
Rise to Power


03-16-2014, 07:27 PM
NOTE: I will be posting again with Cat on the 23rd, everyone needs to have posted by then.

It was time. Finally. She had gathered enough members, she had found a place for her pack to call home, now all she needed to do was call them together. She ventured into the heart of her new territory, the afternoon sun beating down on her back. She ignored the heat, focusing solely on reaching her meeting spot. With Basilisk at her side, paws kissed the earth silently, muscles rolling fluidly, a new found power flowed from her pours.

When she reached her desired spot, she would take a moment to look around. A sense of pride swelling her chest. But she would not waste much time admiring the scenery. Her crown would lift, jaws parting to release a summoning call for all those who already pledged their allegiance, and those who still wanted to.

As soon as her call ended, haunches would slide to the earth, tail curling around her to rest of her paws. She would expect Zaria to be prompt in her arrival, along with Caeto, as she assumed the two would be together. Narfi, Neios and Draegmar would be expected quickly as well. They pledged their loyalty to her and she expected them to be prompt about their arrival.

This would be the one time that strangers could freely enter her territory without punishment. If others wished to join her ranks then they could come. They would all be tested. Today would be the day. She would explain the ranking system to them, the laws that were expected to be followed. And finally, she would test them all for their rank, if they so chose and had a desire for power.

Talk like this



4 Years
03-16-2014, 07:36 PM

A summons. Ears would twitch at the woman's howl, calling for those she had gathered to bring them together in the form of a pack. Corners of her lips would pull in a smirk as the girl pulled away from the meal she had been feasting on, paws moving quickly over the earth, almost gliding despite the heat. It had been uncomfortable this summer, humid, dry, hot. Narfi's black coat didn't help with it one bit.

The yearling would not arrive in a full run and out of breath, instead she would step into the new lands with her head held high, proud of what she would soon become apart of.

In no time she would see her mentor, along with a male nearby. She would give a small dip of her head to both of them before taking a seat, tail laying over her paws and mismatched eyes locked onto the woman, ready to listen to what she had to say, ready to begin her training.




5 Years
03-16-2014, 08:16 PM

Tendrils of mist caressed the lithe, slender female as she made her way through the forest. At last the call rang out. The call of fate. D?gmar moved with confident assurance to answer the call of her new alphess, Cataleya. After seasons of searching for the pack that would make her stronger she had at last found it and been accepted into it's fold. There was just one little setback? the ebony brute she'd seduced on the battlefield has left life inside of her. Life that was not meant to be there. A soft growl oozed from her throat. She hadn't even been in heat.

At the moment the signs of her pregnancy were subtle. Her sides bulged out just slightly, barely noticeable beneath her coat but she knew in time it would be obvious. She was not keeping them. The little rats would be slain as soon as they were expunged from her belly? unless of course the father wanted them. Which, in her understanding of males, was even more unlikely. While numbers were important to a young pack, strength was needed even more and D?gmar did not have the capacity to be a mother. It was well beyond her. She would tell Cataleya on a later date but she would not stop her training. If the whelps died in her belly from her training, so be it. They would not cost her her future, they would not deny her her fate.

She strolled into the so far small gathering of Cataleya and a young femme she did not recognize. "Fate has called and I have answered. Greetings again to you, Lady Cataleya."



3 Years
Extra large
03-17-2014, 01:56 AM

The sweet symphony of his masters call would send the boy into a frenzy. He would stumble as he attempted to gain his balance, his mind emerging into reality from a deep sleep. He had been awaiting her call, and eagerly he would begin to stride toward the soulless forest. The last time he had been in these lands he had been terribly ill, and the sight of towering willows brought a shudder to his spine. He recalled the various times he had puked within that forest, and the mad illusions he had to face before the poison had been diluted. He vaguely remembered the sight of a pallid female, but he was still unsure if that had been a mind trick or not. She had claimed to be the alpha of these lands.

His mind would race as he made his way to the gathering, finally emerging onto the scene with a few more lengthy strides. A few strangers had already gathered, and instantly his gaze would fall upon his protector. He would rush toward her, excitement swelling within his core despite the hatred so easily played across his face. He would aim to come beside her, slinking to his belly as he lapped aimlessly at her front legs to greet her. He would then silently look upward at her, eagerness played across his features as he awaited her next command. What did she have in mind for them? And who would come to join her ranks?


