
What would I give?


03-03-2014, 09:23 PM

The large woman left the territory of her pack early that morning, just when dawn had started to light the horizon. By the time she had reached the Cathedral Point, the sun had risen higher in the sky, warming her coat. The summer in the north was far warmer than the other seasons, and grass had returned, but it wasn't as sweltering as it was in the south. Perhaps this was the only time that she would find herself enjoying the northern land. She paused at the point, taking a deep breath, and settling her rump to the ground. It was nice to be out here, away from her pack- where she could think. The pack was tiny in comparison, to Glaciem's empire and splintered. There were so few members and she was at loss in knowing how to boost their rankings. She felt as if she could be a failure to what her father had expected from her, and that bothered her deeply. She knew that she could lead. She could be a grand queen, but she had to have the opportunity, the chance. How could she rise to greatness with only a pawful of members under her? What should she do to swell her rankings? How could she be the queen her father had been convinced she could be? Settling against the ground, she lay with a slight humph, as her violet eyes stared before her- as she contemplated her decisions- what she should do.




4 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-05-2014, 09:23 PM
The girl entered the lands with high hopes; a fresh start. She took a deep breath of the warming air, taking a moment to stretch her legs, her white pelt glistening as it draped loosely over her frame. Hani shook a few strands of fur free before continuing her journey in the new lands. It wasn't anything amazing that brought her here, just luck, she assumed, a bit of shouldering her own fate against the world. Nothing tragic brought her here. Hani wasn't broken- she didn't think. It was just time to get on her own, time to leave the never ending circle of eating and drinking in the same home pack, with the same pack mates; all of which were family.

It was a surprisingly short amount of time before Hani scented another wolf- a female, if she wasn't mistaken. While she took some time contemplating whether or not to approach the wolfess, her legs carried her there anyway, and by the time she decided she probably shouldn't invade on another wolf in this unknown land, she was facing the said she-wolf's side from just a short distance.

"There is no way she didn't see me. None. Or hear me. Literally zero. Oh geez. Well, she looks... uh... white. She's white, yup. Am I still walking? I'm walking. No stop. Stop!"

Hani came to a stop as sea green eyes looked on with an almost surprised wideness at the mostly white wolf, now fully in site. She opened her maw to speak, but no words came out. She closed it and tried again, still staring, though looking more for movement than at the actual wolf, "Ha- Hi, well, um sorry, I was walking and somehow, hey, how are you?" Well, frik.



03-05-2014, 09:52 PM

Lost mulling in her own thoughts, she missed the approach of another, until the scent of the stranger was strong in the air. Yet, she didn't move, waiting to see if the stranger would dare to speak, or carry on about their way. A few moments passed, and the queen would finally lift her head, her violet eyes coming to scrutinize the stranger. Her brow would raise slightly, as the stranger spoke, her stammering words eliciting a warm chuckle from the alabaster queen. Pushing herself to seating position, she'd give the woman a half smile, as she studied her for a few moments, before her violet eyes would search for the strangers sea-green gaze. "Hello," She would return the greeting at a near coo, before speaking again. "I am fine, how are you?" She'd inquire easily, her body relaxed, this stranger didn't seem to be a threat. Roman would take in a deep breath, and note that the woman didn't smell of a pack, which only intrigued the Queen more. Who was this stranger? Was she new to the land? "My name is Roman Armada, Queen of Tortuga. May I have the pleasure of knowing your name?". Thus far her tone was warm, though it held an air of pride as Roman introduced herself to the stranger. A slight smile remained to her jaws, welcoming the conversation- and the company.




4 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-06-2014, 08:59 AM
Hani tried to offer a smile as she spoke, but it seemed to twitch and contort rather than stay in a smile. Maybe it really was, but maybe it was Hani's imagination. She tried to hold her face still as the wolfess in front of her sat down. "Freakin' duh!" her mind practically shouted as Hani quickly took a few steps back and sat- maybe sitting a little too fast- making a nice "thwup" sound. The other greeted her warmly and asked how she was doing, "Oh, fine, fine." she replied by instinct, nodding agreeingly as she trailed off. The other gave her name, Roman it seemed, and further elaborated that she was the Queen of Tortuga.

"Wait..." her mind froze for a moment, then started going again all at once, "Uh, Queen? Haha, um wow, well, I'm not really a queen. Uhh..." she trailed off again, tipping her head, "That's kind of important, isn't it?" this Roman did smell of a pack, could she really be telling the truth? A queen? There were queens? "Uh, Miss Ro- no uh, Lady? Queen? Yeah, Queen Roman-" she tested the title a few times before realizing a question was posed to her, "MY name? Oh, well..." she contemplated telling the truth or another name, after all she didn't know this "queen" or where she stood on several issues, but it was just a name after all, "Hani, my name is Hani, no special titles really."

Hani looked around the area for a bit, noticing that the scent didn't match up with the pack scent on the queen. That was odd? Didn't queens have like watchers? They were important, right, "So, heh, where's your people? Is that normal to say?" she wondered, the last part more to herself than anyone else. How do you talk to a queen? She's just a normal wolf otherwise, right? No? Hani's tail flipped a few times nervously, what happened if you offended a queen? "Stepping on thin ice here, Hani. Thiiin ice."
