
serene silver silence


03-08-2014, 09:19 PM

Silence had enveloped the giantess for so long, as her emotions overwhelmed her infinite mind. Sorrow held her heart in the tightest of grips, forcing her to abandon her wee babes in their time of need. Her conscience dragged her home, knowledge that she had responsibilities with her pack and family keeping her grounded as she trekked from the islands of Ibis all the way back to the lands of Ludicael. Now, the mercury eyed femme stood on the borders and let a deep breath shudder from her lungs before stepping into the claimed territory. She took it all in, absorbing the familiar with her eyes as the full moon hung in the sky above her.

Upwards would her cranium tilt, chin lifting to the star splashed heavens as a mournful summons left her throat. She longed for her children, to see how they'd grown in the time she had been away, and apologize until she couldn't breathe for leaving them. Slowly the alabaster queen would lower her crown, and gaze out into the darkness, seeking the pieces of her heart that she had left behind.

Quiet was the lulling babble of the water close to her, the falling water a gentle ambiance as she awaited the return of her children. She missed them, she wanted to be around them and learn everything there was to know of them. The giantess would make up for her mistakes, and she would never let them go again, not if she could help it, at least.



03-13-2014, 12:40 AM

He had not been too far away when he heard the call of his mother, a mixture of emotions swirling within his small body. Slowly paws would carry him towards where the call came from, his face void of any emotion, body displaying no aggression, irritation, happiness. A doll. Within minutes his mother's body would come into view, but he wouldn't run to greet her in kisses, lick her face, happy that she was back. No, the child would stop a few feet away, sitting back with tail over his paws, gaze burning holes into his mother. He was not please one once, disappointed in his mother, along with his father, for abandoning him and his sister. They needed their parents, but what they hadd was each other.

A single word would not be spoken to the woman till Zlata showed up, once she said something then he would show emotion, only comfortable doing it with her around. For now he would just sit there like a statue, glaring at Aurora.



03-14-2014, 11:02 PM

The sound reached her ebony auds like a breath of fresh air. She felt a huge weight lift off of her fragile chest and, at the same time, a rock grow heavier in her stomach. A velvety paw lifted, quivering, uncertain of what she should do next. It was a summons, she was certain. But what would she say? Where had Aurora been?

Without much else choice, her petite legs propelled her into a run. She realized in a moment of surprise that her mother's scent was quite close by, and it didn't take long before her pale image came to view. Her ebony paws skid to a halt just beside her brother where she instinctively leaned. Silver optics turned up to meet their identical twins in Aurora.

A silence hang heavily on the air as her eyes welled with tears of mixed emotions. She had left them...but she was back! Yet she and her brother had been through so much without her. She didn't know what to do, what to say, and yet the overbearing urge to bury her nose into the soft underbelly of the pale woman was clawing at the tender flesh of her muscles.

The little girl felt her knees shaking as her tail dropped between her legs. Unable to break eye contact with the woman who birthed her, Zlata opened her maw. "Momma?" She croaked out unknowingly, completely void of thoughts as she pressed against the warm pelt of Australis.

Walk "Speak" Think

Magnus 1


03-18-2014, 12:11 PM

The man had been sitting under the shade of the trees. Quite content. Well he would have been content if there hadn't been a constant sickening worry gnawing at his stomch. Twisting his inside into knots. He missed Aurora, he needed her. She was a part of him. He would have gone to look for her, but she needed her time. And the pups couldn't have both parents gone. He stood and wandered to one of the shallow pools to take a drink. He needed to stay and keep himself, Australis and Zlata healthy. As the cool water slid down his throat he pondered whether or not Aurora would be back. Of course she would. She loved them all, sh just needed some time to come to grips with things. He raised his head and sighed. Things were difficult just now. Very difficult.

When the howl broke through the lands Magnus nearly fell over himself about eight times sprinting through the forest. He was going much to fast to be steady on his three feet. He was nearly there. As he glanced up, he lost focus and... BANG! He went tumbling, head over heels. He grimaced as he hauled himself up off the ground. The second he stood he began to run again, slower, with more care for where he was going.

The second his eyes fell upon her his heart did a little tap dance. Oh Gods. She was back. He almost sagged in relief. Aurora. His love, she was back. He walked over, at quite a fast pace. He glanced to see his two children. "Aurora." The words came out like a hoarse croak. Emotions welling up inside of him. He was so relieved that she was back. But he was also a little angry. He understood why she had left. But with no warning and no goodbye, he was annoyed. He still loved, she was still his soul mate. His eyes were filled with happiness and disappointment.


