
rough & tumble



2 Years
03-21-2014, 09:09 PM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2014, 09:11 PM by Kyarst.)
Note for Lunar/Judge: Kyarst is 5 months old and is approximately 63 lbs.

It was time. He had spent nearly an hour scoping out the perfect venue. There was a light dusting of snow over the otherwise barren arena, and the temperature was a balmy fifty-two degrees. It was no small wonder how the snow managed not to melt, but alas it seemed that the long cold night had frozen it hard enough that it hadn't yet dissolved into nothingness. Beside him stood a boulder approximately two foot high, and instinctively he would lean into it slightly - storing up his energy. Ebony skull tilted up to call forth his kin: Drashiel, for a war of sorts. Kyarst knew he was not getting any younger, and he believed it was high time to try his hand at warfare. It seemed to brew in the Armada bloodline, and he hoped sincerely that he was not an exception to that theory. The chill in the air burned his lungs ever so slightly, but that was a regular occurrence, and one that he would readily ignore at a time like this. He knew it would only get worse when he began to spar, but it was something that had to be conditioned - and that required repetition. His mind began to imagine Drashiel, how he looked, how he moved, how he thought. Idly he wondered how willing his kin would be to fight with him. Surely another boy would not turn his nose up at a little scuffle, but if he did there was certainly no shortage of kin to choose from. Lysis would likely be his next choice, though he honestly didn't view anyone of the female persuasion as a viable opponent. He found himself leaning more on the boulder at his right, not out of necessity but out of sheer comfort. He was at home here in the sound, in Glaciem. The tip of his tail twitched idly as he waited for Drashiel to appear.

[Image: kyarst_bot_zps49a3e6da.jpg]

Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



2 Years
03-22-2014, 10:57 AM
Ok, noted! Drashiel is about 9-10 months old and 120 pounds. Shall we make this no defaults or would you like to set a particular time limit to replies?

Sunlight stroked the gray coat of the Armada male as he lay stretched out on his belly across a boulder. Last night had been cool, as it always was this far north, and Drashiel had taken to sunning himself as he tried to warm up for the day ahead. A yawn escaped his lips for a moment and he half debated taking a nap when a lone call caught his attention. Kyarst? What on earth was this about? It sounded important but not terribly frightful so Drashiel was fairly confident there wasn't any sort of threat to the young one's life.

Drashiel headed off at an easy trot, lightly stretching and warming his muscles as he went. He'd planned to patrol the borders of the Marble Wash and would need to have himself limbered up and in good shape just in case he ran into any distasteful loners. The young wolf made a mental note to ask his father or someone of rank what exactly the duty of the Bloods was.

Coming to a stop, Drashiel saw Kyarst leaning up against a boulder, relaxing. He grinned, the young one was certainly growing up fast. "Hey Kyarst, what's going on?"




2 Years
03-22-2014, 06:30 PM
OOC; no defaults unless it gets way out of hand, like 10 days or more haha. you can choose the # of rounds & make the first move if you like

The wind blew, ruffling his mother-mirroring coat. An ear flickered idly, noting the whistling sound the wind made when it whipped through the sound. The water rushing by almost made it indistinguishable, but one who lived here and spent time here often could note it if they listened hard enough. He liked the whistling sound, it made the wind seem alive - powerful. There was a magic to the wind when it made noise. It didn't take very long for Drashiel to arrive, which led Kyarst to believe that he wasn't too busy to engage in a little horseplay. He hoped his kin would oblige him, but as he'd previously deduced - he could always find another partner.

"Drashy," he chided fondly, recalling the first day he'd met Drashiel and how he'd nicknamed him in a feat of childlike innocence. He'd rather liked Drashiel then, who'd brought him a lemming to play with, and he still liked him now - a testament to his adoration of his family. "I'm bored. D'you wanna spar?" By some miracle he hadn't yet taken on the eloquent speech of an adult, though there was a more baritone timbre to his voice that differed from the tenor notes he'd once sung.

[Image: kyarst_bot_zps49a3e6da.jpg]

Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



2 Years
03-26-2014, 07:10 PM (This post was last modified: 03-27-2014, 07:37 PM by Drashiel.)
ooc: ok that works for me and sure I'll take a crack at first move xD
EDIT: got permission from Andy to add in the round number and speech colors

Drashiel grinned at the childish nickname that Kyarst had first bestowed on him, a nickname that had quickly gained favor. Though the grin wasn't just for that. Kyarst had indeed grown and even his voice was beginning to deepen. Where had all the time gone? His paws crunched along the frost as he stepped forward, pausing for a moment to take in the form of his brother, the young wolf still lanky from his rapid growth, sun gleaming off a coat that harkened right back to Sendoa.

"I'm bored. D'you wanna spar?

Drashiel's head titled to the side. Kyarst wanted to spar with him? The young pup was growing that was for sure but Drashiel was still a fair bit older and bigger. Still, though? was this not exactly what he wanted? He'd been aching, literally aching to test his skills against another wolf. He'd learned the basics briefly from Roman before she'd left and he watched his father and Artemis fight but beyond that he was quite clueless. He needed to start learning and now. Drashiel would need to learn to fight wolves of all sizes, for surely their battle techniques would be tailored for their size and build.

Tail wagging he walked to face Kyarst directly. "Sure! Why not." Fur frizzed and hackles raised as the young lad's ears flattened against his head as he'd seen his father do as he defended Glaciem. Drashiel's legs bent, muscles coiled as his maw parted. Toes splayed as he vaulted himself across the terra toward his younger brother, straight on but a little to the right (Kyarst's left).

