
i've got a watch, but i don't have time


03-08-2014, 10:59 PM

Ooc;; sorry for the shortness, at work posting on my phone lol edit: Isis first then anyone can join them if they like!

Delicate babe was almost half a year now and had yet to venture beyond Veronica Plains even to other territories within Valhalla's grasp. He had never felt the strong urge or desire to leave the den or his mother and to top it off his father was a bit over protective and always wanted them with someone. But today he was going to sneak away and he wanted Isis to come with him. Though his love for his sister and father was still there it wasn't often that he went out of his way to hang out with them as opposed to his mother. But tonight was different. Eyes stayed firmly closed as he patiently listened to the sounds of his parents breathing slow and turn to a rhythmic pace of a deep slumber. Orange eyes would open and small head would lift. He had grown a great deal in the last few months but had yet to fill out leaving him gangly and awkward. But long legs would unfold beneath him, pushing and rolling him away from his mother before he would finally stand and make his way towards his sisters lightly slumbering form. "Hey. Hey Isis... Psssssst!" Though he would attempt to keep voice low and hushed his words were harsh. And if that didn't work he would clamp his puppy teeth around her ear and give it a good nibble.


03-09-2014, 12:54 PM

Isis had grown, but not too much, still a rough edged girl with large paws. She was happy enough being lazy in her homelands with her parents, her brother seemed restless these last few days, kept under the watchful eye of those around them. She too longed to venture out, but she was eager to see the outside world. On this night she lay still under the heavy breathing of her parents, she had drifted off into a light sleep that was enough to know she was asleep, but still aware of things around her.

"Hey. Hey Isis... Psssssst!" ripped through her daze as she blinked baby blue eyes away from the sandman's grasp and stared them at her brother, he had gone to snap at her ear and she rolled onto her back, lying beneath the boy with a scowl and a snip back at his chin. 'Chu want? she grumbled in a lazy hushed whisper, the tone fringed with irritation as she laid beneath her brother demanding an answer.


03-10-2014, 12:16 AM

Ever since birth the child had craved attention, demanded it even as he had pestered anyone who would give it to him. And that was just what he was doing tonight as he gnawed on his sisters ear until she rolled over and opened crystalline eyes and stared at him sleeping. Niche joys grin would slide across his features as she asked what he wanted and slowly he hopped back so he could drop his forequarters down into a play bow. Tail waved playfully over his back. "Come adventuring!" He whined quietly, shuffling forward to bat at Isis's now before retreating again all while in the same play bow. "Come one, let's go adventuring!" He said, paw reaching out to bat at her once more before he stood and bounced towards the exit and looked at his parents to make sure they were still sleeping before grinning mischievously at his sister.