


02-22-2014, 09:37 PM
OOC: Gore yo


The woman wandered among the boulders, unaware of the fact that she was tresspassing on a pack's territory. The scent that met her nostrils was that of another woman. She did not recognise it. Pawsteps were heard not far from N?tt, not far at all. A sick smile worked it's way onto her face. She did not normally kill for fun, but today she was bored and she had not gotten what she had wanted with Weth, the death of her bitch of a half sister. She spotted the woman in front of a boulder. She came up behind said boulder, and slowly crept around the right side of it. Brief recognition of a scent flashed across the woman's face, but it was too late. N?tt was already throwing herself at full force at her, jaws clamping around the right side of her neck. The woman tried to wriggle free, to snap and claw at her, but her attempts were futile. N?tt still had a firm grasp on the woman, she needed her to stop struggling. N?tt immediately had an idea. Luckily the woman was pretty weak. She pulled her closer to the boulder and with all the force she cold muster, slammed the woman's head into it. She of course felt the impact as well, not as severely as her though. She was a little dazed but recovered quickly. The woman had gone a little limp. She opened her jaws and she fell to the ground. Still concious. Even better, she would see the fear and pain in her face as she died. Be able to savour her every last scream. She studied her, a pretty little thing, bright blue eyes and white fur, now stained with a crimson trickle from the impact. She looked barley concious. She leaned down to the woman and took her leg in her jaws, biting down and crushing her bones. The shrill scream that came from her lips caused a giggle to bubble up from N?tt's throat when she had dropped the leg. She repeated the process on the other hind leg, ensuring that she could not escape. She grinned and moved over the woman's face, You're all mine now love. The whine of pain made her smile ever wider, the manic grin pasted over the socipath's face was the last thing the innocent woman would ever see. Her jaws came down on the woman's stomach tearing and shredding. She shuddered in pleasure, the woman's screams echoing through the land. Crimson liquid filled her mouth and coated the area, spattering the boulder and spreading out in a pool around her. N?tt leaned down again and grabbed gods knew what out of her opened front, some internal organ. In an instant, the woman was still. Her creams silenced. A manic light danced in the obsidian fae's eyes. Killing was nothing. A game, some fun, it certainly had been for her, not for her poor woman who was now lying on the ground, torn apart. She stared at the body until a sick laugh spurted from her ebony lips, crazed and manic. This all seemed to be a part of a game to her. Her twisted actions were nothing.


Monster by Imagine Dragons on Grooveshark



02-22-2014, 11:27 PM
ooc: Raisa can break this up at any point!! If you've any questions please don't hesitate to pm me, I'm posting this waaaaayyyyy past my bedtime. xD Also I'm cool with no defaults if you want to go through with it though I have no idea what Raisa may do. She may very well be like "Kaliska, heel!"

But yea, that was a brutal murder I can't see Kaliska settling for a plain old dominance match. <3

Kaliska was patrolling the borders once again and it seemed it was quickly becoming her favorite past time. Well, not really, but it was what she spent most of her time doing. After all the pack was still small and vulnerable to the larger behemoths that dwelled to the north and south. These were tender times, the infant pack slowly growing in strength but they were also now beginning to be known. That was not always a good thing.

Typically Kaliska's patrols were uneventful but this evening everything changed when the sudden stench of blood hit her nostrils. The Ebon Knight stifled a growl as her muscles tensed. She did not recognize the scent of the blood but she was all too aware that she did not know all of her pack members they were so young. As far as she knew someone, some low, disgusting, cock-sucker had just slain one of her packmates. They would not leave in one piece.

Silent, with the grace of her small and lanky frame keeping her pawsteps light and the slight breeze in her face the elements were in her favor in the brush that she already called hope. Fur and hackles raised as adrenaline raced through her limbs. Ears pinned tightly to her head as her jaw slowly parted revealing pale daggers. There.

A large black bitch was standing over a young white fae who was clearly dead and probably had been tortured but it was hard for Kaliska to see. This fucking wretch had waltzed right into Ebony territory and killed a wolf on their land, possibly even a pack mate. Kaliska would sever the tendons in her back legs so she could stumble about and starve to death. She cared not for the massive size difference between the two. It often worked to her advantage. She was harder to see coming.

