
gentleman's honor


03-22-2014, 06:39 PM

He knew her predicament, he also knew there was very very little he could do about it. She didn't seem overly upset about the prospect of having children, so perhaps she didn't even think of it as a predicament at all. Perhaps, to her, it was a blessing. Or perhaps even still it was a gift from a rogue male. Perhaps she didn't want any strings, any loose ends, any testosterone affecting the lives of her children. That seemed the more likely scenario, but he knew that there was an alternative. The other side of the coin was that she might want someone there for the children, someone with masculine influence. She might even want someone there for her, and that someone could easily be him. He wanted it to be him. The call rang out, long, melodic, but relaxed in nature. There was no need to frighten a pregnant woman into rushing to his side. This was a courtesy call, nothing more. As the howl tapered off he rocked onto his haunches, feeling the heat circulate through his hips as he rested upon the warm stone. This would be a lovely place to sun himself, and he would certainly give it a shot after his meeting with the Queen.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
03-22-2014, 07:14 PM

Raisa's girth was swelled with the burden of her litter. She had seem some women give birth to only one or two pups at a time, and it made the sooty woman fearful of how many she harbored. Certainly more than she'd anticipated. When the call seeped out over the land, languid and serene. Part of her, mostly the one that carried an extra dozen or so pounds, told her legs to stay right fucking there... And yet, she stood. Her mobility was harder and harder to deal with as the pregnancy stretched on, and by this point she was just stir crazy. She couldn't take it anymore, she had to do something. As she made her way towards who she assumed was Aeryc, she noted the ache in her back and her sore paws, the gnawing hunger and slight nausea. She couldn't help but think Oh, the JOYS of motherhood, with a scoff on her lips and a complimentary eye roll. It was not long until she same upon the large, auburn male perched atop a flat rock. "Some nerve you've got, calling a pregnant woman forth on a trek like that!" She jested, but it was all in good humor. She had liked the man from the first moment she had met him, and was in truth quite happy to have a moment alone with him again.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


03-22-2014, 07:27 PM

The warmth in his hind quarters slowly cooled until there was nothing left. He thought to move to another warm spot but he didn't want to appear as fidgety on the outside as he was on the inside. Speaking of his insides, they were churning with the possibilities of how this meeting could play out. He gulped hard as her very pregnant scent filtered toward him, followed by her even more pregnant bodice looking just a bit put out. He should have had the courtesy to go to her. Fool, he chastised himself. He wasn't off to a very good start. She joked with him, and he offered her a laugh of good nature. "My apologies, Queen Raisa. I do hope that my reasoning behind this call will make up for my rudeness in requesting your presence at such a time." He sighed, paws carrying him toward her a foot or so. "But before we get into that, how are you doing? I know that bringing forth life isn't an easy task, is there anything you lack?" Honey coated eyes softened, empathetic to her cause and situation. The Knight would never stray so far as to pity Raisa, because she was better than that, but he did worry about her well-being. He would glance upon her features, noting the wider curves of her flanks, the way her stomach sagged low to to the earth - burdened with children. He rocked onto his haunches once more, hoping she might do the same. She certainly didn't need to be overworked in such a state.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
03-22-2014, 08:12 PM

It would seem the man had not thought his summons through, and Raisa saw the guilt on his face after she had made her quip. She waved him off with a head bobble and another small laugh. She'd found out a while ago, much to the displeasure of her packmates, that if she got worked up in this state it was harder and harder to wind back down. Easier to just let imagined slights roll off like water on a wing. "Never you mind, I need the exercise. Or just watch, these little troublemakers will drop out and the 'rotund' will remain." She rolled her eyes and settled gingerly onto the ground before him, not having the will to climb up a rock or settled herself comfortably once she arrived. As he spoke on, it seemed the fact that he had something to speak of would be much rather hidden by courtesy. Not that she was necessarily complaining, but it did have her curious. "As of now, no, I'm quite content. Everyone has been very kind and helpful." Too helpful, honestly. She'd gone her whole life with others hunting for her, as 'royal privilege' and it had always driven her nuts. The fact that she had once more been sequestered to mostly den life was an irritating thorn in her side. And even if she had needed something, well, she wasn't about to ask for it with some grand secret hanging about in the air, was she?

