
It has Begun



4 Years
03-02-2014, 04:22 PM
Narfi Celestine Jaeger

She stood atop what was once her home, mismatched orbs scanning the volcano's side. How pathetic it was, well, not the volcano itself, just the foolish wolves who had tried to formed packs over and over on it. From a distance she had watched, waited to see what would come of them. Each time they disappointed her. How dare they claim her home and make it a joke, such weakness, how could they even call themselves alphas.

The girl would give a small shake of her head with a snort before holding it high, tilting it slightly forward the skull atop her head would slide foward an inch to allow her to see better. One day she would rise, gain the strength and brains she needed to claim her home back and have wolves cower at her paws. Lips pulled back, a tongue sliding out from her jaws and running over her fangs.

Before Narfi could do anything however, she needed to train herself. The time spent away from these lands had left her rusty, which would leave her vulnerable. Head would turn left, then right, scanning the terrain around her while nose sniffed at the air. She was alone, for now. Shoulders would shift, the bag on her back readjusting to sit on her body better, containing items she had picked up on her small travels. With a flick of her tail the girl set off up the volcano, examining what the numerous packs had done to the place.

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"Speak" ----
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Awesome table by Briena <3


03-02-2014, 04:40 PM

She had gone unnoticed as usual, creeping along after the girl silently. She was young, still a yearling. She could see the potential in the young flesh. The girl had lead her to the volcano and had lingered for some time. Idly she had watched, lingering in the shadows unnoticed by the youngster.

Silver paws would pull her forward, bringing her up behind the girl. "So much failure has happened here." Husky words would flow easily from dark jaws as she brought herself from a stop a few behind the girl.

Tail swayed idly at her hocks, coral pools watching the dark girl with mild interest. Nostrils flared, taking in her scent. She belonged to no pack, seemed to have no family. She would not be missed if she were to go missing. A ghost of a smirk played on her lips, waiting for the girl to react.

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4 Years
03-02-2014, 04:58 PM
Narfi Celestine Jaeger

She had heard somebody lingering around someplace, waiting for them to reveal themself and so they did. A feminine voice, also noting the failures that had happened here. With a slight smirk the girl would turn around, mismatched gaze falling upon a woman just a tad bit bigger than herself. Odd markings were upon her body, what what she gave off was power, the type that would slip into your soul and destroy you from the inside out. Narfi liked it.

"The failures have given this place a bad rep, it's disgusting to think they actually thought they could run a pack." She would give a low hiss, her gaze leaving the beautiful woman for just a brief moment to look at the volcano's stop. Would this be the one that could train her, get her into shape to take this place back, make it into something others would fear?

Narfi would look back to the woman, tail swaying in a slow rhythm. "You look like a woman who takes what she wants... and gets it. Someone I am looking for as a teacher." Somebody like this was unpredictable, she could take the girl as an apprentice and train her in the field, or laugh her off and move on. If that was the case the girl would move on, find something worth training under. She was not a child anymore, and she would not play foolish games with an adult.

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"Speak" ----
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Awesome table by Briena <3


03-02-2014, 05:24 PM

A low chuckle would rumble in her chest. The girl was wise beyond her years. Though it clearly upset her to see so many leaders fail. The black and white girl would speak again, causing the woman to lift a brow. "You speak so boldly to a stranger you know nothing about." Haunches would slide to the earth, deciding to entertain the girl with her presence for awhile longer.

"You would be correct though. But what makes you think I would be a good teacher?" She let the question dangle, even though she knew she was a good teacher. Basilisk had thrived under her care, and soon her most recent claim would thrive too. She would have no objection to taking on another, so long as the girl pledged her loyalty and joined her pack.

She knew this one would be different. She would be owned by the silver woman. She would be there by her own freewill. It would be interesting to see how well it played out. "Suppose I did take you under my wing, so to speak. What would you be willing to do for me?"

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4 Years
03-02-2014, 06:12 PM
Narfi Celestine Jaeger

A small smirk formed at the woman's words, yes, Narfi knew nothing about her, but the look in her eyes gave away a story the dark female was interested in. They were like a window into the soul, able to see what one desired, what someone wanted to destroy. Something the girl wanted her own gaze to show. The grey woman would confirm her assumption before asking what made her look like a good teacher. Some people couldn't see themselves as teachers, let alone good ones because they are unable to show their apprentice exactly what it is they soguth. All Narfi wanted though was to observe to learn, some things just couldn't be shown and explained like fighting and using tactics to win.

Upon her sitting back Narfi would do the same, but would lower her head, using a paw to pull off the vine that held the skull onto her head. She would then twist her neck to grab and pull at a strap she had tied, the knot coming undone to allow the bag on her back to slide forward and off. Finally she would sit back with her things beside her, mismatched gaze upon the grey woman.

