
Letting Go [Joining/open]


03-19-2013, 12:47 PM
One ivory paw dipped into the snow before lifting free and sinking back into the icy element with ease. Her pace was slow, languid. She felt so emotionally drained so devoid of emotion. It had been years since she had really taken the time to think back on her family. Her mate, her lover, her best friend, she wasn't sure why her conversation with Ifrit had suddenly brought everything tumbling back to her, but she knew suddenly that she could not be alone anymore, she could not thrive in unclaimed territories, even if the companionship she felt was only the comradery of a pack mate it was better than nothing.

She approached the border with a bit of apprehension. She had joined Glaciem before because it had been so entirely different than Arkhein. Its ideals and its workings were the exact opposite of the desert. There would be nothing here to remind her of Elyas or her home. She had foolishly thought to forget her past, that by erasing any memory of such a place it wouldn't hurt her. She had been such an idiot. She allowed the feelings to fester and grow and now they ate at her, clawed at her emotions.

She squeezed her eyes shut, the lump in her throat preventing the howl from escaping her jaws. It hit her suddenly that Elyas would never come back, she would never see her beloved again and no matter how far she ran or where she traveled too that was a fact that would never change. Tears dripped from her maw and her legs buckled beneath her as she collapsed into the snow. She curled into her own body and cried. Her bodice shook with the force of her sobs and whines and cries constantly left her throat. For minutes, hours, she laid upon the snow finally...finally letting go.


03-19-2013, 01:10 PM

He had finished with Rook, so to speak, and the large male found no true understanding of the things Insomnia spoke of. She said that love was a marvelous thing. A great connection. Clearly he had misinterpreted the notion of 'connection'. Knowing the things she had told him, it all came as quite odd. Mercilessly treading the snow to get back to Glaciem her scent would lightly tap his nose and the male would turn his head....she had said she was not returning, didn't she?

Spinning on his legs to head in the direction she had to be in the beast made his way through, the snow was less in the winter, and yet he was still unaccustomed to it. Allowing a chuff to leave his larynx the male called for her, and soon he found there being no reason to so, for there she lay. The male would quirk his head in wonderment as to what she was doing and tentatively, after considering leaving her be, he would approach and attempt to touch her shoulder with his nose. Settling his haunches against the earth beside her he would turn slightly and bring his tail to her side in case she was cold.

Looking down at the woman he waited a long moment before considering things...he really didn't understand. She told him love was so amazing, yet he did not feel amazing with Rook. Also, here was she in a crumpled up miss. Lips growing atwixt the staggering hellion would speak, "Theese loof theeng eese mayking nu seense," And with a huff he turned his skull the other way.



03-19-2013, 01:59 PM

The dame was not accustomed to breaking down. She was a powerful creature who even in the worst of times conveyed a smile and a soft wag of the tail. She buried her emotions between layers of fluff, letting them surface only when she was alone. She was determined never to be anyone's burden, but the pain in her heart, the wounds that she had allowed fester, they destroyed her now. Broke her down into nothing more than a sobbing mess of flesh and fur.

She heard the quite chuff. The soft call of her name, and she jumped, head spinning around from her fallen place amongst the snow. The familiar form of Ifrit approached her almost sullenly, tentatively. He lowered his maw to press his nose against her shoulder, moving to perch beside her, tail coiling around her side, shielding her from the elements, or at least attempting too.

His presence for one reason or another only made her cries increase. a pitiful, heart breaking sound erupted from her larynx and without thinking she buried her maw in the thick fur of his chest, crying hard enough to cause her form to shake. His presence both soothed and prolonged her tears. When she was finally able to speak past her cries she managed to squeak out an apology. "I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry."



03-20-2013, 04:57 PM

He really didn't know what to expect as he sat by the side of the small female. What exactly was she doing so down and out? What had troubled his friend so. Wait? Was she his friend? It was a curious thing for the Arkhos to begin considering, but surely, that was what she was...right? A friend...he really didn't know what that meant either, but he had to admit, he hadn't really felt anything for seeing anyone cry before. In Lithium if you cried for emotions, you were probably dead. If you weren't then, you would be for showing weakness.

