
Desperate Times


03-23-2014, 01:19 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It was stupid of her to be here. Of all the places that she could have wanderer this seemed to be the most busy and the most likely one for her to run into unwanted company. On any normal day, she would have avoided it at all costs, staying clear to ensure that she was not forced into the company of someone that she had no tolerance for. Especially with how she had been feeling lately. The restlessness had not abated even with her attempts at soothing it with wandering, and once again desperation drive her into ground that she knee held nothing good for her, nothing but a chance to find herself so angry that she either told off, snapped, or injured someone for crossing one of her many boundaries. Surprising that a few months alone like this had made her this desperate.

Despite knowing this plan of hers to be a horrible one, she still wound her way steadily through the land known as the Battlefield, mismatched green and blue eyes narrowed as they roved around the terrain surrounding her. No one in sight yet, but that all could very easily change in a heartbeat. Wolves were here so often - to fight, to claim, to discuss - that Yin knew somewhere a clock was ticking, counting down to the moment she would either need to do her best to out up a presentable front or defend herself. What have you gotten yourself into? As much as she wished for an answer to the aggravating question, one was not to be had until the first wolf approached her. Everything hinged upon them. So, ignoring the underlying purpose for her being here, the strong, formidable white wolf marched on, drawing her attention away from what - and who - lay around her to focus upon the path she carved upon the earth.

OOC: Just gonna leave Yin here to be at the mercy of what normally happens in the battlefield, whichever way that may go. x3


03-24-2014, 12:22 AM

The white woman had strayed from the thick of her empire. Her paws had brought her to the edges of the battlefield a place she normally strayed from, however- today she was interested in seeing what was going on. She could smell the stale scent of blood and death, that always seemed to emanate from the field. She could hear echoes of a fight, and see skirmishing wolves in the distance but she paid them little mind. She had caught onto something that had piqued her interest. She paced about the field, her nose quivering slightly as she scented another, curiosity burning. Her violet hued eyes would come to rest on the form of another ivory woman as she approached her, her body relaxed. She carried herself with pride, but moved calmly towards her. The other woman didn't seem to be looking for a fight, but who knew? She came to a halt, drawing a respectable distance from the other woman, speaking smoothly to her. "Greetings." Her words would be brief, her eyes flicking over her frame curiously. Who was this woman and why was she out here alone? Roman took a deep breath, she didn't seem affiliated with anyone. The ivory queen could only wonder at her intentions here. Curiously she would wait to see how the strange woman would greet her. Would she be friendly or hostile? Who was she?



03-24-2014, 02:06 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The longer she stayed here the more irritated she grew. This was stupid. In no way was she ready or willing to start striking up conversations with strangers that quite possibly deserved better than she would give them. Hell, she was not altogether certain she could have even mustered up a smile for her brother if he happened to be the one to find her here. If anything, the agitated she-wolf would have turned on him too in her growing outrage over the troubling circunstances that had been plaguing her since they became separated. She needed to leave, needed to leave before she did something rash or before someone found her in her present state. She needed to do damage control before the damage was caused.

Unfortunately, the realization came a minute too late. No sooner had she made up her mind to get away, she spotted the figure coming her way, another white coated individual like herself. Unlike her, this stranger did not seem to have any peculiar colorations to speak of - nothing like Yin's own shockingly black tail - save for a pair of red, crescent shaped markings that sat upon the left side of her brow above her eye. It was unusual, yes, but of no consequence to the disinterested wolf. What did it matter that this approaching she-wolf possessed an odd marking about her eye? What did it matter that her apparent manner and bearing appeared to be that of someone carrying importance with them? Yin couldn't have cared less.

Her own pace, direct and purposeful, did not let up even upon noticing that the other moved to intercept her, and only paused when the singular phrase of greeting was spoken. Yin's ears turned to angle themselves backward, her expression becoming decidedly aggravated, minutely hostile, as she turned to set her mismatched green and blue eyes directly upon the wolf who had made to stop her. There was nothing about her demeanor that suggested friendliness or even patience, and with a quick flick of her dark, ebony tail, she answered rather challengingly, "What do you want?" The apparent aggression within her voice was entirely unwarranted, but her patience had been spent of late. She was angry at her brother, her comrade, herself, life in general for being so unkind and heedless to her wishes. This seemingly well tempered wolf had merely caught her at the most inconvenient of times.


