



02-18-2014, 04:21 PM

With the rolling tongue of a serpent in guise, pallid wonder would coil with possessive air about the still night of The East. Wicked murmurs of hushing power sending chills up the coiled spines of loitering trees, a silence so deafening it would strike the core of any too frail to adjust to greatness. With poised speculate the Northern King would meander against the borders of The Rock Garden; a place he had been all too many times before. And yet, now, rumours only told of its claimed leadership. With the beckoning boom of a momentary bark would Isardis lure the said alphess to his encumbered lair of wait, swaying with imaginary bliss atop stilts of only the finest elegance.



5 Years
02-19-2014, 02:06 PM

The man's summons held a certain eminence that sparked both curiosity and mild suspicion within the sooty queen. She thought it odd that he did not howl, as her previous visitors had, and wondered at the reasoning. It struck her as somewhat informal, yet respectful that it's owner did not disregard her borders entirely. With a sigh of effort, finding the summer's heat taxing in junction with her dark coat, the Queen stepped down from the perch atop the boulder that marked the entrance to her den. She had not expected her settlement to create such a stir in the landscape, or at the very least not quite so soon, but it appearance that news traveled fast. She had met with the current empress of Olympus, and the former king of Seracia, and if the undercurrents of this man's summons were anything to base her judgements off of, he held power of his own. It hung in the air around her, a pulsing aftermath within her mind. Raisa made her way carefully to the border she suspected he had hailed her from, keeping her senses well tuned. She came upon him suddenly, rounding a crop of stones and pausing to eye her visitor. He stood with a proud sort of magnificence, an ivory deity come to earth. Gold bands glimmered in the light, and ruby eyes seemed deep with uncertain intent. Raisa had not seen an albino in person, though she had heard tales of their existence. She raised a brow and offered him a small nod of greeting. "Welcome to Ebony," she said, languid voice polite, if lacking in tone. She was uncertain of his intent, and her suspicion lingered yet. What was she to make of him? She did not expand her greeting, in the hopes that she might observe more of his manner beforehand.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


02-19-2014, 02:45 PM

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might take my place

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might end up being me

Sleep had not found him for many days since his arrival in the Rock Garden. Ebony was his home, but he did miss the humidity and comfort of his swamplands. Knowing that Raisa was nearby in her den was a comfort, but the man could no longer still the voices that seemed so adamant to swim inside his skull. They did not wish him to rest.

So when a sound demanding immediate attention reached his auds, he found no reason to continue lying in his den. He would go and follow his queen to the border of the Rock Garden and see who had summoned. Paws seemed to barely touch the ground as he followed at a good distance behind her. It was not long before he caught sight of the man who had summoned. He was nearly shining like a beacon with bright off-white fur and ruby red eyes. He had golden bangles on his front legs that shone in the moonlight. He was definitely a sight.

Golden eyes met rubies as the queen welcomed the man to their newly formed pack. The stranger did not appear to harbor any ill will to her, but none could be certain of such things. Fugue did not dare sit, but he made himself visible and comfortable standing just to the right of his queen. She would not face the man alone if it came to a battle.


"Talk" Think "You"



02-19-2014, 08:30 PM

Kaliska was taking stock of the warm summer air, her sleek limbs shifting under her fiery coat as she trotted along the border on her afternoon patrol. A commanding bark caught her attention in the distance and her eyes narrowed. The voice was male and one she didn't recognize. Hackles and fur raised, ears down she bolted toward the sound, banner held high. Kaliska skittered to a stop as she came upon the gathering, relieved that Raisa was there and they didn't seem to be in immediate danger.

Her defenses fell to the wayside the vixen's body language still eminated suspicion of the albino male. He was a large brute, well built and of obvious rank. He smelt of pack and the cologne of the north and the strange metal bands he wore made her nose twitch with curiosity and discomfort. Kaliska would never be able to tolerate such things rubbing against her skin. She wondered how the brute dealt with it? And to risk the metal reflecting and scaring away prey? He'd have to be of great rank indeed for she doubted he'd server his pack well as a hunter.