Shoulders rolled slowly forward as neck scrunched back, her stance widened, limbs bent with muscled taught and coiled. Toes splayed and claws dug into the soft earth. Her head tilted slightly down as her brows furrowed in fury. Kaliska's tail aligned parallel to her spine as she prepared to defend her pack, knowing she could become a victim, knowing this could turn on her so easily. But she was proud to die for Ebony and the trespasser could torture her all she wanted Kaliska would die with a smile. If she was crippled as well so be it. She would face this foe with the bravery and honor of her title and she would happily spend her days gathering herbs like a goat knowing she at least tried.

Kaliska was behind the woman and off to the right. The boulder was directly to the left of the black bitch, which might hinder escape in that direction. Sleek legs uncoiled, the breeze still to her face as she sprang forward coming in at about a 45 degree angle for Nott's back right leg, jaws open and seeking to grasp the larger wolf right above the hock where there was less tissue to go through to sever the achilles tendon. The top of her head would turn toward the front so her lower fangs had better access to the target. Kaliska's weight would also shift to her left side enabling her to extend her right front leg in front of Nott's right back one in the hopes of tripping her when she tried to move. Kaliska kept herself low and her limbs tense, ready to move. She was much smaller and would have to rely on agility if this went sour.

Kaliska vs N?tt

MAIM -severing of achilles tendon to right back leg to cause crippling-

Round: 1 of ?

Attack:Located behind and to the right of N?tt, Kaliska is attempting to close the distance between then, aiming to bite onto N?tt's right hind leg, just above the hock in an attempt to get a hold and sever the achilles tendon. Her right front will also shift in an attempt to get in front of N?tt's right back leg to both steady her self and cause a potential trip.

Defenses: Fur and Hackles Raised | Shoulders Rolled Forward | Neck Scrunched | Stance Widened | Knees Bent and Legs Coiled | Toes Splayed | Head Titled Slightly Forward | Ears Pinned | Jaws Slightly Parted | Tail held Parallel to Spine | Brows Furrowed





5 Years
02-24-2014, 03:45 PM

Holy water cannot help you now

A Thousand armies couldn't keep me out

The sounds of violence fell upon the woman's ears like breaking glass. With a start, without thinking, she let out a savage growl and began to sprint. Her lither body coiled and sprang, propelling herself over the moorland with vicious intent. Whoever was responsible would answer to her jaws, if the cause was not a just one. Adrenaline, liquid rage, pumped through her veins and kept her strong. The sooty woman, eyes glinting with cold fury, came upon the scene like a hell hound fresh form the bowls of the earth. Her fur stood on end, portraying her size as much larger. With her head down and haunches rolled forward, Raisa stalked onto the scene. At first, the pale body of a deceased wolf caught her as strikingly similar to Elsa. She snarled, a savage, pained sound. The wind caught her then, and carried the scent of the blood into her nostrils. For all that it fueled her anger, the Queen realized that this fae was not her Sola. The dark bitch atop her, though, was still a murderer. "I'll give you one chance to haul this carcass off my land, you disgusting wretch, or so help me I will tear you to pieces!" Raisa moved to stand just off the shoulder of her pack mate, the first on the scene, only a pace or two away and ready to leap in if need be. Kaliska had already assumed a stance of violence and Raisa was of a like mind. No fool would choose an assault with the odds doubled against her, unless she had a death wish. If that was the case, however, perhaps a life for a life was what the gods saught. The queen wanted to ask Kaliska what had transpired, what she knew, but there was no time for that now. "You have five heartbeats to decide..."

"Talk" Think "You"
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


02-27-2014, 02:21 PM


She had only just realised that the woman had come up behind her. But before she could attack, another woman waltzed on. Well more ran in in a horrid rage. She grinned, well she was a good looking little thing wasn't she? She kept her grin, even as she threatened to tear her apart. She tipped her head, Well of course m'Lady. the smile still upon her face she leaned down and took the carcass up in her jaws. Slowly walking away, a spring in her step. God it was so tempting, to turn back and shred the little brown damsel. A simple whirl, she could lash out and snap her like a twig, she would be just as easy to kill as the little puny dead woman in her jaws. The life no longer in her eyes. She left a trail of blood in her wake, blood and death. Once the brown one was dead it would not take the sooty fae long to react at all, and she would be left almost defenceless, taking care of the brown one. Well there was no fucking chance of her winning that fight. The coppery liquid that filled her made her shudder in pleasure. The blood that stained her muzzle and paws gave her such a thrill. She wanted More People to quake in fear before her. She wanted to rip, to tear, to shred. God she needed a release. Murder, it was her drug. Such a wonderful feeling. She wanted to let it consume her. She wanted to kill. To let the darkness win. She had changed, she was bad before, but with the thrill, she had turned. There was now not a shred of good left, her heart pure ice. The heavy weight still in her maw she trudged on. The second the smell of the pack had begun to fade, well she was not certain, the smell of the dead woman's crimson lifeline was rather overpowering, but she did not give a fuck. Fuck them. Fuck anyone who wanted to get in her way. She dropped the carcass in disgust. Paws striking the ground firmly. She was leaving this place, she didn't want to be here in the presence of mortals. She was a goddess, the goddess of night, and like night she inflicted terror.