03-17-2014, 03:08 PM

Her mother had called, her summon ringing loud and clear. Dark limbs stretched far, quickly closing the distance to her mothers lands. She had been lingering close to her mother, waiting for the call. Much to her disappointment Caeto had vanished after their last meeting. He not provided her a clear answer and now he was gone. She felt betrayed by the boy. She had offered him a place with her and he had rejected her, vanishing.

She was not the first to arrive, but she was not late either. Upon her arrival, two women sat quietly, presumably recruits. Her icy gaze traveled to her mother, dropping to the dark boy cowering at her feet. A smirk tugged at dark lips as she approached, greeting her mother silently. She took her place to her mothers right, haunches dropping, tail curling around her as she waited for others to approach. Anticipation flared in her chest, she was curious to see who would come to join to her mothers ranks.

Talk like this

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
03-24-2014, 10:18 AM

Basilisk would not dare ignore Cataleya's call. Although he would ultimately lead beside her, it was she that had gotten him to this point. She had put the plan into action, and he knew with certainty that he wouldn't be here without her. Her call was strong and fierce, and brought shivers down the boy's spine. They would be invincible together -- he was certain of it.

Quickly he loped toward the gathering. He was not the first to arrive, but was not entirely late, either. He came to rest beside Cataleya, though his attention was focused on the wolves before him. He knew he needed to take the reins, to lead beside her, but he would wait for her to speak first this time. The dark-pelted brute held his head high as he came to recline on his hindquarters, tail flicking in anticipation behind him massive frame.


03-24-2014, 10:42 AM

Her numbers were small, it was rather disappointing, but there wasn't a doubt in her mind that they would grow larger and stronger. First to arrive would be Nafri, and she would be given a small nod of acknowledgement as she took her seat. The familiar voice of Daegmar would soon invade her audits, a small grin playing on her lips. "Hello again." It pleased her to see that the two women still pledged their loyalty to her.

Next would be Neios. And the dark boy never ceased to amaze her. He would rush forward, crawling on his belly as he lapped aimless at her limbs. Her crown would tip forward as she looked down at the boy, faint amusement dancing in the shadows of her eyes. "Take a seat." The command would ushered just for his ears alone.

Her daughter would appear, alone, which was surprising but she noted the slight annoyance and anger in her dark features so nothing would be said. She would greet her daughter silently as the girl took a seat beside her. Basilisk would appear, being one of the last, but she would say nothing. He would take his seat beside her, sitting tall and proud. Finally, they could begin.

"Welcome, all of your. As most of you know, this is Elysium, ruled by myself and Basilisk. We are a pack of war and violence. All of you will be expected to train rigorously and regularly. Weakness with not be tolerated." It was a rather unorthodox opening, but she didn't care. "Now, my daughter Zaria, is the Dauphina, heir to the throne. The role of Duke and Duchess is open, they will working closely with myself and Basilisk. Following that will be Marquis, Comte and Baron, the Commanders of the warriors, hunters and healers."

She would take a moment to allow everything to sink in. "Now ranks are not given freely here, each and everyone of you will prove that you desire the rank. A few days from now, I will be calling you all together for an event of sorts. Each of you will spar together and the winner will take the rank they fought for."

There was so much to be said, it was ridiculous. "We are all about respect and loyalty here. Break either of those, and you can expect severe punishment. Try and flee without permission, you will be killed. I do not care if you take a mate, have pups or whatever, even if they are from another pack. However, mothers of Elysium will be expected to raise their pups here. And note, if you bring trouble to my door, you will handed over, I will not go to war for any of you. Force claims are welcomed, prisoners are to be treated as such. All the outcasts of society make this their home, those who are turned away because of their desire for blood and death."

It was always best to make things clear from the get go. As far as she knew, everything had been covered. "Do you have any questions?" Her gaze would sweep the small crowd, wanting to know if there was questions or concerns that they wished to express. She would give Basilisk a chance to speak if he so wished, and if not, then everyone would be free to go.



4 Years
03-24-2014, 11:29 AM

She would watch in silence as wolves trickled in after the call was given, a woman with a coat of black and greys, an odd dark boy practically drooling at the woman's feet. She would give a smirk at this, but her attention soon drifting off towards the others still arriving. Another female, sitting beside Cataleya and a male on the opposite. An interesting bunch, they were all quite large and dark in coloring, did that mean their heats were also dark like the Queen had informed her the first day they met?

