
// Silent Surroundings



5 Years
02-01-2014, 10:55 PM
[Image: fGoRNqs.jpg]



Lavender optics folded down into a hazy close, gently the lids slid closer to each other as her long tongue struck at the waters edge ever so rhythmically. Rose colored taper lapped the water of the lake before her maw, though as she did so a feeling of pure relaxation fell over the zen snow fae. Her optics closed and the lavender glow ceased for a moment, her auds turning back against her skull and her shoulders sunk slightly where she crouched so neatly before the lake's edge, the smooth stones beneath her pads spread apart with gentle sounds of scraping and curling against one another under her light weight. Rings of water curled about her long, narrow maw as the fae continued to lap at the unaltered water, sending those small waves of disturbance through the waters surface to disrupt the silent, calm life beneath it.

Optic peeled open helplessly, and forced to remain so as the snow colored fae remained where she was, still crouched for a moment over her long stems of legs, wide paws balancing her delicate frame. Thick hackles were relaxed between her lowered shoulder blades. Her mind was clear, unlike the fog that surrounded her skull, lingering quietly above the waters edge, barely kissing the surface of the earth, let alone fading against the ivory fae. Her lips curled as her rose colored tongue dashed against them once more, long snow eye lashes gently blinked against the still air, clearing her sight and allowing her mind to awaken to the day. Her tongue then returning to the waters surface once more, her guard down, and her mind calm like the foggy day that surrounded her, and as undisturbed at the earth below her.

Word Count :: 290

Tags :: Roamer!

Mood :: Relaxed, Unguarded


02-02-2014, 12:53 AM

Barely a season old, the youth would have lost a lot in that season. His mother was dead. His sister, and favorite sibling missing. One of his brothers missing. He hadn't seen much of his other brother. His half-sister had planned moved them. He had lost everything, and yet, he didn't care. They were inferior to him. He was destined for greatness. He could feel it. His father had spoken of elaborate plans to seat him at the head of a throne to his own kingdom, to make him a name that would be feared by everyone. Then had cast him away, saying that the child should seek greatness when he was older. He had left his father, disgusted by the man, and severely annoyed. Leaving his family, the child would begin to explore the lands. He began traveling West, intent on putting as much distance between himself and his so called father as possible. He had no intentions of being measured by that bastards greatness.

In this day, he had come across another, his crimson eyes watching her from the brush. He watched her drink from the water for a few moments, before plodding from the brush with a growl. "And who gave you permission to drink?" He didn't care that she was much older and larger than he was. That didn't even faze him as he approached her. He would come to a halt, stepping into the water with a stomp, feeling a sick bit of satisfaction as the water spewed up in the wake of the heavy movement from his paw. With any luck it splashed the creature and chased her back to her life, which he could only assume was in the place of a pampered pack. He would stop before her, standing in the pool, the fire in his crimson eyes lighting his gaze as he stared at her, expecting an answer. Demanding it. Who did she think she was?

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ooc: :_: i warned you that he was rude.



5 Years
02-03-2014, 09:11 PM
[Image: fGoRNqs.jpg]



Rose tongue continued to lap as the snow fae let out a gentle sigh, her level of caution was abruptly disturbed as a low, deep growl caused her attention to flee back to her like a scared mouse, her cerebrum awakening and her optics widening while her auds flickered forward and to the side with ease. As if it happened in slow motion the quick-footed fae whipped her tongue back into her ivory lined maw, the pupils of her lavender optics went from dilated back to nearly a pint point for a moment as her mind came back to her, and she snapped into reality. With rather weak instinct she allowed her snowy lips to curl back and her ivory pearls to shine, a less than deep and rather un-impressive snarl escaped her throat, her powerful lungs pushing it forward in the direction of the bounding brute.

She laid back on her haunches, her already crouched figure pulling back while remaining in the same position, her large, flat paws scattered her toes in every direction, chipped nails digging into the earth as she braced her surprised figure for impact, but only to hear the voice of a young, nearly infantile male. She corrected her stance, lips still pulled up and her nostrils flaring against the wrinkles of surprise on her maw, ivory daggers slowly sinking back under their snowy drapes. She blinked, correcting her very un-lady-like figure into one that was more precise for her persona. Her auds remained forward and her guard up, though now she stood to face the young male. His pelt as white as her own. She shook her visage for a moment, attempting to rid it of the droplets of water sprayed forth by the rudely bouncing pup. "How dare you speak to me in such a way." Her angelic vocals poured out from her throat, French accent hidden in the syllables, completely different from the unnatural growl that had arisen earlier. What a rude little pup." She knew he wasn't that young, but to her his insubordinate behavior not only needed to be corrected, but was also exaggerated by his childish ways.

OOC: Haha! What a butt! Cygnet will have none of that! xD

Word Count :: 356

Tags :: Roamer!

Mood :: Alarmed


02-20-2014, 01:21 AM

It wasn't a mystery that the pup had learned no manners. He didn't feel the need to be respectful to his elders, he didn't even worry for his life. Splashing the water and mud onto the woman hadn't been just because she was older, or because he had no respect- it had been because she needed to know that she was below him. She was less than he. He would stare up at her, a fire burning in his crimson pools, as she had the audacity to ask how he could speak to her in such a tone. Hackles raised, and teeth bared he snarled at her, unawares as too how pathetic (and adorable) the snarl could sound to an older wolf.

"Who are you to ask who I am, peon?" He spat his words, venom flying as he powered further towards her, hoping to force her to back out of the water. Each step would be a stomp, sending more droplets flying, hopefully dousing the wraith. His aggression towards was unfounded of course but that didn't calm the storm of hell within his chest.

ooc: sorry for the wait. life sucks. reply sucks. everything sucks. :_:

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5 Years
03-19-2014, 08:10 PM
[Image: fGoRNqs.jpg]



The snow colored fae may be young in age, but she was no stranger to the art of correction and dominance. This pup was no exception to the rules, yet she had to take a step back for a moment and think about this. The possibility that he was merely pushing her buttons, not in the form of a bluff, but merely a tough-act was definitely in thought, and the snowy fae paused where she was, auds laying back against her skull and a small, yet frustrated sigh escaping her lungs.

She listened to him, lavender gaze turning nye black as she nearly snarled in return. "The only Peon I see around here is you..." She was never proud of insulting others, a fairly neutral being normally, this lash-out was necessary in her current state of mind. But soon realizing that this cub in front of her was nothing but that, she blinked her angered gaze and calmed it back down to a gentle lavender coloration. Lips lowered to sheath the ivories she was baring. As he came towards her she said nothing, instead she only braced and leaned forward, accepting his charge and knowing the outcome. Her hinds held her forward, her dial raised and hackles following suit.

OOC: Reply does not suck! And don't you worry! Take as long as you need, sorry I took forever as well. :P

Word Count :: 214

Tags :: Roamer!

Mood :: Alarmed, Angry