She offered a soft smirk. "A gentleman caller already? How quaint." A jest, a test and her tone shifted more serious. "You're a fair way from home, northerner. It must be? important business?"




02-24-2014, 06:55 PM

She is divine, silvered pelt gliding beneath the fading beam of a luminous summer eve?; the low globe still searing holes of unpleasant destruction beneath his pores, shifting only minutely to shield his pale skin with the body of a towering rock. Weaving fingers of ivory would plead for craved attention to her duo-toned gaze, feeling lightly disappointed by the destroyed regularity of her once symmetrical appeal. Regardless, she was a curvaceous demand to his masculinity, an unknowingly wicked plead for his sensual attentions. And yet beautiful women were not few and far between to a man who sought no less, she was no entity of exclusive satisfaction; though any a wise King would treat her as such.

?And welcome to leadership, Madam Splendor,? his lips would twitch with a rising folly, bemused by the events that would surely plead to unfold within her future, ?It is only those who have soared the thrashing storms of Alacritis? warfare that may come with both warning and luck.? Of course, he was making a brittle suggestion towards himself, however slyly. Squared upon all fours, he would take a daring step towards her, as if sending her scented boundaries splintering out beneath his touch. However, seclusion was short lived, and perhaps the King?s confidence would be lightly wavered by the arrival of both man and woman.

A fizzle of laughter would rumble only within the pipes if his throat, restrained, pale lashes guiding his ruby gaze towards the small woman who spoke so boldly out of turn, ?So quick to judge me a gentleman, little russet? It was once a wise follower who allowed her leader to handle the hazard of lucid strangers.? It should have been no less than frowned upon, the man holding little interest for a jagged tongue that flicked when not asked for, ruby globes returning to the tantalizing imagery of The Rock Gardens usurper, ?Isardis Armada, King of Glaciem.?


02-24-2014, 07:22 PM

A scent she did not recognize, thoroughly masculine, musky and altogether attractive lured the giantess into the mass of assembled wolves. A pallid form with rosen hues mixed into a silvery coat was what first caught her mismatched eyes, as it stood out so completely from the rest of the group. Pale silvery audits would flicker curiously as she strode closer, standing above all who were among the assembled. She gave a polite dip of her crown to her Queen as she approached, a soft grin toying at her lips briefly as she cast her gaze to the sooty woman. Optics of pure fire and ice turned an eerie stare upon the cherry skinned male, assessing the threat he posed. Muscles rippled across his large frame, a lattice work of scars littering his flesh illustrating previous battles won and lost. A warrior, a threat, raising the guard of the beast as she watched him intently. Isardis, an interesting name without a doubt, as unique as he was. Ebony fur absorbed the sunlight with a hungry abandon, and it was an irritating factor in living here during a heat wave.
A northern king knocked at their door, and surely the option of an alliance would be presented at some point during the day. A curious tilt of the cranium would be given by the platinum masked gladatrix as she regarded the stranger with a hidden wariness. "Do you lead a kingdom of sheep then, King Isardis?" Stony soprano lyrics were sarcastic, a brow raised quizzically as her consuming gaze fixated upon his masculine features. "Or does frame size decide your army, as once did my fallen kingdom?" Would an accusatory tone demand, veiled with polite tones as she watched him from her place now beside Raisa. A bemused smirk would play upon her features, curious to see if this King was quick to anger, or the smooth man he put himself out to be. Facades were meant to deceive, one could only find out the truth by pushing against what one was presented with. She was passively striking out, testing simply to make sure they were not faced with a lie presented by the silver tongued stranger.

