
There's a universe inside my head


03-09-2014, 06:56 PM

ooc:; it is optional for the babies to post, seeing as they'd be close anyway but I want to get it over with so you can post if you want. Bri you don't have to wait for the babies to post. Thanks guys for understanding.

The plains seemed to be cooler than the rest if not for the grass. The huge beast had pups in tow five to be exact. Weather what was on her lovers mind or not she was not certain, after all after this she was certain Raven would grow to hate her. The insane beast had to give them up though, there was something, she would not disclose that was creeping up on her. She didn't want to lose these precious little ones, and the last hope was where their care taker Vahva was in Valhalla. Valhalla was a kind back, Ryu hoped they would not deny the pups their chance to live. No matter how chaotic they were. If she were to one day return than she certainly would demand them back. Raven was free to take them as well when she got better, but point was they could not be left on their own it was not possible.
Ryouta made her way, blue eyes moving over pups to count them over the heads the giant beast and eternal grinner wasn't exactly a nice face to see that was for sure. Her insanity still strong in these moments, the woman stopped the pups at the border standing there at her full forty two inches in height. She gave a chuckle and howled out loud for the alphess. The pups would be safe here, safer than any other place that was for sure. Raven would be free to take them back.




03-09-2014, 07:05 PM
Orochi trailed behind his mother quickly, trying to stay close with his head held high. Not sure what was going on, but still he was trailing forward like he usually did with his chest puffed out. He loved his fur, took pride in it greatly, just like spending time with his siblings and his siblings friends or rather his mothers friends. Flicking his stick for a tail as they reached the borders of a pack. He looked up curiously at his mother with silver eyes. "Why are we here, isn't this someone else's home?" the flamboyant boy inquired, out of curiosity.
He had been told one day they'd have their own home like this, so why were they here? He wouldn't defy her though, she was his sunshine in a bottle. The one he depended on at this age since he knew nothing of the evil. Orochi itched behind an ear as he waited for something to happen. He was certain whatever his mother was doing, was important regardless of what it was.


03-09-2014, 07:11 PM

The woman had been settling in finally, and her times around were not bad. No one blamed her for the past and Vahva has long forgotten it. Though the least she expected was to find Ryouta and her children at the border. The giantess was scary anyway let alone standing at her home's border with the tiny pups. The god mother of the children moved over a bit quickly with a bit of worry. "Ryouta what are you doing here?" she asked quietly, looking at the pups and smiling at them. Hoping nothing was wrong, though not to her knowledge there was.

The ripped hair woman stood back though, as a healer there wasn't much she could do after all. Her tail flicked, scarred woman waiting for Erani or someone else of higher rank to show up. There wasn't much else she could do. Other than note that Ryu was not a threat as long as she had her pups around. Hopefully at least, Ryouta was unpredictable due to her mental illness of insanity.




5 Years
Extra large
03-09-2014, 08:43 PM

Carrying a stick that was as long as he was, Laufey meandered far behind the rest of his family. Occasionally, when he accidentally let one end dip too far down, the lowered end would get driven into the dirt and the boy would be throw off his paws and onto his face. More than once he'd had to pick himself up, shake out his fur and yank the stick out of the dirt. This, combined with the weight of the stick were the reasons for his lagging.

If it weren't for the stick that he insisted on carrying, Laufey would have been running laps around his family. For whatever reason, today he felt particularly wired, like he needed to get as much done as possible. If he were more intuitive, he would have been worried about this feeling, but lacking that intuition, the pup was oblivious. He-

BAM! Before he had time to react, the boy found himself on the ground. He blinked, stunned into stillness for a few heartbeats. Beside him the stick stuck in the ground at an angle, trembling with the force of the blow.

Finally he gasped as reality crashed down on him and the pain registered. Laufey's eyes watered but he refused to cry, moving instead to stand up and free his branch while the first few drops of blood dripped from his nose. He couldn't cry, wouldn't cry! They'd laugh at him for sure. In the fall his head had gotten twisted to the side, the stick prying his jaws open and scraping his tongue. He'd pitched forward, teeth skinning the branch before being driven off the the side, and cracked his muzzle on the ground. The force slamming his mouth shut on his tongue, further hurting it. A tiny amount of blood stained his lips and nose, but this was the only physical clue that he was hurt.