03-28-2014, 10:44 PM
The female before her was striking, the mostly white dames tail was a contrasting ebony black. It was an interesting appearance and it seemed that the dame's hostile response to the regal dame would only add to the intrigue that Roman felt. 'What do you want?' The words were harsh, impatient- demanding an answer. Roman was unruffled, instead she let out a low chuckle at the apparent hostility. "What I want is irrelevant. What I'm seeking is no more than polite conversation." She replied smoothly, her tone easy as she spoke. "I abhor my lack of manners, I am Roman Armada Queen of Tortuga... and you are?" She inquired lightly. Her violet eyes danced over the women before her, taking in her appearance and demeanor. Her eyes would watch every muscle on the female, Roman wouldn't be stupid enough to be caught off guard by a total stranger. She was no fool- not anymore. She wondered if the dame would become more polite or if she would continue to be a foul creature.


03-30-2014, 04:19 AM

He was back. It would not be the first time he had strayed onto the battlefield, but the last time he recalled was the war between Valhalla and Glaciem. And he, aiding in the fight against the enemies with old Tortuga. Sea green eyes gazed about, the male unsure as to where his sister had gotten to as of late. But no matter, he was irritated. The summer heat not helping any, and his restlessness only aiding in his irritation. It would seem that nearly anything would set him off, and if anyone tried to cross him he would not hesitate to snap. Muscles rippled under his coat as he walked, the ground heating up his pads as dust settled with each step he took. His tail swiped irritably at stray flies seeking relief, and he would have none of it. Today, was not a good day.

It was then that he heard the slight catch of voices, and he'd lift his head in the direction to see two white figures, one of which was highly familiar. A chuckle would leave his lips, what were the odds of running into her again? It seemed fate liked to play games. He strode forth, ears prickling when he caught the name of the woman with the marking. A sneer rose upon inky lips as he walked past her towards Yin. "Well well, fancy meeting you here." He commented as he approached. He remained a foot or so away from her, noting the ever present irritation on her features. He chuckled again, oh how it was nice to see her again. Turning towards Roman, he would gaze at her for a brief moment. "Armada is it? Relative of the moron who sought war upon Valhalla because he couldn't handle being turned down by a girl?" He chuckled again, oh how he knew the story. He turned to Yin, humor in his eyes. "If you haven't heard, there's an albino roaming around who can't take no for an answer. Talk about desperate." He commented in sarcasm. Gaze returned to the tribal marked woman, if she had a problem then she could deal with it. After all, if she attempted anything, Hansel wouldn't turn down an opportunity. It could perhaps be his chance to see his companion counterpart in action.



03-30-2014, 06:13 AM

She could smell it; the disturbance in the air. Such a bitter thing, to disrupt the peace, even if it may lay in the heart of the battle field. Such a shattered place, stained in blood; and the ground isnt even balanced, filled with cracks. Oh, the stench of decay was far more revealing, it was enough to make a woman turn away, to find a place embedded with red roses, and where the sun shines down in the mid afternoon. Her paws yearned to be kissed by silk; but alas she had been greeted by hardened surfaces. But today something would Pull Nekane along, as though she needed to know of whats to come.

She could see it then; the gathering. But she knew all to well what was to happen, but that wasnt what would surprise the Oracle. The placid babe has become the new mistress of tortuga? It had been far to long; Nekane had drifted away, away from society and she was blind to the change of rule. And the only question left hanging; what happened to her daughter. " Your an Armada? So one still does rule Tortuga, but i cant help but wonder... what happened to my daughter? Is Satis alright?" She would pull her way forward to the gathering, hoping that her answer would be positive rather then negative. " Im Nekane Lumin by the way." Her gaze where lit with a fleeting fire, looking upon the male who spat in disgust. " He started a war and won. He also made his name known, his family are becoming stronger; beginning to take control of packs while wolves like you are hiding in the shadows."


