
Broken Dreams and Broken Wings

Twig I


02-25-2014, 11:02 PM

She had to go and see him again, it had hardly been but a few days. She craved his joyful presence, but knew that first she has to be loyal to her family. So she would once again go out to search for her still lost siblings, she felt her heart reach out to them but she could still not keep Thoughts of Themisto from her mind. The days spent apart from him were spent searching, but with no luck to speak of. They seemed so lost to her that at times she thought it possible she would never again see them alive. Instead of giving into the despair she would give into the thoughts of Themisto and how joyful he'd been able to make her.
It wasn't a surprise when she found her paws carrying her once again to the orchard, she had hopes that she would be able to track down a fruiting peach tree. The succulent fruit would tease her as it continued to remain hidden, still she would hope to find some to be able to bring as a gift to the sweet healer. Her heart was ensnared by him and his carefree ways, it seemed so much easier to live with out worry. Why had she been so cautious about life in the first place? So here she was, joyful about seeing him again, and enjoying the warm summer morning. She would let her guard down, after visiting the orchard so much it might have been her second home. She had no reason to think that someone had been watching her, waiting for the right moment to strike.?
Her royal purple gaze would finally find itself upon the luscious form of a perfect peach. She would gasp at its sudden appearance as she rushed to the branch which held it. Orchid optics would take it in wonder for a moment, as she let her weight settle upon her back legs. Twig would rise to only a pair of legs as her body was suddenly shoved to the earth. She could feel the air leave her lungs as another collided into her chest. Her head would collide roughly with the dirt and she would become slightly dazed. Completely unaware of what had just transpired.
Her vision would clear but only enough to comprehend the giant form looming above her. She would register the scent of blood and fear would race through her veins as her eyes widened. The fright would clear her mind and she would struggle to reclaim her footing, but it would be for not. Faster than she could think a heavy pressure would be applied to her back, reassuring she could not release herself from his grasp. The heady scent of him overwhelmed her senses as she would attempt to grasp the gravity of her condition. She was completely helpless, no one would have thought to have followed her to the orchard again. They knew why it was she found herself here, they didn't perceive it any more dangerous than she did.
But no matter how much she thought she had been safe that did not prevent what was happening to her. Roughly her body was moved against her will, his hips aligning with her much smaller ones. She knew what was next, an she knew she would not be able to escape it. No one would be coming to her rescue, and her strength was not enough to save her purity. She had let her guard down and would painfully pay the price. Her scream would combine with a pitiful whine as she struggled to escape, but her attacker's body would conquer her completely.?
She would attempt to gain her freedom until he managed to knock her unconscious. It would not be until hours after she would groggily begin to open her eyes. The sun was completely gone and the moon had begun its rotation. She could feel scarcely anything but pain as she returned to her battered body, she had no intention of picking herself from the earth. She didn't want to be found, all she knew was the need to curl into a ball. There was a hollowness that would over take her, she would hardly realize she was sobbing until it became hard to breathe. How she longed to be next to Themisto again at wolf paw lake, or back at her family's camp. Anywhere but dealing with what had just been done to her.?


02-26-2014, 12:44 AM

Twig had come clean about the way that she felt towards the man whose name was Themisto. Pulsus himself had never found someone, and didn't plan on finding someone, who could illicit the same feelings that this man did from his younger sister. It was a bit strange to listen to Twig describe this man like he was the very reason that she was breathing, but at the same time it made the titan wonder what it would feel like to have something like that with someone. After talking with her about him, he felt a bit more comfortable with his sister being around Themisto and so silently he had decided that he would allow his sister to have alone time with the man without her big brother looming about. If only he had known how much he would regret that decision for the rest of his life.

He hadn't heard from Twig all day. He figured that she had been spending time with Themisto, but it was beginning to get late in the day and still he hadn't heard anything from Twig. Worry began to set in and Pulsus quickly found himself searching for his sister, not caring if she was still with Themisto or not. He needed to know where she was and what she was doing because frankly there was a bad feeling in his gut and he needed to find her; now. Anxious pawsteps would bring the man towards a place he wasn't sure if he'd visited before, but felt as if it were familiar. He had caught Twig's scent here and he would follow it, weaving through the tall trees, mismatched gaze frantically searching for his sister's ebony and ivory figure. What he saw left the man at a loss for words, the rage sweeping over him nearly suffocating him. TWIG! would come his low, booming voice breaching the distance between them. Pulsus would race forward his body already bowing towards the earth as he came up beside his sister, his wild gaze running over her crumpled body. Twig, Twig! What happened?! Tell me!

