
Hold My Hand I'll Walk With You [sokee babies]



03-13-2014, 09:45 AM
The sound of the morning's summer bird song would gently lull her from sleep. Bicolored gaze would drift open as she slowly awoke from her slumber. Blinking she would clear her eyes to find her brood sleeping soundly at her side. All of them seemed so healthy at birth, but as time continued it would become obvious that Descant would need a bit of help growing up. The boy had yet to make a sound, and she had seen him awake only but a handful of times since they'd been born. He worried her, but she didn't want to hold back the others another day for him. Dutiron had escaped at least once already, which would tell her the time had come and passed when she would have them all to herself. It was time to give them up to the world around them.?

Gently her muzzle would nudge each of them save Descant, who she hoped would continue his sleep through the rest of the litter's first time out. She would hum sweetly to them as each one sleepily opened their eyes, gentle licks placed upon their brows as the she allowed them to wake. "Good morning my lovelies, are you ready to see outside?" she would smile warmly as she let them remove themselves from her side, as she hoped her own legs still worked. She had not left the den since their birth so as she stood she felt the slightest bit shaky. But her legs were not the only cause for her timidness. Cherokee hasn't checked in with them in so long, she was beginning to grow worried about her husband. She wondered if he would be their for their first time out. Stepping around their tiny forms the Oracle would find her way out of the den first. She hadn't seen Cherokee, so her fear of intruders was increased. Either he was working so hard to protect them that he could not even see them or... Well she didn't want to think of or. As soon as the perimeter was established as safe the woman would call her children to her, their (mostly) first time seeing the outside world, "Come along, sweets, the sun beckons." the sun was just coming over the tree tops as her haunches coiled beneath her, blue and hold gaze watching the entrance of the den waiting on their appearance.?



3 Years
03-13-2014, 03:56 PM

Dutiron had certainly been rather curious to see the world outside and had been the first of his siblings to take a glimpse out of the den. He had believed it to be his and Novel's little secret, that none of the others had been aware of his little disappearing act and had of course crept silently back inside, telling no one of what little he had seen. It was hardly much to boast about really, even if he wasn't quite so humble and quiet.

"Good morning my lovelies, are you ready to see outside?" Dutiron began to stir slightly as he heard his mother's voice and gentle little nudges. He didn't really acknowledge her words for a few moments though once they had broken through his sleepy state registered within his mind, the young Destruction boy was rather swift to react. Although he had seen outside before, there was still certainly an eagerness and excitement to venture out again, and with his mother and the siblings from his litter with him. "Come along, sweets, the sun beckons." Silently he would follow his mother's steps to the opening of the den and once more embrace the world beyond it.



4 Years
03-16-2014, 03:23 PM

The girl awoke to the gentle sounds of her mother and littermate's breathing. Her own lungs had matched pace with her family, silky fur moved up and down with her lungs. Dual-toned eyes swept over her family to the den-mouth where the morning light crept into their home. Sound yearned to go out there, into the big world, but never had the courage to do it. She was a tad jealous of her brother, who had already ventured into the unknown.

The girl jumped slightly as her mother nuzzled her, returning the gesture immediately. Good morning my lovelies, are you ready to see outside? Sound smiled eagerly at the prospect of finally going outside, with the safety of her mother and siblings. She waited until just after Dutiron silently padded after their mother before following them, standing between her mother's legs at the mouth of the den. She stopped, letting her mother go onwards, to look at the world. It was so big! Up until now her whole world had been the den. She knew there was more out there still but this much was still a wonder to Sound. Her eyes moved to her mother and clumsy paws scurried towards her and stood by her paw, just smaller than the girls whole head. The warmth of her mother assured Song a bit as she took the world on her shoulders.


Saga I


3 Years
03-17-2014, 05:36 AM (This post was last modified: 03-17-2014, 05:36 AM by Saga I.)

Since her birth, Saga Destruction had been all but inseparable from her mother's side. Luckily for her, the occasions that Song had left there said were rare at best, and she could not help but feel as though her mother might very well be at her side forever. She was still so tiny and naive, smaller than any of her siblings, even though she was growing daily.