Drashiel aimed to close the distance between the two boys, his head snaking to the left jaws seeking Kyarst's scruff. Drashiel also reached out his right front leg to try and drape it over Kyarst's upper back, his left front leg seeking to wrap around Kyarst's upper chest right below the base of his neck. The goal of each of these moves was simply to grab his little brother and use his greater weight to tackle Kyarst to the ground.

Round 1 of 2




2 Years
03-30-2014, 09:31 PM

Perhaps it hadn't been wise to pick his bigger half-sibling to be his first sparring companion, but whom did he trust more? There was Lysis, granted - but she was a girl. There was Kuvio, but he was hardly worthy a companion what with his aloofness and general lack of presence. He watched as Drashiel, whom was clearly more capable and trained than he, prepared his battle stance. Ears laid back, and Kyarst would mimic him, folding his own tightly against his skull. If anything it made him look more menacing, and he liked that idea. All at once Drashiel was moving swiftly toward him, seemingly headed right for him if slightly to his left. Naturally Kyarst would brace himself, claws digging in. If he knew anything he knew when he was about to be tackled. However, brute force didn't seem to be the motive as Kyarst felt Drashiel's jaws tighten around his scruff. With a yip of disapproval, he would lean away from the jaws (to his own right) in attempt to draw them off of his scruff. This movement only seemed to aid Drashiel, however, as the older boy's right paw wrapped securely over his back across his shoulder blades. Drashiel's left leg seemed to flail in the air, having missed it's mark only because of Kyarst's movement. Kyarst then projected his jaws forward, sprawling them wide in attempt to snatch hold of the extra skin protecting the right side of Drashiel's throat. He would not seek a more dangerous grip, but he hoped that this might do something to frighten Drashiel into letting go and perhaps even backing up.

[Image: kyarst_bot_zps49a3e6da.jpg]

Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



2 Years
04-05-2014, 12:33 PM
ooc: blah! Quick and dirty but got it done xD

Drashiel's fangs seized his younger brother's scruff as his right leg drapped over the others back right behind the shoulder blades. Success! Well? almost. When Kyarst tried to shuffle away from him his left paw just missed the other and it slammed into the dirt as Drashiel recovered his balance. The loss in his momentum meant that his attempt to topple his younger brother felt just short of working. But hey! He got a hold! Now what?

Before Drashiel could work together a strategy fangs met the lower right side his neck, just breaking the skin by the time Drashiel had shuffled instinctively back. "Ow!" And with that he lost his grip. Get another, get another his brain screamed at him. His right leg slipped of Kyarst's back as he sought to steady his balance. Drashiel's head dove down and forward for Kyarst's right front leg right at the elbow so he could get a hold then yank the limb back towards him to unbalance the younger wolf. Drashiel's head twisted so that his upper jaw was facing toward Kyarst's hind legs while his lower was facing out towards Kyarst's head. Fur and hackles still raised, ears pinned, and brow furrowed in concentration, Drashiel's limbs coiled ready to spring into action if his attack went south.




2 Years
04-10-2014, 07:54 PM

Kyarst was pleased that Drashiel had not managed to wrap his paws around him, he had an idea that it would have been difficult to shake the larger boy if it had been successful. He tasted the faintest bit of blood on his tongue as he scraped at Drashiel's neck. Good, it had done exactly what he'd intended it to do - move Drashiel back. He hadn't expected the older boy to come back with an attack so quick, and when Drashiel launched an aim for his leg, Kyarst could only scamper back a split second before it landed. There was a stinging sensation in his limb, probably from Drashiel's fangs scraping across his moving leg near the elbow. Had the fight been over he might've favored the leg as it was rather sensitive now, but he wasn't willing to look weak just yet. His head dipped down low in attempt to snap at Drashiel's muzzle, just to scrape it and hopefully divert his jaws from coming toward his leg any more.

[Image: kyarst_bot_zps49a3e6da.jpg]

Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.

The Judge


04-12-2014, 12:03 PM

Drashiel v Kyarst for Spar

Round 1

10 for clarity- easy to read

10 for powerplaying. None seen

6 for defenses. +1 for each found

5 for attack. +3 for attempting to grab scruff, +2 for attempting to get him down with his weight

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Drashiel Total: 41/50


10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

2 for defenses. +1 for ears pinned +1 claws digging for balance

4 for attack. +3 for attempting to hold thoat +1 for vital area.

8 for injuries. -2 for hold on scruff, will cause slight irritation

Round one Kyarst Total: 34/50

Round 2


9 for clarity- .

6 for powerplaying. 'dove down and forward for Kyarst's right front leg right at the elbow so he could get a hold then yank the limb back towards him to unbalance the younger wolf.'

5 for defenses. +1 for each seen

5for attack. +3 for attempting to grab the front leg. +2 for yanking to unbalance.

7 for injuries. Teeth caught side of neck

Round two Drashiel Total: 32/50


10 for clarity- Easy to read

10 for powerplaying. No powerplaying found.

0 for defenses. None stated.

3 for attack. +3 for attempting to bite muzzle.

7 for injuries. -3 from bite to limbs

Round two Kyarst Total: 30/50


Drashiel: 73/100

Kyarst: 64/100

And the winner is...

Drashiel! Kyarst must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Drashiel- Bite to muzzle, inconclusive. Bite to neck will take 1 ooc week to heal

Kyarst- Hurt limb will take 1 ooc week to heal, bite to scruff 2 ooc days.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)
Good fight guys, Their both still young and you made sure not to fight them like their trained and i appreciate that!

For lunacat7
You did well, adding more then one attack will boost up the score a little more

For Andy
Same to you, but dont forget to add in a few more defenses. I appreciate you roleplayed kyarst in a way a pup would fight.

- By [Luisiana]