There was a trembling to his voice that had never been there before. There was an unknown scent that clung to her pelt, one that didn't belong to Themisto. Something had happened to his sister and when he found out who was responsible for it, he would make sure that they never lived to see another sunrise and that they would never make it farther than the deepest gates of hell.

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02-26-2014, 07:15 PM

Something would pull the restless man from his den and toward the orchard, as if some Themisto magnet had been placed there centuries ago. Perhaps it was the looming memories of sweet Twig that drew him here, or the beckoning calls of sweet fruit in season. The reasoning behind his sudden departure was still unknown, but he would find himself trotting steadily down an isle of trees, sunset hued gaze bounding between each one. Audits would perk forward as faint barks caressed his ears, and he would come to a halt, head swinging swiftly toward the calls direction. He could not make out the strangers words, but they sounded distressed and frightened, and that was enough to send the healer running. He would stride down the isle, weaving through rows of towering trees until the duo came into his vision. Vaguely he could see a darker figure looming over a smaller one who was laying on the ground, and the first thought to cross his mind was danger. Instinctively his hackles would raise, and his eyes would narrow as he bolted toward the unknown man. As he drew closer Twig's pungent perfume would waft across his nostrils, causing them to quiver madly. Was that.. Twig? And was this man hurting her? He would come barreling forward, his head lowered as he intended to ram straight into this male- but when he realized the male attempting to comfort her, he would hit the breaks.

Frenzied he would come to a sloppy halt, and once he had gotten control of his body he would come forward slowly. Audits folded at the sound of Twig sobbing, and he would come to stop beside them. His eyes instinctively began rolling along the crevasses of her body, gaze examining her injuries. She was battered, beaten, and bruised, and it was clear that her attacker had intended to do this much damage. Slender legs would collapse beneath him so that he could also lay beside her, though he would make no motion to touch her just yet. She seemed to be okay with the stranger touching her, so he would not promptly chase him away. Instead his gaze would rise to meet his, concern spread across his facial features. "Wha....- what happened? And... Who are you?" He would inquire, his voice broken and brimming with fear as he gave the man his name. "I-i'm Themisto.. Themisto Mathias..." Why was Twig sobbing, what had happened to her, and who did this to her? He would glance away from the man so that he could look down at Twig, who was curled within a tight ball and blocking the world out. So badly he wanted to touch her, to comfort her, but he wouldn't. He still couldn't overstep that boundary.


Twig I


02-26-2014, 11:35 PM

The loud booming voice of her protective brother would crack through her layers of denial. Her orchid eyes would open miserably as the tears would continue down her face, the world was still a blur that she wasn't up to dealing with. She felt so broken and used as his eyes ran over her sunken form, she would hear his words but she felt incredible reluctance to relive the days events so quickly. He was so serious though, she found it hard to with hold him what he wanted. There was something in his voice she knew she aught not to deny. She would take too long to gather her thoughts, as another form would appear. She felt such conflict within her, part of her was happier than shed ever felt when his words would caress her ears. The other part would wish him to never see her like this, completely broken and left to die. Even more so now she would feel unworthy of his friendship, but even his voice held a quiver she'd never heard before.
She would push into Pulsus' comforting side, she would ignore the fear and doubt in their voices. She didn't want to be strong, she did not want to accept this crime upon her body. But it had been done, she was defiled and ruined by the unknown being. She wanted to keep crying alone, to recover by herself and act like it had never even happened. To push the event completely from her mind and never think on such things again. But she couldn't.
Very much she realized how deeply these two men cared for her, she knew that they deserved an explanation. No matter how much it hurt,?"it.. He.. Something.. Surprised me on my way to see Themisto." she would try to avoid his face, but his sun gilded gaze was too much to ignore. She was unsure what she saw there, and would be again split on her emotions. Partially glad for his distance, but deeper she wished for his caress against her bruised skin.?"It attacked me and over powered me easily, having its way with me shortly after." she would almost choke ?on the bitterness that was infused through out her lyrics. The numbness would take its hold over her once again as the words she had just spoken would also spoil her stomach. Bitterness and anger would begin to seep through her withered shell.
She would bury her face into her brother's neck fur again retreating from her cruel reality.?