Monster by Imagine Dragons on Grooveshark




02-27-2014, 06:40 PM
ooc: I think I was misunderstood. xD Kaliska is in a full-tilt run in my last post and Raisa at no point told her to stop nor addressed her in any way, shape, or form so I'm assuming she'd still be attacking. I dropped the maim but I left N?tt a vague love bite. ;)

Fangs seized their target though the black femme was already in motion and her attempt to shred her opponents achilles tendon had failed. However, she'd left a good mark for the black bitch to remember her by. Lacerations on either side of the limb. Mind focused on the battle it took Kaliska a moment to register that Raisa was there. Excellent, they'd shred this flea-bitten waste of fur into worm food in no time but then Raisa gave the other femme the opportunity to leave.

Kaliska frowned and growled her displeasure at this suggestion. It was bad enough Raisa had partially spoiled her attack but this worthless piece of shit killed another wolf, a potential member, ON Ebony territory and they were just letting her up and walk away? Liska seethed with anger as she wondered if there was any crime that Ebony would punish. What was worse then cold-blooded murder?

All the same she forced a smirk on her face as the black femme grabbed the carcass. "That's right, you better piss off. I'd have had your entrails down my throat a second later." It was a firm warning. If Kaliska caught this murderess on Ebony territory again, she would not be walking out.

Turning to Raisa her jaws snapped shut with a click. Not a lady instructed in manners nor used to strict hierarchy she readily voiced her displeasure. "I can't believe you're just letting that monstrosity walk away. Shouldn't we be eliminating wolves that pose a threat to Ebony? She killed here freely and walked away freely. This was not the message I was expecting from the Queen who said Alacritis would tremble at our paws."




5 Years
02-28-2014, 09:41 AM

Raisa said not one word to the fae, only looked on in silence. She was a pillar of cold rage, smoldering and smoking ire, and poisonous intent. The small brown fae's words were heard as if from a great distance. They seemed to echo through her mind, distorted by her anger, fragmented and without great weight behind them. "That's right.. you better.. off. I'd... entrails down... second later." Raisa took a deep, quivering breath, envisioning her rage seeping down through her paws and dissipating into the ground. She had to get rid of it, or it would consume her. Kaliska whirled on the sooty queen, ire now apparently redirected. The accusation was direct and it kindled the queen's rage once more. Raisa ground her teeth together, forcing herself to wait and consider her words before letting them loose. Her voice, when she did speak, was all too quiet. That she restrained her emotions was evident, but she did not wish to offend, or scare, the smaller fae. Her blue and orange eyes gleamed with anger. "Who was she, Kaliska? Do you know?" Raisa drew herself upwards. "What was her name, what family did she come from? Does she belong to a pack? What were her motives? Can you answer me any of this?" The volume of her words grew steadily, never mind that she was trying her damnedest to hold back. "If I had to guess, you don't know, and yet you were willing to leap for her! Kaliska, this land may be ours, but it is newly so. We have no reputation, we have no allies, we have but meager strength! What do we do if a band of wolves her size with her intentions steal into our camp at night! Now, both you and I live to tell the others. Now we have incurred no ire from her own companions, we have brought no wrath upon us. One day, yes, we will be grand and strong?" Raisa strode forward, until she was but inches from the smaller fae. "But are we there now? It think we both know the answer to that." Raisa turned and strode away, back into the moorland. She did not care if Kaliska followed her or not, she only wanted to clear the scent of blood from her nose.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!



03-08-2014, 09:53 PM
ooc: blarrgghhh no muse for this thread, calling this done since I'm sure you've other places to be xD

Kaliska couldn't speak as she fought tears from her eyes. Raisa's words cut her but while she could see the truth in them she could not relinquish her position. There had been no signs of a fair struggle. The only wounds that had marked the black fae were Kaliska's, she was positive it had been a sneak attack and on top of that she had a gut feeling. While many wolves might have thought it silly for her to react so strongly on a feeling she had been a loner for so long, her intuition was her greatest asset. Unable to speak she offered a curt bow to Raisa before turning and walking away.