Englishman In New York by Ph Electro on Grooveshark


03-18-2014, 09:28 PM

Her attention was brought to a small brown form in the forest, and a soft whine built in her chest for a moment. Getting to her feet, the giantess slowly strode towards her son and lowered her tiara to look into his sea foam optics. "Australis..." She would whisper, her brows furrowing sorrowfully as her broad paws floated her immense frame over the dried out terra. "I'm sorry, my darling son, I never meant to leave you for so long." Ethereal tones would whisper, accent thickening with emotion. Tall ivory audits would flatten against her crown as she fixed moonstone orbs upon the features of her son, her heart aching as she took in the emotionless mask on his young face. He still bore some of the velvet fluff of his youth, and that he could hold such emotions for her pained the alabaster queen.

The rustling of brush belied the arrival of her daughter, who gave her a truly sorrowful look. Those eyes, so much like her own, showed such completely unveiled hurt that tears prickled in the backs of the willowy huntress' mercury optics. "Zlata, my dear." Whisper soft tones would murmur as she stood before her children, her paws aching to draw them to her bosom and hold them until her heart stopped hurting. Slowly, one giant paw would reach out, attempting to wrap around the shoulder of her daughter, pulling the silver coated child into her soft angelic derma. Then the other forepaw would draw towards the burdened shoulders of her son, and try to pull him close to her as well. She wanted her children close, and she wanted to apologize to them until she couldn't breathe. "I'm so sorry, my loves, I never meant to do this to you, I never wanted you to hurt like this. I trust your father has taken good care of you in my absence, though?" Russian lyrics would murmur, ghostly and silken.

Then he would come, her beloved mate. He was still struggling to get used to moving without the use of his foot, and it made her sad that he of all the creatures would have to endure such a thing. She gave him a sad smile, but it faltered when she saw the betrayal in her eyes. She had let her family down, she really had, and such a thing was heinous. The silver eyed lady might as well have drowned, for at least then she would have a good reason for leaving them without care. A sorrowful sigh would leave the inky lips of the dame, and she squeezed her eyes shut for a moment to try and get her thoughts in order. "I am sorry for leaving, and I will never do anything as horrid again, I promise." She would murmur to her family, looking to each of them in turn, trying to see what to make of this all.



03-21-2014, 05:14 PM

He would ignore the whine from his mother at his appearance, remaining seated even when she approached. She would whisper his name, something unfamiliar to Australis for he had barely heard it spoken by her before. She apologized for leaving, and never meant to leave him for so long. That's when his gaze would harden on her, so she purposely left them! She abandoned them. On the inside he would begin to boil, the annoyance turning to irritation, anger while on the outside he would hold the distant, calm demeanor.

Australis would remain where he sat, even when his sister came up and leaned into his side. Slightly leaning into her touch, his head lowering a bit to gently nose her cheek. He would begin to feel annoyed, not wanting his sibling to become upset or very emotional at the sight of their mother just a few feet away. They had left the two on their own, he would not yip in joy at her arrival, would not whine in happiness. No, he would hold his ground, keep the emotions locked up, Aurora didn't deserve to witness them. So when he saw Zlata's eyes fill with tears, the boy would carefully lick around them to pick up any that might escape. If she wanted to be happy about this, he would be okay with it as long as she didn't force him to. He just wanted his sister to be happy.

The boy would cringe when Aurora reach over to Zlata to bring her in close, wanting to nip at her paw, he didn't want her to touch his sister after the stunt she pulled. He also didn't want to upset her, what if this was what the pup needed, the boy didn't want to keep it from her. But when she went to do the same to him, Aus would pull away, picking himself up and taking a step back. No, she didn't deserve to touch him, and his gaze would tell her that. And then he appeared, Aus's gaze would leave his sister for a brief moment to gaze over ta his father, feeling just as much annoyance and hate for the man as he did for his mother.

Once again the apologies would come and Australis would just stand back and listen, but when she mentioned their father taking care of them, the boy finally spoke. ?No... he hasn't.? And when she said she would never leave them again, he would respond again, short. ?Liar.? He would not fall for this, from now on he would be wary of his parents, would still behave the same way towards his sister. Only he was good enough for her.