02-27-2014, 12:20 AM

It wasn't long after his arrival that a second figure would appear beside his sister; Themisto. He had never seen the man before in his life, but the familiar scent that tended to cling to his sister's pelt alerted Pulsus to the man's arrival. He would come to lie beside Twig just as the titan had, his golden gaze searching the Wraith's as he questioned who he was. Despite knowing who it was, Pulsus couldn't help the rumbling, throaty growl that would vibrate through his chest as he pressed himself against his sister, using his larger mass a physical barrier between her and the rest of the world. He knew that Themisto meant her no harm, but in this moment, he would not allow anyone beside himself to touch her. Her eldest Brother Pulsus Wraith Black. He would be cordial with his response, not bothering to engage in pleasantries. Now was not the time for such things; he could hardly care what kind of impression he left with Themisto. What he cared about what finding out who had hurt his sister.

He could feel Twig pushing herself against him, trying to bury herself into his ghostly ivory fur and the gargantuan would comply, reaching over with his sooty right forelimb to drape it across her shoulders, using it pull her closer. He wasn't prepared to hear what Twig had to tell them. it.. He.. Something.. Surprised me on my way to see Themisto. It attacked me and over powered me easily, having its way with me shortly after. An uncontrollable snarl would erupt from his pale jaws as they came together with a powerful snap, rage unlike any other boiling hot through his veins. Whoever the bastard was would have to hope that luck was on their side because when he was found, no mercy would be shown! The snarl would bubble continuously from his jaws as he felt his sister bury her face into his neck, his muzzle dipping downwards to fold over her crown. His shard like gaze of ice and amethyst would dance to Themisto's, warning the man to keep his distance. He could tell that he wanted to help, but the Wraith had it under control at the moment. No words would slip from his pale lips as the snarl slowly began to die, his body curling in on itself as he cocooned his sister. This was the last time he would leave her alone. Ever.

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02-28-2014, 04:43 PM

Pulsus. This mans name was Pulsus, and he was Twig's older brother, which was believable since they both wore the same odd crescent upon their shoulders. He did not know Twig had siblings, but he remembered she belonged to a clan, which he had assumed was large. He would watch as he pulled his sister closer, various snarls filling the air as the truth was revealed. Pulsus would use his body as a shield to protect his sister from the outside world, and Themisto would blankly stare in disbelief as Twig continued to sob. Never before had he dealt with a situation like this, in all honestly he didn't know what to say or do. Especially with her overbearing brother literally blocking him from her. Which was understandable, only it put Themisto in an awkward position. He wanted to soothe her too.

He would sit in silence, his head falling hesitantly to his paws as he caught sight of Twig burying her face into her brothers neck. Not even his warm gaze could lull her from the harsh reality. The barbaric criminal would suffer dire consequences because of his actions, but for now all the pair could do was pick up the pieces he had left behind. His gaze would again examine Twig's injuries. A busted lip, various lacerations to the neck, a tender side that would result heavily bruised... She was pretty banged up. He would wince as he glanced toward her rump, he could only imagine what the hooligan had done. Somber gaze would lift toward Pulsus, two emotions plainly shown upon his features- sadness, and anger. "What... What can I do?" He would question, as if her brother knew exactly how to handle this tragedy. What could he do?