"I will offer my services when needed, unlike other useless people my age I can pull my own weight. Can follow orders as long as the other end of the deal is fulfilled." Tone would be void of emotion, not holding cockiness. She would not lie about her abilities, she would follow orders as long as she got what she wanted. But should she be stabbed in the back, the girl would come back, make sure to leave a mark. "Once I claim my kingdom back, I could become a dependable ally." She knew that the outcome of what to happen in the future was unknown, but as long as the woman kept to her word, so would Narfi. She would aid the woman should she need extra paws.

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"Speak" ----
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Awesome table by Briena <3


03-02-2014, 06:25 PM

The girl would sit, tugging at strings and pulling the strange back off her shoulders to bring it beside her. The silver temptress would not question it, or even blink an eye at the strange parcel. To each their own. She would listening carefully as the girl spoke. She was wise, had goals for her future. She wanted to rule, she wanted power.

"Perfect my dear. I will teach you, on the condition that you join my pack. You will pledge your loyalty to me, you will follow my commands, and in return, you shall receive all the training you desire." She had yet to fail any of her "students". Basilisk had turned out excellently, he was preparing to rule a pack at her side. Neios would soon follow suite. And now this girl, she would one day be a powerful ally. "What is your name?"

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4 Years
03-02-2014, 06:38 PM
Narfi Celestine Jaeger

A small grin would form upon the girl's maw when the grey woman accepted to become her teacher, on the condition that she would join her pack and pledge her loyalty to her, follow her commands and she would receive the training she desired. "That I can do." Narfi would give a nod of her head, perfectly understanding what was spoken and was ready to follow the woman, join her pack and become one of her loyal members. "Narfi Jaeger, daughter of Nnoitra Jaeger of what used to be a pack here, Tortuga. Before others claimed it and made it into trash." Her tones would hold a hint of questioning, wondering if the woman knew of what became of her home, what kidn of trash had taken the name. "And what may I have the honor of calling my teacher?" She'd ask with a raised brow, expecting somehting unusual that hadbeen bestowed upon her to match the markings.

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"Speak" ----
Think ----

Awesome table by Briena <3


03-02-2014, 06:54 PM

It pleased her greatly that the girl was so ready to accept her terms and did so with little question. An introduction would be given, the girl claiming to have been part of Tortuga. Her thoughts drifted back to when Taurig had ruled Tortuga, she couldn't imagine this girl following his rule. "Tortuga. Many rules have held that name. Though I believe a pack by the name of Tortuga resides in the North somewhere.

"Cataleya." She would give her name to the newest member of her pack and her newest apprentice. "Answer my call when it comes, that will be when the pack gathers and ranks will be given."

Their meeting was quickly coming to an end, there was no need to linger, this girl would answer her call and come receive her training when the time was right. The temptress would rise, powerful limbs unfolding from beneath her. "I will warn you only once. I run a pack of the worst of the worst, outcasts of society. No one will be dead weight, you will training tirelessly to prove yourself worthy" With that she would turn, making her way away from the volcano, in search of the next wolf to join her numbers.

-exit cat unless stopped-

OOC- Cat will stay if Narfi has any questions :)

Talk like this



4 Years
03-02-2014, 07:13 PM
Narfi Celestine Jaeger

An ear would perk up when the woman spoke about Tortuga, reminding the girl how a few had taken the name but now she believed a pack in the north had taken it. Interesting. Were they that low in intelligence that they couldn't think of a name and had to take a disbanded pack's? Ridiculous but quite amusing, now she had another goal forming, find out information about this pack. Maybe even take it then disperse the members. Hm... only time would tell what she would do with this new information.

Cataleya was her name, odd but nice. She would inform Narfi to answer her call when it is sent out, that would be when the pack gathers and ranks given out. She would give a nod of her head to this, for now she would await that moment, linger in the areas the woman's scent was that way she wasn't too far away.

And so their little meeting was already coming to an end, not that Narfi was greatly disappointed or anything. She got what she was looking for, just had to wait for the woman to form her pack for the training to begin. And now she was ready to leave, picking herself up before saying one more thing. Outcasts of society, no dead weight, and she would train tirelessly to prove herself worth. She would grin with a small dip of her head, just what she liked. Without working constantly, wolves got lazy and expected to keep their ranks, in order to rise you had to work.

"And so it begins, you ready Narge?" She would chuckle, head tilting downward, gaze falling upon the skull at her side, a paw gently rubbing the top. This would be interesting.

-exit narfi-

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"Speak" ----
Think ----

Awesome table by Briena <3