"Talk" "You" Think





5 Years
02-24-2014, 08:52 PM

A simple summons quickly turned into quite the affair. It was with a hinted smirk, playing upon the edges of the sooty fae's mouth, that she heard him out. Oh, she had seen his kind before, and she would be the first to admit that he played his role very well. He could not be faulted for a single sanguine word, for a drop of the honey that fell from his tongue. How sweet his verbal caresses, how sincere... Yet nothing she had not seen before. The Queen remembered her mothers lessons of how to deal with courtiers, the swooners and the swayers who had inevitably come to call upon her the moment she could claim an adult's form. Madame Splendor, he crowned her, but she was not so foolish as to allow it to settle within her mind, become truth. "How kind of you, to come all this way," she said, as sweet and sincere as the first spring lily. He spoke of luck and warnings, mixed in with a myriad of other superfluous words, which the queen found in her to drown out. Perhaps he thought to woo her with a large vocabulary, but either way, Raisa gave him no credence for this. She parted her cold-cinder jaw to speak, but was interrupted instead by pawsteps from within her border.

She would not turn from the man, but she did cock and ear backwards. The man's scent filled her nose and she smiled. "Sir Fugue, how kind of you to join us!" It filled the woman with pride, knowing that her Knight would come to a call on her borders. He said nothing, and was just as well for this, because he was not alone in his curiosity. Kaliska, the spirit and fire of the pack, was on his trail. Her voice was tannin and spice when she spoke, drawing a low chuckle from the Queen. A glance at the man showed disapproval, which he soon voiced. For all this is rebuke towards her own follower set the woman on edge, she did not reprimand him. Instead, the Queen turned to the smaller fae and tsk'd in mock reproach. "Kaliska, this man has had a long journey. The wit of others, I've found, sometime goes begging in these cases. I'm sure no offense was meant." She did not clarify, of course, whom may have been offended. The man proclaimed himself king, and Raisa was of a mind to believe him. From the scars to his airs to the blatantly obvious god complex, it was clear as if it had been written in the clouds.

Regardless, Raisa gave him a courteous bow. It was only polite, after all, to recognize his station, even if her bow was not so low as to be read as groveling. "A pleasure, then, Your Grace," she said, awarding him his due title. It would seem, however, that their merry band was not yet complete. Ebony's newest addition, a hulking warrior by the name of Platinum, seemed to be making good on her oaths of protection and dedication. He words, however, were as insulting as Kaliska's. A sense of amusement welled within Raisa, cursing herself for the fiery companions she'd come to love. Gods above, but they did make things interesting. Raisa sighed, and said, "Now, my lady, we've no notion of the kingdom he rules! After all, what must he think of us on this first visit? Why, we must seem no more than heathens and rebels to sanity." Perhaps, of course, this was not far off the mark. Raisa turned her gaze back to the king and smiled a toothy grin. No matter which way her pack mates offenses were taken, the man was outnumbered. With a calculating gaze, she waited to see which chess piece he might move next.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


02-24-2014, 09:44 PM

She'd been trailing him, out of necessity for her own sanity, and out of sheer will to do anything productive at all. Throughout their travel his ghostly figure had loomed a good distance in front of her, though emerald orbs did not have to work hard to keep him in her sights. He was slower now than he once had been, less meticulous about keeping to the shadows. Perhaps age had changed him, or perhaps he was no longer afraid. Whatever the case she would probably never know. Heat enveloped her at every angle as they pushed further South, and she wondered how it was that any wolf could live in such conditions for more than a few hours at a time. Surely the wolves of the South must me made of molten lava to survive such an existence. An odd thought crossed her mind, one that reminded her of how she used to think, and she would press it aside. Those days were long gone - at least she hoped they were.

For fear of appearing too intrusive, she would allow him the opportunity to show himself to this pack first, keeping to the shadows both out of loathing for the heat and effort to remain concealed. The wind blew toward her, warping her scent from their location, as well as the sun burned brightly except beneath the grove of bushes she'd managed to crouch betwixt. All in all, she was invisible. They would greet him, four in total, only one of which appeared to have any courtesy at all. Nostrils craved to snort in frustration, but she would not allow it. Instead, she would emerge slowly and nonchalantly from her concealment, allowing her bodice to slide intricately against his side - their inverse hairs mingling together. ?I assure you, we have endured worse.? she would comment in response to the apparent leader's note about how she and her pack must appear. ?Sendoa Armada, Queen of Glaciem.? And oh, in that particular moment she looked as fit a Queen as anyone. Head dipped regally in greeting, courtesy having rubbed off on her sometime after her coronation. Tail flickered behind her idly as she held herself with confidence, airing on the brink of pride and regality.




