
Say Something

Twig I


03-22-2014, 08:47 PM

.ooc. This will be /right/ before the birth thread ./ooc.
She felt huge, Alpine had made good on his silent promise of leaving her extra food, and she felt much healthier with the added food within her. She felt a bit more chipper since his conversation as well, taking his words to heart she had been doing her best to convince herself his words were true. Her current job was to keep her babies healthy and to help them grow. She needed to focus on her children, but she felt so nervous about their birth. She thought about asking Themisto more questions, he had experience but he didn't have experience. She wanted to get advice from someone who had been through birth, who had helped with them and experienced it themselves. The best place she thought to look was Erani. She'd not spoken to the woman since joining, but she had a feeling that the wise elder would be able to at least point her in the right direction. She didn't know where her den was, but using her keen sense of smell she would root out the area that most smelled of her.
An opening to a ravine would become her center of scent, and Twig would cautiously enter slate covered paws carrying her delicately through the stream as she came into view of the massive den. Dark stone with flecks of gold would lead to a water fall, a pool sitting at its end. Twig would admire the dimply lit setting, the air was cooler within the ravine as she let her orchid gaze look around for the alpha. She wasn't even sure that she was within her den. "Erani.. um, Erani are you home?" She would slink forward, peering into the depths of her cavern.

"Talk" Think "You"