
Seeking Shelter



2 Years
01-25-2014, 11:51 AM (This post was last modified: 01-25-2014, 11:51 AM by Drashiel.)
ooc: ask if you want to join in! :3

Oh he didn't like this at all! Drashiel skittered through the ash, pausing occasionally to cough. It tasted funny and it irritated his nose and eyes and made his throat burn! He shook his coat and growled as he sought shelter. As far as he new the volcano was far enough away that it didn't present a direct threat but the ash was equally as dangerous. It was hurting him and his pack and was bound to injure prey and plant life as well. It was a burning, smothering blanket that seemed intent on choking out the life on Glaciem. Drashiel half wondered if this was some sort of punishment?

A den! Peridot green eyes noticed the entrance and he dove in without a second thought. Even at this age he was fairly certain no one in the pack was going to hurt him and no enemies would dare venture this far into Glaciem territory. He could only hope that he hadn't slipped into the den of a very cantankerous relative.


02-02-2014, 04:07 PM

The heavy ash that was falling down scared the female. It was strange and foriegn, smelled horrible, was hot, and made one cough terribly if they ingested any of it. It was damaging the pack, the prey, the plants... everything was suffering because this stuff suddenly started falling from the sky. To make matters worse Arietta wasn't sure where Sin was at the moment, and being awake and alone during a time like this frightened the female greatly. Why was this happening? Was it some sort of act of the gods against them? The female would curl up into a tight ball. She hadn't even wanted to come here... but she had no choice.

A sudden yelp of surprise would leave Arietta as she felt impact into her side. The female would get to her paws, shaking, looking at the thing that had rolled into her. No... not a thing. A pup. She would breathe a sigh of relief and lay back down, looking upon the young one with soft blue eyes. The poor boy was covered entirely with ash. How long had he been out there? More importantly where was his mother? This definitely counted as poor parenting skills. The female would curl her tail partly around his body, a worried frown on her face. "Are you alright, little one?"

Speech, Thought



2 Years
02-09-2014, 05:03 PM

Drashiel coughed suddenly as he struggled to regain his composure. The cough was wet and sudden expelling blackened phlegm from his maw. Shaking his head and making a face he turned to the fae that had spoken. She was new to Glaciem. He'd seen her at the meeting but they hadn't really met. Sniffing he turned to her and shook his head with a shudder before coughing again. Drashiel did not like this at all.

"My chest hurts but?other? than that? I'm fine. I'm Drashiel Armada, what's your name?" His breathing soon began to calm and even out now that he was in the den where the air was cleaner.

ooc: sorry it's so short. running low on muse ><


02-20-2014, 04:26 PM

The poor thing was covered in ash, a cough rattling through his body. It honestly didn't sound good, which was no less than she would have expected. The stuff fell thick from the sky, irritating lungs, eyes, noses... it tainted the water, making it taste foul. But little could be done about it. A deep frown would come from her as the black phlegm came from his maw. The poor dear. She honestly wished she was a healer, and that she could do something for him. But there wasn't much she could do aside from trying to comfort him as the ash fell outside. How long would it fall? The worried thought would cross her mind, and she would lower her ears a bit. Arietta's heart would give a sad pang as, right after the pup looked to her, he was seized by another coughing fit. She would rise, moving to curl around the young male like a mother would,

"I'm Arietta. I'm Sin's mate." The female wasn't even sure if he knew who Sin was. Was the Armada family big here in Glaciem? She hadn't been told by Sin about his family, or had even heard his last name. She would gently give a nuzzle to Drashiel's shoulder, feeling a bit calmer as his breathing started to even out. "Lay down and rest. You're welcome to stay here while all this is going on. I'm afraid I don't know how to hunt yet.. but I'll do my best to bring back something if you get hungry." She didn't care about herself going hungry, but she wasn't about to let a pup deal with that. She'd figure out some way to catch prey in the mess. Her soft blue eyes didn't leave the young one's form for a minute. "Though, Drashiel, what were you doing out in that storm? Where is your mother? Or your father?" What kind of parents would let such a pup out in this stuff?