Her mother would rouse them from sleep, and a whimper of protest would leave the child's throat. But her voice would be silenced as she felt the familiar warmth of her mother's tongue on the crown of her head, and she nestled closer to her. Her mother voiced a question, asking if they were ready to see outside. She was not, but she would go along with whatever her family wished. She would not answer, but would merely shake herself awake, blinking sleep slowly from her eyes. After some time, she would rise to all fours, coming to follow Song warily. "Is bright, mom," she whined as the light from the den's entrance impinged on her vision. It was not the most pleasant thing to wake up to, and she couldn't help but feel unsure about going out beyond their familiar home.

Requiem I


2 Years
03-18-2014, 12:16 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Life had thus far been sweet and enjoyable for the young Destruction boy. It was consistently warm and cozy within their den, occasionally to the point of it being stuffy, but always comfortable. There were plenty of siblings to snuggle and romp with, a gentle mother to care for them, and safety within the den that they shared. His sleep was peaceful always, and this day was no exception. The pale brown youth was snuggled between his sisters and brothers, content and happy, and was roused quietly by the sweet voice and soft touch of his mother. The move to consciousness was a smooth transition and with a sleepy smile he stretched in place, likely upsetting the placement of his siblings around him, and once he understood what their mother had said he rose to his paws.

Requiem hung back as the white figure of Song exited the den, moving to stand in line behind his siblings as he peered around them to watch the careful examination that was given to the area surrounding their den. So much care went into it that he found himself eying their surroundings, teal-green gaze wondering vaguely whether there were things out their that only Song could see. But after a short time those siblings before him moved, and stepping after them he followed into the world beyond.

He had merely gotten a few feet before he found himself stopping, head tilting back as he regarded the trees and the brightening sky beyond. Such wide space up there, and with no apparent end to the forest that surrounded them. How strange this world was! Requiem was smiling with quiet wags of his tail as he turned to look at his mother and then the den, spying Saga looking quite apprehensive about the whole thing. That was no good. She needed to see the same fun in it that everyone else was feeling. Not wishing her to be left out, he padded those few steps back toward the den slowly, offering with encouraging gentility, "'S'okay, Saga. The shadows are better." It was true, the sunlight where it was beginning to stream through the trees was incredibly bright, but even after a few steps out he had noticed the dimmer parts , the shadows, and hoped they might help coax Saga to join them.



5 Years
03-18-2014, 03:53 AM

She had seen Symphony's children on their first outing and had left the little family to rest now, such excitement was probably rather tiring for the pups after all. By chance she had chosen to walk by Song's den, just to see what her children were up to and it seemed it was time to explore for them as well. Mismatched eyes watched as they began to emerge, trailing out of the den behind Song, all apart from poor little Descant who was nowhere to be seen and Saga who seemed a little hesitant.

Hoping that Song wouldn't mind if she crashed this little adventure, Novella moved closer to them. "Hello!" She called cheerfully as she approached Song first, nuzzling her sister in greeting, glad to see her out of the den as well. "And how is everyone today?" Specifically she meant Song and Descant, though the question was certainly open for her nieces and nephews to answer as well.



03-20-2014, 11:27 PM

Her babies would rise one by one, all of them quite silent until they appeared outside. Dhiren would linger at the entrance, his yellow gaze taking in the scenery. She felt a pang of sadness as she thought of her father for a moment, and how much she wished he could meet her children. Sound would follow and eventually come to rest between her front legs. She would nuzzle the girl encouragingly as she uttered simply the word 'wow'. Song's grin would widen as she let her bicolored gaze move back to the entrance, Saga coming to stand by her brother at the entrance. "That's the sun Saga, and yes it is very bright." she would watch amusedly as Requiem took in the sky above him. To her enjoyment he would offer encouragement to his rather apprehensive sister. She would be interrupted though, her pearlescent tiara turning to her own sister. She found he way into the clearing, offering a gentle nuzzle as she greeted them.?"Everyone who has made it outside seem well. It seems like a rather bad day for Descant though." she would lose a bit of her smile as she thought of her sick boy. She tried not to worry, but every night she found herself begging the gods to spare his life. To cure him.?"And I'm doing well, enjoying a beautiful first morning out."