And so the meeting would begin, the silver woman introduced the pack's name and the ruler beside her, a pack of war and violence. Narfi would grin, finally, these lands seemed to be filled with the good two shoes, it was sickening. The wolves would train rigorously and regularly, she had no problem with that, and weakness wouldn't be tolerated, good. Moving on to the members, the girl beside her, Zaria was her daughter and the heir. Duke and Duchess were open and would work closely with her and Basilisk, the male on her other side. Marquis, Comte, and Baron were commanders of warriors, hunters and healers.

For the time being, Narfi was not interested in any of the higher ranks for she did not have the experience yet to hold any of them. That didn't mean she didn't want any however, no no, she would soon rise and get what she wanted. And so Cat would move on to discuss them, ranks would not be given out freely, everyone had to prove themselves. Within a few days she would call them together for an event, people would spar against each other and winners would receive a rank they fought for. Hm, interesting. As mentioned before, she wasn't interested in a high rank at the moment, so she would participate only for the sparring practice or just observe if she couldn't.

Next were rules and such, Narfi would pay attention but nothing really mattered to her, it was all common sense and not difficult to follow. She would give a shake of her head when she asked for questions.




5 Years
03-26-2014, 09:01 PM

D?gmar was glad to see more wolves arrive, even the younger male who was doing his best to kiss ass. Was he one of her pups or something? She didn't see much of a resemblance. All in all the gathering was quite small and consisted mostly of yearlings but it would grow in time. D?gmar only hoped the young wolves would act with a reasonably amount of maturity as she had signed onto Elysium to sharpen her skills as a warrior not act as a babysitter. Regardless of age if they had skill they'd have her respect? without it though they'd be little more than a nuisance.

Her ears flicked foward in anticipation as Cataleya began to speak. Excellent! They'd begin sparring promptly, and without any of that mushy, feely crap. D?gmar pondered the ranks. If she were skilled enough Cataleya had said she could reach the rank of Marquis. The rank of Duchess also caught her attention. She didn't feel she was skilled enough for the rank but at the same time she was older than many of her pack mates and bore experience that the other's might not have. Hm.m? of where could she be the most use? It was a thought to ponder certainly, though her heart had always been that of a warrior, the rank of Marquis was the one that called to her most strongly.

D?gmar continued to listen, everything sounded perfect to her? until that one little blip. Mother's must raise their pups in Elysium? D?gmar made no outward show as that phrase slipped through her head, remaining cool and strong through out the meeting. The pups would not be raised here. She told Cataleya from the start she was willing to break herself to become a stronger warrior and she would not let up her training for the furry little beasts. If she miscarried, she miscarried. If they were born someone else would have to take them but she would not raise them herself. She'd kill them herself before doing so, it had already been decided some time ago before.

Cataleya asked if they had any questions but she remained silent. There wasn't anything terribly pressing she needed to ask.

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
03-31-2014, 07:47 AM

Basilisk was pleased at the wolves that had answered Cataleya's call. It was not a massive gathering, but one with potential. Purple gaze was fierce as he looked across the group of wolves -- brimming with a fire that would never be extinguished. And yet he was silent, so strange for the Monarch of a pack, poised precariously like a snake coiled and ready to strike. His massive body swayed slightly as he remained perched on the pads of his paws, his tail flicking idly where it lay curled above his back.

His attention would focus on Cat as she spoke. He marveled at how a woman so cruel could compose herself; but she had never been especially cruel to him. This pack was theirs to rule. To care for. To train. They would not be cruel to them unless they earned it. But the rest of the world was fair game. He could not help but wonder who might take the titles of Duke and Duchess -- he could only hope it was someone he might get along with well, if they would work so closely together. He glanced across the group, seeing many of their gazes grow bright with interest. He had little to add to the rules Cataleya laid out, and yet he knew he needed to speak. They would never respect him, nor grow loyal to him, unless he made himself known to them.

Muscles ripped beneath his ebony pelt as he slowly lowered himself onto his haunches. "Do not betray us," he declared loudly. Though he knew he was hardly an adult at all, his posture shouted dominance, and his voice was booming and deep as he spoke, rumbling from within his chest. "And we will not betray you."