Twig I


02-28-2014, 06:12 PM


She would hear Pulsus growl as Themisto entered, they would exchange their names as both became concerned for the beaten girl. She would confess the bitter truth and her brother would erupt. His anger was violently apparent as he slowly would become a living barrier between she and everything else going on. She could feel the love and protection seeping through, but the warmth she felt came from elsewhere. Uncontrolled tears would still stain her cheeks as she pulled her head slightly away from Pulsus' body as she would listen to Themisto's sweet voice. Red stained orchid gaze would find the source of sun like warmth in his features. She was still amazed that this wonderful man had yet to turn his back on her broken features. It was easy to see how much he cared about her state of health and condition.
Before Pulsus could answer his question she would mumble, "heal me Themisto, please." she knew she wasn't just speaking physically, her body would heal in a matter of weeks but what of her broken heart and mind? She wanted to simply forget what had been done to her, but would it ever be just that easy? She would plead with him silently, hoping Pulsus would allow the close proximity that would need to occur. Her eye would catch a moon beam as she focused on Themisto's gaze, the glint of light reflecting off of a peach above the man's head. She felt the shadow of a smile tug at the corners of her lips as the memory of their first meeting, and the whole reason shed been at the orchard in the first place came back to her. Even though she was battered and bruised she still wanted to share that succulent piece of fruit with him.?


02-28-2014, 06:57 PM

Pale lids would fall closed over mismatched gaze of ice and amethyst, his breathing heavy and rather labored. He was trying so hard to keep his anger in check, to keep it from taking over and spurring him into a man hunt for blood. He had no idea who the stranger was, except for his scent. But that didn't help him at all. Pulsus would take deep breaths, allowing his lungs to expand to their full capacity as he worked to keep himself calm. It would be several moments before he allowed his eyes to come into view again and when they did, he would pull his head back from Twig, noticing how she was looking up at Themisto. It was hard to miss the sentiment in her reddened orchid gaze and so the Wraith would slightly unwind from his younger sister, feeling his calm returning to him. This was man was here to truly help but if Pulsus continued to keep Twig the way that she was, she would never get the help that she surely needed.

heal me Themisto, please. To heal her. So Themisto was a healer? Come to think of it, he had noticed a slight plant-like smell to the man, but he had been engrossed with Twig that he hadn't bothered to pay attention to it. Bi-colored gaze would rise up to meet the man's golden one, a pleading look in them. Do what you must to heal her Themisto. I will help you in whatever way I can. He would remain at his sister's side, waiting to see what the healer would say or do. Twig would get better; Pulsus would make sure of it.

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02-28-2014, 07:49 PM

Twig would hastily reply when he asked what he could do to help her, giving him a direct order- heal her. Themisto would nod in acknowledgement and rise from his laying position, standing to his full height within seconds of rising. His nostrils would quiver as his senses searched for any indication of herbs near by. It would take a few moments for a familiar smell to register, and when it did he would make his departure known before quickly leaving. "I will grab what I can, but most of my herbs are in my den. I will return shortly..." It took a lot of willpower to tear his somber gaze from Twigs, but he would manage to do so considering her well-being depended on it. He would flash her an encouraging smile before he would stride away from the scene and disappear into the looming isles of trees within the orchard. He knew she would be in good paws until he returned.

About twenty minutes would go by before the man would come galloping back toward the duo, his mouth filled with various herbs. He had managed to grab something temporary for the pain and bleeding, though her wounds would need to be cleaned before he tended to them. The closest water source was wolf paw lake, so the healer would need to come up with an alternative. He supposed his tongue could do just as well, though he was weary about licking her down in front of her eldest brother. Would he allow it, especially after she had been violated? Would Twig herself allow it?

He would drop the bundle of greens beside the pair, and he would slink toward the earth so that he could be beside her again. He would lean onto his right side so that Twig could easily maneuver her way against his belly, should she chose to do so. He hoped he could drape his forelimb over her and pull her in close just as Pulsus had, though he doubted the man would let his sister slip through his grasp. "Twig? I found a few things for the pain and bleeding... but your wounds, they need to be cleaned first, and wolf paw lake is very far..." Surly she could remember the distance from their adventure there. His gaze would glance toward Pulsus, as he was constantly watching his expressions for any sour change in emotion toward him. He was always so afraid of overstepping boundaries. "So, I figured I... Or Pulsus... could clean your wounds here."