3 Years
03-22-2014, 06:20 AM

Dutiron was very obviously at an advantage in comparison to his siblings, he had already ventured outside and though he knew he still had plenty to see and learn had gotten over that initial shock of the big wide world. His adjustment had been rather swift in the first place though actually, just rather intrigued by it all and glad when their elder sister had joined him. Now though it was another sister that would receive his attention as he bounded back over towards the form of Saga, still stood in the entrance of the den, hesitant to leave the family's home.

"You get used it, Saga. You'll love it outside, there is lots to see." Dutiron now hadn't seen much more than his siblings, after all he hadn't strayed too far from the den but from Novel's words there was far more in the world than he could even imagine. It was all very exciting and he couldn't wait to learn about things and see more of the world. For now though, he would join Requiem in the mission to get Saga to come right outside, there was already one of their litter-mates missing for poor Descant was too unwell, but Saga just had to come outside.



5 Years
03-22-2014, 08:16 PM

It had taken time, and the knowledge that despite how much she protested if her mother insisted Canta would not be able to deny her, the Oracle might have been soft and motherly but the girl also knew how stubborn she could be. So Canta had given in and accepted the fact that she had new siblings, that didn?t mean she had to like it, and certainly she was still rather hesitant. She shuffled her way towards her mother den, he old den, she might as well as get it over with now. Still as she drew closer and the scents hit her she faltered.

Pushing herself through the mangroves she hovered as far away from the den as she could get while still being able to see all those who were gathered around it. She could recognize her mother and aunt and she assumed the smaller forms to be her new siblings. She tucked her tail between her legs and pulled her ears back some. Now that she was here she wanted nothing more than to duck out and hide again.

[Image: oLGAaTF.png]

Howl 1


03-27-2014, 09:13 PM

Summer was all around him, and the male had taken it upon himself to go for a stroll around the territory. He hadn't been around much, not visibly anyway. He had made it a habit to remain in solitude, keeping to the borders mostly in case intruders would decide to wander past. He did not trust some of the packs out there, but it was just like him to be that way. There were many untrustworthy wolves out there, and although his sister was the Alpha of Ludicael, she was all too trusting and often seemed blinded to the true intentions of others. He had heard about the Albino from the North, and everyone in the lands knew he couldn't be trusted. At least, the smarter ones knew, anyway.

It was then he would hear voices drifting towards him, familiar voices intermixed with scents of familiarity, as well as unfamiliar. Ears perked and tail raised as he wandered in that direction, and soon the form of his niece Canta would come into view. He knew the girl to be shy, and he did not blame her. It was in her personality after all, for Howl often had similar aspects about himself. He would come to a slow walk as he neared her, hazel eyes wandering over to the figures of Song and the others. "A little overwhelming, isn't it?" He would comment quietly to Canta.


Saga I


3 Years
03-28-2014, 08:34 AM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2014, 08:35 AM by Saga I.)

Saga was not afraid of the bright world. She simple was uncomfortable stepping out of the den, uncomfortable about the prospect of her mother leaving her side. She didn't like the possibility of change. Requiem had stepped out of the darkness, though retreated to assure her that she would be able to join them too. He said there were shadows she could go to, she she decided that would be better than walking around in the bright light. She nodded slowly, beginning to creep out after him. Even Dutiron encouraged her, but she did not smile as she left the den.

Her paw-steps were careful and hesitant. Everything was bright and warm, but a different kind of warm than when she snuggled with her family. It came from above. Slowly the child lifted her snout to the sky, squinting as the sun hurt her eyes. She redirected herself quickly to the shadows that Dutiron had directed her too, finding it much more pleasant there. She marveled at the feeling of the grass against her paws, walking a bit awkwardly, finding it much more enjoyable as the warm sun.