Her tiny frame would rise up and immediately the woman would press her head into his broad chest, without really knowing what to do the brute's eyes would get a bit wide and he would peer around. What was this? Female and males didn't touch unless they were being punished or it was mating season...what...was...this? Madness. Complete madness. Swallowing back a bit the warrior remained as tense as he always was, his eyes slithering around the terrain as though Lithium warriors had been waiting to see exactly that kind of thing.

Words would drop from her maw and he really didn't know what to think of her apology. There was nothing to think, was there? what was she apologizing to him for anyways? He really had no understanding of it, and he really lacked the ability to offer anything more than his chest to cry on. "I eh...oof...fer woot?" He didn't mean to ask her something that would possibly ail her further, but if there was nothing he could comprehend he could only further render the situation into awkwardness...His head would turn downward and his Fiery eyes would search for her own and any words she could give.



03-22-2013, 01:42 AM

Her sobs would not cease, her body wracked in horrible tremors. She wasn't sure how long she buried her face in his broad chest, bawling until her heart could no longer bleed, but she knew that it was longer than a few scarce moments. She had not realized how long she had buried her beloved beneath layers of denial, and now it all came festering to surface. Minutes, hours, days... time ceased to exist. Ifrit's words fell on deaf ears.

Finally, slowly, her sobs ceased, her tears dried up and her body stopped its horrific quaking. For several long moments, she made no sound, merely breathed and absorbed the touch, the warmth of another. It had been so long since she had allowed anyone near her and she could hear his heartbeat steadily drumming against his chest. She breathed him in, savoring the comfort and warmth he offered her.

Finally, she dipped her head, drawing away from his chest, paws would rise to wipe the tear stains from her fur, before she dragged her legs beneath her and forced herself to stand. She felt as weak and winded as a newborn kitten, but she knew she could carry her own, should Crusade need her to prove her worth. Insomnia was far from weak... no matter how pitiful she had appeared a few scarce moments before.

She took a heavy, steadying breath as she pondered what to same to the massive male. Out of everyone she could have broken down in front of, why did it have to be him? If she had earned any respect in his book she had successfully shattered it she was sure. He was a stoic warrior and possibly one of the few wolves who even knew her name... mo matter how he struggled to pronounce it. "For being so... pathetic. I never cry, haven't in quite some time. Thank you, truly."



03-26-2013, 02:16 PM

Ifrit was not the man he probably should have been in the world he had entered, and to be honest he had long sense begun to grasp that very concept. He knew that everywhere he went, he was out of place. To look at, he was a monster of incredibly proportion, thew bubbling at every crevice of his firm body, and fiery eyes that seemed to burn on his skull so vibrantly. Though, those things, they were so archaic...they didn't really seem to make him pop as much in these lands as they had in Lithium. It was when his lips parted, it was when words exploded, it was much more than just the shady accent. It was the words he spoke, the lost, indifference. There was something tainted in his heart, something that would never be redeemed, and there was no trial that would merely fix things. He was a damaged soul. A man that had long ago chosen his road and long ago decided it would not be something of light, but something of darkness. Now, only after he had usurped his youth, his prime, had he decided a chance was needed. Inevitable almost. Was the will there? He wanted it to be, but even he could not answer such a trivial question.

Her head was pressed against his head and he had to wonder exactly what he was supposed to do. He didn't understand how to caudal someone when they were upset, he didn't understand sympathy...empathy. Perhaps it made him less of a man than what he thought he was, but to him, it was too different. To him tears were meant only when on the verge of death, and he had no grasp on showing anything for anyone. He was truly, and only, the kind of wolf to walk through hell with a smile. He did things for his pride, and that was it. Yet, here, these lands, this world. It was so different to his eyes. There was a new cause to serve, and while he wasn't sure what it was quite yet. He knew that with time he had to do something to change the things he fought for before. He was a champion for taking lives in Lithium. Now he had to be a champion for those that needed a champion.

