
Scene One


03-10-2014, 07:07 PM

"Pray For Me..."

The boy wandered into the lands of unknown territories. He could scent the borders, and as soon as he realized this he doubled back until he was on the other side. For a minute, he had not realized his mistake...the course and surge of thoughts that plagued his mind had blinded his senses until it had been too late. He hoped that one of the pack would not come attacking him, it was a simple mistake. Standing on the edge, he felt his heart growing heavy...he missed his family greatly, and now he had to start all over on finding them again. He had left as soon as he had arrived in search of their mother, whom he heard word that she was alive. And yet, he had no success in finding her...was his search attempt in vain? Did his family no longer care? They were drifting apart...he hated that fact. Lunatik had torn them apart, and since seemed like they were drifting farther and farther apart. It tore at him, ate him from the inside out. He was growing depressed...

Sadness began to pour into his eyes, the boy unable to hide it. He was one of the emotional ones, hiding behind the masks of happiness and strength. But was he really strong? That, he had many doubts. He hid behind superficial scars, hid behind the emotional and psychological scars of his past. And yet, he would continue to scar himself...the freshest one upon his left forepaw, made to look like it was accidental, yet closer inspection would show that it was intentional. He knew not how else to take the pain away from his soul, for the lack of the presence of his closest friends; namely his family, made him weak. So he remained there, standing still as he gazed at the floor, forgetting about everything else around him as he sunk back into the depths of unsettling thoughts. The evening sky growing darker, the sun barely sinking above the horizon..

"Speech", Thought, "You"

Pray by Blessthefall on Grooveshark



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-10-2014, 11:03 PM

She waded luxuriously in the shallows of the lake, enjoying a quiet evening in Valhalla. Soon, she would be calling a meeting to cal the wolves of Valhalla together for a great Celebration. There would be fun and laughter, and the joining of two hearts; Ashtoreth, and Leon. She had returned home just a few hours ago, and met with a wolf from Seracia. Themisto. He had joined, a temporary member. For his actions in the siege, having fought for Valhalla, he would be appointed an Eta.

Erani paused in her wading, lowering herself until all that remained above the surface of the water was her head, and then lower, under even that vanished under the fiery surface of the lake as it reflected the dull red and orange glow of the sunset. She stayed under for a moment, enjoying the cool water, then rose, giving her head a shake to dislodge the water. She noticed, then, the stranger in her territory. Rising to all fours, she padded through the shallows, giving a low woof of greeting. She noted at once that the male seemed distressed, and that he had an interesting marking on the left shoulder. It was the mark that told her who stood before her.

However, she would come to stand before the male with her head lifted in a gentle announcement of her status, tail lifting to just above the level of her hips. ?You walk upon Valhallan lands, young one. I am Erani Adravendi, Alpha Primary of Valhalla.?, Deep blue eyes swept over the male?s face, taking in the emotions of sadness in his eyes, before her low velvet tones came again. ?You seem troubled, young one. May I ask what is the matter??


03-13-2014, 01:54 AM
He was not alone. Fate would bring in his direction, one he had not seen before but radiated authority. Was this the Alphess of the pack? The scent was familiar, the wolf was not. Wasn't this the pack that had been in a fight not too long ago? Except...this was a different Alpha. Had someone stepped up to claim what was nearly lost? He would perhaps learn eventually, but for now, he would listen to the words that fell from the lips of the aged woman. Within minutes he learned her name to be Erani Adravendi, and she was indeed the Alpha of this pack. So his hunch was right, but what about the woman he had seen losing on the field of battle? A question perhaps, that he should not ask now.

It was her next question that would soon catch him off guard, causing his ears to sway back slightly against the crown of his head. Was he able to trust this stranger? Time would tell, that was for certain. It was hard for him, to trust one he did not know...and it was seldom if ever that he could tell a stranger anything personal without knowing them. And yet, even those he did know, still knew little to nothing about him. He had no close friends, nobody to share problems nor secrets with. He was a stranger to his own family, even. After several moments of thinking, he realized he was leaving her without an answer. Quickly he dipped his head in a quick bow of apology as he fumbled for words to speak.