02-25-2014, 10:42 AM (This post was last modified: 02-25-2014, 07:24 PM by Kaliska.)

Kaliska laughed at the white man's comment, tail swaying playfully. "So quick to judge me wise, stranger?" She smiled and as her tail-less pack mate spoke she winced a little. Her comment was all in fun and while she sensed the veiled threat she preferred to play it off in the similar nature of her spirit. Platinum's words were not veiled in humor and could be taken the wrong way very quickly, plus Kaliska didn't feel she really needed anyone to stand up for her. However? she was touched by the gesture.

"Kaliska, this man has had a long journey. The wit of others, I've found, sometime goes begging in these cases. I'm sure no offense was meant."

The grin graced Kaliska's maw once more as she turned to Raisa, imitating the tone of the odd-eyed fae. "Oh? I had hoped some conversation void of pretense would be welcomed by a weary traveller of such high estate. I meant no offense, only play. But I see your point, My Lady, perhaps my tongue will be trained yet." She turned to the white lord with a nod of respect but ever-wearing her grin. Any change to her behavior would be at the request of her Queen, not some random outsider be he peasant or royalty.

Her attention did not lay on him long as a lovely green-eyed femme joined him. She introduced herself as Queen and he eventually as King. The grin widened. King Issy! Now didn't that have a ring too it? It took some effort but she managed to hold her tongue for the sake of dear Issy-poo. Hmmm? so this was the Lord of Glaciem that was stirring up so much trouble? How odd that they would leave their pack leaderless for a visit such as this? Kaliska wasn't sure she liked where this little meeting was going.


Edit: Kaliska has pack mates not "mack" mates.... *kicks keyboard*


02-25-2014, 12:56 PM

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might take my place

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might end up being me

SO the king and queen of Glaciem had decided to travel all this way to grace Ebony with their presence. How charming. The rose-skinned man seemed a tad bit uncomfortable with the whole of Ebony arriving there at their borders to protect their queen, as he should. At this point, they were quite a force to be reckoned with.

When the dark-toned queen arrived beside her mate, Fugue almost chuckled. Not only did the two look so like in features and give off a similar scent, but the woman acted as if Isardis was not to do anything if not by her demand. As if he was her puppet. It was truly humiliating for the man, Fugue was certain.

Well-toned muscles rippled across his auburn frame as harsh words exited the mouths of his pack-mates. None seemed thrilled by the king's presence here. And what was his business? Was he trying to stir the waters or had he another purpose? Golden eyes evaluated the pair once more when Isardis rebutted Kaliska'a outburst. He turned and dipped his head to Raisa when she acknowledged him and rebuked Kaliska. So his queen was playing the game with a cool head, so should her packmates.

This told Fugue that he had done the right thing in staying silent, though he had a lot to say to the man, a lot of questions to ask. As long as the rosy man kept his distance from Raisa and his tongue bound respectfully in her presence, then there would not be a problem. Otherwise....His muscles would tense, and teeth bare to meet their aim at his rosy pink throat.


"Talk" Think "You"



03-02-2014, 05:03 AM

Her innocence was spine-tingling, a wicked sensation of burning desire toying with the cherries of his pores; her voice bore a fragility so welcoming, teasing, it would almost lead him to believe she had never felt the spoiling touch of a man. Lips quivered, mind fraying into loss of concentration, distracted by the squirming of his hormones as he struggled to ease his own distorted excitement. His skull would barely manage to react to her greeting, but it had not been necessary; the foul tones of a toying ebony sending his pipes chuckling with a brief moment of his attention, ?Any sheep that strays beneath my senses is willingly devoured, miss,? it were almost as if he had misunderstood her, however his tones remained sharp and clever. He knew exactly what he had intended to suggest.

