
Martyrs of the night


02-27-2014, 06:53 PM

Herbs in her mouth the woman had been getting better and better within her little state of mind. She was starting to return to her usual self, if not less, unresponsive to everything. She wasn't an alphess anymore, so she needed to stop acting as if she was one. The small mint leaves were in the edges of her mouth avoiding them being eaten or anything other than that. She was heading back to Valhalla but stopped herself remembering this was where she had run into Platinum, her aunt. The woman was in ebony now, but it had been enough of a push to make Vahva want to better herself for everyone in her family. Vahva wasn't going to wallow in self pity anymore. Her ears flicked, the tattered one fully healed now the same as her leg. Leaving two scars to remind her who she was. Same with her mane, and the thoughts and memories of those around her.
She wiggled around a bit, tail flicking behind her as she set the herbs delicately down and began to wash her face. She had a few scratches from a mouse that had caught her while collecting the herbs. So it stung a little but no healing was needed simply a good washing and then leave them be. After she sighed, smiling softly as she looked at her reflection. What a broken piece of art she was.



02-27-2014, 11:54 PM

Time would pass, ever changing things. For a while now Allen had been all alone, debating his next path of action. Hajime was definitely gone now... to where the male did not know. It pained his heart, however, to be so alone. His life had been built on family, switching to Hajime for quite some time, and now... he felt lost. Without purpose. Where was he to go? What was he to with his life? For a small moment he thought about looking for Esperanza... however her alliance to Glaciem, and the likelihood she'd be with her pack, banished that thought quickly. She hadn't been so bad his first encounter with her... and he had enjoyed her company, truthfully, but worry of her corruption by the pack he had come to distrust and hate had made him decide from now on to simply avoid any wolf from there. Not all wolves were evil... but corruption was always a possibility.

A soft sigh would leave him as he moved onward. He had strayed into the desert, paws merely leading him in any direction at this point. Allen, though he was deeply saddened, had not fully fallen into depression. The male still took the time to care for his basic needs of eating and drinking, as well as keeping her fur free of any type of object that might try and hitch a ride with him. The sun would beat down on his body, heating his fur, especially the darker parts of it. He would lift dark forest green eyes slowly, gazing across the sands. That was when his gaze fell upon a female. Something about her... seemed to strike Allen. He would pause, ears flicked in her direction. She smelled of a pack... and herbs. For a moment longer Allen would hesitate before moving towards the maned female.

She was in the process of washing her face in a pool of water. Upon looking around again he would see that this was actually an oasis, and some greenery grew near the water's edge. Then Allen would look back to her, his voice, almost sounding strange to him now from not talking for quite some time, would greet her. "Hello there." The brute would come to a stop near her. "If I might be so bold to ask for it, could I have the pleasure of sharing your company?"

"Speech", 'Thought'


03-03-2014, 02:38 PM

After finishing her face a male confronted her, well wasn't that a surprise. For a moment a bit of fear filled her, but then she reminded herself that she was perfectly fine. She wasn't weak, she wasn't broken, well maybe only a little. The girl picked up the mint leaves and moved them to the other side of her in a gentle manner, making sure that they were not messed up by anything. The red eyes woman turned back to the man with curiosity. Sure enough his coat was unique enough, but strange as it was his scent seemed familiar? Like family almost, no it couldn't be. Though his coat definitely was something to see. She was one to talk with a blue mane on her head, which would die out when she died for certain.

"You sound like you don't get company often." she said in a calm voice. Was it really dying down to how it used to be. Maybe she should speak to Rivaxorus in her dreams for help. She threw the thought away, the girl was probably getting annoyed with her greatly. Her tail flicked as she gave a dip of her head. "My name's Vahva Hutashi, I'm a healer in Valhalla. Though daughter of a walker for a better word." she noted, seeing as the walkers were quiet known everywhere. Due to the fact that her grandfather had fifteen children in the numbers. Maybe he knew her, and it'd be easier to get along then?



03-11-2014, 07:41 PM

A soft sigh would leave Allen as the femme responded to him. He would give a small nod. "Yes, I'm afraid that it's been like that for a little while now." Loneliness had been something that was eating away at Allen on all sides, targeting his confidence and making him sink down into a state that he barely knew himself in. He would hope, with all of his heart, that perhaps he might befriend this female. That unlike Esperanza he might actually be able to see her again. That someone, somewhere, could be visited. He had no idea if Hajime would ever return and that left only one option... to keep living.

As she introduced herself he would learn both of her name and her pack. Valhalla was one that he was not familiar with. It was the next bit of information, about her lineage, that would cause the brute to widen his eyes in shock. Vahva was family! It had been too long, far too long since he had come across anyone of his family other than Riv or Hajime. "Well that is indeed quite the surprise. I'm a Walker myself. Allen Walker." He would smile for the first time in ages. "Who might your parents have been, Vahva?"

"Speech", 'Thought'