03-31-2014, 03:01 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She laughed. The oddly marked wolf had ignored the testing tone of aggression in her voice and instead belittled it with her chuckle, as if Yin's anger and foul mood was nothing but silly. It was exactly the wrong thing to do. Her company might not have known it but the black-tailed girl felt entirely justified in her behavior even if it was not rational, and considering she was naturally with a short fuse to begin with it ignited the little spark within her toward violence. Even as the other began to speak - as if Yin was interested in small talk - she drew her lips back from her teeth with a soft growl. "I don't," she rumbled lowly, the fur along her neck beginning to bristle. Forget Yang and his pleas for her to reign in her fury. He was no longer here; she was free to act as she wanted.

Only she had not anticipated to be joined by even more wolves. For a moment she thought the one ambling up behind the white wolf was one of her lackeys, someone from her pack called Tortuga as she introduced it, but as the angered woman's eyes shifted from her form to his she realized this was no stranger from a pack. This was someone she knew. The surprise of seeing him, Hansel, after so long was obvious. It stole away her fury enough for her bristling neck to settle, for her lips to sink again over her teeth and her jaws open slightly as she studied him. A mixture of greys and whites, eyes the color of the sea. It can't be him... It can't be.

But the wolf spoke with his voice as he brushed past the speaking Armada and traveled over to her side, Yin's confused stare following him as went. She hardly registered what he was saying as he taunted the one who had approached her first, finding something in what she said that had relevance to what he knew. It was not so much what he said that set her off, but his tone. He spoke as if they were still close buddies. As if no time at all had passed between them.

It infuriated her.

Ignorant of the other she-wolf to join them as a red hot rage overwhelmed her, Yin snarled and turned on him, moving once again though now to leap toward him with jaws at the ready. She snapped at him, not even waiting to know whether he bled or not before moving to snap again, pausing just long enough to growl, "You've got some nerve, asshole!" She wanted so much to hurt him, to add more scars to the existing ones that he wore, to make him suffer as she had suffered all this time alone through muddled, confounding emotions. Had she been a lesser being she might have cried, but Yin was strong, a fighter, and violence came more easily. "Walking over here like you haven't been gone for months? Without a single damn word?!" she yelled, jumping forward now to physically push him away. She drew back a step, white fur bristled with her head and neck arched like one ready for battle, dark tail curved and held rigidly as she continued to eye the offender and dare him to say another word out of line.

OOC: Sorry, Roman and Nekane, Yin's kind of got a one track mind right now. o.o;


04-05-2014, 12:32 AM
Roman eyed the other female, her ear flicking as she was dismissed for conversation. "Suit yourself." She would rumbled, preparing to turn away. She wasn't in the mood to fight over something as trivial as this. She was better than that, she noted the other woman bristling. She wasn't going to force herself on to someone who didn't want her around. Then,a stranger would interrupt her them, and her eyes would shift to a black and grey wolf who seemed to know the ivory woman that she was speaking too. He went on to speak of her father, and she felt irked by his words. Before she would speak another would appear and her attention would turn to the woman who asked of Tortuga. "Yes, I am an Armada- a daughter of Isardis. Satis returned to Glaciem. Last I heard of her she was fine." She spoke warmly to the woman who apparently was Satis's mother. "My name is Roman." She would introduce herself. Her tone and gaze hardened as she turned on the male. "Sore loser, much? Have you earned your name or this false bravado you seem to bare?" She inquired, stepping back slightly as the white woman suddenly jumped towards the stranger snarling. She hoped the white woman tore him a new one. Turning her attention back to the stranger at her side, she spoke. "Well that was sudden." She would comment with a chuckle stepping back to allow the pair to duke out whatever had ailed them so much. Her attention shifted solely to Nekane, waiting to see what the other woman would say.

ooc: short reply. lolol roman's just like. okay then. get him girl. ;D