Her words would dance across his ears and the older man would look down at her, "I weesh I knew whoot to see, eensomunia, boot, I do not. I aim incapeeable, and I don't theenk eet eese I ye shood be putteeng so mooch troost in," His eyes would dance to the side and he fight to avoid her. He had no way of helping her. No ability to do so, and yet, a small part of his heart felt the need to help her. How could he help so one when there was no way for him to know? What could he have done to better things for her? Nothing. He truly was incapeable.



03-27-2013, 10:47 AM

Insomnia had rarely thought of Arkhein, her beloved, or her pups. She had not left them willingly and she had no way of returning. The thought of never knowing what had become of her family is what wounded her so deeply. He had been the only creature to ever accept her, flaws and all, Elyas knew her better than anyone, everyone and without him she just felt cold. It was why she had suppressed his memory for so long, buried beneath hardened calluses, she lied, told herself she would see him again, but she realized it was killing her, destroying her from the inside out and she could not keep this game up anymore and when she had finally crashed, she did so hard.

When she regained control of herself, she knew not how long the massive brute had perched himself beside her, or how long she had cried into the thick of his chest, but she was grateful he had been here. Even if all he had done was remain in relative silence and allow her to cry, it had helped and while the pain in her chest was still strong, it was faded, which meant after so many years, she was finally healing. She might never be as happy as she was with Elyas, but damn it all she would try. He would not want her to live in this depression forever and she done so quite long enough.

He finally spoke breaking the tense silence between them and she frowned at his soft words, slightly caught off guard by them. He was a powerful, seemingly emotionless beast, and yet he stood before her almost seeming... ashamed? That simply would not do, and Insomnia would not have it. He knew nothing of her past and even if he did, she wouldn't want for him to say anything. It was over, it was done. She needed to let go. She paced forward, doing her very best to coil her beck around the base of his neck in a hug. She squeezed him gently to her, holding him tightly.

"Some things don't require words, my friend, and you hold a great deal of both my trust and my respect. We are not just pack mates, but friends, and I trust my friends, don't ever think you are unworthy of that." She murmured quietly to him, words meant over for his ear drums, before she pulled away from him, backing up to a respectable distance, her dark eyes seeking his own. " You have done more for me in silence, than you know. Thank you."



03-30-2013, 09:17 AM

He didn't understand women at all. Especially the little bird before him. The was something quite different than what he was used to. Her lyrical promised him that his silence had comforted her, but he did not understand such words. How could remaining in silence and merely staring off, as she rested her head upon him, be helpful? He did nothing except remain still, the stoic expression on his face unwavering, and his breathing slow and natural, as it usually was. Perhaps her words were honest though...that he had helped...

Friend? The concept failed him. The least he had done was be there...not even as much as anyone else would have been, his presence was merely there. His entity. He himself, his intellect, it was scarce, ravaged, and unavailable to aid her. "Ye ur weelcome," the words laced from his vocals easily and the brute turned his head to the lands of Glaciem, "ye ur rejoining? Deep baritones cast forth as he called out for someone in the pack to come to them. He had not really made his re-entry to the lands official, but he had lingered, and he had been a member not too long ago.

There was really little he could say to the babe at his side...things were different to him...and her...and he could never really grasp the terms of what she wanted. Friend? Thanks? Appreciation? He didn't get it, and for the man, it wounded him a bit. He actually didn't understand nearly as much as he wanted. His life was just slightly past his prime, and now, he was lost to wondering. Wondering what interesting things life could hold for him. Though, at the point he had arrived at, it felt like all the interest was incapable of being stumbled upon.