Being excruciatingly careful, the boy once again began to follow his mother. He caught up just in time for Vahva to arrive and the appearance of the blue maned wolf lifted his spirits. His nose hurt and he tasted blood, but he was going to be tough and tough wolves didn't cry. No, tough wolves went on and kept playing so that's what he'd do. Lifting watery eyes to the red-eyed wolf, he dropped the stick and smiled. "Vahva! I brought you a stick," This wasn't entirely true, the stick was for him, but he'd share it with her if she wanted. "Do you want to play with me?"

This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-12-2014, 10:43 PM

It seemed that the Alpha Primary would be getting only a few very brief moments of rest, as once again, she heard a call upon the borders. She bore no ill will or rancor about the busy night. It was a happy night, and she intended to greet all with a smile from the heart. As she took off from the darkness of her den, where she?d been visiting to grab a quick drink, she uttered a long howl in answer to the call, saying she was on her way. Her long legs took great bounding strides, before she came to the borders, and slowed to a stately trot. She studied the wolves present, eyes warming immensely as she saw the pups. Pups were a cherished thing to the old woman.

Her eyes fell on Vahva, and she lightly brushed her muzzle over the Eta?s shoulder as she came to a stop and at last studied the large female. ?What brings you to the borders of Valhalla, traveler? I am Erani Adravendi, Alpha Primary of Valhalla.? Her voice was gentle, friendly, and her smile kind and open.


03-12-2014, 11:05 PM

Ryouta loved it when Vahva acted so nervous, it made her want to rip into her, and tear that pretty little mane of hers off. But alas, she could not since this was the one in charge of the children for the moment. In no time for her to explain the alphess has shown up the eternal grinner widened her gaze to the smaller elder. "Oh dear me, what a strange old lady to run into. I would say the sun to wrinkle my eyes, but alas I am young! Pitiful woeful me." She teased slightly, but she wasn't entirely threatening considering the fact she needed a place for her young children to go. Insanity was great, if it weren't for the brute coming to chase her.
"But no, I am here to drop of the whelps for they don't have a home to go to. My name is Ryouta, Vahva has been helping to look after my children and my mate while we were loners. As it seems though my mate Raven is currently sick and she resides in the northern mines because of it. I have my own personal reasons for leaving, but they are important private ones. I'd like Valhalla to take the five little ones, but if raven comes by she has full rights to them. Vahva will be able to tell who Raven is to make sure no one lies with her name. It is rather hard to miss a ebony female small with two bi colored eyes though." Ryouta said, with a flick of her tail. This needed to carry on quickly, so she could leave. She may never come back, if she died after all.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-13-2014, 12:05 AM

Erani gave a low chuckle at the giant female?s words, unphased by the words in regards to her age. For her age, she was surprisingly youthful. Even the powerful Cairo had begun to show major signs of age by this time in his life. She had yet to feel any major aches or pains, let alone arthritis. It was thanks to being a healer, and having a brother that put her through high amounts of training, that she was so young in body. Her haunches lowered to the ground as she listened to the female?s explanation, eyes straying to the children. Thus far, she saw only two, but the female spoke of five.

She thought it over for only a moment. Then nodded. ?I accept them into the pack, and your terms are not at all unreasonable. Should Raven come for them, They will go with her. If she wishes to stay in Valhalla as well, she is welcome. Children shouldn?t be apart from their mothers for too long. We?ve two pups who need playmates.? She added the last bit with a chuckle, before rising to her fours. Turning to Vahva, Erani smiled.

?Go ahead and lead the children to your den. I will be calling the pack to a meeting and a celebration later tonight. At around midnight. Bring them, and I will let you introduce them to the pack. we?ve much to celebrate this evening.? Erani dipped her head respectfully to the giant woman, smiling to the children, then padded away at a graceful trot.

-Exit Erani-