Twig I


02-28-2014, 09:28 PM

Twig couldn't realize the massive struggle going on in the mind of her big brother. She didn't realize that at any moment he could be off, tracking down the vile creature who had so misused her. Had she known she might have encouraged his bloodlust, her own anger still rushing beneath her blood. It was thinning however, as a sadness would dilute it, but strongest of the emotions she would feel was frustration. Frustration that she couldn't help herself and that she would cause the two most wonderful men in her life such distress. Pulsus would almost surprisingly give Themisto his blessing, and almost instantly the healer would be on his feet. He would explain his mission, her heart would flutter uselessly as he offered her a warm grin. She couldn't believe it but it seemed she had hope of becoming whole once again. Not that she was ready to admit it, but it seemed the gentle medic held the key to her bruised heart.
As she waited for his quick return the girl would turn her attentions back to her worried brother, her tears starting to come under her control as she realized her eyes were beginning to dry. She would let the same smile she'd given Themisto linger as she could feel herself pulling strength from her mountain of a sibling. A sigh would follow as she leaned back into his side her breathing still labored. She wondered if it might have broken one of her ribs with how hard it was to breathe.?"I'm sorry.." she would start, as though the whole situation was because of her. Maybe it was because somehow it did feel like it was her fault. It was her fault shed let him attack her after all,?"I let my guard down and this is the consequence." She could feel more tears welling up within her eyes, a sad sigh would cascade from her marked lips. She would lean into Pulsus again, her eyes closing as a slight dizziness would grapple her.?"I wish this had never happened!" a bitter anger would clearly show itself within her voice as she threw herself into her brother's side. Angry with the world, angry with her assailant, and angry at herself. she didn't know how long she would hold herself there before she heard the awaited footsteps of Themisto. She would surprise herself with how eager she was at his reappearance. She found her head and would open her violet gaze to behold him. She would watch shyly as he curled next to her, his belly seeming incredibly warm and inviting. Before Pulsus would be able to protest much she would reposition herself, finally able to bring herself close to the man she had admired from afar. A tingle would rush over her bruised skin as she felt their fur begin to intermingle. She would hold back the fears that would creep in, knowing that this was an honorable man. He held no foul intentions towards her, so she knew she could feel completely safe within his embrace. Her orchid gaze would fall back to Pulsus as Themisto's words would fall upon her slate backed ears. Her wounds needed to be cleaned and with no body of water close by they would have to use a tongue. She was unsure how Pulsus felt about her moving so close to Themisto, let alone how he would feel were the healer to engage in such an intimate act. After being treated so terribly earlier that day all she wanted was the soft touch of someone who loved her. Looking to he brother she wondered what his say was, she was obviously comfortable with Themisto's presence. Would Pulsus be??"I wouldn't mind if you both did." her voice hoarse from her crying and lack of water for the day as she found herself leaning into Themisto's exposed left side. Her features softening visibly as she let her weight rest upon the caramel furred man. A more relaxed sigh flowing from her bloodied lips.?

I can talk!


03-01-2014, 01:02 PM

I will grab what I can, but most of my herbs are in my den. I will return shortly... The healer would accept his blessing and off he would go, leaving the two siblings to their own devices for the time being. How long would the man take to return? What kind of herbs would he use on his sister? Had he even any experience in the art of healing? Question after question fired through the man's head but none would breach his lips as he lied beside Twig, focusing on keeping himself calm. Pulsus was a hard man to rile up, but if there was one thing that was guaranteed to get him going, it was hurting his family. And it didn't matter how his family was hurt. Whether it be physically, emotionally, even as simple as the raising of a voice to anyone in his family would be cause enough for the titan to come in and deliver his own form of punishment. And that's what he would do to the bastard that had dared to lay a paw on his beloved sister. That man would wish he would've never left the safety of his mother's womb when the Wraith got done with him.

His sister's figure leaning back against his own snapped him from his angry musings. He could feel her breathing laboring and he could only wonder just how badly the extent of her injuries had to be. I'm sorry, I let my guard down and this is the consequence. I wish this had never happened! The gargantuan would say nothing, simply folding himself across his sister, tucking his chin against her shoulder as he held her close, wishing that he had been there when the attack had happened. This is the first and last time any harm comes to you Twig. I swear upon my life. He would murmur fiercely against her ivory pelt, wishing with everything that he had that he would've been the one attacked instead of her. She didn't deserve this. No one did, but his sister especially.