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


03-23-2014, 01:59 PM

Ever true to her nature, Raisa quickly dismissed his attempt at apologizing, letting him know that exercise was good for her. He couldn't imagine how exhausted she must get, but even in such a state he didn't imagine she wanted to lay around all day. He watched her relax into the earth, probably too worn out to pick a precise spot to lay down. It didn't matter to him what she did, so long as she was comfortable - and those kids didn't come rocketing out of her in front of he who knew no way to assist. There came a soft and knowing smile upon his features as she told him she didn't lack anything. He'd suspected her answer would be just that, as he imagined Raisa to be anything but the kind of wolf that asked for help. He also imagined she had already seen through his thin little veil and was trying right at this moment to deduce just what his intentions were. Luckily enough for her, he would make her ponder no longer. "I am glad you have all that you need for the time being." He paused, tail tapping the earth lightly behind him, pondering how best to go about presenting the idea he had been thinking about night and day for some time. "Do you remember when we met.. and when I offered you every ounce of me for your use?" Another pause, this one adjusting the lines of speech in his head before he spoke them. "I know I can be of use to you now, especially now." An ear twisted back idly. "Raisa, you are the strongest wolf I've ever known, and I imagine you're just the sort to refuse help if you can get away with it - but I implore you to take what I'm about to say seriously." He swallowed hard before continuing, knowing that he was signing away a check for his entire life's savings - heck, his entire life. "I have a weakness, Raisa. For women and children in particular - the helpless, the needy. I'm not calling you either, but for the first year of their life - your children will be both. While I suspect you'll be the fiercest and most phenomenal mother the world has ever seen, I don't imagine you're indestructible. Raising children is a feat that's nearly impossible for two parents, believe me - I know, and if I'm not mistaken you're alone in this endeavor save for the pack's influence. This is why I intend to offer myself to you and your future family as a father figure. Call me whatever you like, I only wish to be there for your children, the way my father was, the way I always imagine I will be for my children. Let me help you in the only way I know how. Let me be there, Raisa." He paused, his breaths coming quicker - fueled by exhilaration and fear of rejection. He felt foolish after saying what he had, but there was no taking it back now. "Let me try," he murmured, though he wasn't certain it was audible enough for her to hear - that would depend on whether or not she was even still listening. His bodice instinctively shifted away from her, fearful of her response - of the laughter that most likely would follow his request. You are a fool, Aeryc.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
03-23-2014, 05:39 PM

Raisa listened intently as the man spoke. The tension was obvious within his frame, the anxiety plain in his eyes. What could he possible have to say that had the stoic man so worked up? It was not long before he worked his way to the point, past the flattery and expression of confidence, and in short the result left the soot and cinder fae stunned. A part of her was of course pleased that he wanted to dedicate himself to her to such a degree but, why in this way? He bi-colored eyes watched him carefully, visage impassive as her thoughts churned. His offer was... unique. She could not doubt that a male influence would behoove the pups, but who was to say that he should take any further role than anyone else? A long moment passed, and then another. She hoped she was not drawing out his misery but it truly was an immense thing to think about. Finally she spoke, in a soothing voice. "It is my dearest hope that every male in Ebony will be a father to them, and every fae a mother. Of course, this being said, you make a good argument. It is one thing to say they will be loved by all, and quite another for them to place their confidence, safety, and love in another." She let out a long breath and looked towards the horizon. It had not been far from her mind these past weeks, what her children might be missing out on. Raisa had been raised by a mother and father, and while at times she'd had the dearest desire to kill them, they had still been a family. Finally she turned back to him and said, "You will be to them whatever you make yourself. I cannot tell them you are their father, for you are not. But, should you prove a father figure, I have no doubt they'll come to see it on their own. You have a good heart Aeryc, I would be happy to see your influence within the last Xanilovs." She wondered what had brought about this train of thought within him. It was no small thing, to be decided upon a whim. How many hours had he spent ruminating over it, how many times had he watched her from afar, watched her stomach swell with the life of another man? It was a strange thing, especially in retrospect, and she knew one day she would have to delve more deeply into the matter.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


03-23-2014, 05:56 PM

You are a pathetic fool begging your Queen for a chance at playing dad to her fatherless children. He breathed hard, but so slowly that they made no sound. The only indication of his irregular breathing was the outrageous extending of his ribcage upon each inhalation. It seemed like it took hours for her to deliberate, but had he really expected any less time? This was a huge decision, and one that must be taken seriously. Aeryc continued to breath and chastise himself in his mind, waiting as the seconds, the minutes, the hours ticked by. But when she did begin to speak, when her sides heaved more so than any regular breath to indicate preparation for speech, he wished he could have some more moments to torture himself - anything to keep him from hearing her verdict. It was most certainly a no, he just wasn't sure how kind she might be with her rejection. Laughter would certainly spoil his pride, but perhaps that's what he needed. But there was no laughter. Instead she made large, generously sweeping phrases about a community of love. She was prepping for what was to come, setting him up for a gentle rejection. At least she's eloquent about it, he mused in efforts to use humor to hide his pain. She looked away. Here it comes, the little voice told him. Any moment now she would deny him - why had he ever thought she wouldn't? Then it came, the verdict, the banging of the gavel upon the metaphorical pedestal of his heart. He would be to them what he made himself, she would name him nothing special, but she would not deny him the right to make himself into what he wanted to be. It was a step in the right direction - and, more importantly - it wasn't a rejection. "And see it you shall," he breathed, as if the words were so delicate he believed he might break them. "I am anxious to meet the last Xanilov's, please do call upon me when they enter the Kingdom - I would more than happily keep watch over your den."

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
03-25-2014, 07:53 PM

Raisa could see the anguish in the male, but it did seem to soften some once she had given him her answer. In truth, it would please her to see Aeryc grow close to her pups. She liked his character, his ideals and particularly his courtesy. He may have been low born in Old Ebony, of small note, but somehow the man had grown up with impeccable manners. He carried himself well, and that was something the sooty fae found quite admirable. If her children made him a role model, she would be glad for it. His offer to watch over her den brought a smile to her face. "You and a half dozen others, I'm sure. You may need to fight your way to the front of the line." Raisa felt quite beloved by her pack members, and that fact thrilled her. It was an immensely buoyant, wonderful thing to feel so close and tethered to so many others. They were all a family, just as she had wanted it. They were not bound together by convenience, but by true desire for one another's company. In fact, there would not be once member of the pack she would not want around her den, waiting to meet her children. From brave Platinum to kind Vaughan, the spitfire Kaliska or Fugue with his complicated past. She loved them each so dearly, and her smile was filled with warm light as she reflected upon this all.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!