Speech, Thought



2 Years
02-20-2014, 09:59 PM

Drashiel shook his coat once more. He hated this stuff! Absolutely hated it and he wished it would stop and get nice again. He'd have to travel well beyond the territories borders to find an uncontaminated water source he could bathe in. Drashiel sure as heck was licking himself clean of this terrible stuff.

The femme seemed nice enough and she introduced herself as Arietta but when she said she was Sin's mate he chocked and started coughing before pulling his face into a look of disgust. Ew! She was married to his brother, Sin? While Drashiel had respect for the other he found the older wolf's cleanliness habits to be absolutely foul. He was probably crawling with bacteria. "You're?cough, married to him?! Not sure what you?" Drashiel paused as another coughing fit over took him. "?see in him but?" the words stopped coming and the boy focused on steadying his breathing.

He jumped a bit as she nuzzled him but he slowly relaxed. "Thanks and no, don't go out there. I think it's best we stay safe."

Drashiel's mood soured at her question and he looked away. Silence fell until finally he spoke. "I was out hunting. My father Isardis is busy. My mother? wanted nothing to do with us and abandoned my sister and I when we were weaned." He turned to face her, peridot eyes searching for hers. "What about yours? You're not that old. And whatcha like so much about Sin anyway? Sure he's a good fighter but he smells and he's grumpy."


02-24-2014, 12:18 AM

The female would blink as Drashiel started to cough, wrinkling his face. She hadn't quite expected the reaction, but, well, he was a pup. The thought of marriage and whatnot was still probably incredibly gross to him. She would frown a little all the same. It was a complicated start for sure, but Arietta had accepted being by Sin's side. After claiming her the male had treated her kindly, well, as kind as he could she assumed. She would give a soft whine as a coughing fit took him, and slowly the pup would gain control of his breathing again.

Hunting? At his age? She would listen, finding out that this pup was actually a child of the king, Isardis, and his mother, who was not the queen she guessed, had abandoned the poor thing. Arietta's own gaze would take on a saddened look as he asked about her mother. The female would look away, letting out a soft sigh. "My mother was very sickly when my sister and I were born... she did what she could to try and take care of us but..." Arietta shook her head.

"Long story short, Drashiel, my mother and my sister are both dead. Sin was the one who... well... woke me up I guess you could say. He doesn't always have the most friendly attitude, sure, but since we've been together he has cared for me, never once speaking a cross word to me. Our first meeting was on the rough side but... I guess I've come to grow used to him. The blood on his coat hardly smells that pleasant, but at the same time it is a way I identify it is truly him. I guess at this point I'm just used to it all, the smell, and his moods." Arietta had grown attached to him, in a warped process that lead her to believe she needed Sin and loved him. The female would glance outside of the den, letting out a soft sigh, hoping the crimson stained male was alright.

Speech, Thought



2 Years
03-07-2014, 10:49 PM
ooc: gonna go ahead and end this oen if that's alright :3

The ash had finally stopped falling as Drashiel gazed outside the den. His thoughts drifted once again to his sister, Lysis. Was she alright? Did she worry? He frowned for a moment then turned back to Arietta as she spoke of her parents and he reached out a paw to touch one of her own. It was a small gesture of comfort and all he could really offer her as the young brute didn't really know what to say about all of this.

He knew what it was like to grow up without a mother but he found it hard to believe that she still found comfort in Sin. While Drashiel hadn't formed much of an opinion on the brute he knew that the blood-stained wolf made his father uneasy and that in turn made him wary of his older brother.

"Well? my sister is probably wondering if I'm ok. I better go while the ash has stopped falling. Arietta? Sin's one of my many brothers but be careful. If you ever need to talk, I'd be more than happy too." He offered a reassuring smile then slipped out of her den and into the ashfall.