And then Themisto would return and the siblings would no longer be alone. The healer would come to rest before them, curling himself close to Twig. But before Pulsus could make any kind of protest, Twig would re-position herself so that she was leaning against the healer instead of himself. A low chuff would bubble from his pale jaws, elongated sooty tail flicking with unease as he stared at the pair for a moment, trying to reign in his protective instinct. Themisto was here to help. He would repeat the mantra to himself over and over as he raised himself back up to his full height, towering over the two before him. But a dilemma would arise. Twig needed to have her wounds cleansed, and yet the closet body of water was Wolf Paw lake and that was quite some distance away. The Black man would've had no problem carrying his sibling all the way over there, but it seemed that the healer had a better idea to improvise with. So, I figured I... Or Pulsus... could clean your wounds here. Pale and sooty brows would furrow deeply over his mismatched eyes, audits flattening against his skull. Twig's response to Themisto's suggestion only made the Wraith that much more uncomfortable.

Even though Themisto was a healer, he wasn't sure how he felt about a man who was of their blood touching his sister in such an intimate way. Technically there was nothing really intimate about it, since he would just be cleaning her wounds, but just the mere fact that something over that his fur would be touching his sister made the brute's hackles stick straight up. I would have no problem carrying her all the way to the lake. Part of him hoped that they would take to the suggestion of him carrying Twig, but he knew that it probably wasn't something that his sister wanted. He could see a craving in her lavender gaze and it wasn't for family.

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03-03-2014, 07:44 PM

Suprisingly Twig would effortlessly slip from her brothers grasp, their hairs intermingling as she pressed against his stomach. A warm sensation would come over him, a smile lurking beneath the surface of his cool exterior. Pulsus would stand to tower over the duo, and Themisto's gaze would wearily follow his movements. An ear twitched as Twig suggested they both bathe her, and of course, Pulsus had another idea. "I would have no problem carrying her all the way to the lake." The decision had been made, and though he wished he could lay here and gently bathe her down, he couldn't. He would respect her brothers wishes.

Lips would crease as he planted a gentle kiss upon her forehead with a swipe of his toungue, and he would proceed to pull himself away from her. He would bring himself to all fours and step back so she could rise, his warm gaze resting upon her older brother. He would wait for him to pick her up, then he would follow them to wolf paw lake so that he could tend to her. His gaze would glance toward Twig longingly before his nostrils would begin to quiver.

His eyes would dart upward as the succulent peach came into his vision, his lips curling slightly. He would push his weight onto his back legs and lift himself up upward, his mouth agape as he grabbed the peach gently into his mouth. He would use his tongue to roll it softly out of harms way, as he didn't want to pierce the skin just yet. He would come back to all fours and swing back around to face the duo, hoping by this time Pulsus had loaded Twig onto his back. He would crane his neck toward her, offering her the first bite of the peach they had been searching so long for. He hoped it would bring at least a smile to her face.


Twig I


03-03-2014, 11:19 PM

Feeling her brother curl around her tighter and hearing his determined words would calm her considerably. Though guilt, anger, and sadness would continue their swirling. As she moved to Themisto's side she could feel the unease coming from her brother. She hoped he would continue to see that her companion meant her absolutely no harm. He seemed to keep himself under control, but as they discussed the wounds needing cleaned. Pulsus would suggest that he carry her. All the way to wolf paw lake. Her orchid gaze would widen in wonder at how selfless her brother really was. However this option would include once again separating herself from the dusty knight. As he gently pulled himself away from her side she would feel a kiss placed perfectly upon her forehead. Sadly she would watch as he moved away and her guardian brother would become her focus. She didn't want to try and stand. She didn't want to know what it would be like to try and hold her body weight with her legs. She could feel the injuries to her body, and she certainly didn't want to reveal anymore about them to herself. Carefully though she knew he would delicately place her on his back. She would wince as he completed the task, the pain intensified for a moment. she would become distracted from it as the gentle healer found himself before her again. As she looked up to his gaze from the dried grass she would notice the piece of fruit dangling tantalizingly from his mouth. The girls face would erupt into a joyful grin as he offered her the first bite. With a whine the cross marked woman would tenderly take the peach within her teeth, savoring the juicy bite. In that moment it was easy to forget about what had been done to her. She could enjoy the warmth of her brother beneath her and the incredible kindness of the man beside them.?