He had come with intentions of an alliance; however Isardis was little pleased with what he had been presented, the untrained tongues of the loose stragglers that surrounded their leader were enough to deter him. A kingdom without direction would falter beneath the calculation of their enemies, and his plans for the meeting would quickly come to deteriorate, somewhat dissatisfied with the personalities that had presented themselves to him. All were surely capable of discipline, however they showed none other than a pathetic lack of respect for their royalty. Alas, his features would not grow to tell such tales, besides perhaps to his Queen; who?s unexpected company was readily welcomed. The loyalty she would plead to him silent; as the duo stood so close they were represented as no less than a near-equality. And a daunting one at that.

?I had judged you somewhat the opposite,? in all honesty he responded to the red girl, little play now loitered his tones, a seriousness beginning to emerge where it had likely been unexpected. He was deterred by her other-worldly grin, deciding entirely to ignore the strange beings presence as it rapidly began to hold little interest to him; perhaps bored by her consistent expression and monotone behaviour. Leaning towards Sendoa, his rubies would come to rest yet again upon the duo-toned glaze of Raisa, ?You have yet to speak of your name,? he would state somewhat blandly, as if in expectation, ?Regardless, I come to offer future assistance where it may be needed. Now, your numbers are small and no contest to our seasoned army; for this reason I suggest you ponder the likelihood of an alliance. It will not be decided here today, as proper terms are unable to be stated within the company of so many untutored tongues,? he paused for a moment, gaze briefly adjusting to the accompanying women, ?Speak amongst your superiors- should there be any, and return to our Northern Empire when you so feel inclined.? Almost with the desire to remain elusive, he would begin to shift his weight in a suggestion of his leave, ?A pleasure, Mistress of Ebony.?



8 Years
03-04-2014, 10:53 AM
The ebony man had arrived late in the conversation. At first he thought it none of his business, but curiosity got the better of him. He wanted to know why so many had gathered at the boarder, and if he could be of any service to his new queen, Raisa.

The fact that a few of the Ebony wolves had spoken out of term had been unknown to him. Even their names were unknown to him as the only wolf he knew was Raisa. His arrival had been only early enough to hear the Albino man speak of an alliance.

Max had slowed his pace so that the man could finish speaking before he offered a bow to his queen. When he arose from his bow he offered a respectful nod to the assumed King of another pack. He remained silent for a moment as Icy orbs looked over both wolves on the other side of the boarder.

He waited a moment longer as he thought. He wished to prove his worthiness to his queen, and give his opinion when she needed it. He was not sure that she needed him to voice anything at this time but he felt as though it could be important to know more about this Northern Empire the ivory man spoke of. "My Queen, If you wish to learn more of this...Northern Empire, I would be willing to visit them. Be it both you and their...King, agree to it." at the mention of the king he gestured toward Iardis and gave him an apologetic look for not knowing what to call him for sure, before continuing. "I think it wise to know more before making a decision. Though in the end the decision will ultimately be up to you as you are our queen."

The black man grew silent. Hoping his words hadn't been to out of term, he looked to Lady Raisa for a response.
My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)



5 Years
03-04-2014, 02:45 PM

The man's queen existed in stark contrast to his colorless form. Her pelt was dark, her manner elegant and frank where he was opulent and seemingly cunning. Raisa was not so quick to judge her an easy read of course; any woman who was expected to follow this man's guile must be incredibly quick of wit. The sooty fae bowed, enough to show respect though not so much as to appear subordinate. "An honor, your Grace," she said by way of greeting. Still, the queen did not voice her own titles. The man raised her suspicion, if not her hackles, and she had decided to be rather wary of him. His intentions were more than unclear, and his mannerisms were strikingly similar to the courtiers of Old Ebony. Their gilded words had brought about the downfall of her legacy's empire, and she was in no fit mood to repeat the mistakes of her ancestors. Unfortunately, upon asking for her name directly, she was forced to comply. "I am Raisa Xanilov, your Grace." Kaliska's tongue maintained it's edge, even if her words were contrite. Raisa might have laughed, had the situation not been so delicate. Raisa could sense the meeting turning for the worse, and was rather set on getting it over with.

