was his last. He would stand beside these wolves, a family he was bound to by loyalty and not blood, new brothers and sisters, and here he would remain for the rest of his days.

Arwel found himself traveling behind a black male with white markings around blue eyes darker than his own {Shilah}. The brute would turn cerulean hues upon him, a friendly smile tugging at his maw. The other bore marks upon his forehead, scars, that had clearly been place there carefully. He knew not what they meant, but it was surely something that symbolized where the other was once from. "It feels good to be coming home with a pack alongside us, doesn't it?"



02-28-2014, 12:23 PM

Her head would begin to pound after the loss of valhalla. The whole thing going like a misty haze;and guin did not like it. For a few days and nights she had spent them alone, confused- and lost. the sound of a new beginning back at her home lands made Guinevere scurry to see if it really was true. Her legs would pound the mossy floors, searching for where all the others would be. Her golden eyes would scan the whole terrain, before seeing that it was infact Erani who had taken hold of the reigns. A smile would tug upon her lips at the simple fact of feeling secure enough to that kept her to stay. As She'd slink from behind the crowd, she'd near her aunt.

Guinevere would slink to her side, giving her a quick nuzzle to the efforts she had made for the past year. Well, it was that and she wanted to feel the comfort of family. The precense of them setting her at ease. Since the disapearance of her parents the youth had been feeling rather depressed. Having nothing to do really makes a wolf feel useless. Not only where her parents missing; but solaine hasnt been present either. Was guin really being left alone to defend for herself? To be saddened by the day and mentally confused. She would sigh, before looking towards Erani.

"I hope it'll feel like home again."



03-01-2014, 12:57 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

For a second - and thankfully last - time Ashtoreth had crossed the strip of shallow ocean that separated her once island home from the mainland, but with the warmth of summer so prominent in these parts it was almost hard to tell. She had only walked from the shoreline to the border of her old homeland on the Vericona Plains, trailing after Erani and those other Valhallans who wished to stay together, and already her coat was half dry, perhaps even more. She did not bother licking at it to smooth down her fur, which was presently drying at odd angles, and instead made herself wait with promises of a proper bath in one of the streams and rivers that cut across the plains. If they haven't dried up anyway. With the heat as strong as it was, there was really no telling from a distance.

The group seemed to collectively reach the edge of what once had been theirs, and with a swift smile sent Leon's way, for he was always close by these days, she hoped things could swiftly return to the way they were before the move, the way things had always been here on the plains. She wanted to return to her old hunting paths, to find the same game as before but replenished in their short absence, to find her den - Leon's den - and claim it once more to share with him. The thought was enough to make her giddy, but there was no need for over excitement just yet. Likely her skills as Psi - or Psi Primary as it was being called now - would be needed to feed the remnants of Valhalla now that they were home.

So she reigned in her eagerness within the brightness of her smile as she padded along with the pack, following their lead though already beginning to scent the air for telltale wisps of prey that would surely come in handy very soon.


03-03-2014, 04:26 PM

She wouldn't pay any mind to the others when she was there. Her attention solely on the soil and the thought of those who were buried here. But she had been offered a place to stay regardless of what happened. Her duty to serve Ryu and Raven was enough as it was, and maybe things weren't as bad with the thought of having Chrysanthe around. Her red eyes didn't make eye contact with the others. And as soon as they arrived, she would break away from the group without another thought with a flick of her tail.

She dipped her head to erani, this wasn't her home but she would blend. It wasn't the first time she had been here. It probably would be the last though. She planned on dying in Valhalla this time no matter how she disgraced them. The healer payed no mind to the others if she brushed past them she gave a short sorry. Before slipping out to do other things. Like a ghost who just slipped in with a shiver and then out again.