Gargoyle I


03-30-2013, 07:33 PM


There?d been no howl, but the truth was, that Gargoyle didn?t need one. He assigned regular patrols about Glaciem and did his best to throw in a couple random ones himself ? something he?d learned from Crusade. This day he?d been moving through the snowfeilds ? his massive dark form shifting in a loose, swaybacked trot. Normally his mink companion would be coming along ? either riding between his shoulder blades or bounding along behind in his paw prints, or even hanging onto his stub tail for dear life. But recently Frisk had found himself surrounded by a populations of female weasels, stoats, ferrets and minks and Creator alone knew where that self proclaimed Casanova was this evening.

Not that Gargoyle minded the alone time. Rather, he needed it to keep his sanity. But according to the winds, he wasn?t going to be alone for much longer. There were other wolves about. One scent was obviously Glaciem ? Ifrit if Gargoyle wasn?t mistaken. The two males had never really had anything like an informal exchange of words, but Ifrit was one of packmates from Second Glaciem ? in fact he?d been the last wolf accepted in before the explosion. Gargoyle had always gotten an intriguing vibe from him - He was obviously a strong alpha sort of male, much like himself ? but whether this made him out to be a threat or a comrade, Gargoyle hadn?t had time to find out.

It was time that was changed.

But of course there was another scent ? another wolf to deal with. Gargoyle couldn?t put his paw on it, but it wasn?t exactly a stranger?s scent. Hmmm, or maybe it was and his was just a bit frozen today.

The Alpha perked up his ears and picked up his step. Pretty soon he was loping along towards the border. He?d been on the move most of the day, but he wasn?t even breaking a sweat. He was a male timber wolf in peak condition ? had to be espically now that he was an Alpha with a pack to protect.

When he came upon the scene it was with a lolled tongue, but nothing else. His shoulders stiffened slightly as he looked down on what was a rather tender scene. Should he move away? What was going on here? After another moment?s observation Gargoyle realized he was looking ? not at a stranger but at Insomnia. She was another wolf from Second Glaciem that he?d barely known ? and yet he?d heard the stories! She supposedly out ran rabbits every day. She?d been the one to climb right up the back of the polar bear that nearly cost Crusade her life. He?d wanted to talk to her! But during his first months back in Glaciem he?d been rather awkward, and then the chaos of the explosion?.

The Chief had a part of him that wished to strode right up. But he?d relearned a thing or two about emotions. If he interrupted something special no doubt it would put him off on the wrong foot with these two wolves he wished to come to know better.

But even as he thought this he almost wrinkled nose. Since when had he become such a social pansy? All his lovely dovey time with Ocena must really have been getting to him.

The northern drake kicked back into a lope, slowing down only when he was close enough to converse easily. He nodded his head tersely ? first to Ifrit and then to Insomnia. ?Evening Ifrit, - and Insomnia,? his gaze ? usually quite bland and reptilian softened slightly at the sight of her damp cheek fur. ?Have you been injured? We were saddened by your leaving, but didn?t expect the pleasure of your return. Is something wrong?? he rumbled out, ?Can I help in any way?? It was then that he remembered the she-wolf hadn?t been there for his taking on of leadership for the pack. Ah well, he?d get to pleasantries later, necessity first.


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~


04-16-2013, 02:35 PM

She ceased her foolish cries. What in God's name was wrong with her? Since when had she been some weak adolescent child that needed a should to grieve her sorrows into? How utterly weak of her. She had needed to cry, she had needed, finally to let the past go, but she could have done so in seclusion. Away from the presence of anyone else. This was ridiculous, asinine, she wasn't some cowarding pup and it was about damn time she started acting more her age. She pawed at the tears tracks upon her maw, scraping the essence of tears away, trying to appear at least halfway presentable. That's the last thing Glaciem needed, another weakling, although if Crusade still ruled... she had catapulted herself a top a bear, perhaps that would earn her enough judos to be given a chance to be brought in at the very least. She sighed.