"Apologies, M'am...I did not mean to trespass, forgive me." He murmured quickly before looking at her again. "I am Jinxx Black from the Black Clan. Most know us as the 'Wolves of The Cross' usually. I to these parts, a lost stranger." He was unsure whether or not he should tell her what was upon his mind. But the more he thought about it, the more he found himself wanting to tell someone something. With lips that threatened to tremble, he spoke. "I...grieve for my Mother..." He murmured quietly as he cast his gaze to the ground. He swallowed back a lump that threatened to choke him out, tried to hold back the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes. It gets harder everyday... He thought weakly.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-13-2014, 02:59 AM

She could see the questions in his eyes. She recalled seeing this male before, now that she thought about it. He was at the challenge, off to the edge. An observer. However, she didn?t answer any of the unspoken questions, instead waiting for him to speak. Which he did, after a moment, apologizing first, then introducing himself. ?You meant no harm to my pack, so you are forgiven. Mistakes happen.? The apology was accepted easily. He was young, and young wolves had a tendency to learn through mistakes. She was just glad she was the one to teach the mistake, rather than a harsh wolf in another pack.

Her second question seemed to have caught the male by surprise, and she did suppose it was rather a bold thing for a stranger to ask such a possibly personal question. However, Jinxx chose to share his distress. The word hit like a physical blow to her heart. Unbidden, the memory of seeing her mother lying torn and bloody on the ground where she had fallen fighting for her life and that of a new litter of pups came back to her, fresh as the day it had transpired. It brought a powerful surge of maternal feeling toward the young male. A child who had lost his mother, and she acted on instinct, stepping forward and pressing her side to his, a shoulder to lean on.

?I know what it is like to lose ones mother. I lost mine when I was young.? Her velvet tones held a great sadness as she spoke, eyes also cast to the ground momentarily. ?I lost my entire pack in one day, though I am lucky that my brother that I thought dead with my pack is alive and with me.? She smiled at this, then looked at the male. Despite having not even gotten to know the male, and not knowing where he came from, she felt compelled to offer him some small comfort. ?My home is open to those who need one, so long as they are honorable and work hard. My pack is a family, bound by love and loyalty. We help the injured heal, whether the injury is physical or not. I offer you a place among the wolves of Valhalla, to stay forever, or long enough to find your feet again.? Her tones where gentle, not persuasive or coercive. Merely a wolf offering comfort and solace to someone in need.


04-07-2014, 10:18 PM
He would stand rigid as the female spoke, though he had given his answer, he felt that the world would crash down again at any moment. He truly did miss his mother, having spent his short life with her before his brother stole her life away. Before he knew it, however, the female had pressed herself against him, and it was that touch that made his tears fall from his eyes. The ones he had tried to hard to hold back, tried so hard to keep hidden. But it had been quite sometime since anyone had shown compassion towards him, and with his missing family, it only brought his sorrows to fruition more so then before. She told him of her own brother, and it was such a statement that pierced his heart. For it was his own brother that had taken his mothers life.

"I wish I could say the same about my eldest brother, but it was he who stole the life of my mother and many others." He responded, his tone hardening at the memory of what had once been. He stopped the flow of tears, wiping them away on his foreleg as he brushed against her neck in thanks. He dipped his head to her, grateful that a stranger was so kind and willing to help him despite not knowing him. "I would like to reside here until I find the rest of my family, if that is permissible."



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-11-2014, 12:52 PM
Erani Adravendi

As his tears fell, she turned and laid a gentle kiss to his forehead. It made her all too aware of how much she missed her sons. Castiel and Gabriel. Preston and Neo, even with Neo?s hatred for them all. Syrinx. Where had he changed? When they had first come to this land, he?d been a lot like his father. Now? She mentally shrugged, nose pressing to the young male?s forehead. She needed to visit Taurig at some point, once things here had fully settled.

Jinxx?s words saddened her. To have an enemy pack kill your family was one thing. But one?s own brother? As he dried his eyes and spoke on, she nodded. ?Then welcome to Valhalla, Jinxx. For now, you?ll be an Epsilon, until you?ve decided whether you wish to be a hunter, Healer, or fighter. We train in all three, either way. I?ll be calling a meeting tonight.? She smiled gently. ?I hope to see you there. For now, I think I?ll try and grab a quick rest.? She rose from his side and stepped away. ?Feel free to explore the territory as much as you want, and to find a den.? She added over her shoulder as she padded away.


Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think