It would seem as if Isardis was of a mind with her, as he cut down to the meat of his visit. "Now, your numbers are small and no contest to our seasoned army," he claimed by way of beginning. Raisa withheld a smirk, settling instead for a quirked brow. Interesting tactic, she thought to herself, A nice mixture of fear in arrogance. Lovely. He claimed to offer assistance, but Raisa could not help but wonder at what terms he would command their cooperation exist under. In all honesty, he seemed to type to put her knights on his front line, and then turn on her once her force had weakened. She measured his sly words and opulence as trickery and manipulation, and pitied him for being one lone snake preaching to a fae who had survived a court of cobras and vipers. Raisa remained silent throughout this all, waiting. In closing, as he turned to leave, he pronounced their meeting, "A pleasure." Raisa smiled and bowed at the noble pair, and readied herself to leave as well. "Truly," she agreed by way of lying.

Maximous arrived, largely unnoticed amongst their rapidly growing numbers. It was not until he addressed her directly, volunteering his services as envoy, that she turned to face him. She smiled, grateful that he should request what she saw as a rather dangerous mission. "A kind offer Maximous, thank you." She would not answer him here or now, and it occurred to her to end this meeting before Isardis could lay claim to the man on his own. It would not surprise her that an Ebony wolf sent north might not return, based on her behavior. The art of taking hostages was well developed by many sorts who wished to rule. She was not certain if he was the type to do so, and was not willing to risk it on the roll of the dice. So it was that she turned to the northern nobles and bowed a shallow bow. "Lovely to meet you both. We shall discuss your offer and, depending on our decision, send an envoy of our own to your lands. I wish you both a good day, and safe travels home." Raisa offered a last smile before turning away from the border. The command was unspoken that her pack follow her, but she hoped they would understand. She was of a mind to lead them farther away from northern ears and discuss this all further.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


03-05-2014, 12:59 AM

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might take my place

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might end up being me

The rosy man spoke of an alliance of great proportions; a large and seasoned pack taking a small one under their wing. He didn't appreciate the way that the king looked so haughty and confident before his queen. Didn't he know who he was speaking to? The king may have numbers, but Raisa had loyalty and the love of members who would follow her anywhere and die to protect her. Half of Glaciem were slaves to the North anyway.

His hackles rose dangerously as the man shifted to leave. Isardis and his wife were clearly out numbered but Fugue was prepared for any act of idiocy from the strange man. Golden eyes squinted in his direction as he turned to leave the scene. Fugue would follow his queen now, falling into step beside her as she strode back to their camp.

The ashen woman had handled the situation with grace and elegance. It was not something that Fugue would have handled well had he been asked to on his own. The pink man would be in pieces for such blatant disrespect. He turned his head to see her bi-colored optics and allowed a smile to spread across his face.

"Well handled, my queen. My sympathies go out to king's pride." He finally spoke, chuckling with a darkness in his eyes. She had surely surprised him with her calm, cool grace and the following who had met him together at the border.It was really quite a shame that they had not inquired further into his supposed may have even been a good idea to try and conquer the man and his wife in hopes of taking the huge pack in the north. With that thought in mind, he allowed his deep tones to escape his maw once more. "What will we do about this insult to our being?" He asked her with a furrowed brow.


"Talk" Think "You"



03-08-2014, 06:43 PM
ooc: sorry it's short low muse ><

Kaliska waited patiently, eyes narrowing slightly. My, my Issy-kins was an uptight wolf for sure though she supposed she shouldn't have expected otherwise from a tyrant. Shame really. She was however, impressed with the way her Queen handled the northern King and it was admirable how well she kept her calm and repose. "Take care, safe journey!" The smile, the facade was back on and she waited until the pair of visitors were out of ear shot. Once they were gone her packmates began to talk amongst themselves.

Kaliska moved in toward Raisa. "He's the one that's been stirring up trouble in Alacritis. I was warned about his pack as a loner. Rumor has it he's out to create an empire and it was a Glaciem wolf that challenged for Valhalla. Raisa? please be careful. I'll get back to my patrol and make sure more of them aren't sneaking around." She bid her Queen farewell then took off to finish her route.
