
The flip of a coin


03-04-2014, 10:09 PM

Whenever she wanted a moment to herself, she would venture to the cliffs. She found the crashing waves soothing, the gentle sea breezing comforting. All the stresses just rolled off her with every step. She had managed to loose Neios for a bit. The boy clung to her like she was his life line. As silent as he was, she didn't appreciate someones constant presence. Even her feline friend had disappeared for a time. She had hoped to the feline again soon.

Long limbs would contract, bringing her behemoth form to rest on the soft grass of the cliffs. Dusk was taking over, relieving the dreadful summer heat. She would be thankful when it was gone. The grass was cool, comforting against her heated flesh. She would stretch out, resting on her side, reveling in the cooler temperatures.

Eyes drifted shut. Everything was falling into place. She just needed a little more time. She had the members, the strength, now she just needed a place to call home. She had been venturing from land to land, searching for the perfect place. So far she had not seen Basilisk, she hoped that he was fulfilling his side of things and finding his own members. She would not just hand him power when he had done nothing to deserve it, to help create it.

Thoughts prattled around in her head, but her audits would twitch every now and again, taking note of her surroundings, her nostrils tasting the air for any intruders. And it seemed as though her peace and quiet would not be enjoyed for much longer.

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03-04-2014, 11:57 PM

Wasn't it funny how pushing five strange creatures would get you bak into fighting shape almost immediately. It was a little over a week, maybe two since she had finally expelled the vile beasts planted in her womb by her fuck buddy gone wrong. But now other then swollen teats full of milk it was hard to tell she had ever been pregnant at all, stomach already tightening and skin folding back against slender rib cage. Thank god that experience was over, she was done with pregnancy and though she was pretty much done with motherhood she would deal with the later.

Long legs stretched out into a lengthy lope, frost bitten paws devouring the distances as she abandoned her children with her brother and set out to try and tone her body some more. The cliffs were some of the best places to run, the incline helping tone everything. And it was in her journey that lantern eyes would slid over the delicate form of a monochrome but patterned female. Not her favourite but she was still delicate and beautiful in the way Vi had always enjoyed.

"Oh precious, what brings you to the east? And why have we not yet had the pleasure of meeting?" Words were a purr, alto tones sliding up vocals and over her tongue with practised ease. She would slow to an easily walk, closing the distance slowly but surely as head lowered and black lined eyes studying the woman before her. She was larger then Vi but the red woman wasn't too worried about the encounter.

Table by Azil


03-05-2014, 08:08 PM

Feminine tones would crawl inside her pale ears, bringing a slow smirk to her dark lips. Her crown would lift, the woman, rolling onto her stomach, curling her legs under herself. She would look over her shoulder at the approach woman. Her pelt was a startling vibrant red, her eyes a sharp yellow. She was certainly a looker.

"We all need a break from time to time. It is certainly a pleasure now." Her own words were sweetened with honey, dripping effortlessly from her tongue. She remained relaxed, not fearing that the woman would attack.

"Could I be granted your name?" Words intended to tease harmlessly. She would welcome the woman into her little slice of heaven, perhaps she would make good company. She took a moment to study the woman as she approached. It was clear that she had recently given birth, her teats heavy with milk, she even smelled of puppies. Somehow she couldn't see the woman as a mother, though she wasn't much of a mother herself.

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03-13-2014, 08:22 PM

Precious woman would smirk devilishly and lift her skull to give Vi the much needed attention she so desired. Her sweet words brought an easy smile to Vi's dark lips but she took her time replying as eyes studied the monochromatic female. "Oh darling the pleasure is all mine I'm sure?" Words dripped like honey from seasoned tongue as she took a few steps closer to the woman in a relaxed manor as to not startle her. "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours. Viridiana Sovari my dear." She said easily, smile remaining easily on her lips as she moved to sit neat the woman. "Mind if I join you?" She asked though she didn't wait for an answer before allowing her forelegs to slid forward so she was laying just within reach of the docile babe she had come across. Though the woman seemed pleasant enough she had the feel of a snake to her, someone who couldn't be trusted and yet that just made Vi like her even more. That and she was a beautiful shade of grey the appealed to the woman who had always had a soft spot to wolves who were shades rather then colours. Of course she had broken her rule when meeting Desiree, the purple woman had just called to her.

Table by Azil


03-13-2014, 09:13 PM

She couldn't help the bubble of whimsical laughter that rolled off her tongue as the woman spoke. The red woman spoke words that dripped honey as she sashayed her way closer. "Cataleya, my dear." A request to join her never received an answer, she welcomed the vibrant woman with open arms. The woman was exotic, tantalizingly so.

"What brings you here all by yourself?" A brow would lift as she leaned back on her side, watching the woman that rested within reach. It was with practiced ease that she spoke, she remained relaxed within the strangers presence, like a snake in the shadows, ready to strike only if threatened. But she sensed no threat from this woman, quite the opposite, there was something about her.

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03-13-2014, 09:27 PM

She was a beautiful thing, and her name was equally as beautiful, the name one that would roll off the tongue with ease that Vi could appreciate. The goddess had not been kind in granting her a simple name, instead loading the mouth with an overwhelming amount of vowels and consonants. "Cataleya?. A pleasure indeed?" Her name was so tantalizing she couldn't help but allow it to slide off her tongue just to test it. What brought her here? Some honest laughter bubbled up from her chest, a sound that was pure and without any hidden intention. She actually found that question funny. Mostly because she had a feeling this woman could relate if she had ever had kids. "I just had five kids that I never wanted. Though they'll never know that. I'm not exactly mom material and still don't know how to take care of them. I almost stepped on one of their heads yesterday. And I can't even tell them apart well enough to know who I almost stepped on!" She couldn't help but laugh at her own little situation. "So when my brother offered to take them for the day I didn't ask questions, just ran. And yourself?" Head would tip, offering an ear for the woman to chat off in the same manner that Vi had just exercised. Though hips were flipped easily to the side in a relaxed manner there were certain signs in her body language a skilled fighter might see as defensive. Chin was constantly tipped down, protecting her throat, one forepaw arched so her pad was pressed against the ground lightly but able to push herself up quickly. Hind paws were curled towards her belly, staggered so she could roll onto her back to kick, push herself back or get up in a hurry. Though she felt comfortable around the woman she knew how fast things could change.

Table by Azil


03-13-2014, 10:31 PM

The woman was pure seduction. Her own name flowed red jaws, as though she were testing it. Coral settled on her, surprise flitting across her features when the woman laughed. Much to her surprise, she found herself relating to the woman as she spoke. Five children. Eyes widened as she shook her head in disbelief. The red woman reminded her much of herself when she had raised her three kids. She had little idea what she was doing, and no guidance.

"Oh darling, I feel your pain. I have 3 myself. Though I was not blessed with just a willing brother." Her own laughter would mingle with the womans. Her children will be almost a year soon, come winter. "I'm merely escaping the stresses of creating a pack."

Even as she spoke, she took note of the womans posture. They were such subtle signs, someone inexperience would not notice. Though relaxed, she was on the defense, prepared for a fight should one come. But today, a fight would not come from her end. She kept herself entirely at ease, hoping to soothe the womans silent worries.

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