
Seek Ye First



03-22-2014, 11:09 AM

Ivory fangs pulled out tufts of thick arctic fur as the femme rubbed her shoulders along a large rock that rested just out on the outskirts of pack territory. More clumps of winter fur slipped from her body and finally Au?ra Finnvi shook out her white, black, grey, and russet coat before settling down to sit. Katja's scent was strong here. She had split from her sister again to trace another possible trail that Jaegar may have taken. However, she had come up empty yet again.

Her cool blue eyes surveyed the terra for a minute, gazing across the remains of human debris. Or at least she was pretty certain it was the work of humans. Certainly no animal she knew of was capable of creating caves and tunnels such as these. She paused at the entrance to one and sniffed at it warily but she would not go inside. Au?ra had more sense than that. But a sigh of frustration over came her as she turned her eyes towards the sky. Would the gods not give her a sign or trail? Was Jaegar to get off without even a trial for his supposed crimes? She just didn't know anymore.



03-27-2014, 01:12 AM

The blue man was always on his most alert, the snake was not to be trusted, but was possibly the best friend anyone would ever have. After all, he was born a killer, but his mentality was nothing less of a mystery. Sometimes he couldn't even tell what he was thinking himself, specially in situations where no one was telling him a goal was needing to be reached. Maybe this was why he had picked up such a stupid idea from Vereux to help the boy in his little, adventure of sorts. Rather more over, he was in charge of the group with a double life. It wasn't too exciting, but it was definitely different, for all of them.
These mines he had seen so many times before, blue tipped elbows gracefully stepping into the dirt. Ears perked, as his dark blue masked face looked forward to a woman who had entered the caverns. A very interesting pelt, if he had to say so himself, it was rather dashing. He was no stranger to the affections of others, nor was he to the beauty of the world. Though without expression, he had all the feelings in the world. Pulling himself nearly silently to one side of the girl. "Searching for something? Or someone?" he asked, his monotoned voice echoing a bit through the caves. He stood proud and tall, tail cocked to one side as his fur silky smooth shined in the dim light from the entrance and holes in the roof. Green eyes starring at her, gave no signs of emotions. No signs of a threat either.




03-27-2014, 08:36 PM

Pitch black? darkness stretching as far as her eyes could see deep down into whatever pit the humans had dug. The black stank she assumed they must favor to have made such dwelling to live in and indeed such extensive ones, like massive prairie dog networks. Au?ra was a curious creature but also a wise one. And? she had see her fate. Not long ago she'd been granted a vision of her own demise. A fragment, tiny and difficult to decipher but there was darkness in it and she did not care for it to stare back at her. Not yet anyway. Au?ra was well prepared to die though for now she had an earthly mission to take care of.

Speckled ears flicked as she turned to see a slate colored male approach her. Au?ra's fur rose warily. Should this male seek to break her honor he would find his own blood on the ground. Though he didn't seem threatening. Her head tilted to the side as he spoke, showing her obvious confusion. "Jeg snakker ikke engelsk," she spoke softly to make it clear she could not understand what he was saying. "Jeg snakker norsk?og tysk." Pale blue eyes stared silently, unblinking at the male in the eerie manner with which the young ghost regarded much of the world.
