



4 Years
03-03-2014, 12:03 AM

Narfi was unsure on when the woman, her new mentor, would form the pack she spoke of but looking back on what she said, the girl figured it wouldn't take too long. That was why she brought herself away from the mainland to explore an island for a bit, the warmth of summer seeming unable to melt the snow and ice covering the earth here. The girl would make sure not to wander this place long, she had to get back to the mainland and wait for the call to summon her.

Paws would carry the girl back towards the small but of shrubbery she had hidden her things in to dry from the swim, gently pressing her cheek to the bag in a few places to make sure it was dry. Carefully she would grab a strap in her jaw, using her tongue as well to tie it in a knot, then did the same to a second strap closer to the front. With those two tied she would slide the bags over her head, pulling her limbs through and twisted it so it sat on her back nicely. Head would turn and lower, grabbing the last strap and tying it in a knot as well but this one would be against her chest rather than underside like the other two.

With skull set neatly a top her head the young woman would set off, but rather than dive right into the center of the island she would move along the shore and see what lay there first. Tail flicked behind her, ears swiveling left and right, gaze running over the terrain and nose sniffing the air. She would keep her guard up while wandering, you never know when somebody could be watching you, waiting to striking at the perfect moment.


Awesome table by Eldarwen <3


03-03-2014, 09:46 PM

The gangly yearling had been contemplating taking his leave from the land, to go off and explore what lied beyond Alacritis. His wandering paws had led him to a realization, that the islands that lied around the main continent. He hadn't taken the time to explore them, and as he struck out to explore the the one closest to the Northern region, he realized that perhaps these close explorations would quell his need to escape- his need to explore. He had felt restless in the last few days. And the minute his paws touched the icy land of the northern island, he exhaled a breath of relief. The land here seemed untouched by the wolves of Alacritis, as if not many had bothered to visit here, though the scent of one other struck his nose. He followed it slowly, his nose nearly glued to the ground. There was something every so slightly familiar about it, but he couldn't place what it was exactly.

He followed it around, before letting out a low bark, to alert the other of his presence in case she hadn't scented him yet. He would pause several feet behind her, waiting to see if she would acknowledge his presence, all the while trying to figure out if she was disfigured or if she had something on her. He waited, his head tilted slightly to the left, a confused expression on his face. "Um.. hello?" He spoke, his expression curious, as he took a few more steps towards her, waiting to see what she'd do.




4 Years
03-03-2014, 10:39 PM

She had been a tad bit late in realizing somebody had been following her, her attention so focused on what was in front of her. A scent would flow past her nose of an unfamiliar being, ears twitching at the sound of a bark, her head would turn left, grey orb falling upon a white wolf with dark markings on his face and front paws. Tail would flick, legs crisscrossing, back arching as she turned around to face the stranger. The skull atop Narfi's head would shift, moving forward a tad to give her a better view of the male.

Eyes would narrow as she watched the wolf, shoulders rolling, the bag and straps on her body shifting with the movement but remained in place. "What do you want?" Her voice was laced with venom, obviously not pleased with somebody bothering her. The wolf looked to be around her age, but that didn't mean she would act like him. The girl was on a mission, had goals she wanted to achieve, there was no time for games. Right away she would notice something odd about him, the mismatched eyes, one similar in color to her own. She wouldn't get worked up about it though, there were tons of wolves out there, their pelts and eyes all sorts of colors.


Awesome table by Eldarwen <3