"Yes... Glaciem is my home now." Those words sent a throbbing shot of pain through her heart, but she reminded it that Arkhein could not exist for her anymore. Elyas could not exist for her anymore. Glaciem was her home, and the gentle throb stopped. She cleared her throat and shifted her weight willing her voice not to crack, but before she could spill a single syllable, Gargoyle appeared into her view and she abruptly shut her jaws, dipping her head as a show of respect and honor. he was not the Chief, at least to Insomnia's knowledge but he was family and deserved her respect all the same.

" Gargoyle, it has been a long time, yes, I apologize for not coming home sooner, if this can still be my home of course, I got lost in my own past and I fear I lost myself." She paused a moment, contemplating what exactly she wished to say, she chewed her bottom lip thoughtfully, capturing it between glistening canines. She looked down and away from her company, wondering how much she should tell, she did not think she possessed the emotional capacity to tell either of them her story, at least not right now, no matter how much they had earned it. "My past it... it torments me and I've tried outrunning it for so long... I forgot what it means to live, to experience life. It's about time I let go, and if you would permit me, I would love to spend the rest of my days serving Glaciem."


Gargoyle I


04-26-2013, 01:27 PM


Gargoyle listened to the fae carefully. Even if his eyes did not glitter with interest as they would for most wolves, Insomnia still received his utmost attention.

So many years since he'd last seen this packmate. She looked as well as ever - save for the traces of tears which still lingered on her cheek fur. And what of him? Well he'd gained muscle but he'd been monstrous even back when he was a yearling. He'd grown into the height and gotten his left ear shredded, but such were the only outside effects of the pass of time.

But inward... Gargoyle knew how creatures could change.

What of Insomnia? How had her journey treated her? Was she here because she still thought of herself as a Glaciem? Or was she merely giving an official goodbye? Her words soon made everything crystalline clear. They were words Gargoyle could relate too. In more ways than one. By the time she'd finished the Alpha's gaze had once more softened a touch.

"I'm happy to hear it," he said in his low, toneless rumble. "And I am privileged to be in the position to grant your wish." He dipped his head politely. "Crusade named my as Alpha when we came to this new land, but she is still around and I strive to lead the pack as she would." Hopefully such news would greet her as pleasant. "One of the changes here however, is that we don't sleep in seperate dens anymore - but in a great cave set among the foothills. Those of the pack that are not on patrol will be there waiting, would you like to come and inform them of your return?"


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~


05-02-2013, 12:48 PM

Insomnia had not expected to be accepted back into Glaciem's borders. She had been happy, healthy, and well and had chosen, for completely selfish reasons not to come...home. That had been her choice, her decision. No one elses. She hadn't been injured or damaged... her speed well gave her the power to outrun the lava, in fact it had been done with ease, she was probably one of the first to make it to the new Alacritis. It had been her decision to stay away. She felt guilt for it now, she felt guilt for quite a few things and imagined she would the rest of her days, but she couldn't keep dreaming of the past, thats not what her beloved would have wanted and all she had ever wanted was to make Elyas proud of her. he wouldn't be proud of the train wreck she had become. He was her soul mate, she knew that, and when she died he would be waiting for her, she was certain, but for now... she had to let him go.

She swallowed back her tears, forced her body to straighten and would greet the alpha, and Ifrit with a smile, tail gently swinging behind her. She was beautiful, or at least she would be. Gargoyle's kind words met her unexpectedly and she dipped her head in thanks, onyx eyes gleaming in the happiness of his statement. her eyes would soften as she spoke of the changes and she would dip her head both in understanding and acceptance of these new terms. She would swing her skull from side to side as she paced towards the border, finally coming home.

"I would be honored to state my return, especially to Crusade. We never got to speak after the bear..." Insomnia would chuckle with a steady laugh, before her dark gaze would swing back to the massive warrior. "Coming Ifrit?" She would walk between the two warriors and finally headed home.

-exit-Insomnia unless stopped-