
Today, I Feast


03-08-2014, 01:33 PM
just a heads up, she is in heat

At last the gods had removed the illness that had racked her body for awhile, she felt refreshed, wanting to go out and get her blood pumping once again. Selene however would have to wait to do that, over the course of a month or two she had been working on getting her body back into shape, going for walks, jogs and even climbing rocky hills to get her strength back. Muscle had been slowing forming, body filling out back to the curves she once had. That was one of the reasons she had been walking along the river, rumor was it this place had a large assortment of fish, and even though it wasn't her favorite thing to eat, Selene was getting sick of he usual land prey she had been eating lately.

After about an hour of walking the woman would finally come to a stop to examine the stretch of water she would fish in, steel grey orbs running along the shore, a brow raising when she caught the scent of a few loners but would brush it off. Clearing her throat, Selene would move forward, paws stepping into the cool water, sending s small shiver down her spine. The woman would walk along the edge for a few feet till she found a small pile of rocks, deciding she would try catching something in this spot. So she would move onto the opposite side, using a paw to push some of the rocks into the water to create a sort of barrier, hopefully the fish would try squeezing through them or jump over, giving her the chance to catch one.




10 Years
03-11-2014, 07:04 AM

The scent of a woman in heat was not something that could be ignored. It was a sweet aroma, so tantalizing and delightful, and with ease Kapras?us would begin to navigate towards the source of the smell. It was not at all difficult to follow, carried lightly downstream by the gentle breeze, drawing the male to her like a moth to a flame. Though he was certainly not a simple man, there was one thing he could not ignore -- the beauty of a woman (or of a man, for that matter) -- as hard as he tried. To him, the world was brimming with pleasure and joy, and there was no use to deny himself such things. TO deny pleasure would be to deny the gods, and there was nothing more terrible than being ungrateful for the things they offered him.

His vibrant green gaze followed the river, briefly trailing against the flow of the water as he dared step into the shallows. He watched a fish lazily float past, letting his paw dart out to swipe at it. A laugh escaped his parted jaws. If only Jaeger was here! It had been so long since they had sacrificed for the gods and he could not help but worry that they would grow wrathful if they did not receive something soon.

But his attention would drift from such thoughts as the sight of a female indeed came into view. A pale tan thing, with darker markings on her face; quite lean and not at all old. The possibility of company was exciting to him, and the man's tail began to lash out behind him, whipping from left to right in an even motion. "A woman must be careful!" he called out with glee, his voice thick with a strange northern accent. "It is unwise to be alone in such a state. Have you never met a man before?" He warned her, approaching somewhat quickly, eyes sparkling.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.


03-24-2014, 02:14 PM

Ear would flick back then dart forward at an unknown laugh, head quickly rising as a voice soon spoke out. Selene's brow would raise at the sight of a male approaching, telling her to be careful, a strange yet interesting accent thick on his tongue. He would continue to fill her in as if she had no idea to be alone when in heat, asking if she had even met a man before. The aging woman couldn't help but chuckle as though he was a pup who knew nothing about the world, naive. "My darling, I have most definitely met a man before, the only God to devour this temple." The one and only, and should any other male think otherwise, they would feel her fangs deep within their flesh. "This is not my first heat sweetie." She would add, head held high and proud, tail swinging calmly behind her.

She would go back to what she had been doing, taking a step back from her little rock pile. The woman did not feel like dealing with somebody foolish as this, acting like a child. Steel orbs scanned it over once more before crouching low, body going still besides the hairs gently swinging back and forth from the breeze. She would hold her body in a way that most of her attention was on the river, but at the same time able to watch the strange man to her side in case he tried to pull anything.
